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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
Maintaining the storage layer/drivers in two languages is burdensome. Since the integration tests require the Perl storage layer/drivers we'll need them even after the core code is migrated to C. Create an interface layer so the Perl code can be removed and new storage drivers/features introduced without adding Perl equivalents. The goal is to move the integration tests to C so this interface will eventually be removed. That being the case, the interface was designed for maximum compatibility to ease the transition. The result looks a bit hacky but we'll improve it as needed until it can be retired.
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683 lines
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# Tests for Backup File module
package pgBackRestTest::Module::Backup::BackupFileUnitPerlTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Env::HostEnvTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Backup::File;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest;
# initModule
sub initModule
my $self = shift;
$self->{strDbPath} = $self->testPath() . '/db';
$self->{strRepoPath} = $self->testPath() . '/repo';
$self->{strBackupPath} = "$self->{strRepoPath}/backup/" . $self->stanza();
$self->{strPgControl} = $self->{strDbPath} . '/' . DB_FILE_PGCONTROL;
# Create backup path
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strBackupPath}, {bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
# Generate pg_control file
storageTest()->pathCreate($self->{strDbPath} . '/' . DB_PATH_GLOBAL, {bCreateParent => true});
$self->controlGenerate($self->{strDbPath}, PG_VERSION_94);
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_STANZA, $self->stanza());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $self->{strDbPath});
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH, $self->{strRepoPath});
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_LOG_PATH, $self->testPath());
$self->optionTestSetBool(CFGOPT_ONLINE, false);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_DB_TIMEOUT, 5);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT, 6);
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL, 3);
# Repo
my $strRepoBackupPath = storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP);
my $strBackupLabel = "20180724-182750F";
# File
my $strFileName = "12345";
my $strFileDb = $self->{strDbPath} . "/$strFileName";
my $strFileHash = '1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031';
my $strFileRepo = storageRepo()->pathGet(
STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/$strBackupLabel/" . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName");
my $strRepoFile = MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName";
my $strPgControlRepo = storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/$strBackupLabel/$strRepoPgControl");
my $strPgControlHash =
$self->archBits() == 32 ? '8107e546c59c72a8c1818fc3610d7cc1e5623660' : '4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c';
# Copy file to db path
executeTest('cp ' . $self->dataPath() . "/filecopy.archive2.bin ${strFileDb}");
# Get size and data info for the files in the db path
my $hManifest = storageDb()->manifest($self->{strDbPath});
my $lFileSize = $hManifest->{$strFileName}{size} + 0;
my $lFileTime = $hManifest->{$strFileName}{modification_time} + 0;
my $lPgControlSize = $hManifest->{&DB_FILE_PGCONTROL}{size} + 0;
my $lPgControlTime = $hManifest->{&DB_FILE_PGCONTROL}{modification_time} + 0;
my $lRepoFileCompressSize = 3646899;
my $strBackupPath = $self->{strBackupPath} . "/$strBackupLabel";
my $strHost = "host";
my $iLocalId = 1;
# Initialize the manifest
my $oBackupManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST,
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => 201409291});
$oBackupManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false);
# Set the initial size values for backupManifestUpdate - running size and size for when to save the file
my $lSizeCurrent = 0;
my $lSizeTotal = 16785408;
my $lManifestSaveCurrent = 0;
my $lManifestSaveSize = int($lSizeTotal / 100);
# Result variables
my $iResultCopyResult;
my $lResultCopySize;
my $lResultRepoSize;
my $strResultCopyChecksum;
my $rResultExtra;
if ($self->begin('backupFile(), backupManifestUpdate()'))
# Copy pg_control and confirm manifestUpdate does not save the manifest yet
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($self->{strPgControl}, MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL, $lPgControlSize, undef, false, $strBackupLabel, false,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lPgControlTime, true, undef, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists($strPgControlRepo)}, true, 'pg_control file exists in repo');
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strPgControlHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lPgControlSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lPgControlSize), true,
'pg_control file copied to repo successfully');
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
# Accumulators should be same size as pg_control
$self->testResult(($lSizeCurrent == $lPgControlSize && $lManifestSaveCurrent == $lPgControlSize), true,
"file size in repo and repo size equal pg_control size");
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_FILE_PGCONTROL,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $strPgControlHash)}, true, "manifest updated for pg_control");
# Neither backup.manifest nor backup.manifest.copy written because size threshold not met
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->exists("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST)}, false, "backup.manifest missing");
sub {storageRepo()->exists("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST . INI_COPY_EXT)}, false, "backup.manifest.copy missing");
# No prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, no delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, undef, false, $strBackupLabel, false,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists($strFileRepo)}, true, 'non-compressed file exists in repo');
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize), true,
'file copied to repo successfully');
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->exists("${strFileRepo}.gz")}, false, "${strFileRepo}.gz missing");
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
# Accumulator includes size of pg_control and file. Manifest saved so ManifestSaveCurrent returns to 0
$self->testResult(($lSizeCurrent == ($lPgControlSize + $lFileSize) && $lManifestSaveCurrent == 0), true,
"repo size increased and ManifestSaveCurrent returns to 0");
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strRepoFile,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $strFileHash)}, true, "manifest updated for $strRepoFile");
# Backup.manifest not written but backup.manifest.copy written because size threshold met
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST . INI_COPY_EXT)}, true,
'backup.manifest.copy exists in repo');
sub {storageRepo()->exists("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST)}, false, 'backup.manifest.copy missing in repo');
# Build the lsn start parameter to pass to the extra function
my $hStartLsnParam =
iWalId => 0xFFFF,
iWalOffset => 0xFFFF,
# No prior checksum, yes compression, yes page checksum, yes extra, no delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, undef, true, $strBackupLabel, true,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, $hStartLsnParam, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists("$strFileRepo.gz")}, true, 'compressed file exists in repo');
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultRepoSize == $lRepoFileCompressSize && $rResultExtra->{bValid}), true, 'file copied to repo successfully');
# Only the compressed version of the file exists
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->exists("$strFileRepo")}, false, "only compressed version exists");
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
# File is compressed in repo so make sure repo-size added to manifest
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(
true, "repo-size set");
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(
true, "checksum page set");
# Save the compressed file for later test
executeTest('mv ' . "$strFileRepo.gz $strFileRepo.gz.SAVE");
# Add a segment number for bChecksumPage code coverage
executeTest('cp ' . "$strFileDb $strFileDb.1");
# No prior checksum, no compression, yes page checksum, yes extra, no delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile("$strFileDb.1", "$strRepoFile.1", $lFileSize, undef, true, $strBackupLabel, false,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, $hStartLsnParam, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists("$strFileRepo.1")}, true, 'non-compressed segment file exists in repo');
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize && $rResultExtra->{bValid}), true, 'segment file copied to repo successfully');
# Set a section in the manifest to ensure it is removed in the next test
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName.1")},
true, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName.1 section exists in manifest");
# Remove the db file and try to back it up
# No prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, No delta, no hasReference, no db file
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile("$strFileDb.1", "$strRepoFile.1", $lFileSize, undef, false, $strBackupLabel,
false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_SKIP && !defined($strResultCopyChecksum) &&
!defined($lResultRepoSize) && !defined($lResultCopySize)), true, "db file missing - $strRepoFile.1 file skipped");
# Delta not set so file still exists in repo
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists("$strFileRepo.1")}, true, ' delta not set - file exists in repo');
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, "$strRepoFile.1")},
false, " $strRepoFile.1 section removed from manifest");
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference, no db file
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile("$strFileDb.1", MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName.1", $lFileSize, $strFileHash, false, $strBackupLabel,
false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_SKIP && !defined($strResultCopyChecksum) &&
!defined($lResultRepoSize)), true, "db file missing - delta $strRepoFile.1 file skipped");
$self->testResult(sub {storageTest()->exists("$strFileRepo.1")}, false, ' delta set - file removed from repo');
# Code path for host not defined for logged message of skipped file
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference, no db file,
# do not ignoreMissing
$self->testException(sub {backupFile("$strFileDb.1", "$strRepoFile.1", $lFileSize, $strFileHash,
false, $strBackupLabel, false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, false, undef, true, false, undef)},
ERROR_FILE_MISSING, "unable to open missing file '${strFileDb}.1' for read");
# Restore the compressed file
executeTest('mv ' . "$strFileRepo.gz.SAVE $strFileRepo.gz");
# Yes prior checksum, yes compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, $strFileHash, false, $strBackupLabel,
true, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_CHECKSUM && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize), true, 'db checksum and repo same - no copy file');
# DB Checksum mismatch
storageTest()->remove("$strFileRepo", {bIgnoreMissing => true});
# Save the compressed file for later test
executeTest('mv ' . "$strFileRepo.gz $strFileRepo.gz.SAVE");
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, $strFileHash . "ff", false,
$strBackupLabel, false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize), true, 'db checksum mismatch - copy file');
# DB file size mismatch
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize + 1, $strFileHash, false, $strBackupLabel, false,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize), true, 'db file size mismatch - copy file');
# Repo mismatch
# Restore the compressed file as if non-compressed so checksum won't match
executeTest('cp ' . "$strFileRepo.gz.SAVE $strFileRepo");
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, $strFileHash, false, $strBackupLabel, false,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_RECOPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize), true, 'repo checksum mismatch - recopy file');
# Restore the compressed file
executeTest('mv ' . "$strFileRepo.gz.SAVE $strFileRepo.gz");
# Yes prior checksum, yes compression, no page checksum, no extra, no delta, no hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize + 1, $strFileHash, false,
$strBackupLabel, true, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, false, false, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_RECOPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize), true, 'repo size mismatch - recopy file');
# Has reference
# Set a reference in the manifest to ensure it is removed after backupManifestUpdate
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strRepoFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE,
BOGUS)}, true, "$strRepoFile reference section exists in manifest");
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, yes hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize + 1, $strFileHash, false,
$strBackupLabel, false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, true, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_COPY && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize && $lResultRepoSize == $lFileSize), true, 'db file size mismatch has reference - copy');
# Code path to ensure reference is removed
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
# Confirm reference to prior backup removed
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strFileName.",
false, "reference to prior backup in manifest removed");
# Yes prior checksum, no compression, no page checksum, no extra, yes delta, yes hasReference
($iResultCopyResult, $lResultCopySize, $lResultRepoSize, $strResultCopyChecksum, $rResultExtra) =
backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, $strFileHash, false,
$strBackupLabel, false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, true, undef);
$self->testResult(($iResultCopyResult == BACKUP_FILE_NOOP && $strResultCopyChecksum eq $strFileHash &&
$lResultCopySize == $lFileSize), true, 'db file same has reference - noop');
# Calculate running counts
my $lSizeCurrentAfter = $lSizeCurrent + $lFileSize;
my $lManifestSaveCurrentAfter = $lManifestSaveCurrent + $lFileSize;
# Increase manifest save size, so manifest will not be saved so counts can be tested
$lManifestSaveSize = $lFileSize * 2;
($lSizeCurrent, $lManifestSaveCurrent) = backupManifestUpdate(
$self->testResult(($lSizeCurrent ==$lSizeCurrentAfter && $lManifestSaveCurrent == $lManifestSaveCurrentAfter),
true, ' running counts updated');
# Remove file from repo. No reference so should hard error since this means sometime between the building of the manifest
# for the aborted backup, the file went missing from the aborted backup dir.
storageTest()->remove("$strFileRepo", {bIgnoreMissing => true});
$self->testException(sub {backupFile($strFileDb, $strRepoFile, $lFileSize, $strFileHash,
false, $strBackupLabel, false, cfgOption(CFGOPT_COMPRESS_LEVEL), $lFileTime, true, undef, true, false, undef)},
ERROR_FILE_MISSING, "unable to open missing file '${strFileRepo}' for read");
# This section for for code coverage that is not covered in the above tests
if ($self->begin('backupManifestUpdate()'))
$oBackupManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest("$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST,
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => 201409291});
# Check BACKUP_FILE_RECOPY warning
$iResultCopyResult = BACKUP_FILE_RECOPY;
$lResultCopySize = 0;
$lResultRepoSize = $lResultCopySize + 1;
$strResultCopyChecksum = $strFileHash;
$lSizeCurrent = 0;
$lManifestSaveSize = $lFileSize * 2;
$lManifestSaveCurrent = 0;
$self->testResult(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
$lManifestSaveCurrent)}, "($lFileSize, $lFileSize)",
'backup file recopy warning', {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: resumed backup file $strRepoFile does not have expected checksum $strFileHash. The file will be recopied and" .
" backup will continue but this may be an issue unless the resumed backup path in the repository is known to be" .
" corrupted.\n" .
"NOTE: this does not indicate a problem with the PostgreSQL page checksums."});
# Check size code paths
$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strRepoFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, $lResultCopySize),
true, " copy size set");
$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strRepoFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REPO_SIZE, $lResultRepoSize),
true, " repo size set");
$oBackupManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strRepoFile, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM, $strResultCopyChecksum),
false, " checksum not set since copy size 0");
# Checkum page exception
$iResultCopyResult = BACKUP_FILE_COPY;
$self->testException(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
ERROR_ASSERT, "$strFileDb should have calculated page checksums");
$rResultExtra->{bValid} = false;
$self->testException(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
$lResultCopySize + 1,
ERROR_ASSERT, "bAlign flag should have been set for misaligned page");
$rResultExtra->{bAlign} = true;
$self->testException(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
$lResultCopySize + 1,
ERROR_ASSERT, "bAlign flag should have been set for misaligned page");
$rResultExtra->{bAlign} = false;
$self->testResult(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
$lResultCopySize + 1,
"($lFileSize, $lFileSize)",
'page misalignment warning - host defined', {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: page misalignment in file $strHost:$strFileDb: file size " . ($lResultCopySize + 1) .
" is not divisible by page size " . PG_PAGE_SIZE});
$self->testResult(sub {backupManifestUpdate(
$lResultCopySize + 1,
"($lFileSize, $lFileSize)",
'page misalignment warning - host not defined', {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: page misalignment in file $strFileDb: file size " . ($lResultCopySize + 1) .
" is not divisible by page size " . PG_PAGE_SIZE});