mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
David Steele 286f7e5011 Fix static WAL segment size used to determine if archive-push-queue-max has been exceeded.
This calculation was missed when the WAL segment size was made dynamic in preparation for PostgreSQL 11.

Fix the calculation by checking the actual WAL file sizes instead of using an estimate based on WAL segment size.  This is more accurate because it takes into account .history and .backup files, which are smaller.  Since the calculation is done in the async process the additional processing time should not adversely affect performance.

Remove the PG_WAL_SIZE constant and instead use local constants where the old value is still required.  This is only the case for some tests and PostgreSQL 8.3 which does not provide a way to get the WAL segment size from pg_control.
2018-10-27 20:00:00 +01:00

1195 lines
44 KiB

package pgBackRest::Db;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use DBD::Pg ':async';
use DBI;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Fcntl qw(O_RDONLY);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Version;
# PostgreSQL 8.3 WAL size
# WAL segment size in 8.3 cannot be determined from pg_control, so use this constant instead.
use constant PG_WAL_SIZE_83 => 16777216;
# Backup advisory lock
use constant DB_BACKUP_ADVISORY_LOCK => '12340078987004321';
# Map the control and catalog versions to PostgreSQL version.
# The control version can be found in src/include/catalog/pg_control.h and may not change with every version of PostgreSQL but is
# still checked to detect custom builds which change the structure. The catalog version can be found in
# src/include/catalog/catversion.h and should change with every release.
my $oPgControlVersionHash =
# iControlVersion => {iCatalogVersion => strDbVersion}
833 => {200711281 => PG_VERSION_83},
843 => {200904091 => PG_VERSION_84},
903 =>
201008051 => PG_VERSION_90,
201105231 => PG_VERSION_91,
922 => {201204301 => PG_VERSION_92},
937 => {201306121 => PG_VERSION_93},
942 =>
201409291 => PG_VERSION_94,
201510051 => PG_VERSION_95,
960 =>
201608131 => PG_VERSION_96,
1002 =>
201707211 => PG_VERSION_10,
1100 =>
201809051 => PG_VERSION_11,
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'iRemoteIdx', required => false},
if (defined($self->{iRemoteIdx}))
$self->{strDbPath} = cfgOption(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $self->{iRemoteIdx}));
if (!isDbLocal({iRemoteIdx => $self->{iRemoteIdx}}))
$self->{oProtocol} = protocolGet(CFGOPTVAL_REMOTE_TYPE_DB, $self->{iRemoteIdx});
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->DESTROY');
if (defined($self->{hDb}))
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# connect
sub connect
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '::connect', \@_,
{name => 'bWarnOnError', default => false},
# Only connect if not already connected
my $bResult = true;
# Run remotely
if (defined($self->{oProtocol}))
# Set bResult to false if undef is returned
$bResult = $self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_DB_CONNECT, undef, false, $bWarnOnError) ? true : false;
# Else run locally
if (!defined($self->{hDb}))
# Connect to the db
my $strDbName = 'postgres';
my $strDbUser = getpwuid($<);
my $strDbSocketPath = cfgOption(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_SOCKET_PATH, $self->{iRemoteIdx}), false);
# Make sure the socket path is absolute
if (defined($strDbSocketPath) && $strDbSocketPath !~ /^\//)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strDbSocketPath}' is not valid for '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_SOCKET_PATH) . "' option:" .
" path must be absolute", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_VALUE);
# Construct the URI
my $strDbUri =
"dbi:Pg:dbname=${strDbName};port=" . cfgOption(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PORT, $self->{iRemoteIdx})) .
(defined($strDbSocketPath) ? ";host=${strDbSocketPath}" : '');
$strOperation, undef,
{name => 'strDbUri', value => $strDbUri},
{name => 'strDbUser', value => $strDbUser}
$self->{hDb} = DBI->connect($strDbUri, $strDbUser, undef,
{AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, Warn => 0});
# If db handle is not valid then check error
if (!$self->{hDb})
# Throw an error unless a warning was requested
if (!$bWarnOnError)
confess &log(ERROR, $DBI::errstr, ERROR_DB_CONNECT);
# Log a warning
&log(WARN, $DBI::errstr);
$bResult = false;
my ($fDbVersion) = $self->versionGet();
# Set application name for monitoring and debugging
"set application_name = '" . BACKREST_NAME . ' [' .
(cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_COMMAND) ? cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMMAND) : cfgCommandName(cfgCommandGet())) . "]'")
or confess &log(ERROR, $self->{hDb}->errstr, ERROR_DB_QUERY);
# Clear search path to prevent possible function overrides
$self->{hDb}->do("set search_path = 'pg_catalog'")
or confess &log(ERROR, $self->{hDb}->errstr, ERROR_DB_QUERY);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bResult', value => $bResult}
# executeSql
sub executeSql
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '::executeSql', \@_,
{name => 'strSql'},
{name => 'bIgnoreError', default => false},
{name => 'bResult', default => true},
# Get the user-defined command for psql
my @stryResult;
# Run remotely
if (defined($self->{oProtocol}))
# Execute the command
@stryResult = @{$self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_DB_EXECUTE_SQL, [$strSql, $bIgnoreError, $bResult], $bResult)};
# Else run locally
# Prepare the query
my $hStatement = $self->{hDb}->prepare($strSql, {pg_async => PG_ASYNC})
or confess &log(ERROR, $DBI::errstr . ":\n${strSql}", ERROR_DB_QUERY);
# Execute the query
or confess &log(ERROR, $DBI::errstr. ":\n${strSql}", ERROR_DB_QUERY);
# Wait for the query to return
my $oWait = waitInit(cfgOption(CFGOPT_DB_TIMEOUT));
my $bTimeout = true;
# Is the statement done?
if ($hStatement->pg_ready())
# return now if there is no result expected
if (!$bResult)
return \@stryResult;
if (!$hStatement->pg_result())
# Return if the error should be ignored
if ($bIgnoreError)
return \@stryResult;
# Else report it
confess &log(ERROR, $DBI::errstr . ":\n${strSql}", ERROR_DB_QUERY);
# Get rows and return them
my @stryRow;
# Get next row
@stryRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array;
# If the row has data then add it to the result
if (@stryRow)
push(@{$stryResult[@stryResult]}, @stryRow);
# Else check for error
elsif ($hStatement->err)
confess &log(ERROR, $DBI::errstr . ":\n${strSql}", ERROR_DB_QUERY);
while (@stryRow);
$bTimeout = false;
} while ($bTimeout && waitMore($oWait));
# If timeout then cancel the query and confess
if ($bTimeout)
confess &log(ERROR, 'statement timed out after ' . waitInterval($oWait) .
" second(s):\n${strSql}", ERROR_DB_TIMEOUT);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'stryResult', value => \@stryResult, ref => true}
# executeSqlRow
sub executeSqlRow
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->executeSqlRow', \@_,
{name => 'strSql'}
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'stryResult', value => @{$self->executeSql($strSql)}[0]}
# executeSqlOne
sub executeSqlOne
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->executeSqlOne', \@_,
{name => 'strSql'}
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strResult', value => @{@{$self->executeSql($strSql)}[0]}[0]}
# tablespaceMapGet
# Get the mapping between oid and tablespace name.
sub tablespaceMapGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->tablespaceMapGet');
my $hTablespaceMap = {};
for my $strRow (@{$self->executeSql('select oid, spcname from pg_tablespace')})
$hTablespaceMap->{@{$strRow}[0]} = @{$strRow}[1];
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hTablespaceMap', value => $hTablespaceMap}
# databaseMapGet
# Get the mapping between oid and database name.
sub databaseMapGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->databaseMapGet');
my $hDatabaseMap = {};
for my $strRow (@{$self->executeSql('select datname, oid, datlastsysoid from pg_database')})
$hDatabaseMap->{@{$strRow}[0]}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID} = @{$strRow}[1];
$hDatabaseMap->{@{$strRow}[0]}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_LAST_SYSTEM_ID} = @{$strRow}[2];
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hDatabaseMap', value => $hDatabaseMap}
# info
sub info
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->info', \@_,
{name => 'strDbPath', default => $self->{strDbPath}}
# Get info if it is not cached
if (!defined($self->{info}{$strDbPath}))
# Get info from remote
if (defined($self->{oProtocol}))
# Execute the command
($self->{info}{$strDbPath}{strDbVersion}, $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbControlVersion},
$self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbCatalogVersion}, $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{ullDbSysId}) =
$self->{oProtocol}->cmdExecute(OP_DB_INFO, [$strDbPath], true);
# Get info locally
# Open the control file and read system id and versions
my $strControlFile = "${strDbPath}/" . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL;
my $hFile;
my $tBlock;
sysopen($hFile, $strControlFile, O_RDONLY)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strControlFile}", ERROR_FILE_OPEN);
# Read system identifier
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 8) == 8
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read database system identifier");
$self->{info}{$strDbPath}{ullDbSysId} = unpack('Q', $tBlock);
# Read control version
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 4) == 4
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read control version");
$self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbControlVersion} = unpack('L', $tBlock);
# Read catalog version
sysread($hFile, $tBlock, 4) == 4
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read catalog version");
$self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbCatalogVersion} = unpack('L', $tBlock);
# Close the control file
# Get PostgreSQL version
$self->{info}{$strDbPath}{strDbVersion} =
if (!defined($self->{info}{$strDbPath}{strDbVersion}))
confess &log(
'unexpected control version = ' . $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbControlVersion} .
' and catalog version = ' . $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbCatalogVersion} . "\n" .
'HINT: is this version of PostgreSQL supported?',
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strDbVersion', value => $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{strDbVersion}},
{name => 'iDbControlVersion', value => $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbControlVersion}},
{name => 'iDbCatalogVersion', value => $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{iDbCatalogVersion}},
{name => 'ullDbSysId', value => $self->{info}{$strDbPath}{ullDbSysId}}
# versionGet
sub versionGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->versionGet');
# Get data from the cache if possible
if (defined($self->{strDbVersion}) && defined($self->{strDbPath}))
return $self->{strDbVersion}, $self->{strDbPath};
# Get version and pg-path from
(my $strVersionNum, $self->{strDbPath}) =
"select (select setting from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num'), " .
" (select setting from pg_settings where name = 'data_directory')");
# Get first part of the major version - for 10 and above there will only be one part
$self->{strDbVersion} = substr($strVersionNum, 0, length($strVersionNum) - 4);
# Now retrieve the second part of the major version for versions less than 10
if ($self->{strDbVersion} < PG_VERSION_10)
$self->{strDbVersion} .= qw{.} . int(substr($strVersionNum, 1, 2));
# Check that the version is supported
my @stryVersionSupport = versionSupport();
if ($self->{strDbVersion} < $stryVersionSupport[0])
confess &log(ERROR, 'unsupported Postgres version' . $self->{strDbVersion}, ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strDbVersion', value => $self->{strDbVersion}},
{name => 'strDbPath', value => $self->{strDbPath}}
# backupStart
sub backupStart
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->backupStart', \@_,
{name => 'strLabel'},
{name => 'bStartFast'}
# Validate the database configuration
# Only allow start-fast option for version >= 8.4
if ($self->{strDbVersion} < PG_VERSION_84 && $bStartFast)
&log(WARN, cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_START_FAST) . ' option is only available in PostgreSQL >= ' . PG_VERSION_84);
$bStartFast = false;
# Determine if page checksums can be enabled
my $bChecksumPage =
$self->executeSqlOne("select count(*) = 1 from pg_settings where name = 'data_checksums' and setting = 'on'");
# If checksum page option is not explictly set then set it to whatever the database says
if (!cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE))
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE, $bChecksumPage);
# Else if enabled make sure they are in the database as well, else throw a warning
elsif (cfgOption(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE) && !$bChecksumPage)
&log(WARN, 'unable to enable page checksums since they are not enabled in the database');
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE, false);
# Acquire the backup advisory lock to make sure that backups are not running from multiple backup servers against the same
# database cluster. This lock helps make the stop-auto option safe.
if (!$self->executeSqlOne('select pg_try_advisory_lock(' . DB_BACKUP_ADVISORY_LOCK . ')'))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to acquire ' . BACKREST_NAME . " advisory lock\n" .
'HINT: is another ' . BACKREST_NAME . ' backup already running on this cluster?', ERROR_LOCK_ACQUIRE);
# If stop-auto is enabled check for a running backup. This feature is not supported for PostgreSQL >= 9.6 since backups are
# run in non-exclusive mode.
if (cfgOption(CFGOPT_STOP_AUTO) && $self->{strDbVersion} < PG_VERSION_96)
# Running backups can only be detected in PostgreSQL >= 9.3
if ($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_93)
# If a backup is currently in progress emit a warning and then stop it
if ($self->executeSqlOne('select pg_is_in_backup()'))
&log(WARN, 'the cluster is already in backup mode but no ' . BACKREST_NAME . ' backup process is running.' .
' pg_stop_backup() will be called so a new backup can be started.');
# Else emit a warning that the feature is not supported and continue. If a backup is running then an error will be
# generated later on.
&log(WARN, cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_STOP_AUTO) . ' option is only available in PostgreSQL >= ' . PG_VERSION_93);
# Start the backup
&log(INFO, 'execute ' . ($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96 ? 'non-' : '') .
"exclusive pg_start_backup() with label \"${strLabel}\": backup begins after " .
($bStartFast ? "the requested immediate checkpoint" : "the next regular checkpoint") . " completes");
my ($strTimestampDbStart, $strArchiveStart, $strLsnStart, $iWalSegmentSize) = $self->executeSqlRow(
"select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ'), pg_" . $self->walId() . "file_name(lsn), lsn::text," .
($self->{strDbVersion} < PG_VERSION_84 ? PG_WAL_SIZE_83 :
" (select setting::int8 from pg_settings where name = 'wal_segment_size')" .
# In Pre-11 versions the wal_segment_sise was expressed in terms of blocks rather than total size
($self->{strDbVersion} < PG_VERSION_11 ?
" * (select setting::int8 from pg_settings where name = 'wal_block_size')" : '')) .
" from pg_start_backup('${strLabel}'" .
($bStartFast ? ', true' : $self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_84 ? ', false' : '') .
($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96 ? ', false' : '') . ') as lsn');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strArchiveStart', value => $strArchiveStart},
{name => 'strLsnStart', value => $strLsnStart},
{name => 'iWalSegmentSize', value => $iWalSegmentSize},
{name => 'strTimestampDbStart', value => $strTimestampDbStart}
# backupStop
sub backupStop
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->backupStop');
# Stop the backup
&log(INFO, 'execute ' . ($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96 ? 'non-' : '') .
'exclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive');
my ($strTimestampDbStop, $strArchiveStop, $strLsnStop, $strLabel, $strTablespaceMap) =
"select to_char(clock_timestamp(), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ'), pg_" .
$self->walId() . "file_name(lsn), lsn::text, " .
($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96 ?
'labelfile, ' .
'case when length(trim(both \'\t\n \' from spcmapfile)) = 0 then null else spcmapfile end as spcmapfile' :
'null as labelfile, null as spcmapfile') .
' from pg_stop_backup(' .
# Add flag to use non-exclusive backup
($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96 ? 'false' : '') .
# Add flag to exit immediately after backup stop rather than waiting for WAL to archive (this is checked later)
($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_10 ? ', false' : '') . ') as lsn');
# Build a hash of the files that need to be written to the backup
my $oFileHash =
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strArchiveStop', value => $strArchiveStop},
{name => 'strLsnStop', value => $strLsnStop},
{name => 'strTimestampDbStop', value => $strTimestampDbStop},
{name => 'oFileHash', value => $oFileHash}
# configValidate
# Validate the database configuration and archiving.
sub configValidate
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->configValidate', \@_,
# Get the version from the control file
my ($strDbVersion) = $self->info();
# Get version and db path from the database
my ($fCompareDbVersion, $strCompareDbPath) = $self->versionGet();
# Error if the version from the control file and the configured pg-path do not match the values obtained from the database
if (!($strDbVersion == $fCompareDbVersion && $self->{strDbPath} eq $strCompareDbPath))
confess &log(ERROR,
"version '${fCompareDbVersion}' and path '${strCompareDbPath}' queried from cluster do not match version" .
" '${strDbVersion}' and " . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PATH) . " '$self->{strDbPath}' read from" .
" '$self->{strDbPath}/" . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL . "'\n" .
"HINT: the " . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PATH) . " and " . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PORT) .
" settings likely reference different clusters",
# If cluster is not a standby and archive checking is enabled, then perform various validations
if (!$self->isStandby() && cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_CHECK) && cfgOption(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_CHECK))
my $strArchiveMode = $self->executeSqlOne('show archive_mode');
# Error if archive_mode = off since pg_start_backup () will fail
if ($strArchiveMode eq 'off')
confess &log(ERROR, 'archive_mode must be enabled', ERROR_ARCHIVE_DISABLED);
# Error if archive_mode = always (support has not been added yet)
if ($strArchiveMode eq 'always')
confess &log(ERROR, "archive_mode=always not supported", ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED);
# Check if archive_command is set
my $strArchiveCommand = $self->executeSqlOne('show archive_command');
if (index($strArchiveCommand, BACKREST_EXE) == -1)
confess &log(ERROR,
'archive_command ' . (defined($strArchiveCommand) ? "'${strArchiveCommand}'" : '[null]') . ' must contain \'' .
return logDebugReturn
# walId
# Returns 'wal' or 'xlog' depending on the version of PostgreSQL.
sub walId
my $self = shift;
return $self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_10 ? 'wal' : 'xlog';
# lsnId
# Returns 'lsn' or 'location' depending on the version of PostgreSQL.
sub lsnId
my $self = shift;
return $self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_10 ? 'lsn' : 'location';
# walSwitch
# Forces a switch to the next transaction log in order to archive the current log.
sub walSwitch
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->walSwitch');
# Create a restore point to ensure current WAL will be archived. For versions <= 9.0 activity will need to be generated by
# the user if there have been no writes since the last WAL switch.
if ($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_91)
$self->executeSql("select pg_create_restore_point('" . BACKREST_NAME . " Archive Check');");
my $strWalFileName = $self->executeSqlOne(
'select pg_' . $self->walId() . 'file_name from pg_' . $self->walId() . 'file_name(pg_switch_' . $self->walId() . '());');
&log(INFO, "switch WAL ${strWalFileName}");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strWalFileName', value => $strWalFileName}
# isStandby
# Determines if a database is a standby by testing if it is in recovery mode.
sub isStandby
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->isStandby');
if (!defined($self->{bStandby}))
my ($strDbVersion) = $self->versionGet();
if ($strDbVersion <= PG_VERSION_90)
$self->{bStandby} = false;
$self->{bStandby} = $self->executeSqlOne('select pg_is_in_recovery()') ? true : false;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bStandby', value => $self->{bStandby}}
# replayWait
# Waits for replay on the standby to equal specified LSN
sub replayWait
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->replayWait', \@_,
{name => 'strTargetLSN'}
# Load ArchiveCommon Module
require pgBackRest::Archive::Common;
# Initialize working variables
my $oWait = waitInit(cfgOption(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT));
my $bTimeout = true;
my $strReplayedLSN = undef;
# Monitor the replay location
my $strLastWalReplayLsnFunction =
'pg_last_' . $self->walId() . '_replay_' . $self->lsnId() . '()';
# Get the replay location
my $strLastReplayedLSN = $self->executeSqlOne(
"select coalesce(${strLastWalReplayLsnFunction}::text, '<NONE>')");
# Error if the replay location could not be retrieved
if ($strLastReplayedLSN eq '<NONE>')
confess &log(
"unable to query replay lsn on the standby using ${strLastWalReplayLsnFunction}\n" .
"Hint: Is this a standby?",
# Is the replay lsn > target lsn? It needs to be greater because the checkpoint record is directly after the LSN returned
# by pg_start_backup().
if (lsnNormalize($strLastReplayedLSN) ge lsnNormalize($strTargetLSN))
$bTimeout = false;
# Reset the timer if the LSN is advancing
if (defined($strReplayedLSN) &&
lsnNormalize($strLastReplayedLSN) gt lsnNormalize($strReplayedLSN) &&
$oWait = waitInit(cfgOption(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT));
# Assigned last replayed to replayed
$strReplayedLSN = $strLastReplayedLSN;
} while ($bTimeout && waitMore($oWait));
# Error if a timeout occurred before the target lsn was reached
if ($bTimeout == true)
confess &log(
ERROR, "timeout before standby replayed ${strTargetLSN} - only reached ${strReplayedLSN}", ERROR_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT);
# Perform a checkpoint
$self->executeSql('checkpoint', undef, false);
# On PostgreSQL >= 9.6 the checkpoint location can be verified
my $strCheckpointLSN = undef;
if ($self->{strDbVersion} >= PG_VERSION_96)
$strCheckpointLSN = $self->executeSqlOne('select checkpoint_' . $self->lsnId() .' from pg_control_checkpoint()');
if (lsnNormalize($strCheckpointLSN) le lsnNormalize($strTargetLSN))
confess &log(
"the checkpoint location ${strCheckpointLSN} is less than the target location ${strTargetLSN} even though the" .
" replay location is ${strReplayedLSN}\n" .
"Hint: This should not be possible and may indicate a bug in PostgreSQL.",
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strReplayedLSN', value => $strReplayedLSN},
{name => 'strCheckpointLSN', value => $strCheckpointLSN},
# dbObjectGet
# Gets the database objects(s) and indexes. The databases required for the backup type must be online. A connection to the available
# databases will be established to determine which is the master and which, if any, is the standby. If there is a master and a
# standby to which a connection can be established, it returns both, else just the master.
sub dbObjectGet
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my (
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '::dbObjectGet', \@_,
{name => 'bMasterOnly', optional => true, default => false},
my $iStandbyIdx = undef;
my $iMasterRemoteIdx = 1;
my $oDbMaster = undef;
my $oDbStandby = undef;
# Only iterate databases if online and more than one is defined. It might be better to check the version of each database but
# this is simple and works.
if (!$bMasterOnly && cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_ONLINE) && cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE) && multipleDb())
for (my $iRemoteIdx = 1; $iRemoteIdx <= cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_PG_HOST); $iRemoteIdx++)
# Make sure a db is defined for this index
if (cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $iRemoteIdx)) ||
cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_HOST, $iRemoteIdx)))
# Create the db object
my $oDb;
$oDb = new pgBackRest::Db($iRemoteIdx);
return true;
or do {};
my $bAssigned = false;
if (defined($oDb))
# If able to connect then test if the database is a master or a standby. It's OK if some databases cannot be
# reached as long as the databases required for the backup type are present.
if ($oDb->connect(true))
# If this db is a standby
if ($oDb->isStandby())
# If standby backup is requested then use the first standby found
if (cfgOption(CFGOPT_BACKUP_STANDBY) && !defined($oDbStandby))
$oDbStandby = $oDb;
$iStandbyIdx = $iRemoteIdx;
$bAssigned = true;
# Else this db is a master
# Error if more than one master is found
if (defined($oDbMaster))
confess &log(ERROR, 'more than one master database found');
$oDbMaster = $oDb;
$iMasterRemoteIdx = $iRemoteIdx;
$bAssigned = true;
# If the db was not used then destroy the protocol object underneath it
if (!$bAssigned)
protocolDestroy(CFGOPTVAL_REMOTE_TYPE_DB, $iRemoteIdx, true);
# Make sure a standby database is defined when backup from standby option is set
if (cfgOption(CFGOPT_BACKUP_STANDBY) && !defined($oDbStandby))
# Throw an error that is distinct from connecting to the master for testing purposes
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to find standby database - cannot proceed', ERROR_HOST_CONNECT);
# A master database is always required
if (!defined($oDbMaster))
# Throw an error that is distinct from connecting to a standy for testing purposes
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to find master database - cannot proceed', ERROR_DB_CONNECT);
# If master db is not already defined then set to default
if (!defined($oDbMaster))
$oDbMaster = new pgBackRest::Db($iMasterRemoteIdx);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oDbMaster', value => $oDbMaster},
{name => 'iDbMasterIdx', value => $iMasterRemoteIdx},
{name => 'oDbStandby', value => $oDbStandby},
{name => 'iDbStandbyIdx', value => $iStandbyIdx},
push @EXPORT, qw(dbObjectGet);
# dbMasterGet
# Usually only the master database is required so this function makes getting it simple. If in offline mode (which is true for a
# lot of archive operations) then the database returned is simply the first configured.
sub dbMasterGet
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '::dbMasterGet');
my ($oDbMaster) = dbObjectGet({bMasterOnly => true});
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oDbMaster', value => $oDbMaster, trace => true},
push @EXPORT, qw(dbMasterGet);
# multipleDb
# Helper function to determine if there is more than one database defined.
sub multipleDb
for (my $iDbPathIdx = 2; $iDbPathIdx <= cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_PG_PATH); $iDbPathIdx++)
# If an index exists above 1 then return true
if (cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $iDbPathIdx)))
return true;
return false;