mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
David Steele f818901c0e Added the --repo-sync option to allow directory syncs in the repository to be disabled.
This is for file systems that do not support them, e.g. NTFS
2016-12-10 09:06:45 -05:00

249 lines
31 KiB

run 001 - rmt 0, cmp 0, error version
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 INFO: push WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001 asynchronously
P00 DEBUG: Archive->push(): bAsync = true, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 000000010000000100000001, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive:out, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire(): bFailOnNoLock = false, bRemote = <false>, iProcessIdx = [undef], strLockType = archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: no fork on archive local for TESTING
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: start async archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 INFO: WAL segments to archive: total = 1, size = 16MB
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: bArchiveFile = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bSourceCompressed = false, strFile = 000000010000000100000001-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000001-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000001-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000001, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->archiveId=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName(): bPartial = false, iWaitSeconds = [undef], oFile = [object], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000001
P00 DEBUG: File->list(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strExpression = ^000000010000000100000001(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001, strPathType = backup:absolute, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: File->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName=>: strWalFileName = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strChecksum = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 9.4-1/000000010000000100000001, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000001-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer=>: lFileTotal = 1
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: transferred 1 WAL segment, calling Archive->xfer() again
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: no WAL segments to archive
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: transfer found 0 WAL segments - exiting
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = <true>
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = 0, oException = [undef], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = true, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 0
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 INFO: push WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002 asynchronously
P00 DEBUG: Archive->push(): bAsync = true, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 000000010000000100000002, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive:out, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire(): bFailOnNoLock = false, bRemote = <false>, iProcessIdx = [undef], strLockType = archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: no fork on archive local for TESTING
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: start async archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 INFO: WAL segments to archive: total = 1, size = 16MB
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: bArchiveFile = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bSourceCompressed = false, strFile = 000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000002, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.4 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = [undef], oException = [object], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = false, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [119]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 119
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 INFO: push WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003 asynchronously
P00 DEBUG: Archive->push(): bAsync = true, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 000000010000000100000003, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive:out, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire(): bFailOnNoLock = false, bRemote = <false>, iProcessIdx = [undef], strLockType = archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: no fork on archive local for TESTING
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: start async archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 INFO: WAL segments to archive: total = 2, size = 32MB
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: bArchiveFile = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bSourceCompressed = false, strFile = 000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000002, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.4 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
P00 ERROR: [199]: local archive queue has exceeded limit of 24MB - WAL segments will be discarded until the stop file ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop) is removed
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = [undef], oException = [object], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = false, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [119]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 119
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 ERROR: [199]: discarding 000000010000000100000004 due to the archive store max size exceeded - remove the archive stop file ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop) to resume archiving and be sure to take a new backup as soon as possible
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = 0, oException = [undef], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = true, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 0
> ls -1R [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db --no-archive-async archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --no-archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 INFO: push WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
P00 DEBUG: Archive->push(): bAsync = false, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000005, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->archiveId=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName(): bPartial = false, iWaitSeconds = [undef], oFile = [object], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000005
P00 DEBUG: File->list(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strExpression = ^000000010000000100000005(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001, strPathType = backup:absolute, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: File->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName=>: strWalFileName = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strChecksum = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 9.4-1/000000010000000100000005, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = 0, oException = [undef], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = true, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 0
> ls -1R [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push
P00 INFO: archive-push command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --archive-async --archive-max-mb=24 --no-compress --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --no-fork --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/log --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire(): bFailOnNoLock = false, bRemote = <false>, iProcessIdx = [undef], strLockType = archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: start async archive-push
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 INFO: WAL segments to archive: total = 2, size = 32MB
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: bArchiveFile = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bSourceCompressed = false, strFile = 000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000002, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->archiveId=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName(): bPartial = false, iWaitSeconds = [undef], oFile = [object], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000002
P00 DEBUG: File->list(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strExpression = ^000000010000000100000002(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001, strPathType = backup:absolute, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: File->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName=>: strWalFileName = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strChecksum = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 9.4-1/000000010000000100000002, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000002-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: bArchiveFile = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bSourceCompressed = false, strFile = 000000010000000100000003-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo(): strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000003-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walInfo=>: strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck(): bPartial = false, bPathSync = true, oFile = [object], strDbVersion = 9.4, strWalFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000003-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000003, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: File->pathCreate(): bCreateParents = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPath = [undef], strPathType = backup:archive
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->new(): bRequired = <false>, strArchiveClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check(): bPathSync = true, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->archiveId=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: ArchiveInfo->check=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName(): bPartial = false, iWaitSeconds = [undef], oFile = [object], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strWalSegment = 000000010000000100000003
P00 DEBUG: File->list(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strExpression = ^000000010000000100000003(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001, strPathType = backup:absolute, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: File->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Archive->walFileName=>: strWalFileName = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck=>: strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strChecksum = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: File->copy(): bAppendChecksum = true, bDestinationCompress = false, bDestinationPathCreate = true, bIgnoreMissingSource = <false>, bPathSync = true, bSourceCompressed = false, lModificationTime = [undef], strDestinationFile = 9.4-1/000000010000000100000003, strDestinationPathType = backup:archive, strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strSourceFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out/000000010000000100000003-72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7, strSourcePathType = db:absolute, strUser = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer=>: lFileTotal = 2
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: transferred 2 WAL segments, calling Archive->xfer() again
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer(): strArchivePath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strStopFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/stop/db-archive.stop
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet(): iRemoteIdx = <1>, oParam = [undef], strRemoteType = none
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolGet: create local protocol
P00 DEBUG: File->new(): oProtocol = [object], strBackupPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo, strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strStanza = db
P00 DEBUG: File->manifest(): strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: File->manifestRecurse(): iDepth = 0, oManifestHashRef = [hash], strPathFileOp = [undef], strPathOp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/out, strPathType = db:absolute
P00 DEBUG: Archive->xfer: no WAL segments to archive
P00 DEBUG: Archive->pushProcess: transfer found 0 WAL segments - exiting
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = <true>
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = 0, oException = [undef], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = true, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Protocol::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: archive-push command end: completed successfully
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 0
> ls -1R [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/archive/db/9.4-1/0000000100000001