mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 13:42:41 +02:00
Help and version are covered by unit tests, so we really just to need to make sure there is output when called from the command line.
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# Test All Commands on Mock Data
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Mock::MockAllTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use pgBackRest::Archive::Info;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Common;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Info;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::InfoCommon;
use pgBackRest::LibC qw(:checksum);
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::FileTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostS3Test;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest;
# Build PostgreSQL pages for testing
sub pageBuild
my $tPageSource = shift;
my $iBlockNo = shift;
my $iWalId = shift;
my $iWalOffset = shift;
my $tPage = defined($iWalId) ? pack('I', $iWalId) . pack('I', $iWalOffset) . substr($tPageSource, 8) : $tPageSource;
my $iChecksum = pageChecksum($tPage, $iBlockNo, length($tPage));
return substr($tPage, 0, 8) . pack('S', $iChecksum) . substr($tPage, 10);
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
foreach my $bS3 (false, true)
foreach my $bRemote ($bS3 ? (true) : (false, true))
my $bRepoEncrypt = $bS3 ? true : false;
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!$self->begin("rmt ${bRemote}, s3 ${bS3}, enc ${bRepoEncrypt}")) {next}
# Create hosts, file object, and config
my ($oHostDbMaster, $oHostDbStandby, $oHostBackup, $oHostS3) = $self->setup(
true, $self->expect(), {bHostBackup => $bRemote, bCompress => false, bS3 => $bS3, bRepoEncrypt => $bRepoEncrypt});
# Reduce log level for many tests
my $strLogReduced = '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE) . '=' . lc(DETAIL);
# If S3 set process max to 2. This seems like the best place for parallel testing since it will help speed S3 processing
# without slowing down the other tests too much.
if ($bS3)
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) => 2}});
$oHostDbMaster->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) => 2}});
# Reduce log level to detail because parallel tests do not create deterministic logs
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE) => lc(WARN)}});
$oHostDbMaster->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE) => lc(WARN)}});
$strLogReduced = '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE) . '=' . lc(WARN);
# Get base time
my $lTime = time() - 10000;
# Build the manifest
my %oManifest;
if ($bRepoEncrypt)
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = 1000000000000000094;
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_FILE_PGVERSION, PG_VERSION_94,
'184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29', $lTime, undef, true);
# Load sample page
my $tBasePage = ${storageTest()->get($self->dataPath() . '/page.bin')};
my $iBasePageChecksum = 0x1B99;
# Create base path
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/1');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/1/12000', $tBasePage,
'22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003', $lTime);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/1/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION,
PG_VERSION_94, '184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29', $lTime, '660');
if (!$bRemote)
executeTest('sudo chown 7777 ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/base/1/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION);
my $tPageInvalid17000 = $tBasePage . $tBasePage;
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384');
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000', $tPageInvalid17000,
'e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed', $lTime, undef, undef, '1');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION,
PG_VERSION_94, '184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29', $lTime);
if (!$bRemote)
executeTest('sudo chown :7777 ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/base/16384/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/32768');
my $tPageValid =
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 1) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 2) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/32768/33000', $tPageValid, '4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f',
my $iBlockOffset = 32767 * 131072;
my $tPageValidSeg32767 =
pageBuild($tBasePage, $iBlockOffset + 0) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, $iBlockOffset + 1) .
("\0" x 8192) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/32768/33000.32767', $tPageValidSeg32767,
'21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5', $lTime);
my $tPageInvalid33001 =
pageBuild($tBasePage, 1) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 1) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 2) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 6) .
pageBuild($tBasePage, 0);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/32768/33001', $tPageInvalid33001,
'6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b', $lTime, undef, undef, '0, [3, 5], 7');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/32768/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION,
PG_VERSION_94, '184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29', $lTime);
# Create global path
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'global');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_FILE_PGCONTROL, '[replaceme]',
'b4a3adade1e81ebfc7e9a27bca0887a347d81522', $lTime - 100, undef, true);
# Copy pg_control
$self->controlGenerate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(), PG_VERSION_94);
utime($lTime - 100, $lTime - 100, $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time");
# Create tablespace path
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC);
# Create paths/files to ignore
if (!$bRemote)
# Create temp dir and file that will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->dbPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/' . DB_FILE_PREFIX_TMP);
# Create pg_dynshmem dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGDYNSHMEM . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_notify dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGNOTIFY);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGNOTIFY . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_replslot dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGREPLSLOT);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGREPLSLOT . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_serial dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSERIAL);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSERIAL . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_snaphots dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSNAPSHOTS . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_stat_tmp dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSTATTMP);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSTATTMP . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# Create pg_subtrans dir and file - only file will be ignored
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSUBTRANS);
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_PATH_PGSUBTRANS . '/anything.tmp', 'IGNORE');
# More files to ignore
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'global/' . DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT, 'IGNORE');
# Help and Version. These have complete unit tests, so here just make sure there is output from the command line.
if ($self->runCurrent() == 1)
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple($self->backrestExe() . " version", {oLogTest => $self->expect()});
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple($self->backrestExe() . " help version", {oLogTest => $self->expect()});
# Backup Info (with no stanzas)
$oHostDbMaster->info('no stanzas exist');
$oHostDbMaster->info('no stanzas exist', {strOutput => CFGOPTVAL_INFO_OUTPUT_JSON});
# Full backup
my $strOptionalParam = '--manifest-save-threshold=3';
my $strTestPoint;
if ($bRemote)
$strOptionalParam .= ' --protocol-timeout=2 --db-timeout=1';
# ??? This test is flapping and needs to implemented as a unit test instead
# if ($self->processMax() > 1)
# {
# $strTestPoint = TEST_KEEP_ALIVE;
# }
# Create the archive info file
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('create required data for stanza', {strOptionalParam => '--no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE)});
# Create a file link
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/pg_config', {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
$oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/pg_config/postgresql.conf', "listen_addresses = *\n", $lTime - 100);
testLinkCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/pg_config/postgresql.conf.link', './postgresql.conf');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'postgresql.conf',
'../pg_config/postgresql.conf', true);
# This link will cause errors because it points to the same location as above
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_config_bad',
my $strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'error on identical link destinations',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION});
# Remove failing link
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_config_bad');
# This link will fail because it points to a link
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'postgresql.conf.bad',
# Fail bacause two links point to the same place
$strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'error on link to a link',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION});
# Remove failing link
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'postgresql.conf.bad');
# Create stat directory link and file
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/pg_stat', {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_stat', '../pg_stat');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/pg_stat', 'global.stat', 'stats',
'e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877', $lTime - 100, undef, true);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_clog');
$strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'create pg_stat link, pg_clog dir',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => $strOptionalParam .
# Pass ssh path to make sure it is used
($bRemote ? ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CMD_SSH) . '=/usr/bin/ssh' : '') .
# Pass bogus ssh port to make sure it is passed through the protocol layer (it won't be used)
($bRemote ? ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_PORT) . '=9999' : '') .
# Pass bogus socket path to make sure it is passed through the protocol layer (it won't be used)
($bRemote ? ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PG_SOCKET_PATH) . ' =/test_socket_path' : '') .
' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_BUFFER_SIZE) . '=16384 --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE) .
' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1',
strRepoType => $bS3 ? undef : CFGOPTVAL_REPO_TYPE_CIFS, strTest => $strTestPoint, fTestDelay => 0});
# Error on backup option to check logging
if (!$bRemote)
$strType, 'invalid cmd line',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strStanza => BOGUS, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_OPTION_REQUIRED});
# Test protocol timeout
if ($bRemote && !$bS3)
$strType, 'protocol timeout',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => '--protocol-timeout=1 --db-timeout=.1 --log-level-console=off',
strTest => TEST_BACKUP_START, fTestDelay => 1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_READ});
# Stop operations and make sure the correct error occurs
if (!$bS3)
# Test a backup abort
my $oExecuteBackup = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
$strType, 'abort backup - local',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_START, fTestDelay => 5,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TERM});
$oHostDbMaster->stop({bForce => true});
$oHostBackup->backupEnd($strType, $oExecuteBackup, {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest});
# Test global stop
$strType, 'global stop',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_STOP});
# Test stanza stop
$oHostDbMaster->stop({strStanza => $oHostDbMaster->stanza()});
# This time a warning should be generated
$oHostDbMaster->stop({strStanza => $oHostDbMaster->stanza()});
$strType, 'stanza stop',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_STOP});
$oHostDbMaster->start({strStanza => $self->stanza()});
# This time a warning should be generated
# If the backup is remote then test remote stops
if ($bRemote)
my $oExecuteBackup = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
$strType, 'abort backup - remote',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_START, fTestDelay => 5,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TERM});
$oHostBackup->stop({bForce => true});
$oHostBackup->backupEnd($strType, $oExecuteBackup, {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest});
$strType, 'global stop',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_STOP});
# Resume Full Backup
# These files should never be backed up (this requires the next backup to do --force)
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID, 'JUNK');
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_BACKUPLABELOLD, 'JUNK');
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_RECOVERYCONF, 'JUNK');
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_RECOVERYDONE, 'JUNK');
# Create files in root tblspc paths that should not be copied or deleted.
# This will be checked later after a --force restore.
my $strDoNotDeleteFile = $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1, 2) . '/donotdelete.txt';
storageTest()->pathCreate(dirname($strDoNotDeleteFile), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
testFileCreate($strDoNotDeleteFile, 'DONOTDELETE-1-2');
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1) . '/donotdelete.txt', 'DONOTDELETE-1');
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(2), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(2) . '/donotdelete.txt', 'DONOTDELETE-2');
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(2, 2), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(2, 2) . '/donotdelete.txt', 'DONOTDELETE-2-2');
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(11), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
# Resume by copying the valid full backup over the last aborted full backup if it exists, or by creating a new path
my $strResumeBackup = (storageRepo()->list(
STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {strExpression => backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), strSortOrder => 'reverse'}))[0];
my $strResumePath = storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . '/' .
($strResumeBackup ne $strFullBackup ? $strResumeBackup : backupLabel(storageRepo(), $strType, undef, time())));
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), $strResumePath, {bRecurse => true});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), 'backup/' . $self->stanza() . "/${strFullBackup}", $strResumePath);
# Set ownership on base directory to bogus values
if (!$bRemote)
executeTest('sudo chown 7777:7777 ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath());
executeTest('sudo chmod 777 ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath());
# Remove the main manifest so the backup appears aborted
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), "${strResumePath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
# Create a temp file in backup temp root to be sure it's deleted correctly
my $strTempFile = "${strResumePath}/file.tmp";
if ($bS3)
$oHostS3->executeS3('cp /etc/hosts s3://' . HOST_S3_BUCKET . "${strTempFile}");
executeTest("sudo touch ${strTempFile}", {bRemote => $bRemote});
executeTest("sudo chown " . BACKREST_USER . " ${strResumePath}/file.tmp");
$strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'resume',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_RESUME,
strOptionalParam => '--force --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE)});
# Remove postmaster.pid so restore will succeed (the rest will be cleaned up by the delta)
storageDb->remove($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID);
# Misconfigure repo-path and check errors
$strType, 'invalid repo',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH) . '=/bogus_path' .
" ${strLogReduced}", iExpectedExitStatus => $bS3 ? ERROR_FILE_MISSING : ERROR_PATH_MISSING});
# Restore - tests various mode, extra files/paths, missing files/paths
# Munge permissions/modes on files that will be fixed by the restore
if (!$bRemote)
executeTest("sudo chown :7777 " . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/base/1/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION);
executeTest("sudo chmod 600 " . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/base/1/' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION);
# Create a path and file that are not in the manifest
$oHostDbMaster->dbPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'deleteme');
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'deleteme/deleteme.txt', 'DELETEME');
# Change path mode
$oHostDbMaster->dbPathMode(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base', '0777');
# Remove a path
$oHostDbMaster->dbPathRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_clog');
# Remove a file
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000');
# Restore will set invalid user and group to root since the base path user/group are also invalid
if (!$bRemote)
'add and delete files', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true, strUser => !$bRemote ? 'root' : undef,
strOptionalParam => ' --link-all' . ($bRemote ? ' --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh' : '')});
# Run again to fix permissions
if (!$bRemote)
# Reset the base path user and group for the next restore so files will be reset to the base path user/group
executeTest('sudo chown ' . TEST_USER . ':' . TEST_GROUP . ' ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath());
'fix permissions', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true, strUser => 'root',
strOptionalParam => ' --link-all --log-level-console=detail'});
# Fix and remove files that are now owned by root
executeTest('sudo chown -R ' . TEST_USER . ':' . TEST_GROUP . ' ' . $oHostBackup->logPath());
executeTest('sudo rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->lockPath() . '/*');
# Change an existing link to the wrong directory
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_stat');
$oHostDbMaster->dbLinkCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'pg_stat', '../wrong');
'fix broken symlink', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam => " --link-all ${strLogReduced}" . ($bRemote ? ' --compress-level-network=0' : '')});
# Test operations not running on their usual host
if ($bRemote && !$bS3)
'restore errors on backup host', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strUser => TEST_USER, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_HOST_INVALID,
strOptionalParam => "--log-level-console=warn"});
my $strBackupHostDbPath = $oHostBackup->testPath() . '/db';
executeTest("mkdir -p ${strBackupHostDbPath}");
'on backup host', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strUser => TEST_USER,
strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --reset-pg1-host --pg1-path=${strBackupHostDbPath}"});
$strType, 'backup errors on db host',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_HOST_INVALID,
strOptionalParam => "--log-level-console=warn"});
# Additional restore tests that don't need to be performed for every permutation
if (!$bRemote)
# This time manually restore all links
'restore all links by mapping', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam =>
$strLogReduced . ' --link-map=pg_stat=../pg_stat --link-map=postgresql.conf=../pg_config/postgresql.conf'});
# Error when links overlap
'restore all links by mapping', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION,
strOptionalParam =>
'--log-level-console=warn --link-map=pg_stat=../pg_stat ' .
# Error when links still exist on non-delta restore
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . "/*");
'error on existing linked path', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=warn --link-all'});
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . "/pg_stat/*");
'error on existing linked file', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=warn --link-all'});
# Error when postmaster.pid is present
executeTest('touch ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . qw(/) . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID);
'error on postmaster.pid exists', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_POSTMASTER_RUNNING,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=warn'});
executeTest('rm ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . qw(/) . DB_FILE_POSTMASTERPID);
# Now a combination of remapping
'restore all links --link-all and mapping', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --link-map=pg_stat=../pg_stat --link-all"});
# Restore - test errors when $PGDATA cannot be verified
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, DB_FILE_PGVERSION);
# Attempt the restore
'fail on missing ' . DB_FILE_PGVERSION, $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true, bForce => true, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Write a backup.manifest file to make $PGDATA valid
testFileCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/backup.manifest', 'BOGUS');
# Munge the user to make sure it gets reset on the next run
# Restore succeeds
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkMap(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/pg_stat');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestLinkMap(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/postgresql.conf');
'restore succeeds with backup.manifest file', $strFullBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bDelta => true, bForce => true,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Various broken info tests
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
# Break the database version
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
$strType, 'invalid database version',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Break the database system id
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
{&INFO_BACKUP_SECTION_DB => {&INFO_BACKUP_KEY_SYSTEM_ID => 6999999999999999999}});
$strType, 'invalid system id',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Break the control version
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
$strType, 'invalid control version',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Break the catalog version
storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO),
$strType, 'invalid catalog version',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Restore the file to its original condition
$oHostBackup->infoRestore(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO));
# Test broken tablespace configuration
my $strTblSpcPath = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC;
# Create a directory in pg_tablespace
storageTest()->pathCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/path", {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
$strType, 'invalid path in ' . DB_PATH_PGTBLSPC,
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LINK_EXPECTED, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
if (!$bRemote)
# Create a relative link in PGDATA
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", '../');
$strType, 'invalid relative tablespace is ../',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", '..');
$strType, 'invalid relative tablespace is ..',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", '../../base/');
$strType, 'invalid relative tablespace is ../../$PGDATA',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", '../../base');
$strType, 'invalid relative tablespace is ../../$PGDATA',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Create a link to a link
testLinkCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . "/intermediate_link", $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . '/tablespace/ts1');
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", $oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . "/intermediate_link");
$strType, 'tablespace link references a link',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_LINK_DESTINATION,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
testFileRemove($oHostDbMaster->dbPath() . "/intermediate_link");
# Create a relative link in PGDATA
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", '../invalid_tblspc');
$strType, 'invalid relative tablespace in $PGDATA',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Create tablespace with same initial dir name as $PGDATA
if (!$bRemote)
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '_tbs');
$strType, '$PGDATA is a substring of valid tblspc excluding / (file missing err expected)',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Create tablespace in PGDATA
testLinkCreate("${strTblSpcPath}/99999", $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/invalid_tblspc');
$strType, 'invalid tablespace in $PGDATA',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_TABLESPACE_IN_PGDATA,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Incr backup
# Add tablespace 1
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 1);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/1', '16384');
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/1', '16384/tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPC1',
'd85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f', $lTime, undef, undef, false);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'badchecksum.txt', 'BADCHECKSUM',
'f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51', $lTime, undef, true);
# Create temp dir and file that will be ignored
if (!$bRemote)
$oHostDbMaster->dbPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/1', DB_FILE_PREFIX_TMP);
my $strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'add tablespace 1', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => '--test'});
# Resume Incr Backup
# Create resumable backup from last backup
$strResumePath =
storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . '/' .
backupLabel(storageRepo(), $strType, substr($strBackup, 0, 16), time()));
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), $strResumePath);
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), 'backup/' . $self->stanza() . "/${strBackup}", $strResumePath);
# Remove the main manifest so the backup appears aborted
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), "${strResumePath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
# Add tablespace 2
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 2);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768');
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/tablespace2.txt', 'TBLSPC2',
'dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578', $lTime, undef, undef, false);
# Make sure pg_internal.init is ignored in tablespaces
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileCreate(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/' . DB_FILE_PGINTERNALINIT, 'IGNORE');
# Also create tablespace 11 to be sure it does not conflict with path of tablespace 1
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 11);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'resume and add tablespace 2',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_RESUME,
strOptionalParam => '--' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
# Resume Diff Backup
# Drop tablespace 11
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceDrop(\%oManifest, 11);
# Create resumable backup from last backup
$strResumePath = storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . "/${strBackup}");
# Remove the main manifest so the backup appears aborted
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), "${strResumePath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'cannot resume - new diff',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME,
strOptionalParam => "$strLogReduced --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
# Resume Diff Backup
# Create resumable backup from last backup
$strResumePath = storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . "/${strBackup}");
# Remove the main manifest so the backup appears aborted
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), "${strResumePath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'cannot resume - disabled / no repo link',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME,
strOptionalParam => "--no-resume ${strLogReduced} --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
# Restore
# Fail on used path
'fail on used path', $strBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Remap the base and tablespace paths
my %oRemapHash;
$oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA} = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(2);
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(2), {strMode => '0700', bCreateParent => true});
$oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/1'} = $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(1, 2);
$oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2'} = $oHostDbMaster->tablespacePath(2, 2);
# At this point the $PG_DATA permissions have been reset to 0600
if (!$bRemote)
'remap all paths', $strBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Restore (make sure file in root tablespace path is not deleted by --delta)
'ensure file in tblspc root remains after --delta', $strBackup,
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
if (!-e $strDoNotDeleteFile)
confess "${strDoNotDeleteFile} was deleted by --delta";
# Incr Backup
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2', '09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92',
$lTime, undef, undef, false);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceDrop(\%oManifest, 1, 2);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/tablespace2b.txt', 'TBLSPC2B',
'e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3', $lTime, undef, undef, false);
# Munge the version to make sure it gets corrected on the next run
$oHostBackup->manifestMunge($strBackup, {&INI_SECTION_BACKREST => {&INI_KEY_VERSION => '0.00'}}, false);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'add files and remove tablespace 2',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => "$strLogReduced --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
# Incr Backup
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
# Delete the backup.info and make sure the backup fails - the user must then run a stanza-create --force. If backup.info is
# encrypted is cannot be deleted, so copy it to old instead.
my $strBackupInfoFile = STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO;
my $strBackupInfoCopyFile = STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . qw{/} . FILE_BACKUP_INFO . INI_COPY_EXT;
my $strBackupInfoOldFile = "${strBackupInfoFile}.old";
my $strBackupInfoCopyOldFile = "${strBackupInfoCopyFile}.old";
if ($bRepoEncrypt)
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoFile, $strBackupInfoOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoCopyFile, $strBackupInfoCopyOldFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoFile);
forceStorageRemove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoCopyFile);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000', 'BASEUPDT', '9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501',
$lTime, undef, undef, false);
if (!$bRemote)
$strBackup =$oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'update files - fail on missing backup.info',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Fail on attempt to create the stanza data since force was not used
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('fail on backup directory missing backup.info',
{iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_MISSING, strOptionalParam => '--no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE)});
# Use force to create the stanza (this is expected to fail for encrypted repos)
$oHostBackup->stanzaCreate('create required data for stanza',
{strOptionalParam => '--no-' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ONLINE) . ' --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_FORCE),
iExpectedExitStatus => $bRepoEncrypt ? ERROR_FILE_MISSING : undef});
# Copy encrypted backup info files back so testing can proceed
if ($bRepoEncrypt)
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoOldFile, $strBackupInfoFile, {bRecurse => false});
forceStorageMove(storageRepo(), $strBackupInfoCopyOldFile, $strBackupInfoCopyFile, {bRecurse => false});
# Perform the backup
$strBackup =$oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'update files', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Diff Backup
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'updates since last full', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => "$strLogReduced --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
# Incr Backup
# Remove a file from the db after the manifest has been built but before files are copied. The file will not be shown
# as removed in the log because it had not changed since the last backup so it will only be referenced. This test also
# checks that everything works when there are no jobs to run.
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
# Enable compression to ensure a warning is raised
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_COMPRESS) => 'y'}});
my $oBackupExecute = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
$strType, 'remove files - but won\'t affect manifest',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD, fTestDelay => 1,
strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
$oHostDbMaster->dbFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000');
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backupEnd($strType, $oBackupExecute, {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest});
# Diff Backup
# Remove base2.txt and changed tablespace2c.txt during the backup. The removed file should be logged and the changed
# file should have the new, larger size logged and in the manifest.
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000');
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/tablespace2b.txt', true);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPC2C',
'ad7df329ab97a1e7d35f1ff0351c079319121836', $lTime, undef, undef, false);
# Enable hardlinks (except for s3) to ensure a warning is raised
if (!$bS3)
$oHostBackup->configUpdate({&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => {cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_REPO_HARDLINK) => 'y'}});
$oBackupExecute = $oHostBackup->backupBegin(
$strType, 'remove files during backup',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strTest => TEST_MANIFEST_BUILD, fTestDelay => 1,
strOptionalParam => "$strLogReduced --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROCESS_MAX) . '=1'});
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2', '32768/tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPCBIGGER',
'dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66', $lTime, undef, undef, false);
$oHostDbMaster->manifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/base2.txt', true);
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backupEnd($strType, $oBackupExecute, {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest});
# Full Backup
# Now the compression and hardlink changes will take effect
if (!$bS3)
$oHostBackup->{bHardLink} = true;
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/16384/17000', 'BASEUPDT2', '7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33',
$lTime, undef, undef, false);
$strFullBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'update file', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => $strLogReduced});
# Backup Info
$oHostDbMaster->info('normal output', {strStanza => $oHostDbMaster->stanza()});
$oHostBackup->info('normal output', {strStanza => $oHostBackup->stanza(), strOutput => CFGOPTVAL_INFO_OUTPUT_JSON});
# Call expire
$oHostBackup->expire({iRetentionFull => 1});
# Diff Backup
$oHostDbMaster->manifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
\%oManifest, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA, 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2UPDT', 'cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0',
$lTime, undef, undef, false);
# Munge the prior manifest so that option-checksum-page is missing to be sure the logic works for backups before page
# checksums were introduced
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'add file', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CHECKSUM_PAGE)});
# Selective Restore
# Remove mapping for tablespace 1
delete($oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/1'});
# Remove checksum to match zeroed files
'selective restore 16384', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --db-include=16384"});
# Restore checksum values for next test
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/base/32768/33000'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} =
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/base/32768/33001'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} =
{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} = 'dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578';
{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} = 'dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66';
# Remove checksum to match zeroed file
'selective restore 32768', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, bDelta => true,
strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --db-include=32768"});
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/base/16384/17000'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} =
'error on invalid id', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, bDelta => true,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_DB_MISSING, strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=warn --db-include=7777'});
'error on system id', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, bDelta => true,
iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_DB_INVALID, strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=warn --db-include=1'});
# Compact Restore
executeTest('rm -rf ' . $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(2) . "/*");
my $strDbPath = $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(2) . '/base';
storageTest()->pathCreate($strDbPath, {strMode => '0700'});
$oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA} = $strDbPath;
delete($oRemapHash{&MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . '/2'});
'no tablespace remap - error when tablespace dir does not exist', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, rhRemapHash => \%oRemapHash, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_PATH_MISSING,
bTablespace => false, strOptionalParam => "${strLogReduced} --tablespace-map-all=../../tablespace"});
storageTest()->pathCreate($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath(2) . '/tablespace', {strMode => '0700'});
'no tablespace remap', cfgDefOptionDefault(CFGCMD_RESTORE, CFGOPT_SET),
{rhExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, bTablespace => false,
strOptionalParam => "--tablespace-map-all=../../tablespace ${strLogReduced}"});
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_TARGET}{'pg_tblspc/2'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = '../../tablespace/ts2';
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_LINK}{'pg_data/pg_tblspc/2'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION} = '../../tablespace/ts2';
# Backup Info (with an empty stanza)
forceStorageMode(storageRepo(), 'backup', 'g+w');
storageRepo()->pathCreate(storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/db_empty'), {strMode => '0770'});
$oHostBackup->info('normal output');
$oHostDbMaster->info('normal output', {strOutput => CFGOPTVAL_INFO_OUTPUT_JSON});
$oHostBackup->info('bogus stanza', {strStanza => BOGUS});
$oHostDbMaster->info('bogus stanza', {strStanza => BOGUS, strOutput => CFGOPTVAL_INFO_OUTPUT_JSON});
# Dump out history path at the end to verify all history files are being recorded. This test is only performed locally
# because for some reason sort order is different when this command is executed via ssh (even though the content of the
# directory is identical).
if (!$bRemote && !$bS3)
executeTest('ls -1R ' . storageRepo()->pathGet('backup/' . $self->stanza() . '/' . PATH_BACKUP_HISTORY),
{oLogTest => $self->expect(), bRemote => $bRemote});
# Test config file validation
if ($bRemote)
# Save off config file and add an invalid option to the remote (DB master) and confirm no warning thrown
executeTest("cp " . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig() . " " . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig() . ".save");
$oHostDbMaster->executeSimple("echo " . BOGUS . "=" . BOGUS . " >> " . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig(), undef,
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'config file not validated on remote', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=info'});
executeTest('sudo rm '. $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig());
executeTest("mv " . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig() . ".save" . " " . $oHostDbMaster->backrestConfig());
# Save off config file and add an invalid option to the local backup host and confirm a warning is thrown
executeTest("cp " . $oHostBackup->backrestConfig() . " " . $oHostBackup->backrestConfig() . ".save");
$oHostBackup->executeSimple("echo " . BOGUS . "=" . BOGUS . " >> " . $oHostBackup->backrestConfig(), undef, 'root');
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'config file warning on local', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=info 2>&1'});
executeTest('sudo rm '. $oHostBackup->backrestConfig());
executeTest("mv " . $oHostBackup->backrestConfig() . ".save" . " " . $oHostBackup->backrestConfig());
# Test backup from standby warning that standby not configured so option reset
if (!defined($oHostDbStandby))
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'option backup-standby reset - backup performed from master', {oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => '--log-level-console=info --' . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_BACKUP_STANDBY)});