mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 04:58:51 +02:00
The tests expect the group name/id to match between the host system and the container. If there is a conflict rename the group with the required id to the expected name. This could have unintended consequences but it seems reasonably safe since we control everything that runs in the container and there should never be any system processes running.
710 lines
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710 lines
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# ContainerTest.pm - Build containers for testing and documentation
package pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess longmess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
# User/group definitions
use constant TEST_USER => getpwuid($UID) . '';
push @EXPORT, qw(TEST_USER);
use constant TEST_USER_ID => $UID;
use constant TEST_GROUP => getgrgid((getpwnam(TEST_USER))[3]) . '';
use constant TEST_GROUP_ID => getgrnam(TEST_GROUP) . '';
# Cert file constants
use constant CERT_FAKE_PATH => '/etc/fake-cert';
use constant CERT_FAKE_CA => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/ca.crt';
use constant CERT_FAKE_SERVER => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/server.crt';
use constant CERT_FAKE_SERVER_KEY => CERT_FAKE_PATH . '/server.key';
# Container Debug - speeds container debugging by splitting each section into a separate intermediate container
use constant CONTAINER_DEBUG => false;
# Store cache container checksums
my $hContainerCache;
# Container repo - defines the Docker repository where the containers will be located
sub containerRepo
return PROJECT_EXE . qw(/) . 'test';
push @EXPORT, qw(containerRepo);
# Section header
sub sectionHeader
return (CONTAINER_DEBUG ? "\n\nRUN \\\n" : " && \\\n\n");
# Write the Docker container
sub containerWrite
my $oStorageDocker = shift;
my $strTempPath = shift;
my $strOS = shift;
my $strTitle = shift;
my $strImageParent = shift;
my $strImage = shift;
my $strCopy = shift;
my $strScript = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
my $strTag = containerRepo() . ":${strImage}";
$strScript =
"# ${strTitle} Container\n" .
"FROM ${strImageParent}" .
(defined($strCopy) ? "\n\n${strCopy}" : '') .
(defined($strScript) && $strScript ne ''?
"\n\nRUN echo '" . (CONTAINER_DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : 'OPTIMIZED') . " BUILD'" . $strScript : '');
# Search for the image in the cache
my $strScriptSha1;
my $bCached = false;
if ($strImage =~ /\-base$/)
$strScriptSha1 = sha1_hex($strScript);
foreach my $strBuild (reverse(keys(%{$hContainerCache})))
if (defined($hContainerCache->{$strBuild}{hostArch()}{$strOS}) &&
$hContainerCache->{$strBuild}{hostArch()}{$strOS} eq $strScriptSha1)
&log(INFO, "Using cached ${strTag}-${strBuild} image (${strScriptSha1}) ...");
$strScript =
"# ${strTitle} Container\n" .
"FROM ${strTag}-${strBuild}";
$bCached = true;
if (!$bCached)
&log(INFO, "Building ${strTag} image" . (defined($strScriptSha1) ? " (${strScriptSha1})" : '') . ' ...');
# Write the image
$oStorageDocker->put("${strTempPath}/${strImage}", trim($strScript) . "\n");
'docker build' . (defined($bForce) && $bForce ? ' --no-cache' : '') . " -f ${strTempPath}/${strImage} -t ${strTag} " .
{bSuppressStdErr => true, bShowOutputAsync => (logLevel())[1] eq DETAIL});
# User/group creation
sub groupCreate
my $strOS = shift;
my $strName = shift;
my $iId = shift;
return "groupadd -f -g${iId} ${strName}";
sub userCreate
my $strOS = shift;
my $strName = shift;
my $iId = shift;
my $strGroup = shift;
my $oVm = vmGet();
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
return "adduser -g${strGroup} -u${iId} -n ${strName}";
elsif ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
return "adduser --uid=${iId} --ingroup=${strGroup} --disabled-password --gecos \"\" ${strName}";
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create user for os '${strOS}'");
# Setup SSH
sub sshSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $strUser = shift;
my $strGroup = shift;
my $bControlMtr = shift;
my $strUserPath = $strUser eq 'root' ? "/${strUser}" : "/home/${strUser}";
my $strScript = sectionHeader() .
"# Setup SSH\n" .
" mkdir ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" echo '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'MIICXwIBAAKBgQDR0yJsZW5d5LcqteiOtv8d+FFeFFHDPI0VTcTOdMn1iDiIP1ou' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'X3Q2OyNjsBaDbsRJd+sp9IRq1LKX3zsBcgGZANwm0zduuNEPEU94ajS/uRoejIqY' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '/XkKOpnEF6ZbQ2S7TaE4sWeGLvba7kUFs0QTOO+N+nV2dMbdqZf6C8lazwIDAQAB' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'AoGBAJXa6xzrnFVmwgK5BKzYuX/YF5TPgk2j80ch0ct50buQXH/Cb0/rUH5i4jWS' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'T6Hy/DFUehnuzpvV6O9auTOhDs3BhEKFRuRLn1nBwTtZny5Hh+cw7azUCEHFCJlz' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'makCrVbgawtno6oU/pFgQm1FcxD0f+Me5ruNcLHqUZsPQwkRAkEA+8pG+ckOlz6R' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'AJLIHedmfcrEY9T7sfdo83bzMOz8H5soUUP4aOTLJYCla1LO7JdDnXMGo0KxaHBP' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'l8j5zDmVewJBANVVPDJr1w37m0FBi37QgUOAijVfLXgyPMxYp2uc9ddjncif0063' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '0Wc0FQefoPszf3CDrHv/RHvhHq97jXDwTb0CQQDgH83NygoS1r57pCw9chzpG/R0' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'aMEiSPhCvz757fj+qT3aGIal2AJ7/2c/gRZvwrWNETZ3XIZOUKqIkXzJLPjBAkEA' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'wnP799W2Y8d4/+VX2pMBkF7lG7sSviHEq1sP2BZtPBRQKSQNvw3scM7XcGh/mxmY' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'yx0qpqfKa8SKbNgI1+4iXQJBAOlg8MJLwkUtrG+p8wf69oCuZsnyv0K6UMDxm6/8' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'cbvfmvODulYFaIahaqHWEZoRo5CLYZ7gN43WHPOrKxdDL78=' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa && \\\n" .
" echo 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDR0yJsZW5d5LcqteiOtv8d+FFeFFHDPI0VTcTOdMn1iDiIP1ouX3Q2OyNjsBaDbsRJd+sp9I" .
"Rq1LKX3zsBcgGZANwm0zduuNEPEU94ajS/uRoejIqY/XkKOpnEF6ZbQ2S7TaE4sWeGLvba7kUFs0QTOO+N+nV2dMbdqZf6C8lazw== " .
"user\@pgbackrest-test' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/authorized_keys && \\\n" .
" echo 'Host *' > ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n";
if ($bControlMtr)
$strScript .=
" echo ' ControlMas'.'ter auto' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' ControlPath /tmp/\%r\@\%h:\%p' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n" .
" echo ' ControlPersist 30' >> ${strUserPath}/.ssh/config && \\\n";
$strScript .=
" cp ${strUserPath}/.ssh/authorized_keys ${strUserPath}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && \\\n" .
" chown -R ${strUser}:${strGroup} ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" chmod 700 ${strUserPath}/.ssh && \\\n" .
" chmod 600 ${strUserPath}/.ssh/*";
return $strScript;
# Copy text file into container. Note that this will not work if the file contains single quotes.
sub fileCopy
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strSourceFile = shift;
my $strDestFile = shift;
my $strScript;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", ${$oStorage->get($strSourceFile)}))
$strScript .= " echo '${strLine}' " . (defined($strScript) ? '>>' : '>') . " ${strDestFile} && \\\n";
return $strScript;
# CA Setup
sub caSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $oStorage = shift;
my $strCaFile = shift;
my $strOsBase = vmGet()->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE};
# Determine CA location
my $strCertFile = undef;
if ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strCertFile = '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors';
elsif ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strCertFile = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates';
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to install CA for ${strOsBase}");
$strCertFile .= '/pgbackrest-test-ca.crt';
# Write CA
my $strScript =
sectionHeader() .
"# Install CA\n" .
fileCopy($oStorage, $strCaFile, $strCertFile) .
" chmod 644 ${strCertFile} && \\\n";
# Install CA
if ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
" update-ca-trust extract";
elsif ($strOsBase eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .=
" update-ca-certificates";
return $strScript;
# Entry point setup
sub entryPointSetup
my $strOS = shift;
my $strScript =
"\n\n# Start SSH when container starts\n" .
my $oVm = vmGet();
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= '/usr/sbin/sshd -D';
$strScript .= 'service ssh restart && bash';
return $strScript;
# Build containers
sub containerBuild
my $oStorageDocker = shift;
my $strVm = shift;
my $bVmForce = shift;
# Create temp path
my $strTempPath = $oStorageDocker->pathGet('test/result/docker');
$oStorageDocker->pathCreate($strTempPath, {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Load container definitions from yaml
require YAML::XS;
$hContainerCache = Load(${$oStorageDocker->get($oStorageDocker->pathGet('test/container.yaml'))});
# Remove old images on force
if ($bVmForce)
my $strRegExp = '^' . containerRepo();
if ($strVm ne 'all')
$strRegExp .= "\:${strVm}-";
executeTest("rm -f ${strTempPath}/" . ($strVm eq 'all' ? '*' : "${strVm}-*"));
# VM Images
my $oVm = vmGet();
foreach my $strOS ($strVm eq 'all' ? VM_LIST : ($strVm))
my $oOS = $oVm->{$strOS};
my $bDocBuild = false;
# Deprecated OSs can only be used to build packages
my $bDeprecated = $oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_DEPRECATED} ? true : false;
# Base image
my $strImageParent = "$$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_IMAGE}";
my $strImage = "${strOS}-base";
my $strCopy = undef;
my $strScript = sectionHeader() .
"# Install packages\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
if ($strOS eq VM_RH7)
$strScript .=
" yum -y install centos-release-scl-rh epel-release && \\\n";
$strScript .=
" yum -y update && \\\n" .
" yum -y install openssh-server openssh-clients wget sudo valgrind git \\\n" .
" perl perl-Digest-SHA perl-DBD-Pg perl-YAML-LibYAML openssl \\\n" .
" gcc make perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Test-Simple openssl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed rpm-build \\\n" .
" libyaml-devel zlib-devel libxml2-devel lz4-devel lz4 bzip2-devel bzip2 perl-JSON-PP ccache meson \\\n" .
" libssh2-devel";
$strScript .=
" export DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \\\n" .
" apt-get update && \\\n" .
" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssh-server wget sudo gcc make valgrind git \\\n" .
" libdbd-pg-perl libhtml-parser-perl libssl-dev libperl-dev \\\n" .
" libyaml-libyaml-perl tzdata devscripts lintian libxml-checker-perl txt2man debhelper \\\n" .
" libppi-html-perl libtemplate-perl libtest-differences-perl zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev pkg-config \\\n" .
" libbz2-dev bzip2 libyaml-dev libjson-pp-perl liblz4-dev liblz4-tool gnupg lsb-release ccache meson \\\n" .
" libssh2-1-dev";
# This package is required to build valgrind on 32-bit
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_ARCH} eq VM_ARCH_I386)
$strScript .= " g++-multilib";
if ($strOS eq VM_U22)
$strScript .= " valgrind";
# Add zst command-line tool and development libs when available
if (vmWithZst($strOS))
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= ' zstd libzstd-devel';
$strScript .= ' zstd libzstd-dev';
# If no specific version of lcov is requested then install the default package
if (!defined($oVm->{$strOS}{&VMDEF_LCOV_VERSION}))
$strScript .= ' lcov';
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Regenerate SSH keys\n" .
" rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key* && \\\n" .
" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Fix root tty\n" .
" sed -i 's/^mesg n/tty -s \\&\\& mesg n/g' /root/.profile";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Suppress dpkg interactive output\n" .
" rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf";
if ($strOS ne VM_U22)
my $strValgrind = 'valgrind-3.17.0';
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Build valgrind\n" .
" wget -q -O - https://sourceware.org/pub/valgrind/${strValgrind}.tar.bz2 | tar jx -C /root && \\\n" .
" cd /root/${strValgrind} && \\\n" .
" ./configure --silent && \\\n" .
" make -s -j8 install && \\\n" .
" rm -rf /root/${strValgrind}";
if (defined($oVm->{$strOS}{&VMDEF_LCOV_VERSION}))
my $strLCovVersion = $oVm->{$strOS}{&VMDEF_LCOV_VERSION};
my $strLCovPath = "/root/lcov-${strLCovVersion}";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Build lcov ${strLCovVersion}\n" .
" wget -q -O - https://github.com/linux-test-project/lcov/releases/download/v${strLCovVersion}/" .
"lcov-${strLCovVersion}.tar.gz | tar zx -C /root && \\\n" .
" make -C ${strLCovPath} install && \\\n" .
" rm -rf ${strLCovPath}";
if (!$bDeprecated)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Install PostgreSQL packages\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
" rpm --import http://yum.postgresql.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG && \\\n";
if ($strOS eq VM_RH7)
$strScript .=
" rpm -ivh \\\n" .
" https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-" . hostArch() . "/" .
"pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm && \\\n";
elsif ($strOS eq VM_F38)
$strScript .=
" rpm -ivh \\\n" .
" https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/F-38-" . hostArch() . "/" .
"pgdg-fedora-repo-latest.noarch.rpm && \\\n";
$strScript .= " yum -y install postgresql-devel";
$strScript .=
" echo \"deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ \$(lsb_release -s -c)-pgdg main" .
($strOS eq VM_U22 ? ' 16' : '') . "\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list && \\\n" .
" wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - && \\\n" .
" apt-get update && \\\n" .
" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends postgresql-common libpq-dev && \\\n" .
" sed -i 's/^\\#create\\_main\\_cluster.*\$/create\\_main\\_cluster \\= false/' " .
if (defined($oOS->{&VM_DB}) && @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}} > 0)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Install PostgreSQL\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .= " yum -y install";
$strScript .= " apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends";
# Construct list of databases to install
foreach my $strDbVersion (@{$oOS->{&VM_DB}})
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
my $strDbVersionNoDot = $strDbVersion;
$strDbVersionNoDot =~ s/\.//;
$strScript .= " postgresql${strDbVersionNoDot}-server";
# Add development package for the latest version of postgres
if ($strDbVersion eq @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1])
$strScript .= " postgresql${strDbVersionNoDot}-devel";
$strScript .= " postgresql-${strDbVersion}";
# Add path to lastest version of postgres
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
"\n\nENV PATH=/usr/pgsql-" . @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1] . "/bin:\$PATH\n" .
"ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/pgsql-" . @{$oOS->{&VM_DB}}[-1] . "/lib/pkgconfig:\$PKG_CONFIG_PATH\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_DEBIAN)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Cleanup\n";
$strScript .=
" apt-get autoremove -y && \\\n" .
" apt-get clean && \\\n" .
" rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*";
$oStorageDocker, $strTempPath, $strOS, 'Base', $strImageParent, $strImage, $strCopy, $strScript, $bVmForce);
# Test image
if (!$bDeprecated)
$strImageParent = containerRepo() . ":${strOS}-base";
$strImage = "${strOS}-test";
$strCopy = undef;
$strScript = '';
if ($oVm->{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL && hostArch() eq VM_ARCH_AARCH64)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Remove unneeded language setup\n" .
" rm /etc/profile.d/lang.sh";
$strScript .= caSetup($strOS, $oStorageDocker, "test/certificate/pgbackrest-test-ca.crt");
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Create banner to make sure pgBackRest ignores it\n" .
" echo '***********************************************' > /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'Sample banner to make sure banners are skipped.' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo '' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'More banner after a blank line.' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo '***********************************************' >> /etc/issue.net && \\\n" .
" echo 'Banner /etc/issue.net' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config";
if ($strOS eq VM_U22)
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
" echo '# Add PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms (required for SFTP)' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \\\n" .
" echo 'HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa,ssh-rsa-cert-v01\@openssh.com' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \\\n" .
" echo 'PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa,ssh-rsa-cert-v01\@openssh.com' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config";
# Rename existing group that would conflict with our group name. This is pretty hacky but should be OK since we are the
# only thing running in the container.
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Rename conflicting group\n" .
' sed -i s/.*\:x\:' . TEST_GROUP_ID . '\:$/' . TEST_GROUP . '\:x\:' . TEST_GROUP_ID . "\:/ /etc/group";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Create test user\n" .
' ' . groupCreate($strOS, TEST_GROUP, TEST_GROUP_ID) . " && \\\n" .
' ' . userCreate($strOS, TEST_USER, TEST_USER_ID, TEST_GROUP) . " && \\\n" .
' mkdir -m 750 /home/' . TEST_USER . "/test && \\\n" .
' chown ' . TEST_USER . ':' . TEST_GROUP . ' /home/' . TEST_USER . "/test";
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Configure sudo\n";
if ($$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_OS_BASE} eq VM_OS_BASE_RHEL)
$strScript .=
# Don't allow sudo to disable core dump (suppresses errors, see https://github.com/sudo-project/sudo/issues/42)
" echo \"Set disable_coredump false\" >> /etc/sudo.conf && \\\n" .
" echo '%" . TEST_GROUP . " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/" . TEST_GROUP .
" && \\\n" .
" sed -i 's/^Defaults requiretty\$/\\# Defaults requiretty/' /etc/sudoers";
$strScript .=
" echo '%" . TEST_GROUP . " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers";
$strScript .=
sshSetup($strOS, TEST_USER, TEST_GROUP, $$oVm{$strOS}{&VM_CONTROL_MTR});
$strScript .= sectionHeader() .
"# Make " . TEST_USER . " home dir readable\n" .
' chmod g+r,g+x /home/' . TEST_USER;
$strScript .= entryPointSetup($strOS);
$oStorageDocker, $strTempPath, $strOS, 'Test', $strImageParent, $strImage, $strCopy, $strScript, $bVmForce);
&log(INFO, "Build Complete");
push @EXPORT, qw(containerBuild);
# containerRemove
# Remove containers that match a regexp.
sub containerRemove
my $strRegExp = shift;
foreach my $strContainer (sort(split("\n", trim(executeTest('docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"')))))
if ($strContainer =~ $strRegExp)
executeTest("docker rm -f ${strContainer}", {bSuppressError => true});
push @EXPORT, qw(containerRemove);
# imageRemove
# Remove images that match a regexp.
sub imageRemove
my $strRegExp = shift;
foreach my $strImage (sort(split("\n", trim(executeTest('docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"')))))
if ($strImage =~ $strRegExp)
&log(INFO, "Removing ${strImage} image...");
executeTest("docker rmi -f ${strImage}");