mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-30 05:39:12 +02:00
David Steele 794c577130 Migrate integration tests to C.
The Perl integration tests were migrated as faithfully as possible, but there was some cruft and a few unit tests that it did not make sense to migrate.

Also remove all Perl code made obsolete by this migration.

All unit, performance, and integration tests are now written in C but significant parts of the test harness remain to be migrated.
2024-03-06 11:00:09 +13:00

1090 lines
38 KiB

package pgBackRestDoc::Common::DocExecute;
use parent 'pgBackRestDoc::Common::DocRender';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Host;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::HostGroup;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
use pgBackRestDoc::Custom::DocConfigData;
use pgBackRestDoc::ProjectInfo;
# User that's building the docs
use constant DOC_USER => getpwuid($UID) eq 'root' ? 'ubuntu' : getpwuid($UID) . '';
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'strType'},
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'strRenderOutKey'},
{name => 'bExe'}
# Create the class hash
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($strType, $oManifest, $bExe, $strRenderOutKey);
bless $self, $class;
if (defined($self->{oSource}{hyCache}))
$self->{bCache} = true;
$self->{iCacheIdx} = 0;
$self->{bCache} = false;
$self->{bExe} = $bExe;
$self->{iCmdLineLen} = $self->{oDoc}->paramGet('cmd-line-len', false, 80);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# executeKey
# Get a unique key for the execution step to determine if the cache is valid.
sub executeKey
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->executeKey', \@_,
{name => 'strHostName', trace => true},
{name => 'oCommand', trace => true},
# Add user to command
my $bUserForce = $oCommand->paramTest('user-force', 'y') ? true : false;
my $strCommand = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(trim($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-cmd')));
my $strUser = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->paramGet('user', false, DOC_USER));
$strCommand = ($strUser eq DOC_USER || $bUserForce ? '' : ('sudo ' . ($strUser eq 'root' ? '' : "-u $strUser "))) . $strCommand;
# Format and split command
$strCommand =~ s/[ ]*\n[ ]*/ \\\n /smg;
$strCommand =~ s/ \\\@ \\//smg;
my @stryCommand = split("\n", $strCommand);
my $hCacheKey =
host => $strHostName,
cmd => \@stryCommand,
output => JSON::PP::false,
$$hCacheKey{'run-as-user'} = $bUserForce ? $strUser : undef;
if (defined($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-cmd-extra', false)))
$$hCacheKey{'cmd-extra'} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-cmd-extra'));
if (defined($oCommand->paramGet('err-expect', false)))
$$hCacheKey{'err-expect'} = $oCommand->paramGet('err-expect');
if ($oCommand->paramTest('output', 'y') || $oCommand->paramTest('show', 'y') || $oCommand->paramTest('variable-key'))
$$hCacheKey{'output'} = JSON::PP::true;
$$hCacheKey{'load-env'} = $oCommand->paramTest('load-env', 'n') ? JSON::PP::false : JSON::PP::true;
$$hCacheKey{'bash-wrap'} = $oCommand->paramTest('bash-wrap', 'n') ? JSON::PP::false : JSON::PP::true;
if (defined($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-highlight', false)))
$$hCacheKey{'output'} = JSON::PP::true;
$$hCacheKey{highlight}{'filter'} = $oCommand->paramTest('filter', 'n') ? JSON::PP::false : JSON::PP::true;
$$hCacheKey{highlight}{'filter-context'} = $oCommand->paramGet('filter-context', false, 2);
my @stryHighlight;
$stryHighlight[0] = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-highlight'));
$$hCacheKey{highlight}{list} = \@stryHighlight;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hExecuteKey', value => $hCacheKey, trace => true}
# execute
sub execute
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->execute', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'strHostName'},
{name => 'oCommand'},
{name => 'iIndent', optional => true, default => 1},
{name => 'bCache', optional => true, default => true},
{name => 'bShow', optional => true, default => true},
# Working variables
my $hCacheKey = $self->executeKey($strHostName, $oCommand);
my $strCommand = join("\n", @{$$hCacheKey{cmd}});
my $strOutput;
if ($bShow && $self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection))
# Make sure that no lines are greater than 80 chars
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCommand))
if (length(trim($strLine)) > $self->{iCmdLineLen})
confess &log(ERROR,
"command has a line > $self->{iCmdLineLen} characters:\n${strCommand}\noffending line: ${strLine}");
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iIndent) . "execute: $strCommand");
if ($self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->paramGet('skip', false, 'n')) ne 'y')
if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection))
my ($bCacheHit, $strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue) = $self->cachePop('exe', $hCacheKey);
if ($bCacheHit)
$strOutput = defined($$hCacheValue{output}) ? join("\n", @{$$hCacheValue{output}}) : undef;
# Check that the host is valid
my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName};
if (!defined($oHost))
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot execute on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist");
my $oExec = $oHost->execute(
$strCommand . (defined($$hCacheKey{'cmd-extra'}) ? ' ' . $$hCacheKey{'cmd-extra'} : ''),
{iExpectedExitStatus => $$hCacheKey{'err-expect'},
bSuppressError => $oCommand->paramTest('err-suppress', 'y'),
iRetrySeconds => $oCommand->paramGet('retry', false)}, $hCacheKey->{'run-as-user'},
{bLoadEnv => $hCacheKey->{'load-env'}, bBashWrap => $hCacheKey->{'bash-wrap'}});
if (defined($oExec->{strOutLog}) && $oExec->{strOutLog} ne '')
$strOutput = $oExec->{strOutLog};
# Trim off extra linefeeds before and after
$strOutput =~ s/^\n+|\n$//g;
if (defined($$hCacheKey{'err-expect'}) && defined($oExec->{strErrorLog}) && $oExec->{strErrorLog} ne '')
$strOutput .= $oExec->{strErrorLog};
if ($$hCacheKey{output} && defined($$hCacheKey{highlight}) && $$hCacheKey{highlight}{filter} && defined($strOutput))
my $strHighLight = @{$$hCacheKey{highlight}{list}}[0];
if (!defined($strHighLight))
confess &log(ERROR, 'filter requires highlight definition: ' . $strCommand);
my $iFilterContext = $$hCacheKey{highlight}{'filter-context'};
my @stryOutput = split("\n", $strOutput);
# my $iFiltered = 0;
my $iLastOutput = -1;
for (my $iIndex = 0; $iIndex < @stryOutput; $iIndex++)
if ($stryOutput[$iIndex] =~ /$strHighLight/)
# Determine the first line to output
my $iFilterFirst = $iIndex - $iFilterContext;
# Don't go past the beginning
$iFilterFirst = $iFilterFirst < 0 ? 0 : $iFilterFirst;
# Don't repeat lines that have already been output
$iFilterFirst = $iFilterFirst <= $iLastOutput ? $iLastOutput + 1 : $iFilterFirst;
# Determine the last line to output
my $iFilterLast = $iIndex + $iFilterContext;
# Don't got past the end
$iFilterLast = $iFilterLast >= @stryOutput ? @stryOutput -1 : $iFilterLast;
# Mark filtered lines if any
if ($iFilterFirst > $iLastOutput + 1)
my $iFiltered = $iFilterFirst - ($iLastOutput + 1);
if ($iFiltered > 1)
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') .
" [filtered ${iFiltered} lines of output]";
$iFilterFirst -= 1;
# Output the lines
for (my $iOutputIndex = $iFilterFirst; $iOutputIndex <= $iFilterLast; $iOutputIndex++)
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $stryOutput[$iOutputIndex];
$iLastOutput = $iFilterLast;
if (@stryOutput - 1 > $iLastOutput + 1)
my $iFiltered = (@stryOutput - 1) - ($iLastOutput + 1);
if ($iFiltered > 1)
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') .
" [filtered ${iFiltered} lines of output]";
$strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $stryOutput[-1];
if (!$$hCacheKey{output})
$strOutput = undef;
if (defined($strOutput))
my @stryOutput = split("\n", $strOutput);
$$hCacheValue{output} = \@stryOutput;
if ($bCache)
$self->cachePush($strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue);
# Output is assigned to a var
if ($oCommand->paramTest('variable-key'))
$self->{oManifest}->variableSet($oCommand->paramGet('variable-key'), trim($strOutput), true);
elsif ($$hCacheKey{output})
$strOutput = 'Output suppressed for testing';
# Default variable output when it was not set by execution
if ($oCommand->paramTest('variable-key') && !defined($self->{oManifest}->variableGet($oCommand->paramGet('variable-key'))))
$self->{oManifest}->variableSet($oCommand->paramGet('variable-key'), '[Test Variable]', true);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strCommand', value => $strCommand, trace => true},
{name => 'strOutput', value => $strOutput, trace => true}
# configKey
sub configKey
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hostKey', \@_,
{name => 'oConfig', trace => true},
my $hCacheKey =
host => $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host')),
file => $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('file')),
if ($oConfig->paramTest('reset', 'y'))
$$hCacheKey{reset} = JSON::PP::true;
# Add all options to the key
my $strOptionTag = $oConfig->nameGet() eq 'backrest-config' ? 'backrest-config-option' : 'postgres-config-option';
foreach my $oOption ($oConfig->nodeList($strOptionTag))
my $hOption = {};
if ($oOption->paramTest('remove', 'y'))
$$hOption{remove} = JSON::PP::true;
if (defined($oOption->valueGet(false)))
$$hOption{value} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oOption->valueGet());
my $strKey = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oOption->paramGet('key'));
if ($oConfig->nameGet() eq 'backrest-config')
my $strSection = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oOption->paramGet('section'));
$$hCacheKey{option}{$strSection}{$strKey} = $hOption;
$$hCacheKey{option}{$strKey} = $hOption;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hCacheKey', value => $hCacheKey, trace => true}
# backrestConfig
sub backrestConfig
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->backrestConfig', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oConfig'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
# Working variables
my $hCacheKey = $self->configKey($oConfig);
my $strFile = $$hCacheKey{file};
my $strConfig = undef;
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iDepth) . 'process backrest config: ' . $$hCacheKey{file});
if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection))
my ($bCacheHit, $strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue) = $self->cachePop('cfg-' . PROJECT_EXE, $hCacheKey);
if ($bCacheHit)
$strConfig = defined($$hCacheValue{config}) ? join("\n", @{$$hCacheValue{config}}) : undef;
# Check that the host is valid
my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName};
if (!defined($oHost))
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot configure backrest on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist");
# Reset all options
if ($oConfig->paramTest('reset', 'y'))
foreach my $oOption ($oConfig->nodeList('backrest-config-option'))
my $strSection = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oOption->paramGet('section'));
my $strKey = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oOption->paramGet('key'));
my $strValue;
if (!$oOption->paramTest('remove', 'y'))
$strValue = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(trim($oOption->valueGet(false)));
if (!defined($strValue))
if (keys(%{${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{$strSection}}) == 0)
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "reset ${strSection}->${strKey}");
# If this option is a hash and the value is already set then append to the array
if (defined(cfgDefine()->{$strKey}) &&
cfgDefine()->{$strKey}{&CFGDEF_TYPE} eq CFGDEF_TYPE_HASH &&
my @oValue = ();
my $strHashValue = ${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{$strSection}{$strKey};
# If there is only one key/value
if (ref(\$strHashValue) eq 'SCALAR')
push(@oValue, $strHashValue);
# Else if there is an array of values
@oValue = @{$strHashValue};
push(@oValue, $strValue);
${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{$strSection}{$strKey} = \@oValue;
# else just set the value
${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{$strSection}{$strKey} = $strValue;
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "set ${strSection}->${strKey} = ${strValue}");
my $strLocalFile = '/home/' . DOC_USER . '/data/pgbackrest.conf';
# Save the ini file
$self->{oManifest}->storage()->put($strLocalFile, iniRender($self->{config}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}, true));
$strLocalFile, $$hCacheKey{file},
$self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('owner', false, 'postgres:postgres')), '640');
# Remove the log-console-stderr option before pushing into the cache
# ??? This is not very pretty and should be replaced with a general way to hide config options
my $oConfigClean = dclone($self->{config}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}});
if (keys(%{$$oConfigClean{&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL}}) == 0)
$self->{oManifest}->storage()->put("${strLocalFile}.clean", iniRender($oConfigClean, true));
# Push config file into the cache
$strConfig = ${$self->{oManifest}->storage()->get("${strLocalFile}.clean")};
my @stryConfig = undef;
if (trim($strConfig) ne '')
@stryConfig = split("\n", $strConfig);
$$hCacheValue{config} = \@stryConfig;
$self->cachePush($strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue);
$strConfig = 'Config suppressed for testing';
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strFile', value => $strFile, trace => true},
{name => 'strConfig', value => $strConfig, trace => true},
{name => 'bShow', value => $oConfig->paramTest('show', 'n') ? false : true, trace => true}
# postgresConfig
sub postgresConfig
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->postgresConfig', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oConfig'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
# Working variables
my $hCacheKey = $self->configKey($oConfig);
my $strFile = $$hCacheKey{file};
my $strConfig;
if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection))
my ($bCacheHit, $strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue) = $self->cachePop('cfg-postgresql', $hCacheKey);
if ($bCacheHit)
$strConfig = defined($$hCacheValue{config}) ? join("\n", @{$$hCacheValue{config}}) : undef;
# Check that the host is valid
my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName};
if (!defined($oHost))
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot configure postgres on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist");
my $strLocalFile = '/home/' . DOC_USER . '/data/postgresql.conf';
$oHost->copyFrom($$hCacheKey{file}, $strLocalFile);
if (!defined(${$self->{'pg-config'}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{base}) && $self->{bExe})
${$self->{'pg-config'}}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}}{base} =
my $oConfigHash = $self->{'pg-config'}{$strHostName}{$$hCacheKey{file}};
my $oConfigHashNew;
if (!defined($$oConfigHash{old}))
$oConfigHashNew = {};
$$oConfigHash{old} = {}
$oConfigHashNew = dclone($$oConfigHash{old});
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iDepth) . 'process postgres config: ' . $$hCacheKey{file});
foreach my $oOption ($oConfig->nodeList('postgres-config-option'))
my $strKey = $oOption->paramGet('key');
my $strValue = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(trim($oOption->valueGet()));
if ($strValue eq '')
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "reset ${strKey}");
$$oConfigHashNew{$strKey} = $strValue;
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "set ${strKey} = ${strValue}");
# Generate config text
foreach my $strKey (sort(keys(%$oConfigHashNew)))
if (defined($strConfig))
$strConfig .= "\n";
$strConfig .= "${strKey} = $$oConfigHashNew{$strKey}";
# Save the conf file
if ($self->{bExe})
$self->{oManifest}->storage()->put($strLocalFile, $$oConfigHash{base} .
(defined($strConfig) ? "\n# pgBackRest Configuration\n${strConfig}\n" : ''));
$oHost->copyTo($strLocalFile, $$hCacheKey{file}, 'postgres:postgres', '640');
$$oConfigHash{old} = $oConfigHashNew;
my @stryConfig = undef;
if (trim($strConfig) ne '')
@stryConfig = split("\n", $strConfig);
$$hCacheValue{config} = \@stryConfig;
$self->cachePush($strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue);
$strConfig = 'Config suppressed for testing';
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strFile', value => $strFile, trace => true},
{name => 'strConfig', value => $strConfig, trace => true},
{name => 'bShow', value => $oConfig->paramTest('show', 'n') ? false : true, trace => true}
# hostKey
sub hostKey
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hostKey', \@_,
{name => 'oHost', trace => true},
my $hCacheKey =
name => $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('name')),
image => $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('image')),
if (defined($oHost->paramGet('id', false)))
$hCacheKey->{id} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('id'));
$hCacheKey->{id} = $hCacheKey->{name};
if (defined($oHost->paramGet('option', false)))
$$hCacheKey{option} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('option'));
if (defined($oHost->paramGet('param', false)))
$$hCacheKey{param} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('param'));
if (defined($oHost->paramGet('os', false)))
$$hCacheKey{os} = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oHost->paramGet('os'));
$$hCacheKey{'update-hosts'} = $oHost->paramTest('update-hosts', 'n') ? JSON::PP::false : JSON::PP::true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hCacheKey', value => $hCacheKey, trace => true}
# cachePop
sub cachePop
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hostKey', \@_,
{name => 'strCacheType', trace => true},
{name => 'hCacheKey', trace => true},
my $bCacheHit = false;
my $oCacheValue = undef;
if ($self->{bCache})
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref();
# &log(WARN, "checking cache for\ncurrent key: " . $oJSON->encode($hCacheKey));
my $hCache = ${$self->{oSource}{hyCache}}[$self->{iCacheIdx}];
if (!defined($hCache))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to get index from cache', ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
if (!defined($$hCache{key}))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to get key from cache', ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
if (!defined($$hCache{type}))
confess &log(ERROR, 'unable to get type from cache', ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
if ($$hCache{type} ne $strCacheType)
confess &log(ERROR, 'types do not match, cache is invalid', ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
if ($oJSON->encode($$hCache{key}) ne $oJSON->encode($hCacheKey))
confess &log(ERROR,
"keys at index $self->{iCacheIdx} do not match, cache is invalid." .
"\n cache key: " . $oJSON->encode($$hCache{key}) .
"\ncurrent key: " . $oJSON->encode($hCacheKey), ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
$bCacheHit = true;
$oCacheValue = $$hCache{value};
if ($self->{oManifest}{bCacheOnly})
confess &log(ERROR, 'Cache only operation forced by --cache-only option');
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bCacheHit', value => $bCacheHit, trace => true},
{name => 'strCacheType', value => $strCacheType, trace => true},
{name => 'hCacheKey', value => $hCacheKey, trace => true},
{name => 'oCacheValue', value => $oCacheValue, trace => true},
# cachePush
sub cachePush
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->hostKey', \@_,
{name => 'strType', trace => true},
{name => 'hCacheKey', trace => true},
{name => 'oCacheValue', required => false, trace => true},
if ($self->{bCache})
confess &log(ASSERT, "cachePush should not be called when cache is already present");
# Create the cache entry
my $hCache =
key => $hCacheKey,
type => $strType,
if (defined($oCacheValue))
$$hCache{value} = $oCacheValue;
push @{$self->{oSource}{hyCache}}, $hCache;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# sectionChildProcesss
sub sectionChildProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->sectionChildProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oChild'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . 'process child: ' . $oChild->nameGet());
# Execute a command
if ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'host-add')
if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection))
my ($bCacheHit, $strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue) = $self->cachePop('host', $self->hostKey($oChild));
if ($bCacheHit)
$self->{oManifest}->variableSet('host-' . $hCacheKey->{id} . '-ip', $hCacheValue->{ip}, true);
if (defined($self->{host}{$$hCacheKey{name}}))
confess &log(ERROR, 'cannot add host ${strName} because the host already exists');
executeTest("rm -rf ~/data/$$hCacheKey{name}");
executeTest("mkdir -p ~/data/$$hCacheKey{name}/etc");
my $strHost = $hCacheKey->{name};
my $strImage = $hCacheKey->{image};
my $strHostUser = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('user'));
# Determine if a pre-built image should be created
if (defined($self->preExecute($strHost)))
my $strPreImage = "${strImage}-${strHost}";
my $strFrom = $strImage;
&log(INFO, "Build vm '${strPreImage}' from '${strFrom}'");
my $strCommandList;
# Add all pre commands
foreach my $oExecute ($self->preExecute($strHost))
my $hExecuteKey = $self->executeKey($strHost, $oExecute);
my $strCommand =
join("\n", @{$hExecuteKey->{cmd}}) .
(defined($hExecuteKey->{'cmd-extra'}) ? ' ' . $hExecuteKey->{'cmd-extra'} : '');
$strCommand =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
$strCommand =
"sudo -u ${strHostUser}" .
($hCacheKey->{'bash-wrap'} ?
" bash" . ($hCacheKey->{'load-env'} ? ' -l' : '') . " -c '${strCommand}'" : " ${strCommand}");
if (defined($strCommandList))
$strCommandList .= "\n";
$strCommandList .= "RUN ${strCommand}";
&log(DETAIL, " Pre command $strCommand");
# Build container
my $strDockerfile = $self->{oManifest}{strDocPath} . "/output/doc-host.dockerfile";
"FROM ${strFrom}\n\n" . trim($self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($strCommandList)) . "\n");
"docker build -f ${strDockerfile} -t ${strPreImage} " . $self->{oManifest}{oStorage}->pathGet(),
{bSuppressStdErr => true});
# Use the pre-built image
$strImage = $strPreImage;
my $strHostRepoPath = dirname(dirname(abs_path($0)));
# Replace host repo path in mounts with if present
my $strMount = undef;
if (defined($oChild->paramGet('mount', false)))
$strMount = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('mount'));
$strMount =~ s/\{\[host\-repo\-path\]\}/${strHostRepoPath}/g;
# Replace host repo mount in params if present
my $strOption = $$hCacheKey{option};
if (defined($strOption))
$strOption =~ s/\{\[host\-repo\-path\]\}/${strHostRepoPath}/g;
my $oHost = new pgBackRestDoc::Common::Host(
$$hCacheKey{name}, "doc-$$hCacheKey{name}", $strImage, $strHostUser,
defined($strMount) ? [$strMount] : undef, $strOption, $$hCacheKey{param}, $$hCacheKey{'update-hosts'});
$self->{host}{$$hCacheKey{name}} = $oHost;
$self->{oManifest}->variableSet('host-' . $hCacheKey->{id} . '-ip', $oHost->{strIP}, true);
$$hCacheValue{ip} = $oHost->{strIP};
# Add to the host group
my $oHostGroup = hostGroupGet();
# Execute initialize commands
foreach my $oExecute ($oChild->nodeList('execute', false))
$oSection, $$hCacheKey{name}, $oExecute, {iIndent => $iDepth + 1, bCache => false, bShow => false});
$self->cachePush($strCacheType, $hCacheKey, $hCacheValue);
# Skip children that have already been processed and error on others
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() ne 'title')
confess &log(ASSERT, 'unable to process child type ' . $oChild->nameGet());
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn