mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-16 10:20:02 +02:00
David Steele f210fe99c3 Implemented issue #109: Move VERSION into source code.
Also stopped replacing FORMAT number which explains the large number of test log changes.  FORMAT should change very rarely and cause test log failures when it does.
2015-06-22 13:11:07 -04:00

3156 lines
139 KiB
Executable File

# BackupTest.pl - Unit Tests for BackRest::Backup and BackRest::Restore
package BackRestTest::BackupTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use DBI;
use Exporter qw(import);
use Fcntl ':mode';
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy 'cp';
use File::stat;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Archive;
use BackRest::ArchiveInfo;
use BackRest::Config;
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Ini;
use BackRest::Manifest;
use BackRest::Protocol;
use BackRest::Remote;
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRestTest::CommonTest;
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestBackup_Test BackRestTestBackup_Create BackRestTestBackup_Drop BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute);
my $strTestPath;
my $strHost;
my $strUser;
my $strGroup;
my $strUserBackRest;
my $hDb;
# BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgConnect
my $iWaitSeconds = shift;
# Disconnect user session
# Default
$iWaitSeconds = defined($iWaitSeconds) ? $iWaitSeconds : 30;
# Record the start time
my $lTime = time();
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
$hDb = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet .
';host=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(),
{AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1});
if (!$@)
# If waiting then sleep before trying again
if (defined($iWaitSeconds))
while ($lTime > time() - $iWaitSeconds);
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to Postgres after ${iWaitSeconds} second(s)");
# BackRestTestBackup_PgDisconnect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgDisconnect
# Connect to the db (whether it is local or remote)
if (defined($hDb))
# BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans
my $strSql = shift;
# Connect to the db with autocommit on so we can runs statements that can't run in transaction blocks
my $hDb = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=postgres;port=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet .
';host=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(),
{AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1});
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
# Close the connection
# BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute
my $strSql = shift;
my $bCheckpoint = shift;
my $bCommit = shift;
# Set defaults
$bCommit = defined($bCommit) ? $bCommit : true;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
if ($bCommit)
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('commit', false, false);
# Perform a checkpoint if requested
if (defined($bCheckpoint) && $bCheckpoint)
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSwitchXlog
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSwitchXlog
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('select pg_switch_xlog()', false, false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('select pg_switch_xlog()', false, false);
# BackRestTestBackup_PgCommit
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgCommit
my $bCheckpoint = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute('commit', $bCheckpoint, false);
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect
my $strSql = shift;
# Log and execute the statement
&log(DEBUG, "SQL: ${strSql}");
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
my @oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
return @oyRow;
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne
my $strSql = shift;
return (BackRestTestBackup_PgSelect($strSql))[0];
# BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest
sub BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest
my $strSql = shift;
my $strExpectedValue = shift;
my $iTimeout = shift;
my $lStartTime = time();
my $strActualValue;
$strActualValue = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne($strSql);
if (defined($strActualValue) && $strActualValue eq $strExpectedValue)
while (defined($iTimeout) && (time() - $lStartTime) <= $iTimeout);
confess "expected value '${strExpectedValue}' from '${strSql}' but actual was '" .
(defined($strActualValue) ? $strActualValue : '[undef]') . "'";
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
my $bImmediate = shift;
my $bNoError = shift;
# Set default
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bImmediate = defined($bImmediate) ? $bImmediate : false;
# Disconnect user session
# Stop the cluster
BackRestTestCommon_ClusterStop($strPath, $bImmediate);
# Grep for errors in postgresql.log
if ((!defined($bNoError) || !$bNoError) &&
-e BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/postgresql.log')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('grep ERROR ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/postgresql.log',
undef, undef, undef, 1);
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $bHotStandby = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Set default
$iPort = defined($iPort) ? $iPort : BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet();
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
$bHotStandby = defined($bHotStandby) ? $bHotStandby : false;
$bArchive = defined($bArchive) ? $bArchive : true;
# Make sure postgres is not running
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
confess 'postmaster.pid exists';
# Creat the archive command
my $strArchive = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() . ' --stanza=' . BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet() .
' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . '/pg_backrest.conf archive-push %p';
# Start the cluster
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl start -o \"-c port=${iPort}" .
' -c checkpoint_segments=1';
if ($bArchive)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= '8.3')
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=on";
$strCommand .= " -c archive_command='${strArchive}'";
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= '9.0')
$strCommand .= " -c wal_level=hot_standby";
if ($bHotStandby)
$strCommand .= ' -c hot_standby=on';
$strCommand .= " -c archive_mode=on -c wal_level=archive -c archive_command=true";
$strCommand .= " -c unix_socket_director" . (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() < '9.3' ? "y='" : "ies='") .
BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "'\" " .
"-D ${strPath} -l ${strPath}/postgresql.log -s";
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
# Disconnect user session
# If postmaster process is running them stop the cluster
if (-e $strPath . '/postmaster.pid')
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/pg_ctl restart -D ${strPath} -w -s");
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Defaults
$strPath = defined($strPath) ? $strPath : BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(BackRestTestCommon_PgSqlBinPathGet() . "/initdb -D ${strPath} -A trust");
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart($strPath, $iPort, undef, $bArchive);
# Connect user session
# BackRestTestBackup_Drop
sub BackRestTestBackup_Drop
my $bImmediate = shift;
my $bNoError = shift;
# Stop the cluster if one is running
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), $bImmediate, $bNoError);
# Drop the test path
# # Remove the backrest private directory
# while (-e BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet())
# {
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true, true);
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), false, true);
# hsleep(.1);
# }
# # Remove the test directory
# BackRestTestCommon_PathRemove(BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet());
# BackRestTestBackup_Create
sub BackRestTestBackup_Create
my $bRemote = shift;
my $bCluster = shift;
my $bArchive = shift;
# Set defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
$bCluster = defined($bCluster) ? $bCluster : true;
# Drop the old test directory
# Create the test directory
# Create the db paths
# Create tablespace paths
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1, 2));
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(2, 2));
# Create the archive directory
if ($bRemote)
# Create the cluster
if ($bCluster)
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate(undef, undef, $bArchive);
# BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate
# Create a path specifying mode.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
# Create the path
if (!(-e $strFinalPath))
BackRestTestCommon_PathCreate($strFinalPath, $strMode);
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_PathMode
# Change the mode of a path.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathMode
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
BackRestTestCommon_PathMode($strFinalPath, $strMode);
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
# Create a path specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strSubPath, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strFinalPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strSubPath}';
my $strManifestPath = defined($strSubPath) ? $strSubPath : '.';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_PATH;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strManifestPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove
# Remove a path.
sub BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strSubPath = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strFinalPath = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} .
(defined($strSubPath) ? "/${strSubPath}" : '');
# Create the path
return $strFinalPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
# Create a tablespace specifying mode and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $iOid = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create final file location
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet($iOid);
# Stat the path
my $oStat = lstat($strPath);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat path ${strPath}';
# Load path into manifest
my $strSection = MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_PATH;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{'.'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
# Create the link in pg_tblspc
my $strLink = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/' . PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}";
symlink($strPath, $strLink)
or confess "unable to link ${strLink} to ${strPath}";
# Stat the link
$oStat = lstat($strLink);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat link ${strLink}';
# Load link into the manifest
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{"pg_tblspc/${iOid}"}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION} = $strPath;
# Load tablespace into the manifest
$strSection = MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}";
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strSection}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = $strPath;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop
# Drop a tablespace add remove it from the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $iOid = shift;
my $iIndex = shift;
# Remove tablespace path/file/link from manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_PATH});
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_LINK});
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_TABLESPACE . "/${iOid}:" . MANIFEST_FILE});
# Drop the link in pg_tblspc
BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet($iIndex) . '/' . PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}");
# Remove tablespace rom manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{MANIFEST_KEY_BASE . ':' . MANIFEST_LINK}{PATH_PG_TBLSPC . "/${iOid}"});
# BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Create the file
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate($strPathFile, $strContent, $lTime, $strMode);
# Return path to created file
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strContent = shift;
my $strChecksum = shift;
my $lTime = shift;
my $strMode = shift;
# Create the file
my $strPathFile = BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, $strContent, $lTime, $strMode);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strFile}';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_FILE;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE} = sprintf('%04o', S_IMODE($oStat->mode));
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP} = $oStat->mtime;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE} = $oStat->size;
if (defined($strChecksum))
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{checksum} = $strChecksum;
# BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove
# Remove a file from disk.
sub BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $bIgnoreMissing = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Remove the file
if (!(defined($bIgnoreMissing) && $bIgnoreMissing && !(-e $strPathFile)))
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
# Remove a file from disk and (optionally) the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Remove the file
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, true);
# Remove from manifest
delete(${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_FILE}{$strFile});
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
# Update all files that do not have a reference with the supplied reference.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strReference = shift;
my $bClear = shift;
# Set prior backup
if (defined($strReference))
${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR} = $strReference;
# Find all file sections
foreach my $strSectionFile (sort(keys(%$oManifestRef)))
# Skip non-file sections
if ($strSectionFile !~ /\:file$/)
foreach my $strFile (sort(keys(%{${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}})))
if (!defined($strReference))
elsif (defined($bClear) && $bClear)
if (defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE}) &&
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE} ne $strReference)
elsif (!defined(${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE}))
${$oManifestRef}{$strSectionFile}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_REFERENCE} = $strReference;
# BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate
# Create a file specifying content, mode, and time.
sub BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create actual file location
my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strPath}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} . "/${strFile}";
# Create the file
symlink($strDestination, $strPathFile)
or confess "unable to link ${strPathFile} to ${strDestination}";
# Return path to created file
return $strPathFile;
# BackRestTestBackup_LinkRemove
# Remove a link from disk.
# sub BackRestTestBackup_LinkRemove
# {
# my $oManifestRef = shift;
# my $strPath = shift;
# my $strFile = shift;
# my $bManifestRemove = shift;
# # Create actual file location
# my $strPathFile = ${$oManifestRef}{'backup:path'}{$strPath} . "/${strFile}";
# # Remove the file
# if (-e $strPathFile)
# {
# BackRestTestCommon_FileRemove($strPathFile);
# }
# # Remove from manifest
# if (defined($bManifestRemove) && $bManifestRemove)
# {
# delete(${$oManifestRef}{"${strPath}:file"}{$strFile});
# }
# }
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate
# Create a link and add it to the manifest.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate
my $oManifestRef = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $strFile = shift;
my $strDestination = shift;
# Create the file
my $strPathFile = BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate($oManifestRef, $strPath, $strFile, $strDestination);
# Stat the file
my $oStat = lstat($strPathFile);
# Check for errors in stat
if (!defined($oStat))
confess 'unable to stat ${strFile}';
# Load file into manifest
my $strSection = "${strPath}:" . MANIFEST_LINK;
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_GROUP} = getgrgid($oStat->gid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER} = getpwuid($oStat->uid);
${$oManifestRef}{$strSection}{$strFile}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_DESTINATION} = $strDestination;
# BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
sub BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup
my $oFile = shift;
my @stryBackup = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, undef, undef, 'reverse');
if (!defined($stryBackup[2]))
confess 'no backup was found';
return $stryBackup[2];
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $bTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
# Set defaults
$bTestPoint = defined($bTestPoint) ? $bTestPoint : false;
$fTestDelay = defined($fTestDelay) ? $fTestDelay : 0;
$strComment = "${strType} backup" . (defined($strComment) ? " (${strComment})" : '');
&log(INFO, " $strComment");
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteBegin(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
"/pg_backrest.conf" . ($bSynthetic ? " --no-start-stop" : '') .
(defined($strOptionalParam) ? " ${strOptionalParam}" : '') .
($strType ne 'incr' ? " --type=${strType}" : '') .
" --stanza=${strStanza} backup" . ($bTestPoint ? " --test --test-delay=${fTestDelay}": ''),
$bRemote, $strComment);
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $iExitStatus = BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd(undef, undef, undef, $iExpectedExitStatus);
if (defined($iExpectedExitStatus))
return undef;
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_TYPE} = $strType;
if (!defined($strBackup))
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_LastBackup($oFile);
if ($bSynthetic)
BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "/pg_backrest.conf", $bRemote);
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/pg_backrest.conf", $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", $bRemote);
return $strBackup;
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $strTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, true, defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay,
if (defined($strTestPoint))
return BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, $oExpectedManifestRef, true,
# BackRestTestBackup_Backup
sub BackRestTestBackup_Backup
my $strType = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $strTestPoint = shift;
my $fTestDelay = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, false, defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
if (defined($strTestPoint))
return BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, false, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# BackRestTestBackup_Info
sub BackRestTestBackup_Info
my $strStanza = shift;
my $strOutput = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
$strComment = "info" . (defined($strStanza) ? " ${strStanza}" : '');
&log(INFO, " $strComment");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' .
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet()) .
'/pg_backrest.conf' . (defined($strStanza) ? " --stanza=${strStanza}" : '') . ' info' .
(defined($strOutput) ? " --output=${strOutput}" : ''),
$bRemote, undef, undef, undef, $strComment);
# BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare
sub BackRestTestBackup_BackupCompare
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL} = $strBackup;
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my %oActualManifest;
iniLoad($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oActualManifest);
my $strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
iniSave("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", \%oActualManifest);
iniSave("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/expected.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge
# Allows for munging of the manifest while make it appear to be valid. This is used to create various error conditions that should
# be caught by the unit tests.
sub BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge
my $oFile = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $strSection = shift;
my $strKey = shift;
my $strSubKey = shift;
my $strValue = shift;
# Make sure the new value is at least vaguely reasonable
if (!defined($strSection) || !defined($strKey))
confess &log(ASSERT, 'strSection and strKey must be defined');
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read/written
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 770 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
# Read the manifest
my %oManifest;
iniLoad($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oManifest);
# Write in the munged value
if (defined($strSubKey))
if (defined($strValue))
$oManifest{$strSection}{$strKey}{$strSubKey} = $strValue;
if (defined($strValue))
$oManifest{$strSection}{$strKey} = $strValue;
# Remove the old checksum
my $oSHA = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new()->canonical()->allow_nonref();
# Set the new checksum
$oManifest{&INI_SECTION_BACKREST}{&INI_KEY_CHECKSUM} = $oSHA->hexdigest();
# Resave the manifest
iniSave($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, \%oManifest);
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER, $strBackup) . '/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
# BackRestTestBackup_Restore
sub BackRestTestBackup_Restore
my $oFile = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $oRemapHashRef = shift;
my $bDelta = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
my $strType = shift;
my $strTarget = shift;
my $bTargetExclusive = shift;
my $bTargetResume = shift;
my $strTargetTimeline = shift;
my $oRecoveryHashRef = shift;
my $strComment = shift;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = shift;
my $strOptionalParam = shift;
my $bCompare = shift;
# Set defaults
$bDelta = defined($bDelta) ? $bDelta : false;
$bForce = defined($bForce) ? $bForce : false;
my $bSynthetic = defined($oExpectedManifestRef) ? true : false;
$strComment = 'restore' .
($bDelta ? ' delta' : '') .
($bForce ? ', force' : '') .
($strBackup ne 'latest' ? ", backup '${strBackup}'" : '') .
($strType ? ", type '${strType}'" : '') .
($strTarget ? ", target '${strTarget}'" : '') .
($strTargetTimeline ? ", timeline '${strTargetTimeline}'" : '') .
(defined($bTargetExclusive) && $bTargetExclusive ? ', exclusive' : '') .
(defined($bTargetResume) && $bTargetResume ? ', resume' : '') .
(defined($oRemapHashRef) ? ', remap' : '') .
(defined($iExpectedExitStatus) ? ", expect exit ${iExpectedExitStatus}" : '') .
(defined($strComment) ? " (${strComment})" : '');
&log(INFO, " ${strComment}");
if (!defined($oExpectedManifestRef))
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my $oExpectedManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/backup.manifest", true);
$oExpectedManifestRef = $oExpectedManifest->{oContent};
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
if (defined($oRemapHashRef))
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRemap($oRemapHashRef, $oExpectedManifestRef, $bRemote);
if (defined($oRecoveryHashRef))
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigRecovery($oRecoveryHashRef, $bRemote);
# Create the backup command
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainAbsGet() : BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet()) .
' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf' . (defined($bDelta) && $bDelta ? ' --delta' : '') .
(defined($bForce) && $bForce ? ' --force' : '') .
($strBackup ne 'latest' ? " --set=${strBackup}" : '') .
(defined($strOptionalParam) ? " ${strOptionalParam} " : '') .
(defined($strType) && $strType ne RECOVERY_TYPE_DEFAULT ? " --type=${strType}" : '') .
(defined($strTarget) ? " --target=\"${strTarget}\"" : '') .
(defined($strTargetTimeline) ? " --target-timeline=\"${strTargetTimeline}\"" : '') .
(defined($bTargetExclusive) && $bTargetExclusive ? " --target-exclusive" : '') .
(defined($bTargetResume) && $bTargetResume ? " --target-resume" : '') .
" --stanza=${strStanza} restore",
undef, undef, undef, $iExpectedExitStatus, $strComment);
if (!defined($iExpectedExitStatus) && (!defined($bCompare) || $bCompare))
BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare($oFile, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strBackup, $bSynthetic, $oExpectedManifestRef);
# BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare
sub BackRestTestBackup_RestoreCompare
my $oFile = shift;
my $strStanza = shift;
my $bRemote = shift;
my $strBackup = shift;
my $bSynthetic = shift;
my $oExpectedManifestRef = shift;
my $strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
# Load the last manifest if it exists
my $oLastManifest = undef;
if (defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP}{&MANIFEST_KEY_PRIOR}))
# Change mode on the backup path so it can be read
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 750 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
my $oExpectedManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}/" . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
$oLastManifest = new BackRest::Manifest(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/" .
'/' . FILE_MANIFEST, true);
# Change mode on the backup path back before unit tests continue
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('chmod 700 ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), true);
# Generate the tablespace map for real backups
my $oTablespaceMap = undef;
if (!$bSynthetic)
foreach my $strTablespaceName (keys(%{${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}}))
if (defined(${$oExpectedManifestRef}{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH}{$strTablespaceName}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_LINK}))
my $strTablespaceOid =
$$oTablespaceMap{oid}{$strTablespaceOid}{name} = (split('/', $strTablespaceName))[1];
# Generate the actual manifest
my $oActualManifest = new BackRest::Manifest("${strTestPath}/" . FILE_MANIFEST, false);
my $oTablespaceMapRef = undef;
$oLastManifest, true, $oTablespaceMap);
# Generate checksums for all files if required
# Also fudge size if this is a synthetic test - sizes may change during backup.
foreach my $strSectionPathKey ($oActualManifest->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH))
my $strSectionPath = $oActualManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_PATH, $strSectionPathKey, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH);
# Create all paths in the manifest that do not already exist
my $strSection = "${strSectionPathKey}:" . MANIFEST_FILE;
if ($oActualManifest->test($strSection))
foreach my $strName ($oActualManifest->keys($strSection))
if (!$bSynthetic)
$oActualManifest->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE,
if ($oActualManifest->get($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) != 0)
$oActualManifest->set($strSection, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM,
$oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strSectionPath}/${strName}"));
# Set actual to expected for settings that always change from backup to backup
$oActualManifest->set(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_VERSION, undef,
$oActualManifest->set(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_CHECKSUM, undef,
if (!$bSynthetic)
iniSave("${strTestPath}/actual.manifest", $oActualManifest->{oContent});
iniSave("${strTestPath}/expected.manifest", $oExpectedManifestRef);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("diff ${strTestPath}/expected.manifest ${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/expected.manifest");
$oFile->remove(PATH_ABSOLUTE, "${strTestPath}/actual.manifest");
# BackRestTestBackup_Expire
sub BackRestTestBackup_Expire
my $strStanza = shift;
my $oFile = shift;
my $stryBackupExpectedRef = shift;
my $stryArchiveExpectedRef = shift;
my $iExpireFull = shift;
my $iExpireDiff = shift;
my $strExpireArchiveType = shift;
my $iExpireArchive = shift;
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
"/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=${strStanza} expire";
if (defined($iExpireFull))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-full=' . $iExpireFull;
if (defined($iExpireDiff))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-diff=' . $iExpireDiff;
if (defined($strExpireArchiveType))
$strCommand .= ' --retention-archive-type=' . $strExpireArchiveType .
' --retention-archive=' . $iExpireArchive;
# Check that the correct backups were expired
my @stryBackupActual = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER);
if (join(",", @stryBackupActual) ne join(",", @{$stryBackupExpectedRef}))
confess "expected backup list:\n " . join("\n ", @{$stryBackupExpectedRef}) .
"\n\nbut actual was:\n " . join("\n ", @stryBackupActual) . "\n";
# Check that the correct archive logs were expired
my @stryArchiveActual = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000100000000');
if (join(",", @stryArchiveActual) ne join(",", @{$stryArchiveExpectedRef}))
confess "expected archive list:\n " . join("\n ", @{$stryArchiveExpectedRef}) .
"\n\nbut actual was:\n " . join("\n ", @stryArchiveActual) . "\n";
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", false);
# BackRestTestBackup_Test
sub BackRestTestBackup_Test
my $strTest = shift;
my $iThreadMax = shift;
# If no test was specified, then run them all
if (!defined($strTest))
$strTest = 'all';
# Setup global variables
$strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
$strHost = BackRestTestCommon_HostGet();
$strUserBackRest = BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet();
$strUser = BackRestTestCommon_UserGet();
$strGroup = BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet();
# Setup test variables
my $iRun;
my $strModule = 'backup';
my $strThisTest;
my $bCreate;
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
my $strArchiveChecksum = '1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031';
my $iArchiveMax = 3;
my $strXlogPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/pg_xlog';
my $strArchiveTestFile = BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/test.archive2.bin';
my $strArchiveTestFile2 = BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/test.archive1.bin';
# Print test banner
&log(INFO, 'BACKUP MODULE ******************************************************************');
# Drop any existing cluster
BackRestTestBackup_Drop(true, true);
# Create remotes
my $oRemote = new BackRest::Remote
$strHost, # Host
$strUserBackRest, # User
BackRestTestCommon_CommandRemoteFullGet(), # Command
my $oLocal = new BackRest::Protocol
undef, # Name
false, # Is backend?
undef, # Command
# Test archive-push
$strThisTest = 'archive-push';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= true; $bArchiveAsync++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, " .
"arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the file object
if ($bCreate)
$oFile = (new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
$bCreate = false;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef),
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push';
# Loop through backups
for (my $iBackup = 1; $iBackup <= 3; $iBackup++)
my $strArchiveFile;
# Loop through archive files
for (my $iArchive = 1; $iArchive <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchive++)
# Construct the archive filename
my $iArchiveNo = (($iBackup - 1) * $iArchiveMax + ($iArchive - 1)) + 1;
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' backup ' . sprintf('%02d', $iBackup) .
', archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchive) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}");
if ($iArchive == $iBackup)
# load the archive info file so it can be munged for testing
my $strInfoFile = $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE);
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
&log(INFO, ' test db version mismatch error');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Break the system id
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
&log(INFO, ' test db system-id mismatch error');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Move settings back to original
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Should succeed because checksum is the same
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate ok');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}");
# Now it should break on archive duplication (because checksum is different
&log(INFO, ' test archive duplicate error');
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile2, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
if ($bArchiveAsync)
my $strDuplicateWal =
($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet()) .
unlink ($strDuplicateWal)
or confess "unable to remove duplicate WAL segment created for testing: ${strDuplicateWal}";
# Build the archive name to check for at the destination
my $strArchiveCheck = "9.3-1/${strArchiveFile}-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strArchiveCheck .= '.gz';
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
if (!$oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, $strArchiveCheck))
confess 'unable to find ' . $strArchiveCheck;
# !!! Need to put in tests for .backup files here
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE) . '/archive.info', $bRemote);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test archive-stop
$strThisTest = 'archive-stop';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $iError = 0; $iError <= $bRemote; $iError++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}" .
', error ' . ($iError ? 'connect' : 'version'),
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the file object
if ($bCreate)
$oFile = (new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
$bCreate = false;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef),
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
true, # archive-async
# Helper function to push archive logs
sub archivePush
my $oFile = shift;
my $strXlogPath = shift;
my $strArchiveTestFile = shift;
my $iArchiveNo = shift;
my $iExpectedError = shift;
my $strSourceFile = "${strXlogPath}/" . uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strSourceFile, # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
false, # Destination is not compressed
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push' .
(defined($iExpectedError) && $iExpectedError == ERROR_HOST_CONNECT ?
" --backup-host=bogus" : '');
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strSourceFile}", undef, undef, undef,
# Push a WAL segment
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 1);
# load the archive info file so it can be munged for testing
my $strInfoFile = $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE_INFO_FILE);
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
if ($iError == 0)
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Push two more segments with errors to exceed archive-max-mb
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 2,
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 3,
# Now this segment will get dropped
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 4);
# Fix the database version
if ($iError == 0)
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Remove the stop file
my $strStopFile = ($bRemote ? BackRestTestCommon_LocalPathGet() : BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet()) .
or die "unable to remove stop file ${strStopFile}";
# Push two more segments - only #4 should be missing from the archive at the end
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 5);
archivePush($oFile, $strXlogPath, $strArchiveTestFile, 6);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test archive-get
$strThisTest = 'archive-get';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bExists = false; $bExists <= true; $bExists++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, exists ${bExists}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
# Create the file object
$oFile = (BackRest::File->new
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
# Create the db/common/pg_xlog directory
$bCreate = false;
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
($bRemote ? BACKUP : undef), # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
undef, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() .
'/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get';
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " 000000010000000100000001 ${strXlogPath}/000000010000000100000001",
undef, undef, undef, ERROR_FILE_MISSING);
# Create the archive info file
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("chmod g+r,g+x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), $bRemote);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('mkdir -p -m 770 ' . $oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE), $bRemote);
(new BackRest::ArchiveInfo($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE)))->check('9.3', 6969);
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile($oFile->path_get(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE) . '/archive.info', $bRemote);
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_Execute("chmod g-r,g-x " . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet(), $bRemote);
if ($bExists)
# Loop through archive files
my $strArchiveFile;
for (my $iArchiveNo = 1; $iArchiveNo <= $iArchiveMax; $iArchiveNo++)
# Construct the archive filename
if ($iArchiveNo > 255)
confess 'backup total * archive total cannot be greater than 255';
$strArchiveFile = uc(sprintf('0000000100000001%08x', $iArchiveNo));
&log(INFO, ' archive ' .sprintf('%02x', $iArchiveNo) .
" - ${strArchiveFile}");
my $strSourceFile = "${strArchiveFile}-${strArchiveChecksum}";
if ($bCompress)
$strSourceFile .= '.gz';
$oFile->copy(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strArchiveTestFile, # Source file
PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, "9.3-1/${strSourceFile}", # Destination file
false, # Source is not compressed
$bCompress, # Destination compress based on test
undef, undef, undef, # Unused params
true); # Create path if it does not exist
my $strDestinationFile = "${strXlogPath}/${strArchiveFile}";
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " ${strArchiveFile} ${strDestinationFile}");
# Check that the destination file exists
if ($oFile->exists(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile))
if ($oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strDestinationFile) ne $strArchiveChecksum)
confess "archive file hash does not match ${strArchiveChecksum}";
confess 'archive file is not in destination';
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand . " 000000090000000900000009 ${strXlogPath}/RECOVERYXLOG",
undef, undef, undef, 1);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test expire
$strThisTest = 'expire';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
my $oFile;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strThisTest}\n");
# Create the file object
$oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the database
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
undef, # checksum
undef, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Backups
my @stryBackupExpected;
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_INCR, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, BackRestTestBackup_Backup(BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF, $strStanza, false, $oFile);
push @stryBackupExpected, 'backup.info';
push @stryBackupExpected, 'latest';
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef,
false)) {next}
# Append backup.info to create a baseline
BackRestTestCommon_TestLogAppendFile(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() .
"/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info", false);
# Create an archive log path that will be removed as old on the first archive expire call
$oFile->path_create(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000');
# Get the expected archive list
my @stryArchiveExpected = $oFile->list(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000100000000');
# Expire all but the last two fulls
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 0, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2);
# Expire all but the last three diffs
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 1, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, undef, 3);
# Expire all but the last three diffs and last two fulls (should be no change)
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3);
# Expire archive based on the last two fulls
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 10);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3, 'full', 2);
if ($oFile->exists(PATH_BACKUP_ARCHIVE, BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000'))
confess 'archive log path ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() . '-1/0000000000000000 should have been removed';
# Expire archive based on the last two diffs
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 18);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 2, 3, 'diff', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two incrs
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 0, 2);
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 9);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 2, 'incr', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two incrs (no change in archive)
splice(@stryBackupExpected, 1, 4);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'incr', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last two diffs (no change in archive)
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'diff', 2);
# Expire archive based on the last diff
splice(@stryArchiveExpected, 0, 3);
BackRestTestBackup_Expire($strStanza, $oFile, \@stryBackupExpected, \@stryArchiveExpected, 1, 1, 'diff', 1);
# Cleanup
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test synthetic
# Check the backup and restore functionality using synthetic data.
$strThisTest = 'synthetic';
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq $strThisTest)
$iRun = 0;
&log(INFO, "Test ${strModule} - ${strThisTest}\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
for (my $bHardlink = false; $bHardlink <= true; $bHardlink++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, cmp ${bCompress}, hardlink ${bHardlink}",
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strModule : undef,
$iThreadMax == 1 ? $strThisTest: undef)) {next}
# Get base time
my $lTime = time() - 100000;
# Build the manifest
my %oManifest;
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = 6156904820763115222;
# Create the test directory
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
$oManifest{'backup:path'}{base}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_PATH} = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base');
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'PG_VERSION', '9.3',
'e1f7a3a299f62225cba076fc6d3d6e677f303482', $lTime);
# Create base path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASE',
'a3b357a3e395e43fcfb19bb13f3c1b5179279593', $lTime);
# Create global path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'global');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'global/pg_control', '[replaceme]',
'56fe5780b8dca9705e0c22032a83828860a21235', $lTime - 100);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('cp ' . BackRestTestCommon_DataPathGet() . '/pg_control ' .
BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/global/pg_control');
utime($lTime - 100, $lTime - 100, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/global/pg_control')
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time");
$oManifest{'base:file'}{'global/pg_control'}{'size'} = 8192;
# Create tablespace path
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'pg_tblspc');
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
true, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : $bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax); # thread-max
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
DB, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
true, # checksum
$bHardlink, # hardlink
$iThreadMax); # thread-max
# Full backup
my $strType = 'full';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestLinkCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test', '/test');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestPathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'path-test');
my $strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
undef, undef, undef, undef, '--manifest-save-threshold=3');
# Backup Info
BackRestTestBackup_Info($strStanza, undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info($strStanza, INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
# Resume Full Backup
$strType = 'full';
my $strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strFullBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
my $oMungeManifest = BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest->remove('base:file', 'PG_VERSION', 'checksum');
BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $oMungeManifest, $bRemote);
$strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
# Restore - tests various mode, extra files/paths, missing files/paths
my $bDelta = true;
my $bForce = false;
# Create a path and file that are not in the manifest
BackRestTestBackup_PathCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'deleteme');
BackRestTestBackup_FileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'deleteme/deleteme.txt', 'DELETEME');
# Change path mode
BackRestTestBackup_PathMode(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base', '0777');
# Change an existing link to the wrong directory
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test');
BackRestTestBackup_LinkCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'link-test', '/wrong');
# Remove an path
BackRestTestBackup_PathRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'path-test');
# Remove a file
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'PG_VERSION');
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strFullBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'add and delete files');
# Various broken info tests
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
my $strInfoFile = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet . "/backup/${strStanza}/backup.info";
my %oInfo;
BackRestTestCommon_iniLoad($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote);
# Break the database version
my $strDbVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION} = '8.0';
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
my $strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid database version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_DB_VERSION} = $strDbVersion;
# Break the database system id
my $ullDbSysId = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = 6999999999999999999;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid system id', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID} = $ullDbSysId;
# Break the control version
my $iControlVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL} = 842;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid control version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL} = $iControlVersion;
# Break the catalog version
my $iCatalogVersion = $oInfo{'db'}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG};
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG} = 197208141;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'invalid catalog version', undef, undef, ERROR_BACKUP_MISMATCH);
# Fix up info file for next test
$oInfo{db}{&MANIFEST_KEY_CATALOG} = $iCatalogVersion;
BackRestTestCommon_iniSave($strInfoFile, \%oInfo, $bRemote, true);
# Incr backup
$strType = 'incr';
# Add tablespace 1
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/1", 'tablespace1.txt', 'TBLSPC1',
'd85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "base", 'badchecksum.txt', 'BADCHECKSUM',
'f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'add tablespace 1');
# Resume Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
# Move database from backup to temp
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest = BackRestTestCommon_manifestLoad("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $bRemote);
$oMungeManifest->set('base:file', 'badchecksum.txt', 'checksum', 'bogus');
BackRestTestCommon_manifestSave("$strTmpPath/backup.manifest", $oMungeManifest, $bRemote);
# Add tablespace 2
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2.txt', 'TBLSPC2',
'dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'resume and add tablespace 2', TEST_BACKUP_RESUME);
# Resume Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'cannot resume - new diff', TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME);
# Resume Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
$strTmpPath = BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/temp/${strStanza}.tmp";
BackRestTestCommon_PathMove(BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet() . "/backup/${strStanza}/${strBackup}",
$strTmpPath, $bRemote);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'cannot resume - disabled', TEST_BACKUP_NORESUME, undef, undef,
# Restore
$bDelta = false;
# Fail on used path
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on used path', ERROR_RESTORE_PATH_NOT_EMPTY);
# Fail on undef format
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef, undef);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on undef format', ERROR_FORMAT);
# Fail on mismatch format
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef, 0);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'fail on mismatch format', ERROR_FORMAT);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestMunge($oFile, $bRemote, $strBackup, INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_FORMAT, undef,
# Remap the base path
my %oRemapHash;
$oRemapHash{base} = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(2);
$oRemapHash{1} = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1, 2);
$oRemapHash{2} = BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(2, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, \%oManifest, \%oRemapHash, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'remap all paths');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2',
'09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestTablespaceDrop(\%oManifest, 1, 2);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2b.txt', 'TBLSPC2B',
'e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest,
'add files and remove tablespace 2');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT',
'9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'update files');
# Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'no updates');
# Incr Backup
$strType = 'incr';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, "remove files - but won't affect manifest",
true, true, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_FileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt');
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, \%oManifest, true);
# Diff Backup
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup, true);
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt');
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2b.txt', true);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPC2C',
'ad7df329ab97a1e7d35f1ff0351c079319121836', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, "remove files during backup", true, true, 1);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, "tablespace/2", 'tablespace2c.txt', 'TBLSPCBIGGER',
'dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66', $lTime);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileRemove(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', true);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, \%oManifest, true);
# Full Backup
$strType = 'full';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base1.txt', 'BASEUPDT2',
'7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33', $lTime);
$strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest);
# Diff Backup
$strType = 'diff';
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestReference(\%oManifest, $strFullBackup);
BackRestTestBackup_ManifestFileCreate(\%oManifest, 'base', 'base/base2.txt', 'BASE2UPDT',
'cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0', $lTime);
$strBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupSynthetic($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $oFile, \%oManifest, 'add files');
# Restore
$bDelta = true;
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'no tablespace remap', undef, '--no-tablespace', false);
# Backup Info
BackRestTestCommon_Execute('mkdir ' . BackRestTestCommon_RepoPathGet . '/backup/db_empty', $bRemote);
BackRestTestBackup_Info(undef, undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info(undef, INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info('bogus', undef, false);
BackRestTestBackup_Info('bogus', INFO_OUTPUT_JSON, false);
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test full
# Check the entire backup mechanism using actual clusters. Only the archive and start/stop mechanisms need to be tested since
# everything else was tested in the backup test.
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'full')
$iRun = 0;
$bCreate = true;
&log(INFO, "Test Full Backup\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bArchiveAsync = false; $bArchiveAsync <= true; $bArchiveAsync++)
for (my $bCompress = false; $bCompress <= true; $bCompress++)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rmt ${bRemote}, arc_async ${bArchiveAsync}, cmp ${bCompress}")) {next}
# Create the file object
my $oFile = new BackRest::File
$bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
$bRemote ? $oRemote : $oLocal
# Create the test directory
if ($bCreate)
BackRestTestBackup_Create($bRemote, false);
# Create db config
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
$bRemote ? BACKUP : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
$bRemote ? undef : false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
$bArchiveAsync, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create backup config
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('backup', # local
$bRemote ? DB : undef, # remote
$bCompress, # compress
undef, # checksum
false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
undef, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the cluster
if ($bCreate)
$bCreate = false;
# Static backup parameters
my $bSynthetic = false;
my $fTestDelay = .1;
# Variable backup parameters
my $bDelta = true;
my $bForce = false;
my $strType = undef;
my $strTarget = undef;
my $bTargetExclusive = false;
my $bTargetResume = false;
my $strTargetTimeline = undef;
my $oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
my $strTestPoint = undef;
my $strComment = undef;
my $iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
# Restore test string
my $strDefaultMessage = 'default';
my $strFullMessage = 'full';
my $strIncrMessage = 'incr';
my $strTimeMessage = 'time';
my $strXidMessage = 'xid';
my $strNameMessage = 'name';
my $strTimelineMessage = 'timeline3';
# Full backup
$strComment = 'insert during backup';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test (message text not null)");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test values ('$strDefaultMessage')");
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, $bSynthetic,
defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strFullMessage'", false);
my $strFullBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bSynthetic);
# Setup the time target
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimeMessage'", false);
my $strTimeTarget = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne("select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ')");
&log(INFO, " time target is ${strTimeTarget}");
# Incr backup
$strComment = 'update during backup';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecuteNoTrans("create tablespace ts1 location '" .
BackRestTestCommon_DbTablespacePathGet(1) . "'");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("alter table test set tablespace ts1", true);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test_remove (id int)", false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strDefaultMessage'", false);
BackRestTestBackup_BackupBegin($strType, $strStanza, $bRemote, $strComment, $bSynthetic,
defined($strTestPoint), $fTestDelay);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("drop table test_remove", false);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strIncrMessage'", false);
my $strIncrBackup = BackRestTestBackup_BackupEnd($strType, $strStanza, $oFile, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bSynthetic);
# Setup the xid target
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strXidMessage'", false, false);
my $strXidTarget = BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOne("select txid_current()");
&log(INFO, " xid target is ${strXidTarget}");
# Setup the name target
my $strNameTarget = 'backrest';
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strNameMessage'", false, true);
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1)
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_create_restore_point('${strNameTarget}')", false, false);
&log(INFO, " name target is ${strNameTarget}");
# Restore (type = default)
$bDelta = false;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
# Expect failure because postmaster.pid exists
$strComment = 'postmaster running';
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# Expect failure because db path is not empty
$strComment = 'path not empty';
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
# Drop and recreate db path
# Now the restore should work
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strNameMessage);
# Restore (restore type = xid, inclusive)
$bDelta = false;
$bForce = true;
$strTarget = $strXidTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1 ? true : undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus, '--no-tablespace', false);
# Save recovery file to test so we can use it in the next test
$oFile->copy(PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/recovery.conf',
PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/recovery.conf');
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'", false);
# Restore (restore type = preserve, inclusive)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
# Restore recovery file that was save in last test
$oFile->move(PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . '/recovery.conf',
PATH_ABSOLUTE, BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . '/recovery.conf');
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strXidMessage);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("update test set message = '$strTimelineMessage'", false);
# Restore (restore type = time, inclusive) - there is no exclusive time test because I can't find a way to find the
# exact commit time of a transaction.
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = $strTimeTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strFullBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimeMessage);
# Restore (restore type = xid, exclusive)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = $strXidTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = true;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strIncrMessage);
# Restore (restore type = name)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.1)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = true;
$strTarget = $strNameTarget;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = undef;
$oRecoveryHashRef = undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, 'latest', $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strNameMessage);
# Restore (restore type = default, timeline = 3)
if (BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 8.4)
$bDelta = true;
$bForce = false;
$strTarget = undef;
$bTargetExclusive = undef;
$bTargetResume = undef;
$strTargetTimeline = 3;
$oRecoveryHashRef = BackRestTestCommon_DbVersion() >= 9.0 ? {'standby-mode' => 'on'} : undef;
$strComment = undef;
$iExpectedExitStatus = undef;
&log(INFO, " testing recovery type = ${strType}");
BackRestTestBackup_Restore($oFile, $strIncrBackup, $strStanza, $bRemote, undef, undef, $bDelta, $bForce,
$strType, $strTarget, $bTargetExclusive, $bTargetResume, $strTargetTimeline,
$oRecoveryHashRef, $strComment, $iExpectedExitStatus);
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStart(undef, undef, true);
BackRestTestBackup_PgSelectOneTest('select message from test', $strTimelineMessage, 120);
$bCreate = true;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# Test collision
# See if it is possible for a table to be written to, have stop backup run, and be written to again all in the same second.
if ($strTest eq 'collision')
$iRun = 0;
my $iRunMax = 1000;
&log(INFO, "Test Backup Collision\n");
# Create the file object
my $oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the test database
# Create the config file
BackRestTestCommon_ConfigCreate('db', # local
undef, # remote
false, # compress
false, # checksum
false, # hardlink
$iThreadMax, # thread-max
false, # archive-async
undef); # compress-async
# Create the test table
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("create table test_collision (id int)");
# Construct filename to test
my $strFile = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . "/base";
# Get the oid of the postgres db
my $strSql = "select oid from pg_database where datname = 'postgres'";
my $hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
my @oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
$strFile .= '/' . $oyRow[0];
# Get the oid of the new table so we can check the file on disk
$strSql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = 'test_collision'";
$hStatement = $hDb->prepare($strSql);
$hStatement->execute() or
confess &log(ERROR, "Unable to execute: ${strSql}");
@oyRow = $hStatement->fetchrow_array();
$strFile .= '/' . $oyRow[0];
&log(INFO, 'table filename = ' . $strFile);
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_start_backup('test');");
# File modified in the same second after the manifest is taken and file is copied
while ($iRun < $iRunMax)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"mod after manifest")) {next}
my $strTestChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
# Insert a row and do a checkpoint
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test_collision values (1)", true);
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has started
my $strBeginChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
my $oStat = lstat($strFile);
my $lBeginSize = $oStat->size;
my $lBeginTime = $oStat->mtime;
# Sleep .5 seconds to give a reasonable amount of time for the file to be copied after the manifest was generated
# Sleep for a while to show there is a large window where this can happen
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
# Insert another row
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("insert into test_collision values (1)");
# Stop backup, start a new backup
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_stop_backup();");
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_start_backup('test');");
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has restarted
my $strEndChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, $strFile);
$oStat = lstat($strFile);
my $lEndSize = $oStat->size;
my $lEndTime = $oStat->mtime;
# Error if the size/modtime are the same between the backups
&log(INFO, " begin size = ${lBeginSize}, time = ${lBeginTime}, hash ${strBeginChecksum} - " .
"end size = ${lEndSize}, time = ${lEndTime}, hash ${strEndChecksum} - test hash ${strTestChecksum}");
if ($lBeginSize == $lEndSize && $lBeginTime == $lEndTime &&
$strTestChecksum ne $strBeginChecksum && $strBeginChecksum ne $strEndChecksum)
&log(ERROR, "size and mod time are the same between backups");
$iRun = $iRunMax;
BackRestTestBackup_PgExecute("select pg_stop_backup();");
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');
# rsync-collision
# See if it is possible for a table to be written to, have stop backup run, and be written to again all in the same second.
if ($strTest eq 'rsync-collision')
$iRun = 0;
my $iRunMax = 1000;
&log(INFO, "Test Rsync Collision\n");
# Create the file object
my $oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# Create the test database
BackRestTestBackup_Create(false, false);
# Create test paths
my $strPathRsync1 = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . "/rsync1";
my $strPathRsync2 = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . "/rsync2";
# Rsync command
my $strCommand = "rsync -vvrt ${strPathRsync1}/ ${strPathRsync2}";
# File modified in the same second after the manifest is taken and file is copied
while ($iRun < $iRunMax)
# Increment the run, log, and decide whether this unit test should be run
if (!BackRestTestCommon_Run(++$iRun,
"rsync test")) {next}
# Create test file
&log(INFO, "create test file");
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate("${strPathRsync1}/test.txt", 'TEST1');
# Stat the file to get size/modtime after the backup has started
my $strBeginChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync1}/test.txt");
# Rsync
&log(INFO, "rsync 1st time");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand, false, false, true);
# Sleep for a while to show there is a large window where this can happen
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
&log(INFO, 'time ' . gettimeofday());
# Modify the test file within the same second
&log(INFO, "modify test file");
BackRestTestCommon_FileCreate("${strPathRsync1}/test.txt", 'TEST2');
my $strEndChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync1}/test.txt");
# Rsync again
&log(INFO, "rsync 2nd time");
BackRestTestCommon_Execute($strCommand, false, false, true);
my $strTestChecksum = $oFile->hash(PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE, "${strPathRsync2}/test.txt");
# Error if checksums are not the same after rsync
&log(INFO, " begin hash ${strBeginChecksum} - end hash ${strEndChecksum} - test hash ${strTestChecksum}");
if ($strTestChecksum ne $strEndChecksum)
&log(ERROR, "end and test checksums are not the same");
$iRun = $iRunMax;
if (BackRestTestCommon_Cleanup())
&log(INFO, 'cleanup');