mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
This is consistent with the way BackRest and BackRest test were renamed way back in 18fd2523. More modules will be moving to pgBackRestDoc soon so renaming now reduces churn later.
772 lines
26 KiB
772 lines
26 KiB
package pgBackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use JSON::PP;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::Log;
use pgBackRestDoc::Common::String;
# File constants
use constant FILE_MANIFEST => 'manifest.xml';
# Render constants
use constant RENDER => 'render';
use constant RENDER_COMPACT => 'compact';
use constant RENDER_FILE => 'file';
use constant RENDER_MENU => 'menu';
use constant RENDER_PRETTY => 'pretty';
use constant RENDER_TYPE => 'type';
use constant RENDER_TYPE_HTML => 'html';
use constant RENDER_TYPE_MARKDOWN => 'markdown';
use constant RENDER_TYPE_PDF => 'pdf';
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
my $rhVariableOverride,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oStorage'},
{name => 'stryRequire'},
{name => 'stryInclude'},
{name => 'stryExclude'},
{name => 'rhKeyVariableOverride', required => false},
{name => 'rhVariableOverride', required => false},
{name => 'strDocPath', required => false},
{name => 'bDeploy', required => false},
{name => 'bCacheOnly', required => false},
{name => 'bPre', required => false, default => false},
# Set the bin path
$self->{strBinPath} = abs_path(dirname($0));
# Set the base path if it was not passed in
if (!defined($self->{strDocPath}))
$self->{strDocPath} = $self->{strBinPath};
# Set cache file names
$self->{strExeCacheLocal} = $self->{strDocPath} . "/output/exe.cache";
$self->{strExeCacheDeploy} = $self->{strDocPath} . "/resource/exe.cache";
# Load the manifest
$self->{oManifestXml} = new pgBackRestDoc::Common::Doc("$self->{strDocPath}/manifest.xml");
# Iterate the sources
$self->{oManifest} = {};
foreach my $oSource ($self->{oManifestXml}->nodeGet('source-list')->nodeList('source'))
my $oSourceHash = {};
my $strKey = $oSource->paramGet('key');
my $strSourceType = $oSource->paramGet('type', false);
$strOperation, 'load source',
{name => 'strKey', value => $strKey},
{name => 'strSourceType', value => $strSourceType}
# Skip sources in exclude list
if (grep(/^$strKey$/, @{$self->{stryExclude}}))
$$oSourceHash{doc} = new pgBackRestDoc::Common::Doc("$self->{strDocPath}/xml/${strKey}.xml");
# Read variables from source
$self->variableListParse($$oSourceHash{doc}->nodeGet('variable-list', false), $rhVariableOverride);
${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strKey} = $oSourceHash;
${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strKey}{strSourceType} = $strSourceType;
# Iterate the renderers
foreach my $oRender ($self->{oManifestXml}->nodeGet('render-list')->nodeList('render'))
my $oRenderHash = {};
my $strType = $oRender->paramGet(RENDER_TYPE);
# Only one instance of each render type can be defined
if (defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{&RENDER}{$strType}))
confess &log(ERROR, "render ${strType} has already been defined");
# Get the file param
$${oRenderHash}{file} = $oRender->paramGet(RENDER_FILE, false);
$${oRenderHash}{&RENDER_COMPACT} = $oRender->paramGet(RENDER_COMPACT, false, 'n') eq 'y' ? true : false;
$${oRenderHash}{&RENDER_PRETTY} = $oRender->paramGet(RENDER_PRETTY, false, 'n') eq 'y' ? true : false;
$${oRenderHash}{&RENDER_MENU} = false;
$strOperation, ' load render',
{name => 'strType', value => $strType},
{name => 'strFile', value => $${oRenderHash}{file}}
# Error if file is set and render type is not pdf
if (defined($${oRenderHash}{file}) && $strType ne RENDER_TYPE_PDF)
confess &log(ERROR, 'only the pdf render type can have file set')
# Iterate the render sources
foreach my $oRenderOut ($oRender->nodeList('render-source'))
my $oRenderOutHash = {};
my $strKey = $oRenderOut->paramGet('key');
my $strSource = $oRenderOut->paramGet('source', false, $strKey);
# Skip sources in exclude list
if (grep(/^$strSource$/, @{$self->{stryExclude}}))
# Skip sources not in include list
if (@{$self->{stryInclude}} > 0 && !grep(/^$strSource$/, @{$self->{stryInclude}}))
# Preserve natural order
push(@{$${oRenderHash}{stryOrder}}, $strKey);
$$oRenderOutHash{source} = $strSource;
# Get the filename
if (defined($oRenderOut->paramGet('file', false)))
if ($strType eq RENDER_TYPE_HTML || $strType eq RENDER_TYPE_MARKDOWN)
$$oRenderOutHash{file} = $oRenderOut->paramGet('file');
confess &log(ERROR, "file is only valid with html or markdown render types");
# Get the menu caption
if (defined($oRenderOut->paramGet('menu', false)) && $strType ne RENDER_TYPE_HTML)
confess &log(ERROR, "menu is only valid with html render type");
if (defined($oRenderOut->paramGet('menu', false)))
$${oRenderHash}{&RENDER_MENU} = true;
if ($strType eq RENDER_TYPE_HTML)
$$oRenderOutHash{menu} = $oRenderOut->paramGet('menu', false);
confess &log(ERROR, 'only the html render type can have menu set');
$strOperation, ' load render source',
{name => 'strKey', value => $strKey},
{name => 'strSource', value => $strSource},
{name => 'strMenu', value => $${oRenderOutHash}{menu}}
$${oRenderHash}{out}{$strKey} = $oRenderOutHash;
${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType} = $oRenderHash;
# Set the doc path variable
$self->variableSet('doc-path', $self->{strDocPath});
# Read variables from manifest
$self->variableListParse($self->{oManifestXml}->nodeGet('variable-list', false), $rhVariableOverride);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# isBackRest
# Until all the backrest specific code can be abstracted, this function will identify when BackRest docs are being built.
sub isBackRest
my $self = shift;
return($self->variableTest('project-exe', 'pgbackrest'));
# Evaluate the if condition for a node
sub evaluateIf
my $self = shift;
my $oNode = shift;
my $bIf = true;
# Evaluate if condition
if (defined($oNode->paramGet('if', false)))
my $strIf = $self->variableReplace($oNode->paramGet('if'));
# In this case we really do want to evaluate the contents and not treat it as a literal
$bIf = eval($strIf);
# Error if the eval failed
if ($@)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to evaluate '${strIf}': $@");
return $bIf;
# variableListParse
# Parse a variable list and store variables.
sub variableListParse
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->variableListParse', \@_,
{name => '$oVariableList', required => false},
{name => '$rhVariableOverride', required => false}
if (defined($oVariableList))
foreach my $oVariable ($oVariableList->nodeList('variable'))
if ($self->evaluateIf($oVariable))
my $strKey = $oVariable->paramGet('key');
my $strValue = $self->variableReplace($oVariable->valueGet());
if ($oVariable->paramTest('eval', 'y'))
# In this case we really do want to evaluate the contents of strValue and not treat it as a literal.
$strValue = eval($strValue);
if ($@)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to evaluate ${strKey}: $@\n" . $oVariable->valueGet());
$self->variableSet($strKey, defined($rhVariableOverride->{$strKey}) ? $rhVariableOverride->{$strKey} : $strValue);
$strOperation, ' load variable',
{name => 'strKey', value => $strKey},
{name => 'strValue', value => $strValue}
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# variableReplace
# Replace variables in the string.
sub variableReplace
my $self = shift;
my $strBuffer = shift;
my $strType = shift;
if (!defined($strBuffer))
foreach my $strName (sort(keys(%{$self->{oVariable}})))
my $strValue = $self->{oVariable}{$strName};
$strBuffer =~ s/\{\[$strName\]\}/$strValue/g;
if (defined($strType) && $strType eq 'latex')
$strBuffer =~ s/\\\_/\_/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\_/\\\_/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\\\#/\#/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\#/\\\#/g;
return $strBuffer;
# variableSet
# Set a variable to be replaced later.
sub variableSet
my $self = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $strValue = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
if (defined(${$self->{oVariable}}{$strKey}) && (!defined($bForce) || !$bForce))
confess &log(ERROR, "${strKey} variable is already defined");
${$self->{oVariable}}{$strKey} = $self->variableReplace($strValue);
# variableGet
# Get the current value of a variable.
sub variableGet
my $self = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
return ${$self->{oVariable}}{$strKey};
# variableTest
# Test that a variable is defined or has an expected value.
sub variableTest
my $self = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $strExpectedValue = shift;
# Get the variable
my $strValue = ${$self->{oVariable}}{$strKey};
# Return false if it is not defined
if (!defined($strValue))
return false;
# Return false if it does not equal the expected value
if (defined($strExpectedValue) && $strValue ne $strExpectedValue)
return false;
return true;
# Get list of source documents
sub sourceList
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->sourceList');
# Check that sources exist
my @strySource;
if (defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{source}))
@strySource = sort(keys(%{${$self->{oManifest}}{source}}));
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strySource', value => \@strySource}
# sourceGet
sub sourceGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->sourceGet', \@_,
{name => 'strSource', trace => true}
if (!defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strSource}))
confess &log(ERROR, "source ${strSource} does not exist");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oSource', value => ${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strSource}}
# renderList
sub renderList
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->renderList');
# Check that the render output exists
my @stryRender;
if (defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{render}))
@stryRender = sort(keys(%{${$self->{oManifest}}{render}}));
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'stryRender', value => \@stryRender}
# renderGet
sub renderGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->renderGet', \@_,
{name => 'strType', trace => true}
# Check that the render exists
if (!defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}))
confess &log(ERROR, "render type ${strType} does not exist");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oRenderOut', value => ${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}}
# renderOutList
sub renderOutList
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->renderOutList', \@_,
{name => 'strType'}
# Check that the render output exists
my @stryRenderOut;
if (defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}))
@stryRenderOut = sort(keys(%{${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}{out}}));
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'stryRenderOut', value => \@stryRenderOut}
# renderOutGet
sub renderOutGet
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->renderOutGet', \@_,
{name => 'strType', trace => true},
{name => 'strKey', trace => true},
{name => 'bIgnoreMissing', default => false, trace => true},
if (!defined(${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}{out}{$strKey}) && !$bIgnoreMissing)
confess &log(ERROR, "render out ${strKey} does not exist");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oRenderOut', value => ${$self->{oManifest}}{render}{$strType}{out}{$strKey}}
# cacheKey
sub cacheKey
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->cacheKey');
# Generate a cache key from the variable override
my $strVariableKey = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref()->encode($self->{rhKeyVariableOverride});
if ($strVariableKey eq '{}')
$strVariableKey = 'default';
my $strRequire = defined($self->{stryRequire}) && @{$self->{stryRequire}} > 0 ?
join("\n", @{$self->{stryRequire}}) : 'all';
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strVariableKey', value => $strVariableKey},
{name => 'strRequire', value => $strRequire},
# cacheRead
sub cacheRead
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->cacheRead');
$self->{hCache} = undef;
my $strCacheFile = $self->{bDeploy} ? $self->{strExeCacheDeploy} : $self->{strExeCacheLocal};
if (!$self->storage()->exists($strCacheFile) && !$self->{bDeploy})
$strCacheFile = $self->{strExeCacheDeploy};
if ($self->storage()->exists($strCacheFile))
my ($strCacheKey, $strRequire) = $self->cacheKey();
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->allow_nonref();
$self->{hCache} = $oJSON->decode(${$self->storage()->get($strCacheFile)});
foreach my $strSource (sort(keys(%{${$self->{oManifest}}{source}})))
my $hSource = ${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strSource};
if (defined(${$self->{hCache}}{$strCacheKey}{$strRequire}{$strSource}))
$$hSource{hyCache} = ${$self->{hCache}}{$strCacheKey}{$strRequire}{$strSource};
&log(DETAIL, "cache load $strSource (key = ${strCacheKey}, require = ${strRequire})");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# cacheWrite
sub cacheWrite
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->cacheWrite');
my $strCacheFile = $self->{bDeploy} ? $self->{strExeCacheDeploy} : $self->{strExeCacheLocal};
my ($strCacheKey, $strRequire) = $self->cacheKey();
foreach my $strSource (sort(keys(%{${$self->{oManifest}}{source}})))
my $hSource = ${$self->{oManifest}}{source}{$strSource};
if (defined($$hSource{hyCache}))
${$self->{hCache}}{$strCacheKey}{$strRequire}{$strSource} = $$hSource{hyCache};
&log(DETAIL, "cache load $strSource (key = ${strCacheKey}, require = ${strRequire})");
if (defined($self->{hCache}))
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref()->pretty();
$self->storage()->put($strCacheFile, $oJSON->encode($self->{hCache}));
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# cacheReset
sub cacheReset
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->cacheReset', \@_,
{name => 'strSource', trace => true}
if ($self->{bCacheOnly})
confess &log(ERROR, 'Cache reset disabled by --cache-only option');
&log(WARN, "Cache will be reset for source ${strSource} and rendering retried automatically");
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
# Getters
sub storage {shift->{oStorage}};