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synced 2025-02-07 13:42:41 +02:00
375 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
375 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config::IniFiles;
# Process flags
my $bNoCompression;
my $bNoChecksum;
my $strConfigFile;
my $strCluster;
GetOptions ("no-compression" => \$bNoCompression,
"no-checksum" => \$bNoChecksum,
"config=s" => \$strConfigFile,
"cluster=s" => \$strCluster)
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
# TRIM - trim whitespace off strings
sub trim
my $strBuffer = shift;
$strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $strBuffer;
# LOG - log messages
use constant
sub log
my $strLevel = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
print "${strLevel}: ${strMessage}\n";
return $strMessage;
# EXECUTE - execute a command
sub execute
my $strCommand = shift;
# print("$strCommand\n");
my $strOutput = qx($strCommand) or return 0;
# print("$strOutput\n");
# CONFIG_LOAD - Get a value from the config and be sure that it is defined (unless bRequired is false)
sub config_load
my $oConfigRef = shift;
my $strSection = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $bRequired = shift;
if (!defined($bRequired))
$bRequired = 1;
my $strValue = ${$oConfigRef}{"${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"};
if ($bRequired && !defined($strValue))
die &log(ERROR, 'config value ${strSection}->${strKey} is undefined');
return $strValue;
# FILE_HASH_GET - get the sha1 hash for a file
sub file_hash_get
my $strCommand = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/$strFile/g;
my $strHash = trim(execute($strCommand));
# BACKUP_MANIFEST - Create the backup manifest
sub backup_manifest
my $strCommandManifest = shift;
my $strClusterDataPath = shift;
my $oBackupConfigRef = shift;
my $strLevel = shift;
if (!defined($strLevel))
$strLevel = "base";
my $strCommand = $strCommandManifest;
$strCommand =~ s/\%path\%/$strClusterDataPath/g;
my $strManifest = execute($strCommand);
my @stryFile = split("\n", $strManifest);
# Flag to only allow the root directory once
my $bRootDir = 0;
for (my $iFileIdx = 0; $iFileIdx < scalar @stryFile; $iFileIdx++)
my @stryField = split("\t", $stryFile[$iFileIdx]);
my $dfModifyTime = $stryField[0];
my $lInode = $stryField[1];
my $cType = $stryField[2];
my $strPermission = $stryField[3];
my $strUser = $stryField[4];
my $strGroup = $stryField[5];
my $strSize = $stryField[6];
my $strName = $stryField[7];
my $strLinkDestination = $stryField[8];
if (!defined($strName))
if ($bRootDir)
die "Root dir appeared twice - check manifest command"
$bRootDir = 1;
$strName = ".";
# Don't process anything in pg_xlog
if (index($strName, 'pg_xlog/') != 0)
# Process paths
if ($cType eq "d")
${$oBackupConfigRef}{"${strLevel}:path"}{"$strName"} = "$strUser,$strGroup,$strPermission";
&log(DEBUG, "$strClusterDataPath path: $strName");
# Process symbolic links (hard links not supported)
elsif ($cType eq "l")
&log(DEBUG, "$strClusterDataPath link: $strName -> $strLinkDestination");
${$oBackupConfigRef}{"${strLevel}:link"}{"$strName"} = "$dfModifyTime,$strSize,$strUser,$strGroup,$strPermission,$lInode";
if (index($strName, 'pg_tblspc/') == 0)
#${$oBackupConfigRef}{"base:tablespace"}{"$strName"} = $;
backup_manifest($strCommandManifest, $strLinkDestination, $oBackupConfigRef, $strName);
# Process files except those in pg_xlog (hard links not supported)
elsif ($cType eq "f")
${$oBackupConfigRef}{"${strLevel}:file"}{"$strName"} = "$dfModifyTime,$strSize,$strUser,$strGroup,$strPermission,$lInode";
&log(DEBUG, "$strClusterDataPath file: $strName");
# Unrecognized type - fail
die &log(ERROR, "Unrecognized file type $cType for file $strName");
# Get the command
my $strOperation = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined($strConfigFile))
$strConfigFile = "/etc/pg_backrest.conf";
my %oConfig;
tie %oConfig, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => $strConfigFile) or die "Unable to find config file";
# Load commands required for archive-push
my $strCommandChecksum = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "checksum", !$bNoChecksum);
my $strCommandCompress = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "compress", !$bNoCompression);
my $strCommandCopy = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "copy", $bNoCompression);
if ($strOperation eq "archive-push")
# archive-push command must have three arguments
if (@ARGV != 3)
die "not enough arguments - show usage";
# Get the source dir/file
my $strSourceFile = $ARGV[1];
unless (-e $strSourceFile)
die "source file does not exist - show usage";
# Get the destination dir/file
my $strDestinationFile = $ARGV[2];
# Make sure the destination directory exists
unless (-e dirname($strDestinationFile))
die "destination dir does not exist - show usage";
# Make sure the destination file does NOT exist - ignore checksum and extension in case they (or options) have changed
if (glob("$strDestinationFile*"))
die "destination file already exists";
# Calculate sha1 hash for the file (unless disabled)
if (!$bNoChecksum)
$strDestinationFile .= "-" . file_hash_get($strCommandChecksum, $strSourceFile);
# Setup the copy command
my $strCommand = "";
if ($bNoCompression)
$strCommand = $strCommandCopy;
$strCommand =~ s/\%source\%/$strSourceFile/g;
$strCommand =~ s/\%destination\%/$strDestinationFile/g;
$strCommand = $strCommandCompress;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/$strSourceFile/g;
$strCommand .= " > $strDestinationFile.gz";
# Execute the copy
exit 0;
# Load and check the base backup path
my $strBasePath = $oConfig{common}{backup_path};
if (!defined($strBasePath))
die &log(ERROR, "common:backup_path undefined");
unless (-e $strBasePath)
die &log(ERROR, "base path ${strBasePath} does not exist");
# Load and check the cluster
if (!defined($strCluster))
$strCluster = "db"; #!!! Modify to load cluster from conf if there is only one, else error
my $strBackupClusterPath = "${strBasePath}/${strCluster}";
unless (-e $strBackupClusterPath)
&log (INFO, "creating cluster path ${strBackupClusterPath}");
mkdir $strBackupClusterPath or die &log(ERROR, "cluster backup path '${strBackupClusterPath}' create failed");
# Load commands required for backup
my $strCommandManifest = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "manifest");
if ($strOperation eq "backup")
# Make sure that the cluster data directory exists
my $strClusterDataPath = $oConfig{"cluster:$strCluster"}{data_path};
if (!defined($strClusterDataPath))
die &log(ERROR, "cluster data path is not defined");
unless (-e $strClusterDataPath)
die &log(ERROR, "cluster data path '${strClusterDataPath}' does not exist");
# Build backup tmp and config
my $strBackupTmpPath = "${strBackupClusterPath}/backup.tmp";
my $strBackupConfFile = "${strBackupTmpPath}/backup.conf";
# If the backup tmp path already exists, delete the conf file
if (-e $strBackupTmpPath)
&log(INFO, "backup path $strBackupTmpPath already exists");
if (-e $strBackupConfFile)
unlink $strBackupConfFile or die &log(ERROR, "backup config ${strBackupConfFile} could not be deleted");
# Else create the backup tmp path
&log(INFO, "creating backup path $strBackupTmpPath");
mkdir $strBackupTmpPath or die &log(ERROR, "backup path ${strBackupTmpPath} could not be created");
# Create a new backup conf hash
my %oBackupConfig;
tie %oBackupConfig, 'Config::IniFiles' or die &log(ERROR, "Unable to create backup config");
# Build the backup manifest
backup_manifest($strCommandManifest, $strClusterDataPath, \%oBackupConfig);
# Delete files leftover from a partial backup
# !!! do it
# Perform the backup
# !!! do it
# Save the backup conf file
# Rename the backup tmp path to complete the backup
# !!! Still not sure about format, probably YYYYMMDDTHH24MMSS