mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-02-07 13:42:41 +02:00
David Steele e31b21f95a Revert 52d8697..e0be213
This rolls back to commit 52d86971183da8f8a88775f0196f44c3ab9440a1.
2014-01-09 18:01:34 -05:00

831 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config::IniFiles;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
use JSON;
# Process flags
my $bNoCompression;
my $bNoChecksum;
my $strConfigFile;
my $strCluster;
my $strType = "incremental"; # Type of backup: full, differential (diff), incremental (incr)
GetOptions ("no-compression" => \$bNoCompression,
"no-checksum" => \$bNoChecksum,
"config=s" => \$strConfigFile,
"cluster=s" => \$strCluster,
"type=s" => \$strType)
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
# TRIM - trim whitespace off strings
sub trim
my $strBuffer = shift;
$strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $strBuffer;
# DATE_STRING_GET - Get the date and time string
sub date_string_get
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
return(sprintf("%4d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec));
# LOG - log messages
use constant
sub log
my $strLevel = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
print "${strLevel}: ${strMessage}\n";
return $strMessage;
# EXECUTE - execute a command
sub execute
my $strCommand = shift;
my $strOutput;
# print("$strCommand");
$strOutput = capture($strCommand);
# if ($strOutput eq "")
# {
# print(" ... complete\n\n");
# }
# else
# {
# print(" ... complete\n$strOutput\n\n");
# }
return $strOutput;
# BACKUP_TYPE_FIND - Find the last backup depending on the type
sub backup_type_find
my $strType = shift;
my $strBackupClusterPath = shift;
my $strDirectory;
my $hDir;
if ($strType eq 'incremental')
opendir $hDir, $strBackupClusterPath or die &log(ERROR, "unable to open path ${strBackupClusterPath}");
my @stryFile = sort {$b cmp $a} grep(/^[0-F]{8}\-[0-F]{6}F\_[0-F]{8}\-[0-F]{6}(I|D)$/i, readdir $hDir);
close $hDir;
$strDirectory = $stryFile[0];
if (!defined($strDirectory) && $strType ne "full")
opendir $hDir, $strBackupClusterPath or die &log(ERROR, "unable to open path ${strBackupClusterPath}");
my @stryFile = sort {$b cmp $a} grep(/^[0-F]{8}\-[0-F]{6}F$/i, readdir $hDir);
close $hDir;
$strDirectory = $stryFile[0];
return $strDirectory;
# CONFIG_LOAD - Get a value from the config and be sure that it is defined (unless bRequired is false)
sub config_load
my $oConfigRef = shift;
my $strSection = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $bRequired = shift;
if (!defined($bRequired))
$bRequired = 1;
my $strValue = ${$oConfigRef}{"${strSection}"}{"${strKey}"};
if ($bRequired && !defined($strValue))
die &log(ERROR, 'config value ${strSection}->${strKey} is undefined');
return $strValue;
# FILE_HASH_GET - get the sha1 hash for a file
sub file_hash_get
my $strCommand = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/$strFile/g;
my $strHash = trim(execute($strCommand));
# DATA_HASH_BUILD - Hash a delimited file with header
sub data_hash_build
my $strData = shift;
my $strDelimiter = shift;
my $strUndefinedKey = shift;
my @stryFile = split("\n", $strData);
my @stryHeader = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[0]);
# print "data: $strData\n";
my %oHash;
for (my $iLineIdx = 1; $iLineIdx < scalar @stryFile; $iLineIdx++)
my @stryLine = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[$iLineIdx]);
if (!defined($stryLine[0]) || $stryLine[0] eq "")
$stryLine[0] = $strUndefinedKey;
# print "line: @stryLine\n";
for (my $iColumnIdx = 1; $iColumnIdx < scalar @stryHeader; $iColumnIdx++)
if (defined($oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"}))
die "the first column must be unique to build the hash";
$oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"} = $stryLine[$iColumnIdx];
# print "Hash {$stryHeader[0]}{$stryLine[0]}{$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]} = " . (defined $oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"} ? $oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"} : "null") . "\n";
#$oHash{$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]}{$stryLine[$iColumnIdx]}{$stryHeader[0]} = $stryLine[0];
return %oHash;
# TABLESPACE_MAP_GET - Get the mapping between oid and tablespace name
sub tablespace_map_get
my $strCommandPsql = shift;
my %oTablespaceMap = data_hash_build("oid\tname\n" . execute($strCommandPsql .
" -c 'copy (select oid, spcname from pg_tablespace) to stdout' postgres"), "\t");
return %oTablespaceMap;
# MANIFEST_GET - Get a directory manifest
sub manifest_get
my $strCommandManifest = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strCommand = $strCommandManifest;
$strCommand =~ s/\%path\%/$strPath/g;
my %oManifest = data_hash_build("name\ttype\tuser\tgroup\tpermission\tmodification_time\tinode\tsize\tlink_destination\n" .
execute($strCommand), "\t", ".");
return %oManifest;
# BACKUP_MANIFEST_LOAD - Load the backup manifest
sub backup_manifest_load
my $strBackupManifestFile = shift;
my %oBackupManifestFile;
tie %oBackupManifestFile, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => $strBackupManifestFile) or die &log(ERROR, "backup manifest '${strBackupManifestFile}' could not be loaded");
my %oBackupManifest;
my $strSection;
foreach $strSection (sort(keys %oBackupManifestFile))
my $strKey;
#&log(DEBUG, "section: ${strSection}");
foreach $strKey (sort(keys ${oBackupManifestFile}{"${strSection}"}))
my $strValue = ${oBackupManifestFile}{"${strSection}"}{"$strKey"};
#&log(DEBUG, " key: ${strKey}=${strValue}");
$oBackupManifest{"${strSection}"}{"$strKey"} = decode_json($strValue);
return %oBackupManifest;
# BACKUP_MANIFEST_SAVE - Save the backup manifest
sub backup_manifest_save
my $strBackupManifestFile = shift;
my $oBackupManifestRef = shift;
my %oBackupManifest;
tie %oBackupManifest, 'Config::IniFiles' or die &log(ERROR, "Unable to create backup config");
my $strSection;
foreach $strSection (sort(keys $oBackupManifestRef))
my $strKey;
#&log(DEBUG, "section: ${strSection}");
foreach $strKey (sort(keys ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}))
my $strValue = encode_json(${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strKey"});
#&log(DEBUG, " key: ${strKey}=${strValue}");
$oBackupManifest{"${strSection}"}{"$strKey"} = $strValue;
# BACKUP_MANIFEST_BUILD - Create the backup manifest
sub backup_manifest_build
my $strCommandManifest = shift;
my $strClusterDataPath = shift;
my $oBackupManifestRef = shift;
my $oTablespaceMapRef = shift;
my $strLevel = shift;
if (!defined($strLevel))
$strLevel = "base";
my %oManifestHash = manifest_get($strCommandManifest, $strClusterDataPath);
my $strName;
foreach $strName (sort(keys $oManifestHash{name}))
# Don't process anything in pg_xlog
if (index($strName, 'pg_xlog/') != 0)
my $cType = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{type};
my $strLinkDestination = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination};
my $strSection = "${strLevel}:path";
#&log(DEBUG, "$strClusterDataPath ${cType}: $strName");
if ($cType eq "f")
$strSection = "${strLevel}:file";
elsif ($cType eq "l")
$strSection = "${strLevel}:link";
elsif ($cType ne "d")
die &log(ERROR, "Unrecognized file type $cType for file $strName");
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{user} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{user};
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{group} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{group};
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{permission} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{permission};
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{modification_time} =
(split("\\.", $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{modification_time}))[0];
# print("modification time:" . ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{modification_time});
if ($cType eq "f" || $cType eq "l")
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{inode} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{inode};
if ($cType eq "f")
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{size} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{size};
if ($cType eq "l")
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSection}"}{"$strName"}{link_destination} = $oManifestHash{name}{"${strName}"}{link_destination};
if (index($strName, 'pg_tblspc/') == 0 && $strLevel eq "base")
my $strTablespaceOid = basename($strName);
my $strTablespaceName = ${$oTablespaceMapRef}{oid}{"$strTablespaceOid"}{name};
#&log(DEBUG, "tablespace: ${strTablespace}");
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strLevel}:tablespace"}{"${strTablespaceName}"}{oid} = $strTablespaceOid;
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strLevel}:tablespace"}{"${strTablespaceName}"}{path} = $strLinkDestination;
backup_manifest_build($strCommandManifest, $strLinkDestination, $oBackupManifestRef, $oTablespaceMapRef, "tablespace:${strTablespaceName}");
# BACKUP - Perform the backup
sub backup
my $strCommandChecksum = shift;
my $strCommandCompress = shift;
my $strCommandDecompress = shift;
my $strCommandCopy = shift;
my $strClusterDataPath = shift;
my $strBackupTmpPath = shift;
my $oBackupManifestRef = shift;
my $strSectionPath;
my $strCommand;
# Create the backup file dir
my $strBackupDestinationTmpFile = "${strBackupTmpPath}/file.tmp";
# Iterate through the path sections to backup
foreach $strSectionPath (sort(keys $oBackupManifestRef))
# Skip non-path sections
if ($strSectionPath !~ /\:path$/)
# Determine the source and destination backup paths
my $strBackupSourcePath;
my $strBackupDestinationPath;
my $strSectionFile;
if ($strSectionPath =~ /^base\:/)
$strBackupSourcePath = "${strClusterDataPath}";
$strBackupDestinationPath = "${strBackupTmpPath}/base";
$strSectionFile = "base:file";
elsif ($strSectionPath =~ /^tablespace\:/)
my $strTablespaceName = (split(":", $strSectionPath))[1];
$strBackupSourcePath = ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"base:tablespace"}{"${strTablespaceName}"}{path};
$strBackupDestinationPath = "${strBackupTmpPath}/tablespace";
# Create the tablespace path
unless (-e $strBackupDestinationPath)
execute("mkdir -p -m 0750 ${strBackupDestinationPath}");
$strBackupDestinationPath = "${strBackupTmpPath}/tablespace/${strTablespaceName}";
$strSectionFile = "tablespace:${strTablespaceName}:file";
#my $strSectionLink = "tablespace:${strTablespaceName}:link";
# Create link to the tablespace
my $strTablespaceLink = "pg_tblspc/" . ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"base:tablespace"}{"${strTablespaceName}"}{oid};
my $strBackupTablespaceLink = "${strBackupTmpPath}/base/${strTablespaceLink}";
#my $strBackupLinkPath = ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"base:tablespace"}{"${strTablespaceName}"}{path};
if (-e $strBackupTablespaceLink)
unlink $strBackupTablespaceLink or die &log(ERROR, "Unable to remove table link '${strBackupTablespaceLink}'");
execute("ln -s ../../tablespace/${strTablespaceName} $strBackupTablespaceLink");
execute ("chmod " . ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"base:link"}{$strTablespaceLink}{permission} . " ${strBackupTablespaceLink}");
die "Cannot find type for section ${strSectionPath}";
# Create the base or tablespace path
unless (-e $strBackupDestinationPath)
execute("mkdir -p -m 0750 ${strBackupDestinationPath}");
#mkdir $strBackupDestinationPath, 0750 or die "Unable to create path ${strBackupDestinationPath}";
# Create all the paths required to store the files
my $strPath;
foreach $strPath (sort(keys ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionPath}"}))
# my $lModificationTime = ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionPath}"}{"$strPath"}{modification_time};
my $strBackupDestinationSubPath = "${strBackupDestinationPath}/${strPath}";
unless (-e $strBackupDestinationSubPath)
execute("mkdir -p ${strBackupDestinationSubPath}");
execute ("chmod ${$oBackupManifestRef}{$strSectionPath}{$strPath}{permission} ${strBackupDestinationSubPath}");
# utime($lModificationTime, $lModificationTime, $strBackupDestinationTmpFile) or die "Unable to set time for ${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}";
#&log(DEBUG, "Backing up ${strBackupSourcePath}");
# Possible for the path section to exist with no files (i.e. empty tablespace)
if (!defined(${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionFile}"}))
# Iterate through the files for each backup source path
my $strFile;
foreach $strFile (sort(keys ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionFile}"}))
my $strBackupSourceFile = "${strBackupSourcePath}/${strFile}";
my $iSize = ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionFile}"}{"$strFile"}{size};
my $lModificationTime = ${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionFile}"}{"$strFile"}{modification_time};
#&log(DEBUG, " Backing up ${strBackupSourceFile}");
# Copy the file and calculate checksum
my $strBackupDestinationFile = "${strBackupDestinationPath}/${strFile}";
my $strHash;
if ($iSize == 0)
execute("touch ${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}")
if ($bNoCompression || $iSize == 0)
$strCommand = $strCommandCopy;
$strCommand =~ s/\%source\%/${strBackupSourceFile}/g;
$strCommand =~ s/\%destination\%/${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}/g;
$strHash = file_hash_get($strCommandChecksum, $strBackupDestinationTmpFile);
$strCommand = $strCommandCompress;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/${strBackupSourceFile}/g;
$strCommand .= " > ${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}";
$strCommand = $strCommandDecompress;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}/g;
$strCommand .= " | " . $strCommandChecksum;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%//g;
#&log(DEBUG, " command ${strCommand}");
$strHash = trim(execute($strCommand));
#&log(DEBUG, " Hash ${strHash}");
if (!$bNoCompression)
$strBackupDestinationFile .= ".gz";
# Set permissions and move the file
execute ("chmod ${$oBackupManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{permission} ${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}");
utime($lModificationTime, $lModificationTime, $strBackupDestinationTmpFile) or die "Unable to set time for ${strBackupDestinationTmpFile}";
rename $strBackupDestinationTmpFile, $strBackupDestinationFile or die "Unable to move ${strBackupDestinationFile}";
# Write the hash into the backup manifest
if (defined($strHash))
${$oBackupManifestRef}{"${strSectionFile}"}{"$strFile"}{checksum} = $strHash;
# Get the command
my $strOperation = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined($strConfigFile))
$strConfigFile = "/etc/pg_backrest.conf";
my %oConfig;
tie %oConfig, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => $strConfigFile) or die "Unable to find config file";
# Load commands required for archive-push
my $strCommandChecksum = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "checksum", !$bNoChecksum);
my $strCommandCompress = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "compress", !$bNoCompression);
my $strCommandDecompress = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "decompress", !$bNoCompression);
my $strCommandCopy = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "copy", $bNoCompression);
# Load and check the base backup path
my $strBasePath = $oConfig{common}{backup_path};
if (!defined($strBasePath))
die &log(ERROR, "common:backup_path undefined");
unless (-e $strBasePath)
die &log(ERROR, "base path ${strBasePath} does not exist");
# Load and check the cluster
if (!defined($strCluster))
$strCluster = "db"; #!!! Modify to load cluster from conf if there is only one, else error
my $strBackupClusterPath = "${strBasePath}/${strCluster}";
unless (-e $strBackupClusterPath)
&log (INFO, "creating cluster path ${strBackupClusterPath}");
mkdir $strBackupClusterPath or die &log(ERROR, "cluster backup path '${strBackupClusterPath}' create failed");
if ($strOperation eq "archive-push")
# archive-push command must have three arguments
if (@ARGV != 2)
die "not enough arguments - show usage";
my $strBackupClusterArchivePath = "${strBackupClusterPath}/archive";
unless (-e $strBackupClusterArchivePath)
&log (INFO, "creating cluster archive path ${strBackupClusterArchivePath}");
mkdir $strBackupClusterArchivePath or die &log(ERROR, "cluster backup archive path '${strBackupClusterArchivePath}' create failed");
# Get the source dir/file
my $strSourceFile = $ARGV[1];
unless (-e $strSourceFile)
die "source file does not exist - show usage";
# Get the destination dir/file
my $strDestinationFile = basename($strSourceFile);
my $strDestinationTmpFile = "${strBackupClusterArchivePath}/archive.tmp";
my $strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath = "${strBackupClusterArchivePath}";
if (-e $strDestinationTmpFile)
# Setup the copy command
my $strCommand;
# !!! Modify this to skip compression and checksum for any file that is not a log file
if ($strDestinationFile =~ /^([0-9]|[A-F]){24}$/)
$strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath = "${strBackupClusterArchivePath}/" . substr($strDestinationFile, 0, 16);
unless (-e $strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath)
&log (INFO, "creating cluster archive sub path ${strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath}");
mkdir $strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath or die &log(ERROR, "cluster backup archive sub path '${strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath}' create failed");
# Make sure the destination file does NOT exist - ignore checksum and extension in case they (or options) have changed
if (glob("${strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath}/${strDestinationFile}*"))
die "destination file already exists";
# Calculate sha1 hash for the file (unless disabled)
if (!$bNoChecksum)
$strDestinationFile .= "-" . file_hash_get($strCommandChecksum, $strSourceFile);
if ($bNoCompression)
$strCommand = $strCommandCopy;
$strCommand =~ s/\%source\%/${strSourceFile}/g;
$strCommand =~ s/\%destination\%/${strDestinationTmpFile}/g;
$strCommand = $strCommandCompress;
$strCommand =~ s/\%file\%/${strSourceFile}/g;
$strCommand .= " > ${strDestinationTmpFile}";
$strDestinationFile .= ".gz";
$strCommand = $strCommandCopy;
$strCommand =~ s/\%source\%/$strSourceFile/g;
$strCommand =~ s/\%destination\%/${strDestinationTmpFile}/g;
# Execute the copy
rename($strDestinationTmpFile, "${strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath}/${strDestinationFile}")
or die &log(ERROR, "unable to rename '${strBackupClusterArchiveSubPath}/${strDestinationFile}'");
exit 0;
# Check the backup type
if ($strType eq "diff")
$strType = "differential";
if ($strType eq "incr")
$strType = "incremental";
if ($strType ne "full" && $strType ne "differential" && $strType ne "incremental")
die &log(ERROR, "backup type must be full, differential (diff), incremental (incr)");
# Load commands required for backup
my $strCommandManifest = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "manifest");
my $strCommandPsql = config_load(\%oConfig, "command", "psql");
if ($strOperation eq "backup")
# Make sure that the cluster data directory exists
my $strClusterDataPath = $oConfig{"cluster:$strCluster"}{data_path};
if (!defined($strClusterDataPath))
die &log(ERROR, "cluster data path is not defined");
unless (-e $strClusterDataPath)
die &log(ERROR, "cluster data path '${strClusterDataPath}' does not exist");
# Find the previous backup based on the type
my $strBackupLastPath = backup_type_find($strType, $strBackupClusterPath);
if (defined($strBackupLastPath))
&log(INFO, 'Last backup: ' . $strBackupLastPath);
# Create the path for the new backup
my $strBackupPath;
if ($strType eq "full" || !defined($strBackupLastPath))
$strBackupPath = date_string_get() . "F";
$strBackupPath = substr($strBackupLastPath, 0, 16);
$strBackupPath .= "_" . date_string_get();
if ($strType eq "differential")
$strBackupPath .= "D";
$strBackupPath .= "I";
# Build backup tmp and config
my $strBackupTmpPath = "${strBackupClusterPath}/backup.tmp";
my $strBackupConfFile = "${strBackupTmpPath}/backup.manifest";
# If the backup tmp path already exists, delete the conf file
if (-e $strBackupTmpPath)
&log(WARNING, "backup path $strBackupTmpPath already exists");
if (-e $strBackupConfFile)
unlink $strBackupConfFile or die &log(ERROR, "backup config ${strBackupConfFile} could not be deleted");
# Else create the backup tmp path
&log(INFO, "creating backup path $strBackupTmpPath");
mkdir $strBackupTmpPath or die &log(ERROR, "backup path ${strBackupTmpPath} could not be created");
# Create a new backup manifest hash
my %oBackupManifest;
# Start backup
my $strLabel = $strBackupPath;
my $strArchiveStart = trim(execute($strCommandPsql .
" -c \"copy (select pg_xlogfile_name(xlog) from pg_start_backup('${strLabel}') as xlog) to stdout\" postgres"));
${oBackupManifest}{archive}{archive_location}{start} = $strArchiveStart;
&log(INFO, 'Backup archive start: ' . $strArchiveStart);
# Build the backup manifest
my %oTablespaceMap = tablespace_map_get($strCommandPsql);
backup_manifest_build($strCommandManifest, $strClusterDataPath, \%oBackupManifest, \%oTablespaceMap);
# Perform the backup
# backup($strCommandChecksum, $strCommandCompress, $strCommandDecompress, $strCommandCopy, $strClusterDataPath,
# $strBackupTmpPath, \%oBackupManifest);
# Stop backup
my $strArchiveStop = trim(execute($strCommandPsql .
" -c \"copy (select pg_xlogfile_name(xlog) from pg_stop_backup() as xlog) to stdout\" postgres"));
${oBackupManifest}{archive}{archive_location}{stop} = $strArchiveStop;
&log(INFO, 'Backup archive stop: ' . $strArchiveStop);
# Fetch the archive logs and backup file
# !!! do it
# Delete files leftover from a partial backup
# !!! do it
# Save the backup conf file
backup_manifest_save($strBackupConfFile, \%oBackupManifest);
# Rename the backup tmp path to complete the backup
rename($strBackupTmpPath, "${strBackupClusterPath}/${strBackupPath}") or die &log(ERROR, "unable to ${strBackupTmpPath} rename to ${strBackupPath}");