mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
David Steele 88a633da17 Divide tests into three types (unit, integration, performance).
Many options that were set per test can instead be inferred from the types, i.e. container, c, expect, and individual.

Also finish renaming Perl unit tests with the -perl suffix.
2018-04-24 09:12:25 -04:00

394 lines
21 KiB

# Posix Driver Tests
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Storage::StoragePosixPerlTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use IO::Socket::UNIX;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
# Test data
my $strFile = $self->testPath() . '/file.txt';
my $strFileContent = 'TESTDATA';
my $iFileLength = length($strFileContent);
my $iFileLengthHalf = int($iFileLength / 2);
# Test driver
my $oPosix = new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver();
if ($self->begin('exists()'))
my $strPathSub = $self->testPath() . '/sub';
sub {$oPosix->exists($strFile)}, false, 'file');
executeTest("sudo mkdir ${strPathSub} && sudo chmod 700 ${strPathSub}");
sub {$oPosix->pathExists($strPathSub)}, true, 'path');
sub {$oPosix->exists("${strPathSub}/file")}, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS,
"unable to test if file '${strPathSub}/file' exists: Permission denied");
if ($self->begin("manifestList()"))
my @stryFile = ('.', 'test.txt');
sub {$oPosix->manifestList($self->testPath(), \@stryFile)},
'{. => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0770, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}}',
'skip missing file');
if ($self->begin("manifestStat()"))
my $strFile = $self->testPath() . '/test.txt';
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosix->manifestStat($strFile)}, '[undef]', 'ignore missing file');
storageTest()->put($strFile, "TEST");
utime(1111111111, 1111111111, $strFile);
executeTest('chmod 1640 ' . $strFile);
sub {$oPosix->manifestStat($strFile)},
'{group => ' . $self->group() .
', mode => 1640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 4, type => f, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}',
'stat file');
my $strSocketFile = $self->testPath() . '/test.socket';
# Create a socket to test invalid files
my $oSocket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Type => SOCK_STREAM(), Local => $strSocketFile, Listen => 1);
sub {$oPosix->manifestStat($strSocketFile)}, ERROR_FILE_INVALID,
"${strSocketFile} is not of type directory, file, or link");
# Cleanup socket
my $strTestPath = $self->testPath() . '/public_dir';
storageTest()->pathCreate($strTestPath, {strMode => '0750'});
sub {$oPosix->manifestStat($strTestPath)},
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}',
'stat directory');
my $strTestLink = $self->testPath() . '/public_dir_link';
symlink($strTestPath, $strTestLink)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create symlink from ${strTestPath} to ${strTestLink}");
sub {$oPosix->manifestStat($strTestLink)},
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ", link_destination => ${strTestPath}, type => l, user => " . $self->pgUser() . '}',
'stat link');
if ($self->begin("manifestRecurse()"))
my $strTestPath = $self->testPath() . '/public_dir';
my $strTestFile = "${strTestPath}/test.txt";
sub {my $hManifest = {}; $oPosix->manifestRecurse($strTestFile, undef, 0, $hManifest); $hManifest},
ERROR_FILE_MISSING, "unable to stat '${strTestFile}': No such file or directory");
storageTest()->pathCreate($strTestPath, {strMode => '0750'});
sub {my $hManifest = {}; $oPosix->manifestRecurse($strTestPath, undef, 0, $hManifest); $hManifest},
'{. => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}}',
'empty directory manifest');
storageTest()->put($strTestFile, "TEST");
utime(1111111111, 1111111111, $strTestFile);
executeTest('chmod 0750 ' . $strTestFile);
storageTest()->pathCreate("${strTestPath}/sub", {strMode => '0750'});
sub {my $hManifest = {}; $oPosix->manifestRecurse(
$self->testPath(), basename($strTestPath), 1, $hManifest); $hManifest},
'{public_dir => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'public_dir/sub => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'public_dir/' . basename($strTestFile) . ' => {group => ' . $self->group() .
', mode => 0750, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 4, type => f, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}}',
'directory and file manifest');
sub {my $hManifest = {}; $oPosix->manifestRecurse($strTestFile, undef, 0, $hManifest); $hManifest},
'{' . basename($strTestFile) . ' => {group => ' . $self->group() .
', mode => 0750, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 4, type => f, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}}',
'single file manifest');
if ($self->begin("manifest()"))
my $strMissingFile = $self->testPath() . '/missing';
sub {$oPosix->manifest($strMissingFile)},
ERROR_FILE_MISSING, "unable to stat '${strMissingFile}': No such file or directory");
# Setup test data
executeTest('mkdir -m 750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1');
executeTest('mkdir -m 750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA' > " . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
utime(1111111111, 1111111111, $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
executeTest('chmod 1640 ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA_' > ". $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
utime(1111111112, 1111111112, $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest('chmod 0640 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest("echo 'TESTDATA__' > " . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt');
utime(1111111113, 1111111113, $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt');
executeTest('chmod 0646 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-sub1.txt');
executeTest('ln ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test-hardlink.txt');
executeTest('ln ' . $self->testPath() . '/test.txt ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt');
executeTest('ln -s .. ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test');
executeTest('chmod 0700 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/test');
executeTest('ln -s ../.. ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test');
executeTest('chmod 0750 ' . $self->testPath() . '/sub1/sub2/test');
executeTest('chmod 0770 ' . $self->testPath());
sub {$oPosix->manifest($self->testPath())},
'{. => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0770, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1 => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2 => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0750, type => d, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', link_destination => ../.., type => l, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test-hardlink.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 1640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/sub2/test-sub2.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0666, modification_time => 1111111113, size => 11, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test => {group => ' . $self->group() . ', link_destination => .., type => l, user => ' . $self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test-hardlink.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 1640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'sub1/test-sub1.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 0646, modification_time => 1111111112, size => 10, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}, ' .
'test.txt => ' .
'{group => ' . $self->group() . ', mode => 1640, modification_time => 1111111111, size => 9, type => f, user => ' .
$self->pgUser() . '}}',
'complete manifest');
if ($self->begin('openRead() & Posix::FileRead'))
sub {$oPosix->openRead($strFile)}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING, "unable to open '${strFile}': No such file or directory");
executeTest("echo -n '${strFileContent}' | tee ${strFile}");
sub {$oPosix->openRead($strFile)}, '[object]', 'open read');
if ($self->begin('openWrite() & Posix::FileWrite'))
my $tContent = $strFileContent;
executeTest("echo -n '${strFileContent}' | tee ${strFile}");
executeTest("chmod 600 ${strFile} && sudo chown root:root ${strFile}");
sub {new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileRead($oPosix, $strFile)}, ERROR_FILE_OPEN,
"unable to open '${strFile}': Permission denied");
executeTest("sudo rm -rf ${strFile}");
my $oPosixIo = $self->testResult(
sub {new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileWrite($oPosix, $strFile)}, '[object]', 'open');
$tContent = undef;
sub {$oPosixIo->write(\$tContent)}, ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "unable to write to '${strFile}': Use of uninitialized value");
$tContent = substr($strFileContent, 0, $iFileLengthHalf);
sub {$oPosixIo->write(\$tContent)}, $iFileLengthHalf, 'write part 1');
$tContent = substr($strFileContent, $iFileLengthHalf);
sub {$oPosixIo->write(\$tContent)}, $iFileLength - $iFileLengthHalf,
'write part 2');
$tContent = undef;
sub {(new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileRead($oPosix, $strFile))->read(\$tContent, $iFileLength)},
$iFileLength, 'check write content length');
$self->testResult($tContent, $strFileContent, 'check write content');
$oPosixIo = $self->testResult(
sub {new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileWrite(
$oPosix, "${strFile}.atomic", {bAtomic => true, strMode => '0666', lTimestamp => time(), bSync => false})},
'[object]', 'open');
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosixIo->write(\$tContent, $iFileLength)}, $iFileLength, 'write');
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosixIo->close()}, true, 'close');
$self->testResult(sub {${storageTest()->get("${strFile}.atomic")}}, $strFileContent, 'check content');
$oPosixIo = $self->testResult(
sub {new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileWrite($oPosix, $strFile)}, '[object]', 'open');
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosixIo->close()}, true, 'close');
$oPosixIo = $self->testResult(
sub {new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::FileWrite($oPosix, $strFile, {lTimestamp => time()})}, '[object]', 'open');
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosixIo->write(\$strFileContent, $iFileLength)}, $iFileLength, 'write');
executeTest("rm -f $strFile");
sub {$oPosixIo->close()}, ERROR_FILE_WRITE, "unable to set time for '${strFile}': No such file or directory");
if ($self->begin('pathCreate()'))
my $strPathParent = $self->testPath() . '/parent';
my $strPathSub = "${strPathParent}/sub1/sub2";
$self->testResult(sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathParent)}, undef, 'parent path');
sub {$oPosix->pathExists($strPathParent)}, true, ' check path');
sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathParent)}, ERROR_PATH_EXISTS,
"unable to create path '${strPathParent}' because it already exists");
sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathParent, {bIgnoreExists => true})}, undef, 'path already exists');
executeTest("sudo chown root:root ${strPathParent} && sudo chmod 700 ${strPathParent}");
sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathSub)}, ERROR_PATH_CREATE,
"unable to create path '${strPathSub}': Permission denied");
executeTest("rmdir ${strPathParent}");
sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathSub)}, ERROR_PATH_MISSING,
"unable to create path '${strPathSub}' because parent does not exist");
sub {$oPosix->pathCreate($strPathSub, {bCreateParent => true})}, undef, 'path with parents');
sub {$oPosix->pathExists($strPathSub)}, true, ' check path');
if ($self->begin('move()'))
my $strFileCopy = "${strFile}.copy";
my $strFileSub = $self->testPath() . '/sub/file.txt';
sub {$oPosix->move($strFile, $strFileCopy)}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
"unable to move '${strFile}' because it is missing");
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->put($strFile, $strFileContent)}, $iFileLength, 'put');
sub {$oPosix->move($strFile, $strFileCopy)}, undef, 'simple move');
sub {$oPosix->move($strFileCopy, $strFileSub)}, ERROR_PATH_MISSING,
"unable to move '${strFileCopy}' to missing path '" . dirname($strFileSub) . "'");
executeTest('sudo mkdir ' . dirname($strFileSub) . ' && sudo chmod 700 ' . dirname($strFileSub));
sub {$oPosix->move($strFileCopy, $strFileSub)}, ERROR_FILE_MOVE,
"unable to move '${strFileCopy}' to '${strFileSub}': Permission denied");
executeTest('sudo rmdir ' . dirname($strFileSub));
sub {$oPosix->move($strFileCopy, $strFileSub, {bCreatePath => true})}, undef, 'create parent path');