mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
* Added restore functionality. * All options can now be set on the command-line making pg_backrest.conf optional. * De/compression is now performed without threads and checksum/size is calculated in stream. That means file checksums are no longer optional. * Added option `--no-start-stop` to allow backups when Postgres is shut down. If `postmaster.pid` is present then `--force` is required to make the backup run (though if Postgres is running an inconsistent backup will likely be created). This option was added primarily for the purpose of unit testing, but there may be applications in the real world as well. * Fixed broken checksums and now they work with normal and resumed backups. Finally realized that checksums and checksum deltas should be functionally separated and this simplied a number of things. Issue #28 has been created for checksum deltas. * Fixed an issue where a backup could be resumed from an aborted backup that didn't have the same type and prior backup. * Removed dependency on Moose. It wasn't being used extensively and makes for longer startup times. * Checksum for backup.manifest to detect corrupted/modified manifest. * Link `latest` always points to the last backup. This has been added for convenience and to make restores simpler. * More comprehensive unit tests in all areas.
1204 lines
39 KiB
1204 lines
39 KiB
package BackRest::Remote;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Net::OpenSSH qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(WANT_GZIP Z_OK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_STREAM_END);
use IO::String qw();
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Exception qw(ERROR_PROTOCOL);
use BackRest::Utility qw(log version_get trim TRACE ERROR ASSERT true false);
# Exports
use Exporter qw(import);
# DB/BACKUP Constants
use constant
DB => 'db',
BACKUP => 'backup',
NONE => 'none'
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
my $strHost = shift; # Host to connect to for remote (optional as this can also be used on the remote)
my $strUser = shift; # User to connect to for remote (must be set if strHost is set)
my $strCommand = shift; # Command to execute on remote ('remote' if this is the remote)
my $iBlockSize = shift; # Buffer size
my $iCompressLevel = shift; # Set compression level
my $iCompressLevelNetwork = shift; # Set compression level for network only compression
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Create the greeting that will be used to check versions with the remote
$self->{strGreeting} = 'PG_BACKREST_REMOTE ' . version_get();
# Set default block size
$self->{iBlockSize} = $iBlockSize;
# Set compress levels
$self->{iCompressLevel} = $iCompressLevel;
$self->{iCompressLevelNetwork} = $iCompressLevelNetwork;
# If host is defined then make a connnection
if (defined($strHost))
# User must be defined
if (!defined($strUser))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strUser must be defined');
# Command must be defined
if (!defined($strCommand))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strCommand must be defined');
$self->{strHost} = $strHost;
$self->{strUser} = $strUser;
$self->{strCommand} = $strCommand;
# Set SSH Options
my $strOptionSSHRequestTTY = 'RequestTTY=yes';
my $strOptionSSHCompression = 'Compression=no';
&log(TRACE, 'connecting to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
# Make SSH connection
$self->{oSSH} = Net::OpenSSH->new($self->{strHost}, timeout => 600, user => $self->{strUser},
master_opts => [-o => $strOptionSSHCompression, -o => $strOptionSSHRequestTTY]);
$self->{oSSH}->error and confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to $self->{strHost}: " . $self->{oSSH}->error);
# Execute remote command
($self->{hIn}, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hErr}, $self->{pId}) = $self->{oSSH}->open3($self->{strCommand});
$self->setting_write($self->{iBlockSize}, $self->{iCompressLevel}, $self->{iCompressLevelNetwork});
elsif (defined($strCommand) && $strCommand eq 'remote')
# Write the greeting so master process knows who we are
# Read settings from master
($self->{iBlockSize}, $self->{iCompressLevel}, $self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}) = $self->setting_read();
# Check block size
if (!defined($self->{iBlockSize}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iBlockSize must be set');
# Check compress levels
if (!defined($self->{iCompressLevel}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iCompressLevel must be set');
if (!defined($self->{iCompressLevelNetwork}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iCompressLevelNetwork must be set');
return $self;
sub thread_kill
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
return BackRest::Remote->new
# Read the greeting and make sure it is as expected.
sub greeting_read
my $self = shift;
# Make sure that the remote is running the right version
if ($self->read_line($self->{hOut}) ne $self->{strGreeting})
confess &log(ERROR, 'remote version mismatch');
# Send a greeting to the master process.
sub greeting_write
my $self = shift;
$self->write_line(*STDOUT, $self->{strGreeting});
# Read the settings from the master process.
sub setting_read
my $self = shift;
# Tokenize the settings
my @stryToken = split(/ /, $self->read_line(*STDIN));
# Make sure there are the correct number of tokens
if (@stryToken != 4)
confess &log(ASSERT, 'settings token count is invalid', ERROR_PROTOCOL);
# Check for the setting token just to be sure
if ($stryToken[0] ne 'setting')
confess &log(ASSERT, 'settings token 0 must be \'setting\'');
# Return the settings
return $stryToken[1], $stryToken[2], $stryToken[3];
# Send settings to the remote process.
sub setting_write
my $self = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift; # Optionally, set the block size (defaults to DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE)
my $iCompressLevel = shift; # Set compression level
my $iCompressLevelNetwork = shift; # Set compression level for network only compression
$self->write_line($self->{hIn}, "setting ${iBlockSize} ${iCompressLevel} ${iCompressLevelNetwork}");
# Write a string.
sub string_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
$strBuffer =~ s/\n/\n\./g;
if (!syswrite($hOut, '.' . $strBuffer))
confess 'unable to write string';
# Copies data from a file handle into a string.
sub pipe_to_string
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer;
my $hString = IO::String->new($strBuffer);
$self->binary_xfer($hOut, $hString);
return $strBuffer;
# Write errors with error codes in protocol format, otherwise write to stderr and exit with error.
sub error_write
my $self = shift;
my $oMessage = shift;
my $iCode;
my $strMessage;
if (blessed($oMessage))
if ($oMessage->isa('BackRest::Exception'))
$iCode = $oMessage->code();
$strMessage = $oMessage->message();
syswrite(*STDERR, 'unknown error object: ' . $oMessage);
exit 1;
syswrite(*STDERR, $oMessage);
exit 1;
if (defined($strMessage))
$self->string_write(*STDOUT, trim($strMessage));
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "\nERROR" . (defined($iCode) ? " $iCode" : '') . "\n"))
confess 'unable to write error';
# Read a line.
sub read_line
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $bError = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strChar;
my $iByteIn;
while (1)
$iByteIn = sysread($hIn, $strChar, 1);
if (!defined($iByteIn) || $iByteIn != 1)
if (defined($bError) and !$bError)
return undef;
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read 1 byte' . (defined($!) ? ': ' . $! : ''));
if ($strChar eq "\n")
$strLine .= $strChar;
return $strLine;
# Write a line data
sub write_line
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
my $iLineOut = syswrite($hOut, $strBuffer . "\n");
if (!defined($iLineOut) || $iLineOut != length($strBuffer) + 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to write ${strBuffer}: $!", ERROR_PROTOCOL);
# See if the remote process has terminated unexpectedly.
sub wait_pid
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{pId}) && waitpid($self->{pId}, WNOHANG) != 0)
my $strError = 'no error on stderr';
if (!defined($self->{hErr}))
$strError = 'no error captured because stderr is already closed';
$strError = $self->pipe_to_string($self->{hErr});
$self->{pId} = undef;
$self->{hIn} = undef;
$self->{hOut} = undef;
$self->{hErr} = undef;
confess &log(ERROR, "remote process terminated: ${strError}");
# Read a block from the protocol layer.
sub block_read
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $strBlockRef = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
my $iBlockSize;
my $strMessage;
if ($bProtocol)
# Read the block header and make sure it's valid
my $strBlockHeader = $self->read_line($hIn);
if ($strBlockHeader !~ /^block -{0,1}[0-9]+( .*){0,1}$/)
confess "unable to read block header ${strBlockHeader}";
# Get block size from the header
my @stryToken = split(/ /, $strBlockHeader);
$iBlockSize = $stryToken[1];
$strMessage = $stryToken[2];
# If block size is 0 or an error code then undef the buffer
if ($iBlockSize <= 0)
# Else read the block
my $iBlockRead = 0;
my $iBlockIn = 0;
my $iOffset = defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : 0;
# !!! Would be nice to modify this with a non-blocking read
# http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch07_15.htm
# Read as many chunks as it takes to get the full block
while ($iBlockRead != $iBlockSize)
$iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $$strBlockRef, $iBlockSize - $iBlockRead, $iBlockRead + $iOffset);
if (!defined($iBlockIn))
my $strError = $!;
confess "only read ${iBlockRead}/${iBlockSize} block bytes from remote" .
(defined($strError) ? ": ${strError}" : '');
$iBlockRead += $iBlockIn;
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, $strBlockRef, $self->{iBlockSize},
defined($$strBlockRef) ? length($$strBlockRef) : 0);
# Return the block size
return $iBlockSize, $strMessage;
# Write a block to the protocol layer.
sub block_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
# If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length
$iBlockSize = defined($iBlockSize) ? $iBlockSize : length($$tBlockRef);
# Write block header to the protocol stream
if ($bProtocol)
$self->write_line($hOut, "block ${iBlockSize}" . (defined($strMessage) ? " ${strMessage}" : ''));
# Write block if size > 0
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
$self->stream_write($hOut, $tBlockRef, $iBlockSize);
# Read data from a stream.
sub stream_read
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
my $bOffset = shift;
# Read a block from the stream
my $iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $$tBlockRef, $iBlockSize, $bOffset ? length($$tBlockRef) : false);
if (!defined($iBlockIn))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read');
return $iBlockIn;
# Write data to a stream.
sub stream_write
my $self = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $tBlockRef = shift;
my $iBlockSize = shift;
# If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length
$iBlockSize = defined($iBlockSize) ? $iBlockSize : length($$tBlockRef);
# Write the block
my $iBlockOut = syswrite($hOut, $$tBlockRef, $iBlockSize);
# Report any errors
if (!defined($iBlockOut) || $iBlockOut != $iBlockSize)
my $strError = $!;
confess "unable to write ${iBlockSize} bytes" . (defined($strError) ? ': ' . $strError : '');
# Copies data from one file handle to another, optionally compressing or decompressing the data in stream. If $strRemote != none
# then one side is a protocol stream, though this can be controlled with the bProtocol param.
sub binary_xfer
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bSourceCompressed = shift;
my $bDestinationCompress = shift;
my $bProtocol = shift;
# The input stream must be defined (output is optional)
if (!defined($hIn))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'hIn is not defined');
# If no remote is defined then set to none
if (!defined($strRemote))
$strRemote = 'none';
# Only set compression defaults when remote is defined
$bSourceCompressed = defined($bSourceCompressed) ? $bSourceCompressed : false;
$bDestinationCompress = defined($bDestinationCompress) ? $bDestinationCompress : false;
# Default protocol to true
$bProtocol = defined($bProtocol) ? $bProtocol : true;
my $strMessage = undef;
# Checksum and size
my $strChecksum = undef;
my $iFileSize = undef;
# Read from the protocol stream
if ($strRemote eq 'in')
# If the destination should not be compressed then decompress
if (!$bDestinationCompress)
my $iBlockSize;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
my $iUncompressedBufferSize;
# Initialize SHA
my $oSHA;
if (!$bProtocol)
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bSourceCompressed ? WANT_GZIP : 0,
Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Read all input
# Read a block from the input stream
($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->block_read($hIn, \$tCompressedBuffer, $bProtocol);
# Process protocol messages
if (defined($strMessage) && $strMessage eq 'nochecksum')
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# If the block contains data, decompress it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Keep looping while there is more to decompress
# Decompress data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer);
$iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer);
# If status is ok, write the data
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END)
if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0)
# Add data to checksum
if (defined($oSHA))
# Write data if hOut is defined
if (defined($hOut))
$self->stream_write($hOut, \$tUncompressedBuffer, $iUncompressedBufferSize);
# Else error, exit so it can be handled
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later)
if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written
if (defined($oSHA))
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
$iFileSize = $oZLib->total_out();
# If the destination should be compressed then just write out the already compressed stream
my $iBlockSize;
my $tBuffer;
# Initialize checksum and size
my $oSHA;
if (!$bProtocol)
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
$iFileSize = 0;
# Read a block from the protocol stream
($iBlockSize, $strMessage) = $self->block_read($hIn, \$tBuffer, $bProtocol);
# If the block contains data, write it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Add data to checksum and size
if (!$bProtocol)
$iFileSize += $iBlockSize;
$self->stream_write($hOut, \$tBuffer, $iBlockSize);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Get checksum
if (!$bProtocol)
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Read from file input stream
# If source is not already compressed then compress it
if ($strRemote eq 'out' && !$bSourceCompressed)
my $iBlockSize;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $iCompressedBufferSize;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
# Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will be sent
if ($bProtocol && defined($hOut))
$strMessage = 'checksum';
# Initialize checksum
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
my ($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate(WindowBits => 15 & $bDestinationCompress ? WANT_GZIP : 0,
Level => $bDestinationCompress ? $self->{iCompressLevel} :
Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, AppendOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a deflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Read a block from the stream
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, \$tUncompressedBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize});
# If block size > 0 then compress
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Update checksum and filesize
# Compress the data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->deflate($tUncompressedBuffer, $tCompressedBuffer);
$iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer);
# If compression was successful
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK)
# The compressed data is larger than block size, then write
if ($iCompressedBufferSize > $self->{iBlockSize})
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# Else if error
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# If good so far flush out the last bytes
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK)
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->flush($tCompressedBuffer);
# Make sure the compression succeeded
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to deflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum and total uncompressed bytes written
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
$iFileSize = $oZLib->total_in();
# Write out the last block
if (defined($hOut))
$iCompressedBufferSize = length($tCompressedBuffer);
if ($iCompressedBufferSize > 0)
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tCompressedBuffer, $iCompressedBufferSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
$self->block_write($hOut, undef, 0, $bProtocol, "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}");
# If source is already compressed or transfer is not compressed then just read the stream
my $iBlockSize;
my $tBuffer;
my $tCompressedBuffer;
my $tUncompressedBuffer;
my $iUncompressedBufferSize;
my $oSHA;
my $oZLib;
my $iZLibStatus;
# If the destination will be compressed setup deflate
if ($bDestinationCompress)
if ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = 'checksum';
# Initialize checksum and size
$oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
$iFileSize = 0;
# Initialize inflate object and check for errors
($oZLib, $iZLibStatus) =
new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate(WindowBits => WANT_GZIP, Bufsize => $self->{iBlockSize}, LimitOutput => 1);
if ($iZLibStatus != Z_OK)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable create a inflate object: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Initialize message to indicate that a checksum will not be sent
elsif ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = 'nochecksum';
# Read input
$iBlockSize = $self->stream_read($hIn, \$tBuffer, $self->{iBlockSize});
# Write a block if size > 0
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
$self->block_write($hOut, \$tBuffer, $iBlockSize, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# Decompress the buffer to calculate checksum/size
if ($bDestinationCompress)
# If the block contains data, decompress it
if ($iBlockSize > 0)
# Copy file buffer to compressed buffer
if (defined($tCompressedBuffer))
$tCompressedBuffer .= $tBuffer;
$tCompressedBuffer = $tBuffer;
# Keep looping while there is more to decompress
# Decompress data
$iZLibStatus = $oZLib->inflate($tCompressedBuffer, $tUncompressedBuffer);
$iUncompressedBufferSize = length($tUncompressedBuffer);
# If status is ok, write the data
if ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK || $iZLibStatus == Z_BUF_ERROR || $iZLibStatus == Z_STREAM_END)
if ($iUncompressedBufferSize > 0)
$iFileSize += $iUncompressedBufferSize;
# Else error, exit so it can be handled
$iBlockSize = 0;
while ($iZLibStatus == Z_OK && $iUncompressedBufferSize > 0 && $iBlockSize > 0);
while ($iBlockSize > 0);
# Check decompression get checksum
if ($bDestinationCompress)
# Make sure the decompression succeeded (iBlockSize < 0 indicates remote error, handled later)
if ($iBlockSize == 0 && $iZLibStatus != Z_STREAM_END)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to inflate stream: ${iZLibStatus}");
# Get checksum
$strChecksum = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Set protocol message
if ($bProtocol)
$strMessage = "${strChecksum}-${iFileSize}";
# If protocol write
if ($bProtocol)
# Write 0 block to indicate end of stream
$self->block_write($hOut, undef, 0, $bProtocol, $strMessage);
# If message is defined the the checksum and size should be in it
if (defined($strMessage))
my @stryToken = split(/-/, $strMessage);
$strChecksum = $stryToken[0];
$iFileSize = $stryToken[1];
# Return the checksum and size if they are available
return $strChecksum, $iFileSize;
# Read output from the remote process.
sub output_read
my $self = shift;
my $bOutputRequired = shift;
my $strErrorPrefix = shift;
my $bSuppressLog = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strOutput;
my $bError = false;
my $iErrorCode;
my $strError;
# Read output lines
while ($strLine = $self->read_line($self->{hOut}, false))
if ($strLine =~ /^ERROR.*/)
$bError = true;
$iErrorCode = (split(' ', $strLine))[1];
if ($strLine =~ /^OK$/)
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . substr($strLine, 1);
# Check if the process has exited abnormally
# Raise any errors
if ($bError)
confess &log(ERROR, (defined($strErrorPrefix) ? "${strErrorPrefix}" : '') .
(defined($strOutput) ? ": ${strOutput}" : ''), $iErrorCode, $bSuppressLog);
# If output is required and there is no output, raise exception
if ($bOutputRequired && !defined($strOutput))
confess &log(ERROR, (defined($strErrorPrefix) ? "${strErrorPrefix}: " : '') . 'output is not defined');
# Return output
return $strOutput;
# Write output for the master process.
sub output_write
my $self = shift;
my $strOutput = shift;
if (defined($strOutput))
$self->string_write(*STDOUT, "${strOutput}");
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "\n"))
confess 'unable to write output';
if (!syswrite(*STDOUT, "OK\n"))
confess 'unable to write output';
# Output command parameters in the hash as a string (used for debugging).
sub command_param_string
my $self = shift;
my $oParamHashRef = shift;
my $strParamList;
if (defined($oParamHashRef))
foreach my $strParam (sort(keys $oParamHashRef))
$strParamList .= (defined($strParamList) ? ',' : '') . "${strParam}=" .
(defined(${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"}) ? ${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"} : '[undef]');
return $strParamList;
# Read command sent by the master process.
sub command_read
my $self = shift;
my $oParamHashRef = shift;
my $strLine;
my $strCommand;
while ($strLine = $self->read_line(*STDIN))
if (!defined($strCommand))
if ($strLine =~ /:$/)
$strCommand = substr($strLine, 0, length($strLine) - 1);
$strCommand = $strLine;
if ($strLine eq 'end')
my $iPos = index($strLine, '=');
if ($iPos == -1)
confess "param \"${strLine}\" is missing = character";
my $strParam = substr($strLine, 0, $iPos);
my $strValue = substr($strLine, $iPos + 1);
${$oParamHashRef}{"${strParam}"} = ${strValue};
return $strCommand;
# Send command to remote process.
sub command_write
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $strOutput = $strCommand;
if (defined($oParamRef))
$strOutput = "${strCommand}:\n";
foreach my $strParam (sort(keys $oParamRef))
if ($strParam =~ /=/)
confess &log(ASSERT, "param \"${strParam}\" cannot contain = character");
my $strValue = ${$oParamRef}{"${strParam}"};
if ($strParam =~ /\n\$/)
confess &log(ASSERT, "param \"${strParam}\" value cannot end with LF");
if (defined(${strValue}))
$strOutput .= "${strParam}=${strValue}\n";
$strOutput .= 'end';
&log(TRACE, "Remote->command_write:\n" . $strOutput);
if (!syswrite($self->{hIn}, "${strOutput}\n"))
confess 'unable to write command';
# Send command to remote process and wait for output.
sub command_execute
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $bOutputRequired = shift;
my $strErrorPrefix = shift;
$self->command_write($strCommand, $oParamRef);
return $self->output_read($bOutputRequired, $strErrorPrefix);