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# ArchivePushTest.pm - Tests for archive-push command
package pgBackRestTest::Archive::ArchivePushTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Full::FullCommonTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRest::Archive::ArchiveInfo;
use pgBackRest::BackupInfo;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::File;
use pgBackRest::FileCommon;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Full::FullCommonTest;
# archiveCheck
# Check that a WAL segment is present in the repository.
sub archiveCheck
my $self = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $strArchiveFile = shift;
my $strArchiveChecksum = shift;
my $bCompress = shift;
# Build the archive name to check for at the destination
my $strArchiveCheck = PG_VERSION_94 . "-1/${strArchiveFile}-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strArchiveCheck .= '.gz';
my $oWait = waitInit(5);
my $bFound = false;
$bFound = $oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck);
while (!$bFound && waitMore($oWait));
if (!$bFound)
confess 'unable to find ' . $strArchiveCheck;
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
my $strArchiveChecksum = '72b9da071c13957fb4ca31f05dbd5c644297c2f7';
my $iArchiveMax = 3;
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= true; $bArchiveAsync++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!$self->begin("rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}")) {next}
# Create hosts, file object, and config
my ($oHostDbMaster, $oHostDbStandby, $oHostBackup, $oFile) = $self->setup(
true, $self->expect(), {bHostBackup => $bRemote, bCompress => $bCompress, bArchiveAsync => $bArchiveAsync});
# Create the xlog path
my $strXlogPath = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/pg_xlog';
filePathCreate($strXlogPath, undef, false, true);
# Create the test path for pg_control
filePathCreate(($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL), undef, false, true);
# Copy pg_control for stanza-create
'cp ' . $self->dataPath() . '/backup.pg_control_' . WAL_VERSION_94 . '.bin ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' .
my $strCommand =
$oHostDbMaster->backrestExe() . ' --config=' . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig() .
' --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push';
# Test missing archive.info file
&log(INFO, ' test archive.info missing');
my ($strArchiveFile1, $strSourceFile1) = $self->archiveGenerate($oFile, $strXlogPath, 1, 1, WAL_VERSION_94);
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile1}",
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_MISSING, oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Create the archive info file
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('create required data for stanza',
{strOptionalParam => '--no-' . OPTION_ONLINE . ' --' . OPTION_FORCE});
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $strDuplicateWal =
($bRemote ? $oHostDbMaster->spoolPath() :
$oHostBackup->repoPath()) .
'/archive/' . $self->stanza() . "/out/${strArchiveFile1}-1e34fa1c833090d94b9bb14f2a8d3153dca6ea27";
# Loop through backups
for (my $iBackup = 1; $iBackup <= 3; $iBackup++)
my $strArchiveFile;
# Loop through archive files
for (my $iArchive = 1; $iArchive <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchive++)
my $strSourceFile;
# Construct the archive filename
my $iArchiveNo = (($iBackup - 1) * $iArchiveMax + ($iArchive - 1)) + 1;
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
($strArchiveFile, $strSourceFile) =
$self->archiveGenerate($oFile, $strXlogPath, 2, $iArchiveNo, WAL_VERSION_94);
&log(INFO, ' backup ' . sprintf('%02d', $iBackup) .
', archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchive) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strArchiveTmp = undef;
if ($iBackup == 1 && $iArchive == 2)
# Should succeed when temp file already exists
&log(INFO, ' test archive when tmp file exists');
$strArchiveTmp =
$oHostBackup->repoPath() . '/archive/' . $self->stanza() . '/' . PG_VERSION_94 . '-1/' .
substr($strArchiveFile, 0, 16) . "/${strArchiveFile}" .
($bCompress ? ".$oFile->{strCompressExtension}" : '') . '.pgbackrest.tmp';
executeTest('sudo chmod 770 ' . dirname($strArchiveTmp));
fileStringWrite($strArchiveTmp, 'JUNK');
if ($bRemote)
executeTest('sudo chown ' . $oHostBackup->userGet() . " ${strArchiveTmp}");
$strCommand . ($bRemote && $iBackup == $iArchive ? ' --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh' : '') .
" ${strSourceFile}",
{oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Make sure the temp file no longer exists
if (defined($strArchiveTmp))
my $oWait = waitInit(5);
my $bFound = true;
$bFound = fileExists($strArchiveTmp);
while ($bFound && waitMore($oWait));
if ($bFound)
confess "${strArchiveTmp} should have been removed by archive command";
if ($iArchive == $iBackup)
# load the archive info file and munge it for testing by breaking the database version
&log(INFO, ' test db version mismatch error');
$strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}",
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH, oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Break the system id
{&INFO_ARCHIVE_SECTION_DB => {&INFO_BACKUP_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 5000900090001855000}});
&log(INFO, ' test db system-id mismatch error');
$strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}",
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_MISMATCH, oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Restore the file to its original condition
$oHostBackup->infoRestore($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE));
# Fail because the process was killed
if ($iBackup == 1 && !$bCompress)
&log(INFO, ' test stop');
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $oExecArchive =
$strCommand . ' --test --test-delay=5 --test-point=' .
lc(TEST_ARCHIVE_PUSH_ASYNC_START) . "=y ${strSourceFile}",
{oLogTest => $self->expect(), iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TERM});
$oHostDbMaster->stop({bForce => true});
$oHostDbMaster->stop({strStanza => $oHostDbMaster->stanza()});
$strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}",
{oLogTest => $self->expect(), iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_STOP});
$oHostDbMaster->start({strStanza => $bArchiveAsync ? undef : $self->stanza()});
# Should succeed because checksum is the same
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate ok');
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", {oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Now it should break on archive duplication (because checksum is different
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate error');
($strArchiveFile, $strSourceFile) =
$self->archiveGenerate($oFile, $strXlogPath, 1, $iArchiveNo, WAL_VERSION_94);
$strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}",
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE, oLogTest => $self->expect()});
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $strDuplicateWal =
($bRemote ? $oHostDbMaster->spoolPath() :
$oHostBackup->repoPath()) .
'/archive/' . $self->stanza() . "/out/${strArchiveFile}-1e34fa1c833090d94b9bb14f2a8d3153dca6ea27";
# Test .partial archive
&log(INFO, ' test .partial archive');
($strArchiveFile, $strSourceFile) =
$self->archiveGenerate($oFile, $strXlogPath, 2, $iArchiveNo, WAL_VERSION_94, true);
$strCommand . " --no-" . OPTION_REPO_SYNC . " ${strSourceFile}", {oLogTest => $self->expect()});
$self->archiveCheck($oFile, $strArchiveFile, $strArchiveChecksum, $bCompress);
# Test .partial archive duplicate
&log(INFO, ' test .partial archive duplicate');
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", {oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Test .partial archive with different checksum
&log(INFO, ' test .partial archive with different checksum');
($strArchiveFile, $strSourceFile) =
$self->archiveGenerate($oFile, $strXlogPath, 1, $iArchiveNo, WAL_VERSION_94, true);
$strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}",
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_ARCHIVE_DUPLICATE, oLogTest => $self->expect()});
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $strDuplicateWal =
($bRemote ? $oHostDbMaster->spoolPath() : $oHostBackup->repoPath()) .
'/archive/' . $self->stanza() . "/out/${strArchiveFile}-1e34fa1c833090d94b9bb14f2a8d3153dca6ea27";
$self->archiveCheck($oFile, $strArchiveFile, $strArchiveChecksum, $bCompress);
# Might be nice to add tests for .backup files here (but this is already tested in full backup)
if (defined($self->expect()))
$self->expect()->supplementalAdd($oFile->pathGet(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE));