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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00
1) Tests for all operating systems can now be run with a single command. 2) Tests can be run in parallel with --process-max. 3) Container generation now integrated into test.pl 4) Some basic test documentation.
581 lines
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581 lines
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package BackRest::Protocol::IO;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use IPC::Open3 qw(open3);
use IO::Select;
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Symbol 'gensym';
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Common::Exception;
use BackRest::Common::Log;
use BackRest::Common::String;
use BackRest::Common::Wait;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_IO_PROTOCOL => 'IO';
use constant OP_IO_PROTOCOL_NEW => OP_IO_PROTOCOL . "->new";
use constant OP_IO_PROTOCOL_NEW3 => OP_IO_PROTOCOL . "->new3";
sub new
my $class = shift;
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
$self->{hIn}, # Input stream
$self->{hOut}, # Output stream
$self->{hErr}, # Error stream
$self->{pId}, # Process ID
$self->{iProtocolTimeout}, # Protocol timeout
$self->{iBufferMax} # Maximum buffer size
) =
{name => 'hIn', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'hOut', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'hErr', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'pId', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'iProtocolTimeout', trace => true},
{name => 'iBufferMax', trace => true}
if (defined($self->{hIn}))
$self->{oInSelect} = IO::Select->new();
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# new3
# Use open3 to run the command and get the io handles.
sub new3
my $class = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
$iProtocolTimeout, # Protocol timeout
$iBufferMax # Maximum buffer Size
) =
{name => 'strCommand', trace => true},
{name => 'iProtocolTimeout', trace => true},
{name => 'iBufferMax', trace => true}
# Use open3 to run the command
my ($pId, $hIn, $hOut, $hErr);
$hErr = gensym;
$pId = IPC::Open3::open3($hIn, $hOut, $hErr, $strCommand);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $class->new($hOut, $hIn, $hErr, $pId, $iProtocolTimeout, $iBufferMax)}
# Get pid/input/output handles
sub hInGet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{hIn};
sub hOutGet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{hOut};
sub pIdGet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{pId};
# kill
sub kill
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{pId}))
kill 'KILL', $self->{pId};
waitpid($self->{pId}, 0);
# lineRead
# Read an lf-terminated line from the input or error stream.
sub lineRead
my $self = shift;
my $iTimeout = shift;
my $bInRead = shift;
my $bError = shift;
# If there's already data in the buffer try to find the next linefeed
my $iLineFeedPos = defined($self->{strBuffer}) ? index($self->{strBuffer}, "\n", $self->{iBufferPos}) : -1;
# Store the current time if a timeout is required
if ($iLineFeedPos == -1)
my $fTimeout = defined($iTimeout) ? $iTimeout : $self->{iProtocolTimeout};
my $fRemaining = $fTimeout;
my $fTimeStart = gettimeofday();
# If no linefeed was found then load more data
# If the buffer already has data
if (defined($self->{strBuffer}) && $self->{iBufferPos} < $self->{iBufferSize})
# And the buffer position is not 0 then trim it so there's room for more data
if ($self->{iBufferPos} != 0)
$self->{strBuffer} = substr($self->{strBuffer}, $self->{iBufferPos});
$self->{iBufferSize} = $self->{iBufferSize} - $self->{iBufferPos};
$self->{iBufferPos} = 0;
# Else the buffer is empty and data will need to be loaded
undef($self->{strBuffer}); # !!! Do we need this?
$self->{iBufferSize} = 0;
$self->{iBufferPos} = 0;
# Get stream handle and select object
my $hIn;
my $oSelect;
# If this is a normal input read
if (!defined($bInRead) || $bInRead)
$hIn = $self->{hIn};
$oSelect = $self->{oInSelect};
# Else this is an error read
# The select object will need to be created the first time an error is read
if (!defined($self->{oErrSelect}))
$self->{oErrSelect} = IO::Select->new();
$oSelect = $self->{oErrSelect};
$hIn = $self->{hErr};
# Load data into the buffer
my $iBufferRead = 0;
if ($oSelect->can_read($fRemaining))
$iBufferRead = sysread($hIn, $self->{strBuffer}, $self->{iBufferSize} >= $self->{iBufferMax} ?
$self->{iBufferMax} : $self->{iBufferMax} - $self->{iBufferSize}, $self->{iBufferSize});
# An error occurred if undef is returned
if (!defined($iBufferRead))
# Store the error message
my $strError = defined($!) && $! ne '' ? $! : undef;
# Check if the remote process exited unexpectedly
# Raise the error
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read line' . (defined($strError) ? ": ${strError}" : ''));
# Error on EOF (unless reading from error stream)
if ($iBufferRead == 0)
# Check if the remote process exited unexpectedly
# Only error if reading from the input stream
if (defined($bError) && $bError)
confess &log(ERROR, "unexpected EOF", ERROR_FILE_READ);
# If reading from error stream then just return undef
return undef;
# If data was read then check for a linefeed
if ($iBufferRead > 0)
$self->{iBufferSize} += $iBufferRead;
$iLineFeedPos = index($self->{strBuffer}, "\n");
# Check if the remote process exited unexpectedly
# Calculate time remaining before timeout
if ($iLineFeedPos == -1)
$fRemaining = $fTimeout - (gettimeofday() - $fTimeStart);
while ($iLineFeedPos == -1 && $fRemaining > 0);
# If not linefeed was found within the time return undef
if ($iLineFeedPos == -1)
if (!defined($bError) || $bError)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read line after $self->{iProtocolTimeout} seconds", ERROR_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT);
return undef;
# Return the line that was found and adjust the buffer position
my $strLine = $iLineFeedPos - $self->{iBufferPos} == 0 ? '' :
substr($self->{strBuffer}, $self->{iBufferPos}, $iLineFeedPos - $self->{iBufferPos});
$self->{iBufferPos} = $iLineFeedPos + 1;
return $strLine;
# errorWrite
# Write error data to the stream.
sub errorWrite
my $self = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
if (defined($self->{pId}))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'errorWrite() not valid in master process');
$self->lineWrite($strBuffer, $self->{hError});
# lineWrite
# Write line to the stream.
sub lineWrite
my $self = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
# Check if the process has exited abnormally (doesn't seem like we should need this, but the next syswrite does a hard
# abort if the remote process has already closed)
# Write the data
my $iLineOut = syswrite(defined($hOut) ? $hOut : $self->{hOut}, (defined($strBuffer) ? $strBuffer : '') . "\n");
if (!defined($iLineOut) || $iLineOut != (defined($strBuffer) ? length($strBuffer) : 0) + 1)
# Check if the process has exited abnormally
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to write ${strBuffer}: $!", ERROR_PROTOCOL);
# bufferRead
# Read data from a stream.
sub bufferRead
my $self = shift;
my $tBufferRef = shift;
my $iRequestSize = shift;
my $iOffset = shift;
my $bBlock = shift;
# Set working variables
my $iRemainingSize = $iRequestSize;
$iOffset = defined($iOffset) ? $iOffset : 0;
$bBlock = defined($bBlock) ? $bBlock : false;
# If there is data left over in the buffer from lineRead then use it
if (defined($self->{strBuffer}) && $self->{iBufferPos} < $self->{iBufferSize})
# There is enough data in the buffer to satisfy the entire request and have data left over
if ($iRemainingSize < $self->{iBufferSize} - $self->{iBufferPos})
$$tBufferRef = substr($self->{strBuffer}, $self->{iBufferPos}, $iRequestSize);
$self->{iBufferPos} += $iRequestSize;
return $iRequestSize;
# Else the entire buffer will be used (and more may be needed if blocking)
$$tBufferRef = substr($self->{strBuffer}, $self->{iBufferPos});
my $iReadSize = $self->{iBufferSize} - $self->{iBufferPos};
$iRemainingSize -= $iReadSize;
return $iReadSize if !$bBlock || $iRemainingSize == 0;
$iOffset += $iReadSize;
# If this is a blocking read then loop until all bytes have been read - else error.
# This link (http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch07_15.htm) demonstrates a way to implement this same loop without
# using select. Not sure if it would be better but the link has been left here so it can be found in the future if the
# implementation needs to be changed.
if ($bBlock)
my $fTimeStart = gettimeofday();
my $fRemaining = $self->{iProtocolTimeout};
# Check if the sysread call will block
if ($self->{oInSelect}->can_read($fRemaining))
# Read a data into the buffer
my $iReadSize = sysread($self->{hIn}, $$tBufferRef, $iRemainingSize, $iOffset);
# Process errors from the sysread
if (!defined($iReadSize))
my $strError = $!;
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read' . (defined($strError) ? ": ${strError}" : ''));
# Check for EOF
if ($iReadSize == 0)
confess &log(ERROR, 'unexpected EOF', ERROR_FILE_READ);
# Update remaining size and return when it reaches 0
$iRemainingSize -= $iReadSize;
if ($iRemainingSize == 0)
return $iRequestSize;
# Update the offset to advance the next read further into the buffer
$iOffset += $iReadSize;
# Calculate time remaining before timeout
$fRemaining = $self->{iProtocolTimeout} - (gettimeofday() - $fTimeStart);
while ($fRemaining > 0);
# Throw an error if timeout happened before required bytes were read
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to read ${iRequestSize} bytes after $self->{iProtocolTimeout} seconds", ERROR_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT);
# Otherwise do a non-blocking read and return whatever bytes are ready
my $iReadSize = sysread($self->{hIn}, $$tBufferRef, $iRemainingSize, $iOffset);
# Process errors from sysread
if (!defined($iReadSize))
my $strError = $!;
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to read' . (defined($strError) ? ": ${strError}" : ''));
# Return the number of bytes read
return $iReadSize;
# bufferWrite
# Write data to a stream.
sub bufferWrite
my $self = shift;
my $tBufferRef = shift;
my $iWriteSize = shift;
# If block size is not defined, get it from buffer length
$iWriteSize = defined($iWriteSize) ? $iWriteSize : length($$tBufferRef);
# Write the block
my $iWriteOut = syswrite($self->{hOut}, $$tBufferRef, $iWriteSize);
# Report any errors
if (!defined($iWriteOut) || $iWriteOut != $iWriteSize)
my $strError = $!;
confess "unable to write ${iWriteSize} bytes" . (defined($strError) ? ': ' . $strError : '');
# waitPid
# See if the remote process has terminated unexpectedly.
sub waitPid
my $self = shift;
my $fWaitTime = shift;
my $bReportError = shift;
# Record the start time and set initial sleep interval
my $oWait = waitInit($fWaitTime);
if (defined($self->{pId}))
my $iResult = waitpid($self->{pId}, WNOHANG);
# If there is no such process we'll assume it terminated previously
if ($iResult == -1)
return true;
# If the process exited then this is unexpected
if ($iResult > 0)
# Get the exit status so we can report it later
my $iExitStatus = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} >> 8;
# Sometimes we'll expect an error so it won't always be reported
if (!defined($bReportError) || $bReportError)
# Default error
my $strError = 'no error on stderr';
# If the error stream is already closed then we can't fetch the real error
if (!defined($self->{hErr}))
$strError = 'no error captured because stderr is already closed';
# Get whatever text we can from the error stream
$strError = undef;
while (my $strLine = $self->lineRead(0, false, false))
if (defined($strError))
$strError .= "\n";
$strError .= $strLine;
if ($@ || !defined($strError))
$strError = 'no output from terminated process' . (defined($@) && $@ ne '' ? ": $@" : '');
$self->{pId} = undef;
$self->{hIn} = undef;
$self->{hOut} = undef;
$self->{hErr} = undef;
# Finally, confess the error
confess &log(ERROR, 'remote process terminated' .
($iExitStatus < ERROR_MINIMUM && $iExitStatus > ERROR_MAXIMUM ?
" (exit status ${iExitStatus}" : '') .
": ${strError}",
$iExitStatus >= ERROR_MINIMUM && $iExitStatus <= ERROR_MAXIMUM ? $iExitStatus : ERROR_HOST_CONNECT);
return true;
while (waitMore($oWait));
return false;