mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
Cynthia Shang a1c13a50dd The check command is implemented entirely in C.
Note that building the manifest on each host has been temporarily removed.

This feature will likely be brought back as a non-default option (after the manifest code has been fully migrated to C) since it can be fairly expensive.
2019-10-08 18:04:09 -04:00

1040 lines
53 KiB

# Test All Commands On PostgreSQL Clusters
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Real::RealAllTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRest::Archive::Info;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Info;
use pgBackRest::Db;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::FileTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBaseTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostDbTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix;
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
foreach my $bS3 (false, true)
foreach my $bHostBackup ($bS3 ? (true) : (false, true))
# Standby should only be tested for pg versions that support it
foreach my $bHostStandby ($bS3 ? (false) : (false, true))
# Master and standby backup destinations on need to be tested on one db version since it is not version specific
foreach my $strBackupDestination (
$bS3 || $bHostBackup ? (HOST_BACKUP) : $bHostStandby ? (HOST_DB_MASTER, HOST_DB_STANDBY) : (HOST_DB_MASTER))
my $bCompress = $bHostBackup && !$bHostStandby;
my $bRepoEncrypt = ($bCompress && !$bS3) ? true : false;
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
my $hyVm = vmGet();
my $strDbVersionMostRecent = ${$hyVm->{$self->vm()}{&VM_DB_TEST}}[-1];
next if (!$self->begin(
"bkp ${bHostBackup}, sby ${bHostStandby}, dst ${strBackupDestination}, cmp ${bCompress}, s3 ${bS3}, " .
"enc ${bRepoEncrypt}",
# Use the most recent db version on the expect vm for expect testing
$self->vm() eq VM_EXPECT && $self->pgVersion() eq $strDbVersionMostRecent));
# Skip when s3 and host backup tests when there is more than one version of pg being tested and this is not the last one
if (($bS3 || $bHostBackup) && (@{$hyVm->{$self->vm()}{&VM_DB_TEST}} > 1 && $strDbVersionMostRecent ne $self->pgVersion()))
&log(INFO, "skipped - this test is run this OS using PG ${strDbVersionMostRecent}");
# Skip hot standby tests if the system does not support hot standby
if ($bHostStandby && $self->pgVersion() < PG_VERSION_HOT_STANDBY)
&log(INFO, 'skipped - this version of PostgreSQL does not support hot standby');
# Skip backup destinations other than backup host when standby except for one arbitrary db version
if ($bHostStandby && $strBackupDestination ne HOST_BACKUP && $self->pgVersion() ne PG_VERSION_96)
&log(INFO, 'skipped - standby with backup destination other than backup host is tested on PG ' . PG_VERSION_96);
# Create hosts, file object, and config
my ($oHostDbMaster, $oHostDbStandby, $oHostBackup, $oHostS3) = $self->setup(
false, $self->expect(),
{bHostBackup => $bHostBackup, bStandby => $bHostStandby, strBackupDestination => $strBackupDestination,
bCompress => $bCompress, bArchiveAsync => false, bS3 => $bS3, bRepoEncrypt => $bRepoEncrypt});
# Only perform extra tests on certain runs to save time
my $bTestLocal = $self->runCurrent() == 1;
my $bTestExtra =
$bTestLocal || $self->runCurrent() == 4 || ($self->runCurrent() == 6 && $self->pgVersion() eq PG_VERSION_96);
# If S3 set process max to 2. This seems like the best place for parallel testing since it will help speed S3 processing
# without slowing down the other tests too much.
if ($bS3)
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) => 2}});
$oHostDbMaster->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) => 2}});
# Create the stanza
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('main create stanza info files');
# Get passphrase to access the Manifest file from backup.info - returns undefined if repo not encrypted
my $strCipherPass =
(new pgBackRest::Backup::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP)))->cipherPassSub();
# Create a manifest with the pg version to get version-specific paths
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(BOGUS, {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => $self->pgVersion(),
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion($self->pgVersion()),
strCipherPass => $strCipherPass, strCipherPassSub => $bRepoEncrypt ? ENCRYPTION_KEY_BACKUPSET : undef});
# Static backup parameters
my $fTestDelay = 1;
# Restore test string
my $strDefaultMessage = 'default';
my $strFullMessage = 'full';
my $strStandbyMessage = 'standby';
my $strIncrMessage = 'incr';
my $strTimeMessage = 'time';
my $strXidMessage = 'xid';
my $strNameMessage = 'name';
my $strTimelineMessage = 'timeline';
# Create two new databases
if ($bTestLocal)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('create database test1', {bAutoCommit => true});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('create database test2', {bAutoCommit => true});
# Test check command and stanza create
if ($bTestExtra)
# In this section the same comment can be used multiple times so make it a variable that can be set once and reused
my $strComment = undef;
# Archive and backup info file names
my $strArchiveInfoFile = STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE;
my $strArchiveInfoOldFile = "${strArchiveInfoFile}.old";
my $strArchiveInfoCopyOldFile = "${strArchiveInfoCopyFile}.old";
my $strBackupInfoFile = STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO;
my $strBackupInfoCopyFile = STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO . INI_COPY_EXT;
my $strBackupInfoOldFile = "${strBackupInfoFile}.old";
my $strBackupInfoCopyOldFile = "${strBackupInfoCopyFile}.old";
# Move the archive.info files to simulate missing file
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoFile, $strArchiveInfoOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoCopyFile, $strArchiveInfoCopyOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
'fail on missing archive.info file',
{iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_MISSING});
# Backup.info was created earlier so restore archive info files
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoOldFile, $strArchiveInfoFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoCopyOldFile, $strArchiveInfoCopyFile, {bRecurse => false});
$strComment = 'fail on archive_mode=off';
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true, bArchiveEnabled => false});
$oHostBackup->backup(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strComment, {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_DISABLED});
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_DISABLED});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_DISABLED});
$strComment = 'fail on invalid archive_command';
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true, bArchive => false});
$oHostBackup->backup(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strComment, {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_COMMAND_INVALID});
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_COMMAND_INVALID});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_COMMAND_INVALID});
# When archive-check=n then ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT will be raised instead of ERROR_ARCHIVE_COMMAND_INVALID
# ??? But maybe we should error with the fact that that option is not valid
$strComment = 'fail on archive timeout when archive-check=n';
{iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT, strOptionalParam => '--no-archive-check'});
# Stop the cluster ignoring any errors in the postgresql log
$oHostDbMaster->clusterStop({bIgnoreLogError => true});
# Providing a sufficient archive-timeout, verify that the check command runs successfully.
$strComment = 'verify success';
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5});
# Check archive mismatch due to upgrade error
$strComment = 'fail on archive mismatch after upgrade';
# load the archive info file and munge it for testing by breaking the database version
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE),
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_INVALID});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_INVALID});
# Restore the file to its original condition
$oHostBackup->infoRestore(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . qw{/} . ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE));
# Check archive_timeout error when WAL segment is not found
$strComment = 'fail on archive timeout';
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true, bArchiveInvalid => true});
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 0.1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT});
# Restart the cluster ignoring any errors in the postgresql log
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true});
# With a valid archive info, create the backup.info file by running a backup then munge the backup.info file.
# Check backup mismatch error
$strComment = 'fail on backup info mismatch';
# Load the backup.info file and munge it for testing by breaking the database version and system id
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
{&INFO_BACKUP_KEY_DB_VERSION => '8.0', &INFO_BACKUP_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 6999999999999999999},
{1 => {&INFO_BACKUP_KEY_DB_VERSION => '8.0', &INFO_BACKUP_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 6999999999999999999}}});
# Run the test
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_INVALID});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_INVALID});
# Restore the file to its original condition
$oHostBackup->infoRestore(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO));
# ??? Removed temporarily until manifest build can be brought back into the check command
# Create a directory in pg_data location that is only readable by root to ensure manifest->build is called by check
# my $strDir = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/rootreaddir';
# executeTest('sudo mkdir ' . $strDir);
# executeTest("sudo chown root:root ${strDir}");
# executeTest("sudo chmod 400 ${strDir}");
# $strComment = 'confirm master manifest->build executed';
# $oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_OPEN});
# executeTest("sudo rmdir ${strDir}");
# Providing a sufficient archive-timeout, verify that the check command runs successfully now with valid
# archive.info and backup.info files
$strComment = 'verify success after backup';
$oHostDbMaster->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5});
# If running the remote tests then also need to run check locally
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5});
# Restart the cluster ignoring any errors in the postgresql log
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true});
# Stanza Create
# With data existing in the archive and backup directory, move info files and confirm failure
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoFile, $strArchiveInfoOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strArchiveInfoCopyFile, $strArchiveInfoCopyOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoFile, $strBackupInfoOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoCopyFile, $strBackupInfoCopyOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
'fail on backup info file missing from non-empty dir', {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY});
# Change the database version by copying a new pg_control file to a new pg-path to use for db mismatch test
$oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/testbase/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL,
{strMode => '0700', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/testbase', $self->pgVersion() eq PG_VERSION_94 ? PG_VERSION_95 : PG_VERSION_94);
# Run stanza-create online to confirm proper handling of configValidation error against new pg-path
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('fail on database mismatch with directory',
{strOptionalParam => ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PATH) . '=' . $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() .
'/testbase/', iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_DB_MISMATCH});
# Remove the directories to be able to create the stanza
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {bRecurse => true});
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE, {bRecurse => true});
# Stanza Upgrade - tests configValidate code - all other tests in synthetic integration tests
# Run stanza-create offline to create files needing to be upgraded (using new pg-path)
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('successfully create stanza files to be upgraded',
{strOptionalParam =>
' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PATH) . '=' . $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() .
'/testbase/ --no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE) . ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_FORCE)});
my $oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet('archive/' . $self->stanza()));
my $oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::Backup::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza()));
# Read info files to confirm the files were created with a different database version
if ($self->pgVersion() eq PG_VERSION_94)
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->test(INFO_ARCHIVE_SECTION_DB, INFO_ARCHIVE_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
PG_VERSION_95)}, true, 'archive upgrade forced with pg mismatch');
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupInfo->test(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
PG_VERSION_95)}, true, 'backup upgrade forced with pg mismatch');
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->test(INFO_ARCHIVE_SECTION_DB, INFO_ARCHIVE_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
PG_VERSION_94)}, true, 'archive create forced with pg mismatch in prep for stanza-upgrade');
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupInfo->test(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
PG_VERSION_94)}, true, 'backup create forced with pg mismatch in prep for stanza-upgrade');
# Run stanza-upgrade online with the default pg-path to correct the info files
$oHostBackup->stanzaUpgrade('upgrade stanza files online');
# Reread the info files and confirm the result
$oArchiveInfo = new pgBackRest::Archive::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet('archive/' . $self->stanza()));
$oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::Backup::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza()));
$self->testResult(sub {$oArchiveInfo->test(INFO_ARCHIVE_SECTION_DB, INFO_ARCHIVE_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
$self->pgVersion())}, true, 'archive upgrade online corrects db');
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupInfo->test(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_DB_VERSION, undef,
$self->pgVersion())}, true, 'backup upgrade online corrects db');
# Full backup
# Create the table where test messages will be stored
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("create table test (message text not null)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("insert into test values ('$strDefaultMessage')");
if ($bTestLocal)
# Acquire the backup advisory lock so it looks like a backup is running
if (!$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne('select pg_try_advisory_lock(' . DB_BACKUP_ADVISORY_LOCK . ')'))
confess 'unable to acquire advisory lock for testing';
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, 'fail on backup lock exists', {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LOCK_ACQUIRE});
# Release the backup advisory lock so the next backup will succeed
if (!$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne('select pg_advisory_unlock(' . DB_BACKUP_ADVISORY_LOCK . ')'))
confess 'unable to release advisory lock';
my $oExecuteBackup = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, 'update during backup',
{strTest => TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD, fTestDelay => $fTestDelay,
strOptionalParam => ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_BUFFER_SIZE) . '=16384'});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strFullMessage'");
# Required to set hint bits to be sent to the standby to make the heap match on both sides
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strFullMessage);
my $strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backupEnd(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $oExecuteBackup);
# Enabled async archiving
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_ASYNC) => 'y'}});
# Kick out a bunch of archive logs to exercise async archiving. Only do this when compressed and remote to slow it
# down enough to make it evident that the async process is working.
if ($bTestExtra && $bCompress && $strBackupDestination eq HOST_BACKUP)
&log(INFO, ' multiple wal switches to exercise async archiving');
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("create table wal_activity (id int)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("insert into wal_activity values (1)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("insert into wal_activity values (2)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("insert into wal_activity values (3)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("insert into wal_activity values (4)");
# Setup replica
if ($bHostStandby)
my %oRemapHash;
$oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA} = $oHostDbStandby->dbBasePath();
if ($oHostDbStandby->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_92)
$oHostDbStandby->linkRemap($oManifest->walPath(), $oHostDbStandby->dbPath() . '/' . $oManifest->walPath());
'restore backup on replica', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_STANDBY,
strOptionalParam =>
' --recovery-option="primary_conninfo=host=' . HOST_DB_MASTER .
' port=' . $oHostDbMaster->pgPort() . ' user=replicator"'});
$oHostDbStandby->clusterStart({bHotStandby => true});
# Make sure streaming replication is on
"select client_addr || '-' || state from pg_stat_replication", $oHostDbStandby->ipGet() . '/32-streaming');
# Check that the cluster was restored properly
$oHostDbStandby->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strFullMessage);
# Update message for standby
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strStandbyMessage'");
if ($oHostDbStandby->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_BACKUP_STANDBY)
# If there is only a master and a replica and the replica is the backup destination, then if pg2-host and pg3-host
# are BOGUS, confirm failure to reach the master
if (!$bHostBackup && $bHostStandby && $strBackupDestination eq HOST_DB_STANDBY)
my $strStandbyBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, 'backup from standby, failure to reach master',
{bStandby => true,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_DB_CONNECT,
strOptionalParam => '--' .
cfgOptionName(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_HOST, cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_PG_PATH))) . '=' . BOGUS});
my $strStandbyBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, 'backup from standby, failure to access at least one standby',
{bStandby => true,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_HOST_CONNECT,
strOptionalParam => '--' .
cfgOptionName(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_HOST, cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_PG_PATH))) . '=' . BOGUS});
my $strStandbyBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, 'backup from standby',
{bStandby => true,
iExpectedExitStatus => $oHostDbStandby->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_BACKUP_STANDBY ? undef : ERROR_CONFIG,
strOptionalParam => '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_REPO_RETENTION_FULL) . '=1'});
if ($oHostDbStandby->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_BACKUP_STANDBY)
$strFullBackup = $strStandbyBackup;
# ??? Removed temporarily until manifest build can be brought back into the check command
# # Create a directory in pg_data location that is only readable by root to ensure manifest->build is called by check
# my $strDir = $oHostDbStandby->dbBasePath() . '/rootreaddir';
# executeTest('sudo mkdir ' . $strDir);
# executeTest("sudo chown root:root ${strDir}");
# executeTest("sudo chmod 400 ${strDir}");
# my $strComment = 'confirm standby manifest->build executed';
# # If there is an invalid host, the final error returned from check will be the inability to resolve the name which is
# # an open error instead of a read error
# if (!$oHostDbStandby->bogusHost())
# {
# $oHostDbStandby->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_OPEN});
# }
# else
# {
# $oHostDbStandby->check($strComment, {iTimeout => 5, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_READ});
# }
# # Remove the directory in pg_data location that is only readable by root
# executeTest("sudo rmdir ${strDir}");
# Confirm the check command runs without error on a standby (when a bogus host is not configured)
if (!$oHostDbStandby->bogusHost())
$oHostDbStandby->check('verify check command on standby');
# Shutdown the standby before creating tablespaces (this will error since paths are different)
$oHostDbStandby->clusterStop({bIgnoreLogError => true});
# Execute stop and make sure the backup fails
# Restart the cluster to check for any errors before continuing since the stop tests will definitely create errors and
# the logs will to be deleted to avoid causing issues further down the line.
if ($bTestExtra && !$bS3)
$oHostBackup->backup(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, 'attempt backup when stopped', {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_STOP});
# Setup the time target
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strTimeMessage'");
my $strTimeTarget = $oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ')");
&log(INFO, " time target is ${strTimeTarget}");
# Incr backup - fail on archive_mode=always when version >= 9.5
if ($bTestLocal && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_95)
# Set archive_mode=always
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bArchiveAlways => true});
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, 'fail on archive_mode=always', {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED});
# Reset the cluster to a normal state so the next test will work
# Incr backup
# Create a tablespace directory
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
# Also create it on the standby so replay won't fail
if (defined($oHostDbStandby))
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbStandby->tablespacePath(1), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
"create tablespace ts1 location '" . $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1) . "'", {bAutoCommit => true});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("alter table test set tablespace ts1");
# Create a table in the tablespace that will not be modified again to be sure it does get full page writes in the WAL later
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("create table test_exists (id int) tablespace ts1", {bCommit => true, bCheckPoint => true});
# Create a table in the tablespace
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("create table test_remove (id int)");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strDefaultMessage'");
# Create a database in the tablespace and a table to check
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("create database test3 with tablespace ts1", {bAutoCommit => true});
'create table test3_exists (id int);' .
'insert into test3_exists values (1);',
{strDb => 'test3', bAutoCommit => true});
if ($bTestLocal)
# Create a table in test1 to check - test1 will not be restored
'create table test1_zeroed (id int);' .
'insert into test1_zeroed values (1);',
{strDb => 'test1', bAutoCommit => true});
# Start a backup so the next backup has to restart it. This test is not required for PostgreSQL >= 9.6 since backups
# are run in non-exclusive mode.
if ($bTestLocal && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_93 && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() < PG_VERSION_96)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select pg_start_backup('test backup that will cause an error', true)");
# Verify that an error is returned if the backup is already running
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, 'fail on backup already running', {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_DB_QUERY});
# Restart the cluster ignoring any errors in the postgresql log
$oHostDbMaster->clusterRestart({bIgnoreLogError => true});
# Start a new backup to make the next test restart it
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select pg_start_backup('test backup that will be restarted', true)");
# Exercise --delta checksum option
$oExecuteBackup = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, 'update during backup',
{strTest => TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD, fTestDelay => $fTestDelay,
strOptionalParam => '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_STOP_AUTO) . ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_BUFFER_SIZE) . '=32768' .
' --delta'});
# Drop a table
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('drop table test_remove');
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strIncrMessage'", {bCommit => true});
# Check that application name is set
if ($oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_APPLICATION_NAME)
my $strApplicationNameExpected = PROJECT_NAME . ' [' . cfgCommandName(CFGCMD_BACKUP) . ']';
my $strApplicationName = $oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne(
"select application_name from pg_stat_activity where application_name like '" . PROJECT_NAME . "%'");
if (!defined($strApplicationName) || $strApplicationName ne $strApplicationNameExpected)
confess &log(ERROR,
"application name '" . (defined($strApplicationName) ? $strApplicationName : '[null]') .
"' does not match '" . $strApplicationNameExpected . "'");
my $strIncrBackup = $oHostBackup->backupEnd(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $oExecuteBackup);
# Ensure the check command runs properly with a tablespace unless there is a bogus host
if (!$oHostBackup->bogusHost())
$oHostBackup->check( 'check command with tablespace', {iTimeout => 5});
# Setup the xid target
my $strXidTarget = undef;
if ($bTestLocal)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strXidMessage'", {bCommit => false});
$strXidTarget = $oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select txid_current()");
&log(INFO, " xid target is ${strXidTarget}");
# Setup the name target
my $strNameTarget = 'backrest';
if ($bTestLocal)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strNameMessage'", {bCommit => true});
if ($oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("select pg_create_restore_point('${strNameTarget}')");
&log(INFO, " name target is ${strNameTarget}");
# Create a table and data in database test2
# Initialize variables for SHA1 and path of the pg_filenode.map for the database that will not be restored
my $strDb1TablePath;
my $strDb1TableSha1;
if ($bTestLocal)
'create table test (id int);' .
'insert into test values (1);' .
'create table test_ts1 (id int) tablespace ts1;' .
'insert into test_ts1 values (2);',
{strDb => 'test2', bAutoCommit => true});
# Get the SHA1 and path of the table for the database that will not be restored
$strDb1TablePath = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(). "/base/" .
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select oid from pg_database where datname='test1'") . "/" .
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOne("select relfilenode from pg_class where relname='test1_zeroed'", {strDb => 'test1'});
$strDb1TableSha1 = storageTest()->hashSize($strDb1TablePath);
# Restore (type = default)
if ($bTestLocal)
# Expect failure because postmaster.pid exists
'postmaster running', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_POSTMASTER_RUNNING});
if ($bTestLocal)
# Expect failure because db path is not empty
'path not empty', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET), {iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY});
# Drop and recreate db path
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(), {strMode => '0700'});
testPathRemove($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . qw{/} . $oManifest->walPath());
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . qw{/} . $oManifest->walPath(), {strMode => '0700'});
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1), {strMode => '0700'});
# Now the restore should work
undef, cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{strOptionalParam => ($bTestLocal ? ' --db-include=test2 --db-include=test3' : '') . ' --buffer-size=16384'});
# Test that the first database has not been restored since --db-include did not include test1
if ($bTestLocal)
my ($strSHA1, $lSize) = storageTest()->hashSize($strDb1TablePath);
# Create a zeroed sparse file in the test directory that is the same size as the filenode.map. We need to use the
# posix driver directly to do this because handles cannot be passed back from the C code.
my $oStorageTrunc = new pgBackRestTest::Common::Storage($self->testPath(), new pgBackRestTest::Common::StoragePosix());
my $strTestTable = $self->testPath() . "/testtable";
my $oDestinationFileIo = $oStorageTrunc->openWrite($strTestTable);
# Truncate to the original size which will create a sparse file.
if (!truncate($oDestinationFileIo->handle(), $lSize))
confess "unable to truncate '$strTestTable' with handle " . $oDestinationFileIo->handle();
# Confirm the test filenode.map and the database test1 filenode.map are zeroed
my ($strSHA1Test, $lSizeTest) = storageTest()->hashSize($strTestTable);
$self->testResult(sub {($strSHA1Test eq $strSHA1) && ($lSizeTest == $lSize) && ($strSHA1 ne $strDb1TableSha1)},
true, 'database test1 not restored');
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $bTestLocal ? $strNameMessage : $strIncrMessage);
# Once the cluster is back online, make sure the database & table in the tablespace exists properly
if ($bTestLocal)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select id from test_ts1', 2, {strDb => 'test2'});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlDisconnect({strDb => 'test2'});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select id from test3_exists', 1, {strDb => 'test3'});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlDisconnect({strDb => 'test3'});
# The tablespace path should exist and have files in it
my $strTablespacePath = $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1);
# Version <= 8.4 always places a PG_VERSION file in the tablespace
if ($oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() <= PG_VERSION_84)
if (!storageDb()->exists("${strTablespacePath}/" . DB_FILE_PGVERSION))
confess &log(ASSERT, "unable to find '" . DB_FILE_PGVERSION . "' in tablespace path '${strTablespacePath}'");
# Version >= 9.0 creates a special path using the version and catalog number
# Backup info will have the catalog number
my $oBackupInfo = new pgBackRest::Common::Ini(
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
{bLoad => false, strContent => ${storageRepo()->get(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO)}});
# Construct the special path
$strTablespacePath .=
'/PG_' . $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() . qw{_} . $oBackupInfo->get(INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB, INFO_BACKUP_KEY_CATALOG);
# Check that path exists
if (!storageDb()->pathExists($strTablespacePath))
confess &log(ASSERT, "unable to find tablespace path '${strTablespacePath}'");
# Make sure there are some files in the tablespace path (exclude PG_VERSION if <= 8.4 since that was tested above)
if (grep(!/^PG\_VERSION$/i, storageDb()->list($strTablespacePath)) == 0)
confess &log(ASSERT, "no files found in tablespace path '${strTablespacePath}'");
# This table should exist to prove that the tablespace was restored. It has not been updated since it was created so it
# should not be created by any full page writes. Once it is verified to exist it can be dropped.
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest("select count(*) from test_exists", 0);
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('drop table test_exists');
# Now it should be OK to drop database test2 and test3
if ($bTestLocal)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('drop database test2', {bAutoCommit => true});
# The test table lives in ts1 so it needs to be moved or dropped
if ($oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90)
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('alter table test set tablespace pg_default');
# Drop for older versions
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('drop table test');
# And drop the tablespace
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute('drop database test3', {bAutoCommit => true});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("drop tablespace ts1", {bAutoCommit => true});
# Restore (restore type = immediate, inclusive)
if (($bTestLocal || $bHostStandby) && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_94)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_IMMEDIATE);
undef, $strFullBackup, {bForce => true, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_IMMEDIATE, strTargetAction => 'promote'});
'select message from test', ($bHostStandby ? $strStandbyMessage : $strFullMessage));
# Restore (restore type = xid, inclusive)
my $strRecoveryFile = undef;
if ($bTestLocal)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_XID);
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . "/*");
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . qw{/} . $oManifest->walPath() . '/*');
undef, $strIncrBackup,
{bForce => true, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_XID, strTarget => $strXidTarget,
strTargetAction => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91 ? 'promote' : undef,
strTargetTimeline => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12 ? 'current' : undef,
strOptionalParam => '--tablespace-map-all=../../tablespace', bTablespace => false});
# Save recovery file to test so we can use it in the next test
$strRecoveryFile = $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12 ? 'postgresql.auto.conf' : DB_FILE_RECOVERYCONF;
$oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . qw{/} . $strRecoveryFile, $self->testPath() . qw{/} . $strRecoveryFile);
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'");
# Restore (restore type = preserve, inclusive)
if ($bTestLocal)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_PRESERVE);
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . "/*");
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . qw{/} . $oManifest->walPath() . '/*');
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1) . "/*");
# Restore recovery file that was saved in last test
storageDb()->move($self->testPath . "/${strRecoveryFile}", $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . "/${strRecoveryFile}");
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
$oHostDbMaster->sqlExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'");
# Restore (restore type = time, inclusive) - there is no exclusive time test because I can't find a way to find the
# exact commit time of a transaction.
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_TIME);
undef, $strFullBackup,
{bDelta => true, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_TIME, strTarget => $strTimeTarget,
strTargetAction => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91 ? 'promote' : undef,
strTargetTimeline => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12 ? 'current' : undef});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimeMessage);
# Restore (restore type = xid, exclusive)
if ($bTestLocal)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_XID);
undef, $strIncrBackup,
{bDelta => true, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_XID, strTarget => $strXidTarget, bTargetExclusive => true,
strTargetAction => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91 ? 'promote' : undef,
strTargetTimeline => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12 ? 'current' : undef});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strIncrMessage);
# Restore (restore type = name)
if ($bTestLocal && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_91)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_NAME);
undef, cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{bDelta => true, bForce => true, strType => CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_NAME, strTarget => $strNameTarget,
strTargetAction => 'promote',
strTargetTimeline => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_12 ? 'current' : undef});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strNameMessage);
# Restore (restore type = default, timeline = created by type = xid, inclusive recovery)
if ($bTestLocal && $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_84)
&log(INFO, ' testing recovery type = ' . CFGOPTVAL_RESTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT);
# The timeline to use for this test is subject to change based on tests being added or removed above. The best thing
# would be to automatically grab the timeline after the restore, but since this test has been stable for a long time
# it does not seem worth the effort to automate.
undef, $strIncrBackup,
{bDelta => true,
strType => $oHostDbMaster->pgVersion() >= PG_VERSION_90 ?
strTargetTimeline => 4});
$oHostDbMaster->clusterStart({bHotStandby => true});
$oHostDbMaster->sqlSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimelineMessage, {iTimeout => 120});
# Stop clusters to catch any errors in the postgres log
# Test no-online backups
if ($bTestExtra & !$bS3)
# Create a postmaster.pid file so it appears that the server is running
storageTest()->put($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/postmaster.pid', '99999');
# Incr backup - make sure a --no-online backup fails
CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, 'fail on --no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE),
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_POSTMASTER_RUNNING, strOptionalParam => '--no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE)});
# Incr backup - allow --no-online backup to succeed with --force
'succeed on --no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE) . ' with --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_FORCE),
{strOptionalParam => '--no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE) . ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_FORCE)});
# Stanza-delete --force without access to pgbackrest on database host
if ($bTestExtra && !$bS3 && $bHostBackup)
# With stanza-delete --force, allow stanza to be deleted regardless of accessibility of database host
if ($bHostBackup)
$oHostBackup->stop({strStanza => $self->stanza});
$oHostBackup->stanzaDelete("delete stanza with --force when pgbackrest on pg host not accessible",
{strOptionalParam => ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_FORCE)});