mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-01-18 04:58:51 +02:00
David Steele dbd16d25b9 Fixed regression in section links introduced in v1.10.
This was introduced in an effort to make the html output XHTML 1.0 STRICT compliant because the standard does not allow / characters in anchors.

However, the / characters were changed to . in the anchors but not in the links.  For now revert the anchors to / so further though can be given to this issue.
2016-11-22 17:29:24 -05:00

627 lines
22 KiB

package BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlPage;
use parent 'BackRestDoc::Common::DocExecute';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Data::Dumper;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Config::ConfigHelp;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement;
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->new', \@_,
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'strRenderOutKey'},
{name => 'bMenu'},
{name => 'bExe'},
{name => 'bCompact'},
{name => 'strCss'},
{name => 'bPretty'},
# Create the class hash
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(RENDER_TYPE_HTML, $oManifest, $strRenderOutKey, $bExe);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{bMenu} = $bMenu;
$self->{bCompact} = $bCompact;
$self->{strCss} = $strCss;
$self->{bPretty} = $bPretty;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# process
# Generate the site html
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process');
# Working variables
my $oPage = $self->{oDoc};
# Initialize page
my $strTitle = $oPage->paramGet('title');
my $strSubTitle = $oPage->paramGet('subtitle', false);
my $oHtmlBuilder = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlBuilder(
$self->{oManifest}->variableReplace('{[project]}' . (defined($self->{oManifest}->variableGet('project-tagline')) ?
$self->{oManifest}->variableGet('project-tagline') : '')),
$self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($strTitle . (defined($strSubTitle) ? " - ${strSubTitle}" : '')),
$self->{bCompact} ? $self->{strCss} : undef);
# Generate header
my $oPageHeader = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header');
# add the logo to the header
if (defined($self->{oManifest}->variableGet('html-logo')))
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header-logo',
{strContent =>"{[html-logo]}"});
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header-title',
{strContent => $strTitle});
if (defined($strSubTitle))
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-header-subtitle',
{strContent => $strSubTitle});
# Generate menu
if ($self->{bMenu})
my $oMenuBody = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-menu')->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu-body');
if ($self->{strRenderOutKey} ne 'index')
my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet(RENDER_TYPE_HTML, 'index');
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu')->
addNew(HTML_A, 'menu-link', {strContent => $$oRenderOut{menu}, strRef => '{[project-url-root]}'});
# ??? The sort order here is hokey and only works for backrest - will need to be changed
foreach my $strRenderOutKey (sort {$b cmp $a} $self->{oManifest}->renderOutList(RENDER_TYPE_HTML))
if ($strRenderOutKey ne $self->{strRenderOutKey} && $strRenderOutKey ne 'index')
my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet(RENDER_TYPE_HTML, $strRenderOutKey);
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'menu')->
addNew(HTML_A, 'menu-link', {strContent => $$oRenderOut{menu}, strRef => "${strRenderOutKey}.html"});
# Generate table of contents
my $oPageTocBody;
if ($self->{bToc})
my $oPageToc = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc');
$oPageToc->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc-header')->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc-title', {strContent => "Table of Contents"});
$oPageTocBody = $oPageToc->
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-toc-body');
# Generate body
my $oPageBody = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-body');
my $iSectionNo = 1;
# Render sections
foreach my $oSection ($oPage->nodeList('section'))
my ($oChildSectionElement, $oChildSectionTocElement) =
$self->sectionProcess($oSection, undef, "${iSectionNo}", 1);
if (defined($oPageTocBody) && defined($oChildSectionTocElement))
my $oPageFooter = $oHtmlBuilder->bodyGet()->
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'page-footer',
{strContent => '{[html-footer]}'});
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strHtml', value => $oHtmlBuilder->htmlGet(), trace => true}
# sectionProcess
sub sectionProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->sectionProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'strAnchor', required => false},
{name => 'strSectionNo'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
&log($iDepth == 1 ? INFO : DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . 'process section: ' . $oSection->paramGet('id'));
if ($iDepth > 3)
confess &log(ASSERT, "section depth of ${iDepth} exceeds maximum");
# Working variables
$strAnchor =
(defined($strAnchor) ? "${strAnchor}/" : '')) .
# Create the section toc element
my $oSectionTocElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-toc");
# Create the section element
my $oSectionElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}");
# Add the section anchor
$oSectionElement->addNew(HTML_A, undef, {strId => $strAnchor});
# Add the section title to section and toc
my $oSectionHeaderElement = $oSectionElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-header");
my $strSectionTitle = $self->processText($oSection->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
if ($self->{bTocNumber})
$oSectionHeaderElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-number", {strContent => $strSectionNo});
$oSectionHeaderElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-title", {strContent => $strSectionTitle});
if ($self->{bTocNumber})
$oSectionTocElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-toc-number", {strContent => $strSectionNo});
my $oTocSectionTitleElement = $oSectionTocElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-toc-title");
HTML_A, undef,
{strContent => $strSectionTitle, strRef => "#${strAnchor}"});
# Add the section intro if it exists
if (defined($oSection->textGet(false)))
addNew(HTML_DIV, "section-intro",
{strContent => $self->processText($oSection->textGet())});
# Add the section body
my $oSectionBodyElement = $oSectionElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "section-body");
# Process each child
my $oSectionBodyExe;
my $iSectionNo = 1;
foreach my $oChild ($oSection->nodeList())
&log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 2)) . 'process child ' . $oChild->nameGet());
# Execute a command
if ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'execute-list')
my $oSectionBodyExecute = $oSectionBodyElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute");
my $bFirst = true;
my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('host'));
addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute-title",
{strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span> <b>&#x21d2;</b> " .
my $oExecuteBodyElement = $oSectionBodyExecute->addNew(HTML_DIV, "execute-body");
foreach my $oExecute ($oChild->nodeList('execute'))
my $bExeShow = !$oExecute->paramTest('show', 'n');
my $bExeExpectedError = defined($oExecute->paramGet('err-expect', false));
my ($strCommand, $strOutput) = $self->execute($oSection, $strHostName, $oExecute, $iDepth + 3);
if ($bExeShow)
# Add continuation chars and proper spacing
$strCommand =~ s/\n/\n /smg;
addNew(HTML_PRE, "execute-body-cmd",
{strContent => $strCommand, bPre => true});
my $strHighLight = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oExecute->fieldGet('exe-highlight', false));
my $bHighLightFound = false;
if (defined($strOutput))
my $bHighLightOld;
my $strHighLightOutput;
if ($oExecute->fieldTest('exe-highlight-type', 'error'))
$bExeExpectedError = true;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strOutput))
my $bHighLight = defined($strHighLight) && $strLine =~ /$strHighLight/;
if (defined($bHighLightOld) && $bHighLight != $bHighLightOld)
addNew(HTML_PRE, 'execute-body-output' .
($bHighLightOld ? '-highlight' . ($bExeExpectedError ? '-error' : '') : ''),
{strContent => $strHighLightOutput, bPre => true});
$strHighLightOutput .= (defined($strHighLightOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $strLine;
$bHighLightOld = $bHighLight;
$bHighLightFound = $bHighLightFound ? true : $bHighLight ? true : false;
if (defined($bHighLightOld))
addNew(HTML_PRE, 'execute-body-output' .
($bHighLightOld ? '-highlight' . ($bExeExpectedError ? '-error' : '') : ''),
{strContent => $strHighLightOutput, bPre => true});
$bFirst = true;
if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection) && defined($strHighLight) && !$bHighLightFound)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find a match for highlight: ${strHighLight}");
$bFirst = false;
# Add code block
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'code-block')
my $strValue = $oChild->valueGet();
# Trim linefeeds from the beginning and all whitespace from the end
$strValue =~ s/^\n+|\s+$//g;
# Find the line with the fewest leading spaces
my $iSpaceMin = undef;
foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strValue))
$strLine =~ s/\s+$//;
my $iSpaceMinTemp = length($strLine) - length(trim($strLine));
if (!defined($iSpaceMin) || $iSpaceMinTemp < $iSpaceMin)
$iSpaceMin = $iSpaceMinTemp;
# Replace the leading spaces
$strValue =~ s/^( ){$iSpaceMin}//smg;
HTML_PRE, 'code-block', {strContent => $strValue, bPre => true});
# Add descriptive text
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'p')
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'section-body-text',
{strContent => $self->processText($oChild->textGet())});
# Add option descriptive text
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'option-description')
my $strOption = $oChild->paramGet("key");
my $oDescription = ${$self->{oReference}->{oConfigHash}}{&CONFIG_HELP_OPTION}{$strOption}{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION};
if (!defined($oDescription))
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find ${strOption} option in sections - try adding option?");
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'section-body-text',
{strContent => $self->processText($oDescription)});
# Add cmd descriptive text
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'cmd-description')
my $strCommand = $oChild->paramGet("key");
my $oDescription = ${$self->{oReference}->{oConfigHash}}{&CONFIG_HELP_COMMAND}{$strCommand}{&CONFIG_HELP_DESCRIPTION};
if (!defined($oDescription))
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to find ${strCommand} command in sections - try adding command?");
addNew(HTML_DIV, 'section-body-text',
{strContent => $self->processText($oDescription)});
# Add/remove backrest config options
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'backrest-config')
my $oConfigElement = $self->backrestConfigProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 3);
if (defined($oConfigElement))
# Add/remove postgres config options
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'postgres-config')
my $oConfigElement = $self->postgresConfigProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 3);
if (defined($oConfigElement))
# Add a list
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'list')
my $oList = $oSectionBodyElement->addNew(HTML_UL, 'list-unordered');
foreach my $oListItem ($oChild->nodeList())
$oList->addNew(HTML_LI, 'list-unordered', {strContent => $self->processText($oListItem->textGet())});
# Add a subtitle
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'subtitle')
addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-subtitle",
{strContent => $self->processText($oChild->textGet())});
# Add a subsubtitle
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'subsubtitle')
addNew(HTML_DIV, "section${iDepth}-subsubtitle",
{strContent => $self->processText($oChild->textGet())});
# Add a subsection
elsif ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'section')
my ($oChildSectionElement, $oChildSectionTocElement) =
$self->sectionProcess($oChild, $strAnchor, "${strSectionNo}.${iSectionNo}", $iDepth + 1);
if (defined($oChildSectionTocElement))
# Check if the child can be processed by a parent
$self->sectionChildProcess($oSection, $oChild, $iDepth + 1);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oSectionElement', value => $oSectionElement, trace => true},
{name => 'oSectionTocElement', value => $oSection->paramTest('toc', 'n') ? undef : $oSectionTocElement, trace => true}
# backrestConfigProcess
sub backrestConfigProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->backrestConfigProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oConfig'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
# Generate the config
my $oConfigElement;
my ($strFile, $strConfig, $bShow) = $self->backrestConfig($oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth);
if ($bShow)
my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
# Render the config
$oConfigElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "config");
addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-title",
{strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span>:<span class=\"file\">${strFile}</span>" .
" <b>&#x21d2;</b> " . $self->processText($oConfig->nodeGet('title')->textGet())});
my $oConfigBodyElement = $oConfigElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body");
# $oConfigBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-title",
# {strContent => "${strFile}:"});
addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-output",
{strContent => $strConfig});
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oConfigElement', value => $oConfigElement, trace => true}
# postgresConfigProcess
sub postgresConfigProcess
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->postgresConfigProcess', \@_,
{name => 'oSection'},
{name => 'oConfig'},
{name => 'iDepth'}
# Generate the config
my $oConfigElement;
my ($strFile, $strConfig, $bShow) = $self->postgresConfig($oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth);
if ($bShow)
# Render the config
my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host'));
$oConfigElement = new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlElement(HTML_DIV, "config");
addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-title",
{strContent => "<span class=\"host\">${strHostName}</span>:<span class=\"file\">${strFile}</span>" .
" <b>&#x21d2;</b> " . $self->processText($oConfig->nodeGet('title')->textGet())});
my $oConfigBodyElement = $oConfigElement->addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body");
# $oConfigBodyElement->
# addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-title",
# {strContent => "append to ${strFile}:"});
addNew(HTML_DIV, "config-body-output",
{strContent => defined($strConfig) ? $strConfig : '<No PgBackRest Settings>'});
$oConfig->fieldSet('actual-config', $strConfig);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'oConfigElement', value => $oConfigElement, trace => true}