mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00

485 lines
17 KiB

package BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdownRender;
use parent 'BackRestDoc::Common::DocExecute';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Data::Dumper;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Copy;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Config::ConfigHelp;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'strRenderOutKey'},
{name => 'bExe'}
# Create the class hash
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(RENDER_TYPE_MARKDOWN, $oManifest, $strRenderOutKey, $bExe);
bless $self, $class;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# process
# Generate the site html
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
# Working variables
my $oPage = $self->{oDoc};
# Initialize page
my $strMarkdown = "# " . $oPage->paramGet('title');
if (defined($oPage->paramGet('subtitle', false)))
$strMarkdown .= ' <br/> ' . $oPage->paramGet('subtitle') . '';
# my $oHtmlBuilder = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder("{[project]} - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup",
# $strTitle . (defined($strSubTitle) ? " - ${strSubTitle}" : ''),
# $self->{bPretty});
# # Generate header
# my $oPageHeader = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header');
# $oPageHeader->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header-title',
# {strContent => $strTitle});
# if (defined($strSubTitle))
# {
# $oPageHeader->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header-subtitle',
# {strContent => $strSubTitle});
# }
# # Generate menu
# my $oMenuBody = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-menu')->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu-body');
# if ($self->{strRenderOutKey} ne 'index')
# {
# my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet(RENDER_TYPE_HTML, 'index');
# $oMenuBody->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu')->
# addNew(HTML_A, 'menu-link', {strContent => $$oRenderOut{menu}, strRef => '{[project-url-root]}'});
# }
# foreach my $strRenderOutKey ($self->{oManifest}->renderOutList(RENDER_TYPE_HTML))
# {
# if ($strRenderOutKey ne $self->{strRenderOutKey} && $strRenderOutKey ne 'index')
# {
# my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet(RENDER_TYPE_HTML, $strRenderOutKey);
# $oMenuBody->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu')->
# addNew(HTML_A, 'menu-link', {strContent => $$oRenderOut{menu}, strRef => "${strRenderOutKey}.html"});
# }
# }
# # Generate table of contents
# my $oPageTocBody;
# if (!defined($oPage->paramGet('toc', false)) || $oPage->paramGet('toc') eq 'y')
# {
# my $oPageToc = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc');
# $oPageToc->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc-title',
# {strContent => "Table of Contents"});
# $oPageTocBody = $oPageToc->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc-body');
# }
# # Generate body
# my $oPageBody = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-body');
# Render sections
foreach my $oSection ($oPage->nodeList('section'))
$strMarkdown = trim($strMarkdown) . "\n\n" . $self->sectionProcess($oSection, 1);
$strMarkdown .= "\n";
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strMarkdown', value => $strMarkdown, trace => true}
# sectionProcess
sub sectionProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->sectionProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
&log(INFO, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . 'process section: ' . $oSection->paramGet('path'));
if ($iDepth > 3)
confess &log(ASSERT, "section depth of ${iDepth} exceeds maximum");
my $strMarkdown = '#' . ('#' x $iDepth) . ' ' . $self->processText($oSection->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
my $strLastChild = undef;
foreach my $oChild ($oSection->nodeList())
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 2)) . 'process child ' . $oChild->nameGet());
# Execute a command
if ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'execute-list')
# my $oSectionBodyExecute = $oSectionBodyElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute");
# my $bFirst = true;
# my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('host'));
# $oSectionBodyExecute->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute-title",
# {strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span> <b>&#x21d2;</b> " .
# $self->processText($oChild->nodeGet('title')->textGet())});
# my $oExecuteBodyElement = $oSectionBodyExecute->addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute-body");
# foreach my $oExecute ($oChild->nodeList('execute'))
# {
# my $bExeShow = !$oExecute->paramTest('show', 'n');
# my $bExeExpectedError = defined($oExecute->paramGet('err-expect', false));
# my ($strCommand, $strOutput) = $self->execute($oSection, $strHostName, $oExecute, $iDepth + 3);
# if ($bExeShow)
# {
# # Add continuation chars and proper spacing
# $strCommand =~ s/\n/\n /smg;
# $oExecuteBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_PRE, "execute-body-cmd",
# {strContent => $strCommand, bPre => true});
# my $strHighLight = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oExecute->fieldGet('exe-highlight', false));
# my $bHighLightFound = false;
# if (defined($strOutput))
# {
# my $bHighLightOld;
# my $strHighLightOutput;
# if ($oExecute->fieldTest('exe-highlight-type', 'error'))
# {
# $bExeExpectedError = true;
# }
# foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strOutput))
# {
# my $bHighLight = defined($strHighLight) && $strLine =~ /$strHighLight/;
# if (defined($bHighLightOld) && $bHighLight != $bHighLightOld)
# {
# $oExecuteBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_PRE, 'execute-body-output' .
# ($bHighLightOld ? '-highlight' . ($bExeExpectedError ? '-error' : '') : ''),
# {strContent => $strHighLightOutput, bPre => true});
# undef($strHighLightOutput);
# }
# $strHighLightOutput .= (defined($strHighLightOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $strLine;
# $bHighLightOld = $bHighLight;
# $bHighLightFound = $bHighLightFound ? true : $bHighLight ? true : false;
# }
# if (defined($bHighLightOld))
# {
# $oExecuteBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_PRE, 'execute-body-output' .
# ($bHighLightOld ? '-highlight' . ($bExeExpectedError ? '-error' : '') : ''),
# {strContent => $strHighLightOutput, bPre => true});
# }
# $bFirst = true;
# }
# if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection) && defined($strHighLight) && !$bHighLightFound)
# {
# confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find a match for highlight: ${strHighLight}");
# }
# }
# $bFirst = false;
# }
# Add code block
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'code-block')
if ($oChild->paramTest('title'))
if (defined($strLastChild) && $strLastChild ne 'code-block')
$strMarkdown .= "\n";
$strMarkdown .= "\n_" . $oChild->paramGet('title') . "_:";
$strMarkdown .= "\n```\n" . trim($oChild->valueGet()) . "\n```";
# Add descriptive text
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'p')
if (defined($strLastChild) && $strLastChild ne 'code-block')
$strMarkdown .= "\n";
$strMarkdown .= "\n" . $self->processText($oChild->textGet());
# Add option descriptive text
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'option-description')
# my $strOption = $oChild->paramGet("key");
# my $oDescription = ${$self->{oReference}->{oConfigHash}}{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION};
# if (!defined($oDescription))
# {
# confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find ${strOption} option in sections - try adding command?");
# }
# $oSectionBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, 'section-body-text',
# {strContent => $self->processText($oDescription)});
# Add/remove backrest config options
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'backrest-config')
# my $oConfigElement = $self->backrestConfigProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 3);
# if (defined($oConfigElement))
# {
# $oSectionBodyElement->add($oConfigElement);
# }
# Add/remove postgres config options
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'postgres-config')
# my $oConfigElement = $self->postgresConfigProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 3);
# if (defined($oConfigElement))
# {
# $oSectionBodyElement->add($oConfigElement);
# }
# Add a list
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'list')
foreach my $oListItem ($oChild->nodeList())
$strMarkdown .= "\n\n- " . $self->processText($oListItem->textGet());
# Add a subsection
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'section')
$strMarkdown = trim($strMarkdown) . "\n\n" . $self->sectionProcess($oChild, $iDepth + 1);
# Check if the child can be processed by a parent
# $self->sectionChildProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 1);
$strLastChild = $oChild->nameGet();
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strMarkdown', value => $strMarkdown, trace => true}
# backrestConfigProcess
sub backrestConfigProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->backrestConfigProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oConfig'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
# # Generate the config
# my $oConfigElement;
# my ($strFile, $strConfig, $bShow) = $self->backrestConfig($oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth);
# if ($bShow)
# {
# my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
# # Render the config
# $oConfigElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "config");
# $oConfigElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-title",
# {strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span>:<span class=\"file\">${strFile}</span>" .
# " <b>&#x21d2;</b> " . $self->processText($oConfig->nodeGet('title')->textGet())});
# my $oConfigBodyElement = $oConfigElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body");
# #
# # $oConfigBodyElement->
# # addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-title",
# # {strContent => "${strFile}:"});
# $oConfigBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-output",
# {strContent => $strConfig});
# }
# # Return from function and log return values if any
# return logDebugReturn
# (
# $strOperation,
# {name => 'oConfigElement', value => $oConfigElement, trace => true}
# );
# postgresConfigProcess
sub postgresConfigProcess
my $self = shift;
# # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
# my
# (
# $strOperation,
# $oSection,
# $oConfig,
# $iDepth
# ) =
# logDebugParam
# (
# __PACKAGE__ . '->postgresConfigProcess', \@_,
# {name => 'oSection'},
# {name => 'oConfig'},
# {name => 'iDepth'}
# );
# # Generate the config
# my $oConfigElement;
# my ($strFile, $strConfig, $bShow) = $self->postgresConfig($oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth);
# if ($bShow)
# {
# # Render the config
# my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
# $oConfigElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "config");
# $oConfigElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-title",
# {strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span>:<span class=\"file\">${strFile}</span>" .
# " <b>&#x21d2;</b> " . $self->processText($oConfig->nodeGet('title')->textGet())});
# my $oConfigBodyElement = $oConfigElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body");
# # $oConfigBodyElement->
# # addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-title",
# # {strContent => "append to ${strFile}:"});
# $oConfigBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-output",
# {strContent => defined($strConfig) ? $strConfig : '<No PgBackRest Settings>'});
# $oConfig->fieldSet('actual-config', $strConfig);
# }
# # Return from function and log return values if any
# return logDebugReturn
# (
# $strOperation,
# {name => 'oConfigElement', value => $oConfigElement, trace => true}
# );