mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-16 10:20:02 +02:00
David Steele 8674a4f7ae Allow functions with sensitive options to be logged at debug level with redactions.
Previously, functions with sensitive options had to be logged at trace level to avoid exposing them. Trace level logging may still expose secrets so use with caution.
2017-10-24 12:35:36 -04:00

1254 lines
49 KiB

package pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Ini;
use pgBackRest::Common::Io::Base;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::LoadFailback;
use pgBackRest::Version;
# Export config constants and functions
push(@EXPORT, @pgBackRest::Config::LoadFailback::EXPORT);
# SOURCE Constants
use constant CFGDEF_SOURCE_CONFIG => 'config';
use constant CFGDEF_SOURCE_PARAM => 'param';
use constant CFGDEF_SOURCE_DEFAULT => 'default';
# Configuration section constants
use constant CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL => 'global';
use constant CFGDEF_SECTION_STANZA => 'stanza';
# Module variables
my %oOption; # Option hash
my $strCommand; # Command (backup, archive-get, ...)
my $strCommandHelp; # The command that help is being generate for
my $bInitLog = false; # Has logging been initialized yet?
# configLogging - configure logging based on options
sub configLogging
my $bLogInitForce = shift;
if ($bInitLog || (defined($bLogInitForce) && $bLogInitForce))
cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_LOG_TIMESTAMP) ? cfgOption(CFGOPT_LOG_TIMESTAMP) : undef);
$bInitLog = true;
push @EXPORT, qw(configLogging);
# configLoad - load configuration
# Additional conditions that cannot be codified by the OptionRule hash are also tested here.
sub configLoad
my $bInitLogging = shift;
# Clear option in case it was loaded before
%oOption = ();
# Build hash with all valid command-line options
my @stryOptionAllow;
for (my $iOptionId = 0; $iOptionId < cfgOptionTotal(); $iOptionId++)
my $strKey = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
foreach my $bAltName (false, true)
my $strOptionName = $strKey;
if ($bAltName)
if (!defined(cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId)))
$strOptionName = cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId);
my $strOption = $strOptionName;
if (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_HASH)
$strOption .= '=s@';
elsif (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) ne CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
$strOption .= '=s';
push(@stryOptionAllow, $strOption);
# Check if the option can be negated
if (cfgRuleOptionNegate($iOptionId))
push(@stryOptionAllow, 'no-' . $strOptionName);
# Get command-line options
my %oOptionTest;
# If nothing was passed on the command line then display help
if (@ARGV == 0)
# Else process command line options
# Parse command line options
if (!GetOptions(\%oOptionTest, @stryOptionAllow))
$strCommand = cfgCommandName(CFGCMD_HELP);
return false;
# Validate and store options
my $bHelp = false;
if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq cfgCommandName(CFGCMD_HELP) && defined($ARGV[1]))
$bHelp = true;
$strCommandHelp = $ARGV[1];
$ARGV[0] = $ARGV[1];
optionValidate(\%oOptionTest, $bHelp);
if ($bHelp)
# If this is not the remote and logging is allowed (to not overwrite log levels for tests) then set the log level so that
# INFO/WARN messages can be displayed (the user may still disable them). This should be run before any WARN logging is
# generated.
if (!defined($bInitLogging) || $bInitLogging)
# Log the command begin
# Neutralize the umask to make the repository file/path modes more consistent
# Set db-cmd and backup-cmd to defaults if they are not set. The command depends on the currently running exe so can't be
# calculated correctly in the C Library -- perhaps in the future this value will be passed in or set some other way
if (cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_BACKUP_CMD) && cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_BACKUP_HOST) && !cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_BACKUP_CMD))
$oOption{cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_BACKUP_CMD)}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
if (cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_DB_CMD))
for (my $iOptionIdx = 1; $iOptionIdx <= cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_DB_HOST); $iOptionIdx++)
if (cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIndex(CFGOPT_DB_HOST, $iOptionIdx)) &&
!cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIndex(CFGOPT_DB_CMD, $iOptionIdx)))
cfgOptionSet(cfgOptionIndex(CFGOPT_DB_CMD, $iOptionIdx), BACKREST_BIN);
$oOption{cfgOptionIndex(CFGOPT_DB_CMD, $iOptionIdx)}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
# Protocol timeout should be greater than db timeout
if (cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_DB_TIMEOUT) && cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT) &&
# If protocol-timeout is default then increase it to be greater than db-timeout
confess &log(ERROR,
"'" . cfgOption(CFGOPT_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT) . "' is not valid for '" .
cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT) . "' option\n" .
"HINT: 'protocol-timeout' option should be greater than 'db-timeout' option.",
# Make sure that backup and db are not both remote
if (cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_DB_HOST) && cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_BACKUP_HOST))
confess &log(ERROR, 'db and backup cannot both be configured as remote', ERROR_CONFIG);
# Warn when retention-full is not set
"option retention-full is not set, the repository may run out of space\n" .
"HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'retention-full' to the maximum.");
# If archive retention is valid for the command, then set archive settings
my $strArchiveRetentionType = cfgOption(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE_TYPE, false);
my $iArchiveRetention = cfgOption(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE, false);
my $iFullRetention = cfgOption(CFGOPT_RETENTION_FULL, false);
my $iDifferentialRetention = cfgOption(CFGOPT_RETENTION_DIFF, false);
my $strMsgArchiveOff = "WAL segments will not be expired: option '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE_TYPE) .
"=${strArchiveRetentionType}' but ";
# If the archive retention is not explicitly set then determine what it should be set to so the user does not have to.
if (!defined($iArchiveRetention))
# If retention-archive-type is default, then if retention-full is set, set the retention-archive to this value,
# else ignore archiving
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL)
if (defined($iFullRetention))
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE, $iFullRetention);
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF)
# if retention-diff is set then user must have set it
if (defined($iDifferentialRetention))
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE, $iDifferentialRetention);
$strMsgArchiveOff . "neither option '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE) .
"' nor option '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_DIFF) . "' is set");
elsif ($strArchiveRetentionType eq CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_INCR)
&log(WARN, $strMsgArchiveOff . "option '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_ARCHIVE) . "' is not set");
# If retention-archive is set then check retention-archive-type and issue a warning if the corresponding setting is
# UNDEF since UNDEF means backups will not be expired but they should be in the practice of setting this
# value even though expiring the archive itself is OK and will be performed.
if ($strArchiveRetentionType eq CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_DIFF && !defined($iDifferentialRetention))
"option '" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_DIFF) . "' is not set for '" .
"HINT: to retain differential backups indefinitely (without warning), set option '" .
cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_RETENTION_DIFF) . "' to the maximum.");
# Warn if ARCHIVE_MAX_MB is present
if (cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB) && cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB))
"'" . cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_MAX_MB) . "' is no longer not longer valid, use '" .
cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_QUEUE_MAX) . "' instead");
return true;
push @EXPORT, qw(configLoad);
# optionValueGet
# Find the value of an option using both the regular and alt values. Error if both are defined.
sub optionValueGet
my $strOption = shift;
my $hOption = shift;
my $strValue = $hOption->{$strOption};
# Some options have an alternate name so check for that as well
my $iOptionId = cfgOptionId($strOption);
if (defined(cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId)))
my $strOptionAlt = cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId);
my $strValueAlt = $hOption->{$strOptionAlt};
if (defined($strValueAlt))
if (!defined($strValue))
$strValue = $strValueAlt;
$hOption->{$strOption} = $strValue;
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strOption}' and '${strOptionAlt}' cannot both be defined", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_VALUE);
return $strValue;
# optionValidate
# Make sure the command-line options are valid based on the command.
sub optionValidate
my $oOptionTest = shift;
my $bHelp = shift;
# Check that the command is present and valid
$strCommand = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined($strCommand))
confess &log(ERROR, "command must be specified", ERROR_COMMAND_REQUIRED);
my $iCommandId = cfgCommandId($strCommand);
if ($iCommandId eq "-1")
confess &log(ERROR, "invalid command ${strCommand}", ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID);
# Hash to store contents of the config file. The file will be loaded once the config dependency is resolved unless all options
# are set on the command line or --no-config is specified.
my $oConfig;
my $bConfigExists = true;
# Keep track of unresolved dependencies
my $bDependUnresolved = true;
my %oOptionResolved;
# Loop through all possible options
while ($bDependUnresolved)
# Assume that all dependencies will be resolved in this loop
$bDependUnresolved = false;
for (my $iOptionId = 0; $iOptionId < cfgOptionTotal(); $iOptionId++)
my $strOption = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
# Skip the option if it has been resolved in a prior loop
if (defined($oOptionResolved{$strOption}))
# Determine if an option is valid for a command
$oOption{$strOption}{valid} = cfgRuleOptionValid($iCommandId, $iOptionId);
if (!$oOption{$strOption}{valid})
$oOptionResolved{$strOption} = true;
# Store the option value
my $strValue = optionValueGet($strOption, $oOptionTest);
# Check to see if an option can be negated. Make sure that it is not set and negated at the same time.
my $bNegate = false;
if (cfgRuleOptionNegate($iOptionId))
$bNegate = defined($$oOptionTest{'no-' . $strOption});
if ($bNegate && defined($strValue))
confess &log(ERROR, "option '${strOption}' cannot be both set and negated", ERROR_OPTION_NEGATE);
if ($bNegate && cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
$strValue = false;
# Check dependency for the command then for the option
my $bDependResolved = true;
my $strDependOption;
my $strDependValue;
my $strDependType;
if (cfgRuleOptionDepend($iCommandId, $iOptionId))
# Check if the depend option has a value
my $iDependOptionId = cfgRuleOptionDependOption($iCommandId, $iOptionId);
$strDependOption = cfgOptionName($iDependOptionId);
$strDependValue = $oOption{$strDependOption}{value};
# Make sure the depend option has been resolved, otherwise skip this option for now
if (!defined($oOptionResolved{$strDependOption}))
$bDependUnresolved = true;
if (!defined($strDependValue))
$bDependResolved = false;
$strDependType = 'source';
# If a depend value exists, make sure the option value matches
if ($bDependResolved && cfgRuleOptionDependValueTotal($iCommandId, $iOptionId) == 1 &&
cfgRuleOptionDependValue($iCommandId, $iOptionId, 0) ne $strDependValue)
$bDependResolved = false;
$strDependType = 'value';
# If a depend list exists, make sure the value is in the list
if ($bDependResolved && cfgRuleOptionDependValueTotal($iCommandId, $iOptionId) > 1 &&
!cfgRuleOptionDependValueValid($iCommandId, $iOptionId, $strDependValue))
$bDependResolved = false;
$strDependType = 'list';
# If the option value is undefined and not negated, see if it can be loaded from the config file
if (!defined($strValue) && !$bNegate && $strOption ne cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CONFIG) &&
defined(cfgRuleOptionSection($iOptionId)) && $bDependResolved)
# If the config option has not been resolved yet then continue processing
if (!defined($oOptionResolved{cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CONFIG)}) ||
$bDependUnresolved = true;
# If the config option is defined try to get the option from the config file
if ($bConfigExists && defined($oOption{cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CONFIG)}{value}))
# Attempt to load the config file if it has not been loaded
if (!defined($oConfig))
my $strConfigFile = $oOption{cfgOptionName(CFGOPT_CONFIG)}{value};
$bConfigExists = -e $strConfigFile;
if ($bConfigExists)
if (!-f $strConfigFile)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strConfigFile}' is not a file", ERROR_FILE_INVALID);
# Load Storage::Helper module
require pgBackRest::Storage::Helper;
$oConfig = iniParse(${storageLocal->('/')->get($strConfigFile)}, {bRelaxed => true});
# Get the section that the value should be in
my $strSection = cfgRuleOptionSection($iOptionId);
# Always check for the option in the stanza section first
if (cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_STANZA))
$strValue = optionValueGet($strOption, $$oConfig{cfgOption(CFGOPT_STANZA)});
# Only continue searching when strSection != CFGDEF_SECTION_STANZA. Some options (e.g. db-path) can only be
# configured in the stanza section.
if (!defined($strValue) && $strSection ne CFGDEF_SECTION_STANZA)
# Check the stanza command section
if (cfgOptionTest(CFGOPT_STANZA))
$strValue = optionValueGet($strOption, $$oConfig{cfgOption(CFGOPT_STANZA) . ":${strCommand}"});
# Check the global command section
if (!defined($strValue))
$strValue = optionValueGet($strOption, $$oConfig{&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL . ":${strCommand}"});
# Finally check the global section
if (!defined($strValue))
$strValue = optionValueGet($strOption, $$oConfig{&CFGDEF_SECTION_GLOBAL});
# Fix up data types
if (defined($strValue))
# The empty string is undefined
if ($strValue eq '')
$strValue = undef;
# Convert Y or N to boolean
elsif (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
if ($strValue eq 'y')
$strValue = true;
elsif ($strValue eq 'n')
$strValue = false;
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strValue}' is not valid for '${strOption}' option",
# Convert a list of key/value pairs to a hash
elsif (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_HASH)
my @oValue = ();
# If there is only one key/value
if (ref(\$strValue) eq 'SCALAR')
push(@oValue, $strValue);
# Else if there is an array of values
@oValue = @{$strValue};
# Reset the value hash
$strValue = {};
# Iterate and parse each key/value pair
foreach my $strHash (@oValue)
my $iEqualIdx = index($strHash, '=');
if ($iEqualIdx < 1 || $iEqualIdx == length($strHash) - 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strHash}' is not valid for '${strOption}' option",
my $strHashKey = substr($strHash, 0, $iEqualIdx);
my $strHashValue = substr($strHash, length($strHashKey) + 1);
$$strValue{$strHashKey} = $strHashValue;
# In all other cases the value should be scalar
elsif (ref(\$strValue) ne 'SCALAR')
confess &log(
ERROR, "option '${strOption}' cannot be specified multiple times", ERROR_OPTION_MULTIPLE_VALUE);
$oOption{$strOption}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_CONFIG;
if (cfgRuleOptionDepend($iCommandId, $iOptionId) && !$bDependResolved && defined($strValue))
my $strError = "option '${strOption}' not valid without option ";
my $iDependOptionId = cfgOptionId($strDependOption);
if ($strDependType eq 'source')
confess &log(ERROR, "${strError}'${strDependOption}'", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID);
# If a depend value exists, make sure the option value matches
if ($strDependType eq 'value')
if (cfgRuleOptionType($iDependOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
$strError .=
"'" . (cfgRuleOptionDependValue($iCommandId, $iOptionId, 0) ? '' : 'no-') . "${strDependOption}'";
$strError .= "'${strDependOption}' = '" . cfgRuleOptionDependValue($iCommandId, $iOptionId, 0) . "'";
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, ERROR_OPTION_INVALID);
$strError .= "'${strDependOption}'";
# If a depend list exists, make sure the value is in the list
if ($strDependType eq 'list')
my @oyValue;
for (my $iValueId = 0; $iValueId < cfgRuleOptionDependValueTotal($iCommandId, $iOptionId); $iValueId++)
push(@oyValue, "'" . cfgRuleOptionDependValue($iCommandId, $iOptionId, $iValueId) . "'");
$strError .= @oyValue == 1 ? " = $oyValue[0]" : " in (" . join(", ", @oyValue) . ")";
confess &log(ERROR, $strError, ERROR_OPTION_INVALID);
# Is the option defined?
if (defined($strValue))
# Check that floats and integers are valid
if (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_INTEGER ||
cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_FLOAT)
# Test that the string is a valid float or integer by adding 1 to it. It's pretty hokey but it works and it
# beats requiring Scalar::Util::Numeric to do it properly.
my $bError = false;
my $strTest = $strValue + 1;
return true;
or do
$bError = true;
# Check that integers are really integers
if (!$bError && cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_INTEGER &&
(int($strValue) . 'S') ne ($strValue . 'S'))
$bError = true;
# Error if the value did not pass tests
or confess &log(ERROR, "'${strValue}' is not valid for '${strOption}' option", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_VALUE);
# Process an allow list for the command then for the option
if (cfgRuleOptionAllowList($iCommandId, $iOptionId) &&
!cfgRuleOptionAllowListValueValid($iCommandId, $iOptionId, $strValue))
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strValue}' is not valid for '${strOption}' option", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_VALUE);
# Process an allow range for the command then for the option
if (cfgRuleOptionAllowRange($iCommandId, $iOptionId) &&
($strValue < cfgRuleOptionAllowRangeMin($iCommandId, $iOptionId) ||
$strValue > cfgRuleOptionAllowRangeMax($iCommandId, $iOptionId)))
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strValue}' is not valid for '${strOption}' option", ERROR_OPTION_INVALID_RANGE);
# Set option value
if (cfgRuleOptionType($iOptionId) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_HASH && ref($strValue) eq 'ARRAY')
foreach my $strItem (@{$strValue})
my $strKey;
my $strValue;
# If the keys are expected to have values
if (cfgRuleOptionValueHash($iOptionId))
# Check for = and make sure there is a least one character on each side
my $iEqualPos = index($strItem, '=');
if ($iEqualPos < 1 || length($strItem) <= $iEqualPos + 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strItem}' not valid key/value for '${strOption}' option",
$strKey = substr($strItem, 0, $iEqualPos);
$strValue = substr($strItem, $iEqualPos + 1);
# Else no values are expected so set value to true
$strKey = $strItem;
$strValue = true;
# Check that the key has not already been set
if (defined($oOption{$strOption}{$strKey}{value}))
confess &log(ERROR, "'${$strItem}' already defined for '${strOption}' option",
# Set key/value
$oOption{$strOption}{value}{$strKey} = $strValue;
$oOption{$strOption}{value} = $strValue;
# If not config sourced then it must be a param
if (!defined($oOption{$strOption}{source}))
$oOption{$strOption}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_PARAM;
# Else try to set a default
elsif ($bDependResolved)
# Source is default for this option
$oOption{$strOption}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
# Check for default in command then option
my $strDefault = cfgRuleOptionDefault($iCommandId, $iOptionId);
# If default is defined
if (defined($strDefault))
# Only set default if dependency is resolved
$oOption{$strOption}{value} = $strDefault if !$bNegate;
# Else check required
elsif (cfgRuleOptionRequired($iCommandId, $iOptionId) && !$bHelp)
confess &log(ERROR,
"${strCommand} command requires option: ${strOption}" .
(defined(cfgRuleOptionHint($iCommandId, $iOptionId)) ?
"\nHINT: " . cfgRuleOptionHint($iCommandId, $iOptionId) : ''),
$oOptionResolved{$strOption} = true;
# Make sure all options specified on the command line are valid
foreach my $strOption (sort(keys(%{$oOptionTest})))
# Strip "no-" off the option
$strOption = $strOption =~ /^no\-/ ? substr($strOption, 3) : $strOption;
if (!$oOption{$strOption}{valid})
confess &log(ERROR, "option '${strOption}' not valid for command '${strCommand}'", ERROR_OPTION_COMMAND);
# If a config file was loaded then determine if all options are valid in the config file
if (defined($oConfig))
# configFileValidate
# Determine if the configuration file contains any invalid options or placements. Not valid on remote.
sub configFileValidate
my $oConfig = shift;
my $bFileValid = true;
if (!cfgCommandTest(CFGCMD_REMOTE) && !cfgCommandTest(CFGCMD_LOCAL))
foreach my $strSectionKey (keys(%$oConfig))
my ($strSection, $strCommand) = ($strSectionKey =~ m/([^:]*):*(\w*-*\w*)/);
foreach my $strOption (keys(%{$$oConfig{$strSectionKey}}))
my $strOptionDisplay = $strOption;
my $strValue = $$oConfig{$strSectionKey}{$strOption};
# Is the option listed as an alternate name for another option? If so, replace it with the recognized option.
my $strOptionAltName = optionAltName($strOption);
if (defined($strOptionAltName))
$strOption = $strOptionAltName;
# Is the option a valid pgbackrest option?
if (!(cfgOptionId($strOption) ne '-1' || defined($strOptionAltName)))
&log(WARN, cfgOption(CFGOPT_CONFIG) . " file contains invalid option '${strOptionDisplay}'");
$bFileValid = false;
# Is the option valid for the command section in which it is located?
if (defined($strCommand) && $strCommand ne '')
if (!cfgRuleOptionValid(cfgCommandId($strCommand), cfgOptionId($strOption)))
&log(WARN, cfgOption(CFGOPT_CONFIG) . " valid option '${strOptionDisplay}' is not valid for command " .
$bFileValid = false;
# Is the valid option a stanza-only option and not located in a global section?
if (cfgRuleOptionSection(cfgOptionId($strOption)) eq CFGDEF_SECTION_STANZA &&
cfgOption(CFGOPT_CONFIG) . " valid option '${strOptionDisplay}' is a stanza section option and is" .
" not valid in section ${strSection}\n" .
"HINT: global options can be specified in global or stanza sections but not visa-versa");
$bFileValid = false;
return $bFileValid;
# optionAltName
# Returns the ALT_NAME for the option if one exists.
sub optionAltName
my $strOption = shift;
my $strOptionAltName = undef;
# Check if the options exists as an alternate name (e.g. db-host has altname db1-host)
for (my $iOptionId = 0; $iOptionId < cfgOptionTotal(); $iOptionId++)
my $strKey = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
if (defined(cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId)) && cfgRuleOptionNameAlt($iOptionId) eq $strOption)
$strOptionAltName = $strKey;
return $strOptionAltName;
# cfgOptionIndex - return name for options that can be indexed (e.g. db1-host, db2-host).
sub cfgOptionIndex
my $iOptionId = shift;
my $iIndex = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
# If the option doesn't have a prefix it can't be indexed
$iIndex = defined($iIndex) ? $iIndex : 1;
my $strPrefix = cfgRuleOptionPrefix($iOptionId);
if (!defined($strPrefix))
if ($iIndex > 1)
confess &log(ASSERT, "'" . cfgOptionName($iOptionId) . "' option does not allow indexing");
return $iOptionId;
return cfgOptionId("${strPrefix}${iIndex}" . substr(cfgOptionName($iOptionId), index(cfgOptionName($iOptionId), '-')));
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionIndex);
# cfgOptionSource - how was the option set?
sub cfgOptionSource
my $iOptionId = shift;
cfgOptionValid($iOptionId, true);
return $oOption{cfgOptionName($iOptionId)}{source};
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionSource);
# cfgOptionValid - is the option valid for the current command?
sub cfgOptionValid
my $iOptionId = shift;
my $bError = shift;
# If defined then this is the command help is being generated for so all valid checks should be against that command
my $iCommandId;
if (defined($strCommandHelp))
$iCommandId = cfgCommandId($strCommandHelp);
# Else try to use the normal command
elsif (defined($strCommand))
$iCommandId = cfgCommandId($strCommand);
if (defined($iCommandId) && cfgRuleOptionValid($iCommandId, $iOptionId))
return true;
if (defined($bError) && $bError)
my $strOption = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
if (!defined($oOption{$strOption}))
confess &log(ASSERT, "option '${strOption}' does not exist");
confess &log(ASSERT, "option '${strOption}' not valid for command '" . cfgCommandName(cfgCommandGet()) . "'");
return false;
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionValid);
# cfgOption - get option value
sub cfgOption
my $iOptionId = shift;
my $bRequired = shift;
cfgOptionValid($iOptionId, true);
my $strOption = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
if (!defined($oOption{$strOption}{value}) && (!defined($bRequired) || $bRequired))
confess &log(ASSERT, "option ${strOption} is required");
return $oOption{$strOption}{value};
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOption);
# cfgOptionDefault - get option default value
sub cfgOptionDefault
my $iOptionId = shift;
cfgOptionValid($iOptionId, true);
return cfgRuleOptionDefault(cfgCommandId($strCommand), $iOptionId);
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionDefault);
# cfgOptionSet - set option value and source
sub cfgOptionSet
my $iOptionId = shift;
my $oValue = shift;
my $bForce = shift;
my $strOption = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
if (!cfgOptionValid($iOptionId, !defined($bForce) || !$bForce))
$oOption{$strOption}{valid} = true;
$oOption{$strOption}{source} = CFGDEF_SOURCE_PARAM;
$oOption{$strOption}{value} = $oValue;
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionSet);
# cfgOptionTest - test if an option exists or has a specific value
sub cfgOptionTest
my $iOptionId = shift;
my $strValue = shift;
if (!cfgOptionValid($iOptionId))
return false;
if (defined($strValue))
return cfgOption($iOptionId) eq $strValue ? true : false;
return defined($oOption{cfgOptionName($iOptionId)}{value}) ? true : false;
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgOptionTest);
# cfgCommandGet - get the current command
sub cfgCommandGet
return cfgCommandId($strCommand);
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgCommandGet);
# cfgCommandTest - test that the current command is equal to the provided value
sub cfgCommandTest
my $iCommandIdTest = shift;
return cfgCommandName($iCommandIdTest) eq $strCommand;
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgCommandTest);
# commandBegin
# Log information about the command when it begins.
sub commandBegin
$strCommand eq cfgCommandName(CFGCMD_INFO) ? DEBUG : INFO,
"${strCommand} command begin " . BACKREST_VERSION . ':' .
cfgCommandWrite(cfgCommandId($strCommand), true, '', false, undef, true));
# commandEnd
# Log information about the command that ended.
sub commandEnd
my $iExitCode = shift;
my $strSignal = shift;
if (defined($strCommand))
$strCommand eq cfgCommandName(CFGCMD_INFO) ? DEBUG : INFO,
"${strCommand} command end: " . (defined($iExitCode) && $iExitCode != 0 ?
($iExitCode == ERROR_TERM ? "terminated on signal " .
(defined($strSignal) ? "[SIG${strSignal}]" : 'from child process') :
sprintf('aborted with exception [%03d]', $iExitCode)) :
'completed successfully'));
push @EXPORT, qw(commandEnd);
# cfgCommandSet - set current command (usually for triggering follow-on commands)
sub cfgCommandSet
my $iCommandId = shift;
$strCommand = cfgCommandName($iCommandId);
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgCommandSet);
# cfgCommandWrite - using the options for the current command, write the command string for another command
# For example, this can be used to write the archive-get command for recovery.conf during a restore.
sub cfgCommandWrite
my $iNewCommandId = shift;
my $bIncludeConfig = shift;
my $strExeString = shift;
my $bIncludeCommand = shift;
my $oOptionOverride = shift;
my $bDisplayOnly = shift;
# Set defaults
$strExeString = defined($strExeString) ? $strExeString : BACKREST_BIN;
$bIncludeConfig = defined($bIncludeConfig) ? $bIncludeConfig : false;
$bIncludeCommand = defined($bIncludeCommand) ? $bIncludeCommand : true;
# Iterate the options to figure out which ones are not default and need to be written out to the new command string
for (my $iOptionId = 0; $iOptionId < cfgOptionTotal(); $iOptionId++)
my $strOption = cfgOptionName($iOptionId);
my $bSecure = cfgRuleOptionSecure($iOptionId);
# Skip option if it is secure and should not be output in logs or the command line
next if ($bSecure && !$bDisplayOnly);
# Process any option id overrides first
if (defined($oOptionOverride->{$iOptionId}))
if (defined($oOptionOverride->{$iOptionId}{value}))
$strExeString .= cfgCommandWriteOptionFormat(
$strOption, false, $bSecure, {value => $oOptionOverride->{$iOptionId}{value}});
# And process overrides passed by string - this is used by Perl compatibility functions
elsif (defined($oOptionOverride->{$strOption}))
if (defined($oOptionOverride->{$strOption}{value}))
$strExeString .= cfgCommandWriteOptionFormat(
$strOption, false, $bSecure, {value => $oOptionOverride->{$strOption}{value}});
# else look for non-default options in the current configuration
elsif (cfgRuleOptionValid($iNewCommandId, $iOptionId) &&
defined($oOption{$strOption}{value}) &&
($bIncludeConfig ?
$oOption{$strOption}{source} ne CFGDEF_SOURCE_DEFAULT : $oOption{$strOption}{source} eq CFGDEF_SOURCE_PARAM))
my $oValue;
my $bMulti = false;
# If this is a hash then it will break up into multple command-line options
if (ref($oOption{$strOption}{value}) eq 'HASH')
$oValue = $oOption{$strOption}{value};
$bMulti = true;
# Else a single value but store it in a hash anyway to make processing below simpler
$oValue = {value => $oOption{$strOption}{value}};
$strExeString .= cfgCommandWriteOptionFormat($strOption, $bMulti, $bSecure, $oValue);
if ($bIncludeCommand)
$strExeString .= ' ' . cfgCommandName($iNewCommandId);
return $strExeString;
push @EXPORT, qw(cfgCommandWrite);
# Helper function for cfgCommandWrite() to correctly format options for command-line usage
sub cfgCommandWriteOptionFormat
my $strOption = shift;
my $bMulti = shift;
my $bSecure = shift;
my $oValue = shift;
# Loops though all keys in the hash
my $strOptionFormat = '';
my $strParam;
foreach my $strKey (sort(keys(%$oValue)))
# Get the value - if the original value was a hash then the key must be prefixed
my $strValue = $bSecure ? '<redacted>' : ($bMulti ? "${strKey}=" : '') . $$oValue{$strKey};
# Handle the no- prefix for boolean values
if (cfgRuleOptionType(cfgOptionId($strOption)) eq CFGOPTDEF_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
$strParam = '--' . ($strValue ? '' : 'no-') . $strOption;
$strParam = "--${strOption}=${strValue}";
# Add quotes if the value has spaces in it
$strOptionFormat .= ' ' . (index($strValue, " ") != -1 ? "\"${strParam}\"" : $strParam);
return $strOptionFormat;