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synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
* Added restore functionality. * All options can now be set on the command-line making pg_backrest.conf optional. * De/compression is now performed without threads and checksum/size is calculated in stream. That means file checksums are no longer optional. * Added option `--no-start-stop` to allow backups when Postgres is shut down. If `postmaster.pid` is present then `--force` is required to make the backup run (though if Postgres is running an inconsistent backup will likely be created). This option was added primarily for the purpose of unit testing, but there may be applications in the real world as well. * Fixed broken checksums and now they work with normal and resumed backups. Finally realized that checksums and checksum deltas should be functionally separated and this simplied a number of things. Issue #28 has been created for checksum deltas. * Fixed an issue where a backup could be resumed from an aborted backup that didn't have the same type and prior backup. * Removed dependency on Moose. It wasn't being used extensively and makes for longer startup times. * Checksum for backup.manifest to detect corrupted/modified manifest. * Link `latest` always points to the last backup. This has been added for convenience and to make restores simpler. * More comprehensive unit tests in all areas.
687 lines
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687 lines
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package BackRest::Utility;
use threads;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use File::Basename;
use JSON;
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Exception;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(version_get
data_hash_build trim common_prefix wait_for_file file_size_format execute
log log_file_set log_level_set test_set test_get test_check
lock_file_create lock_file_remove hsleep wait_remainder
ini_save ini_load timestamp_string_get timestamp_file_string_get
# Global constants
use constant
true => 1,
false => 0
use constant
OFF => 'OFF'
my $hLogFile;
my $strLogLevelFile = ERROR;
my $strLogLevelConsole = ERROR;
my %oLogLevelRank;
my $strLockPath;
my $hLockFile;
$oLogLevelRank{TRACE}{rank} = 6;
$oLogLevelRank{DEBUG}{rank} = 5;
$oLogLevelRank{INFO}{rank} = 4;
$oLogLevelRank{WARN}{rank} = 3;
$oLogLevelRank{ERROR}{rank} = 2;
$oLogLevelRank{ASSERT}{rank} = 1;
$oLogLevelRank{OFF}{rank} = 0;
# FORMAT Constant
# Identified the format of the manifest and file structure. The format is used to determine compatability between versions.
use constant FORMAT => 3;
# TEST Constants and Variables
use constant
# Test global variables
my $bTest = false;
my $fTestDelay;
my $strVersion;
sub version_get
my $hVersion;
my $strVersion;
if (!open($hVersion, '<', dirname($0) . '/../VERSION'))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'unable to open VERSION file');
if (!($strVersion = readline($hVersion)))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'unable to read VERSION file');
return trim($strVersion);
sub lock_file_create
my $strLockPathParam = shift;
my $strLockFile = $strLockPathParam . '/process.lock';
if (defined($hLockFile))
confess &lock(ASSERT, "${strLockFile} lock is already held");
$strLockPath = $strLockPathParam;
unless (-e $strLockPath)
if (system("mkdir -p ${strLockPath}") != 0)
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to create lock path ${strLockPath}");
sysopen($hLockFile, $strLockFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open lock file ${strLockFile}");
if (!flock($hLockFile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB))
return 0;
return $hLockFile;
sub lock_file_remove
if (defined($hLockFile))
remove_tree($strLockPath) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to delete lock path ${strLockPath}");
$hLockFile = undef;
$strLockPath = undef;
confess &log(ASSERT, 'there is no lock to free');
# WAIT_REMAINDER - Wait the remainder of the current second
sub wait_remainder
my $lTimeBegin = gettimeofday();
my $lSleepMs = ceil(((int($lTimeBegin) + 1) - $lTimeBegin) * 1000);
usleep($lSleepMs * 1000);
&log(TRACE, "WAIT_REMAINDER: slept ${lSleepMs}ms: begin ${lTimeBegin}, end " . gettimeofday());
return int($lTimeBegin);
# DATA_HASH_BUILD - Hash a delimited file with header
sub data_hash_build
my $oHashRef = shift;
my $strData = shift;
my $strDelimiter = shift;
my $strUndefinedKey = shift;
my @stryFile = split("\n", $strData);
my @stryHeader = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[0]);
for (my $iLineIdx = 1; $iLineIdx < scalar @stryFile; $iLineIdx++)
my @stryLine = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[$iLineIdx]);
if (!defined($stryLine[0]) || $stryLine[0] eq '')
$stryLine[0] = $strUndefinedKey;
for (my $iColumnIdx = 1; $iColumnIdx < scalar @stryHeader; $iColumnIdx++)
if (defined(${$oHashRef}{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"}))
confess 'the first column must be unique to build the hash';
if (defined($stryLine[$iColumnIdx]) && $stryLine[$iColumnIdx] ne '')
${$oHashRef}{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"} = $stryLine[$iColumnIdx];
# TRIM - trim whitespace off strings
sub trim
my $strBuffer = shift;
if (!defined($strBuffer))
return undef;
$strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $strBuffer;
# hsleep - wrapper for usleep that takes seconds in fractions and returns time slept in ms
sub hsleep
my $fSecond = shift;
return usleep($fSecond * 1000000);
sub wait_for_file
my $strDir = shift;
my $strRegEx = shift;
my $iSeconds = shift;
my $lTime = time();
my $hDir;
while ($lTime > time() - $iSeconds)
if (opendir($hDir, $strDir))
my @stryFile = grep(/$strRegEx/i, readdir $hDir);
close $hDir;
if (scalar @stryFile == 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "could not find $strDir/$strRegEx after ${iSeconds} second(s)");
sub common_prefix
my $strString1 = shift;
my $strString2 = shift;
my $iCommonLen = 0;
my $iCompareLen = length($strString1) < length($strString2) ? length($strString1) : length($strString2);
for (my $iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iCompareLen; $iIndex++)
if (substr($strString1, $iIndex, 1) ne substr($strString2, $iIndex, 1))
return $iCommonLen;
# FILE_SIZE_FORMAT - Format file sizes in human-readable form
sub file_size_format
my $lFileSize = shift;
if ($lFileSize < 1024)
return $lFileSize . 'B';
if ($lFileSize < (1024 * 1024))
return int($lFileSize / 1024) . 'KB';
if ($lFileSize < (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
return int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024) . 'MB';
return int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) . 'GB';
# TIMESTAMP_STRING_GET - Get backrest standard timestamp (or formatted as specified
sub timestamp_string_get
my $strFormat = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
if (!defined($strFormat))
$strFormat = '%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d';
if (!defined($lTime))
$lTime = time();
my ($iSecond, $iMinute, $iHour, $iMonthDay, $iMonth, $iYear, $iWeekDay, $iYearDay, $bIsDst) = localtime($lTime);
return sprintf($strFormat, $iYear + 1900, $iMonth + 1, $iMonthDay, $iHour, $iMinute, $iSecond);
# TIMESTAMP_FILE_STRING_GET - Get the date and time string formatted for filenames
sub timestamp_file_string_get
return timestamp_string_get('%4d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d');
# LOG_FILE_SET - set the file messages will be logged to
sub log_file_set
my $strFile = shift;
unless (-e dirname($strFile))
mkdir(dirname($strFile)) or die "unable to create directory for log file ${strFile}";
$strFile .= '-' . timestamp_string_get('%4d%02d%02d') . '.log';
my $bExists = false;
if (-e $strFile)
$bExists = true;
open($hLogFile, '>>', $strFile) or confess "unable to open log file ${strFile}";
if ($bExists)
print $hLogFile "\n";
print $hLogFile "-------------------PROCESS START-------------------\n";
# TEST_SET - set test parameters
sub test_set
my $bTestParam = shift;
my $fTestDelayParam = shift;
# Set defaults
$bTest = defined($bTestParam) ? $bTestParam : false;
$fTestDelay = defined($bTestParam) ? $fTestDelayParam : $fTestDelay;
# Make sure that a delay is specified in test mode
if ($bTest && !defined($fTestDelay))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'iTestDelay must be provided when bTest is true');
# Test delay should be between 1 and 600 seconds
if (!($fTestDelay >= 0 && $fTestDelay <= 600))
confess &log(ERROR, 'test-delay must be between 1 and 600 seconds');
# TEST_GET - are we in test mode?
sub test_get
return $bTest;
# LOG_LEVEL_SET - set the log level for file and console
sub log_level_set
my $strLevelFileParam = shift;
my $strLevelConsoleParam = shift;
if (defined($strLevelFileParam))
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{uc($strLevelFileParam)}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "file log level ${strLevelFileParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelFile = uc($strLevelFileParam);
if (defined($strLevelConsoleParam))
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{uc($strLevelConsoleParam)}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "console log level ${strLevelConsoleParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelConsole = uc($strLevelConsoleParam);
# TEST_CHECK - Check for a test message
sub test_check
my $strLog = shift;
my $strTest = shift;
return index($strLog, TEST_ENCLOSE . '-' . $strTest . '-' . TEST_ENCLOSE) != -1;
# LOG - log messages
sub log
my $strLevel = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
my $iCode = shift;
my $bSuppressLog = shift;
# Set defaults
$bSuppressLog = defined($bSuppressLog) ? $bSuppressLog : false;
# Set operational variables
my $strMessageFormat = $strMessage;
my $iLogLevelRank = $oLogLevelRank{"${strLevel}"}{rank};
# If test message
if ($strLevel eq TEST)
$iLogLevelRank = $oLogLevelRank{TRACE}{rank} + 1;
$strMessageFormat = TEST_ENCLOSE . '-' . $strMessageFormat . '-' . TEST_ENCLOSE;
# Else level rank must be valid
elsif (!defined($iLogLevelRank))
confess &log(ASSERT, "log level ${strLevel} does not exist");
# If message was undefined then set default message
if (!defined($strMessageFormat))
$strMessageFormat = '(undefined)';
$strMessageFormat = (defined($iCode) ? "[${iCode}] " : '') . $strMessageFormat;
# Indent subsequent lines of the message if it has more than one line - makes the log more readable
if ($strLevel eq TRACE || $strLevel eq TEST)
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$strMessageFormat = ' ' . $strMessageFormat;
elsif ($strLevel eq DEBUG)
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$strMessageFormat = ' ' . $strMessageFormat;
$strMessageFormat =~ s/\n/\n /g;
# Format the message text
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
$strMessageFormat = timestamp_string_get() . sprintf(' T%02d', threads->tid()) .
(' ' x (7 - length($strLevel))) . "${strLevel}: ${strMessageFormat}\n";
# Output to console depending on log level and test flag
if ($iLogLevelRank <= $oLogLevelRank{"${strLogLevelConsole}"}{rank} ||
$bTest && $strLevel eq TEST)
if (!$bSuppressLog)
print $strMessageFormat;
if ($bTest && $strLevel eq TEST)
if ($fTestDelay > 0)
# Output to file depending on log level and test flag
if ($iLogLevelRank <= $oLogLevelRank{"${strLogLevelFile}"}{rank})
if (defined($hLogFile))
if (!$bSuppressLog)
print $hLogFile $strMessageFormat;
if ($strLevel eq ERROR || $strLevel eq ASSERT)
my $strStackTrace = longmess() . "\n";
$strStackTrace =~ s/\n/\n /g;
print $hLogFile $strStackTrace;
# Throw a typed exception if code is defined
if (defined($iCode))
return new BackRest::Exception($iCode, $strMessage);
# Return the message test so it can be used in a confess
return $strMessage;
# Load file from standard INI format to a hash.
sub ini_load
my $strFile = shift; # Full path to ini file to load from
my $oConfig = shift; # Reference to the hash where ini data will be stored
# Open the ini file for reading
my $hFile;
my $strSection;
open($hFile, '<', $strFile)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strFile}");
while (my $strLine = readline($hFile))
$strLine = trim($strLine);
if ($strLine ne '')
# Get the section
if (index($strLine, '[') == 0)
$strSection = substr($strLine, 1, length($strLine) - 2);
# Get key and value
my $iIndex = index($strLine, '=');
if ($iIndex == -1)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read from ${strFile}: ${strLine}");
my $strKey = substr($strLine, 0, $iIndex);
my $strValue = substr($strLine, $iIndex + 1);
# Try to store value as JSON
${$oConfig}{"${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"} = decode_json($strValue);
# On error store value as a scalar
if ($@)
${$oConfig}{"${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"} = $strValue;
# Save from a hash to standard INI format.
sub ini_save
my $strFile = shift; # Full path to ini file to save to
my $oConfig = shift; # Reference to the hash where ini data is stored
# Open the ini file for writing
my $hFile;
my $bFirst = true;
open($hFile, '>', $strFile)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strFile}");
foreach my $strSection (sort(keys $oConfig))
if (!$bFirst)
syswrite($hFile, "\n")
or confess "unable to write lf: $!";
syswrite($hFile, "[${strSection}]\n")
or confess "unable to write section ${strSection}: $!";
foreach my $strKey (sort(keys ${$oConfig}{"${strSection}"}))
my $strValue = ${$oConfig}{"${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"};
if (defined($strValue))
if (ref($strValue) eq "HASH")
syswrite($hFile, "${strKey}=" . to_json($strValue, {canonical => true}) . "\n")
or confess "unable to write key ${strKey}: $!";
syswrite($hFile, "${strKey}=${strValue}\n")
or confess "unable to write key ${strKey}: $!";
$bFirst = false;