mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00
David Steele de7fc37f88 Storage and IO layer refactor:
Refactor storage layer to allow for new repository filesystems using drivers. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
Refactor IO layer to allow for new compression formats, checksum types, and other capabilities using filters. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
2017-06-09 17:51:41 -04:00

286 lines
9.4 KiB

# Protocol Master Base
package pgBackRest::Protocol::Base::Master;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use JSON::PP;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Version;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_NOOP => 'noop';
push @EXPORT, qw(OP_NOOP);
use constant OP_EXIT => 'exit';
push @EXPORT, qw(OP_EXIT);
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'strName', trace => true},
{name => 'strId', trace => true},
{name => 'oIo', trace => true},
# Create JSON object
$self->{oJSON} = JSON::PP->new()->allow_nonref();
# Check greeting to be sure the protocol matches
# Setup the keepalive timer
$self->{fKeepAliveTimeout} = $self->io()->timeout() / 2 > 120 ? 120 : $self->io()->timeout() / 2;
$self->{fKeepAliveTime} = gettimeofday();
# Set the error prefix used when raising error messages
$self->{strErrorPrefix} = 'raised on ' . $self->{strId} . ' host';
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self, trace => true}
my $self = shift;
# greetingRead
# Read the greeting and make sure it is as expected.
sub greetingRead
my $self = shift;
# Get the first line of output from the remote if possible
my $strGreeting = $self->io()->readLine(true);
# Check for errors
# Error if greeting parameters do not match
my $hGreeting = $self->{oJSON}->decode($strGreeting);
for my $hParam ({strName => 'name', strExpected => BACKREST_NAME},
{strName => 'version', strExpected => BACKREST_VERSION},
{strName => 'service', strExpected => $self->{strName}})
if (!defined($hGreeting->{$hParam->{strName}}) || $hGreeting->{$hParam->{strName}} ne $hParam->{strExpected})
confess &log(ERROR,
'found name \'' . (defined($hGreeting->{$hParam->{strName}}) ? $hGreeting->{$hParam->{strName}} : '[undef]') .
"' in protocol greeting instead of expected '$hParam->{strExpected}'", ERROR_HOST_CONNECT);
# Perform noop to catch errors early
# outputRead
# Read output from the remote process.
sub outputRead
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->outputRead', \@_,
{name => 'bOutputRequired', default => false, trace => true},
{name => 'bSuppressLog', required => false, trace => true},
{name => 'bWarnOnError', default => false, trace => true},
{name => 'bRef', default => false, trace => true},
my $strProtocolResult = $self->io()->readLine();
$strOperation, undef,
{name => 'strProtocolResult', value => $strProtocolResult, trace => true}
my $hResult = $self->{oJSON}->decode($strProtocolResult);
# Raise any errors
if (defined($hResult->{err}))
my $strError = $self->{strErrorPrefix} . (defined($hResult->{out}) ? ": $hResult->{out}" : '');
# Raise the error if a warning is not requested
if (!$bWarnOnError)
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, $hResult->{err}, $bSuppressLog);
&log(WARN, $strError, $hResult->{err});
# Reset the keep alive time
$self->{fKeepAliveTime} = gettimeofday();
# If output is required and there is no output, raise exception
if ($bOutputRequired && !defined($hResult->{out}))
confess &log(ERROR, "$self->{strErrorPrefix}: output is not defined", ERROR_PROTOCOL_OUTPUT_REQUIRED);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'hOutput', value => $hResult->{out}, ref => $bRef, trace => true}
# cmdWrite
# Send command to remote process.
sub cmdWrite
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->cmdWrite', \@_,
{name => 'strCommand', trace => true},
{name => 'hParam', required => false, trace => true},
my $strProtocolCommand = $self->{oJSON}->encode({cmd => $strCommand, param => $hParam});
$strOperation, undef,
{name => 'strProtocolCommand', value => $strProtocolCommand, trace => true}
# Write out the command
# Reset the keep alive time
$self->{fKeepAliveTime} = gettimeofday();
# Return from function and log return values if any
# cmdExecute
# Send command to remote process and wait for output.
sub cmdExecute
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $bOutputRequired = shift;
my $bWarnOnError = shift;
$self->cmdWrite($strCommand, $oParamRef);
return $self->outputRead($bOutputRequired, undef, $bWarnOnError);
# keepAlive
# Send periodic noops so the remote does not time out.
sub keepAlive
my $self = shift;
if (gettimeofday() - $self->{fKeepAliveTimeout} > $self->{fKeepAliveTime})
# Keep alive test point
# noOp
# Send noop to test connection or keep it alive.
sub noOp
my $self = shift;
$self->cmdExecute(OP_NOOP, undef, false);
$self->{fKeepAliveTime} = gettimeofday();
# Getters
sub io {shift->{oIo}}
sub master {true}