mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-02-03 13:21:32 +02:00
David Steele fa5b2d44ad
Fix regression in retries.
5314dbf aimed to make nested Wait objects more accurate with regard to wait time but it also got rid of the "bonus" retry that was implicit in the prior implementation. This meant that if an operation used up the entire allotted timeout, it would not be retried. Object stores especially are noisy places and some amount of retry should always be attempted. So even though removing the "bonus" retry was intended, it turned out not to be a good idea.

Instead of an implicit retry, formalize two retries in the Wait object even if the wait time has expired. Any number of retries are allowed during the wait period. Also remove waitRemaining() since it is no longer needed.

Adjust tests as needed to account for the extra timeouts.

Note that there may still be an underlying issue here that is simply being masked by retries. That is, the issue expressing was that waiting for a socket to be writable was timing out and without a retry that caused a hard error. This patch does nothing to address the source of the write timeout and perhaps there is nothing we can do about it. It does seem similar to the write issue we had with our blocking TLS implementation, but it was never clear if that was a problem with TLS, the kernel, or a bug in pgBackRest itself. It cropped up after a kernel update and we switched to non-blocking TLS to address the issue (c88684e).
2023-11-09 12:04:25 -03:00
2023-10-14 16:22:09 -04:00
2023-11-09 12:04:25 -03:00
2021-03-05 08:41:15 -05:00

Building Documentation

General Builds

The pgBackRest documentation can output a variety of formats and target several platforms and PostgreSQL versions.

This will build all documentation with defaults:


The user guide can be built for rhel and debian. This will build the HTML user guide for RHEL:

./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=rhel

Documentation generation will build a cache of all executed statements and use the cache to build the documentation quickly if no executed statements have changed. This makes proofing text-only edits very fast, but sometimes it is useful to do a full build without using the cache:

./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=rhel --no-cache

Each os-type has a default container image that will be used as a base for creating hosts but it may be useful to change the image.

./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=debian --var=os-image=debian:9
./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --var=os-type=rhel --var=os-image=centos:7

The following is a sample RHEL 7 configuration that can be used for building the documentation.

# Install docker
sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
sudo yum install -y docker-ce
sudo systemctl start docker

# Install tools
sudo yum install -y git wget

# Install latex (for building PDF)
sudo yum install -y texlive texlive-titlesec texlive-sectsty texlive-framed texlive-epstopdf ghostscript

# Install Perl modules via CPAN that do not have packages
sudo yum install -y yum cpanminus
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
sudo cpanm install --force XML::Checker::Parser

# Add documentation test user
sudo groupadd test
sudo adduser -gtest -n testdoc
sudo usermod -aG docker testdoc

Building with Packages

A user-specified package can be used when building the documentation. Since the documentation exercises most pgBackRest functionality this is a great way to smoke-test packages.

The package must be located within the pgBackRest repo and the specified path should be relative to the repository base. test/package is a good default path to use.

Ubuntu 16.04:

./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=debian --var=os-image=ubuntu:16.04 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest_2.08-0_amd64.deb


./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=rhel --var=os-image=centos:7 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest-2.08-1.el7.x86_64.rpm


./doc.pl --out=html --include=user-guide --no-cache --var=os-type=rhel --var=os-image=centos:8 --var=package=test/package/pgbackrest-2.08-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

Packages can be built with test.pl using the following configuration on top of the configuration given for building the documentation.

# Install recent git
sudo yum remove -y git
sudo yum install -y https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm
sudo yum install -y git2u-all

# Install Perl modules
sudo yum install -y perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS perl-ExtUtils-Embed perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-YAML-LibYAML

# Install dev libraries
sudo yum install -y libxml2-devel openssl-devel

# Add test user with sudo privileges
sudo adduser -gtest -n test
sudo usermod -aG docker test
sudo chmod 750 /home/test

sudo echo 'test ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/pgbackrest

# Add pgbackrest user required by tests
sudo adduser -gtest -n pgbackrest