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348 lines
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Executable File

# BackupTest.pl - Unit Tests for BackRest::File
package BackRestTest::BackupTest;
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use english;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname($0) . "/../lib";
use BackRest::Utility;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Remote;
use BackRestTest::CommonTest;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(BackRestTestBackup_Test);
my $strTestPath;
my $strHost;
my $strUserBackRest;
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterStop
my $strPath = shift;
# If the db directory already exists, stop the cluster and remove the directory
if (-e $strPath . "/postmaster.pid")
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(['pg_ctl', 'stop', "-D $strPath", '-w', '-s', '-m fast']);
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterRestart
my $strPath = BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet();
# If the db directory already exists, stop the cluster and remove the directory
if (-e $strPath . "/postmaster.pid")
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(['pg_ctl', 'restart', "-D $strPath", '-w', '-s']);
# BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
sub BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate
my $strPath = shift;
my $iPort = shift;
my $strArchive = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . " --stanza=" . BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet() .
" --config=" . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . "/pg_backrest.conf archive-push %p";
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(['initdb', '-D', $strPath, '-A', 'trust']);
BackRestTestCommon_Execute(['pg_ctl', 'start', '-o', '"-c', "port=$iPort", '-c', 'checkpoint_segments=1', '-c',
'wal_level=archive', '-c', 'archive_mode=on', '-c', "archive_command='$strArchive'\"",
'-D', $strPath, '-l', "$strPath/postgresql.log", '-w', '-s']);
# BackRestTestBackup_Drop
sub BackRestTestBackup_Drop
# Stop the cluster if one is running
# Remove the backrest private directory
if (-e BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet())
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteOld('rm -rf ' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true, true);
# Remove the test directory
system('rm -rf ' . BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet()) == 0
or die 'unable to remove ' . BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . 'path';
# BackRestTestBackup_Create
sub BackRestTestBackup_Create
my $bRemote = shift;
# Set defaults
$bRemote = defined($bRemote) ? $bRemote : false;
# Drop the old test directory
# Create the test directory
mkdir(BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet(), oct('0770'))
or confess 'Unable to create ' . BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet() . ' path';
# Create the db directory
mkdir(BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet(), oct('0700'))
or confess 'Unable to create ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbPathGet() . ' path';
# Create the db/common directory
or confess 'Unable to create ' . BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet() . ' path';
# Create the archive directory
mkdir(BackRestTestCommon_ArchivePathGet(), oct('0700'))
or confess 'Unable to create ' . BackRestTestCommon_ArchivePathGet() . ' path';
# Create the backup directory
if ($bRemote)
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteOld("mkdir -m 700 " . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), true);
mkdir(BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet(), oct('0700'))
or confess 'Unable to create ' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() . ' path';
# Create the cluster
BackRestTestBackup_ClusterCreate(BackRestTestCommon_DbCommonPathGet(), BackRestTestCommon_DbPortGet());
# BackRestTestBackup_Test
sub BackRestTestBackup_Test
my $strTest = shift;
my $iTestRun = shift;
# If no test was specified, then run them all
if (!defined($strTest))
$strTest = 'all';
# Setup test variables
my $iRun;
$strTestPath = BackRestTestCommon_TestPathGet();
my $strStanza = BackRestTestCommon_StanzaGet();
my $strUser = BackRestTestCommon_UserGet();
my $strGroup = BackRestTestCommon_GroupGet();
$strHost = BackRestTestCommon_HostGet();
$strUserBackRest = BackRestTestCommon_UserBackRestGet();
# Print test banner
&log(INFO, "BACKUP MODULE ******************************************************************");
if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'full')
$iRun = 0;
&log(INFO, "Test Full Backup\n");
for (my $bRemote = false; $bRemote <= true; $bRemote++)
for (my $bHardlink = false; $bHardlink <= true; $bHardlink++)
my %oDbConfigHash;
my %oBackupConfigHash;
# Confgure hard-linking
if ($bHardlink)
$oBackupConfigHash{'global:backup'}{hardlink} = 'y';
# for (my $bArchiveLocal = false; $bArchiveLocal <= true; $bArchiveLocal++)
# {
($bRemote ? REMOTE_BACKUP : undef), \%oDbConfigHash);
($bRemote ? REMOTE_DB : undef), \%oBackupConfigHash);
for (my $iFull = 1; $iFull <= 1; $iFull++)
&log(INFO, "run ${iRun} - " .
"remote ${bRemote}, full ${iFull}");
my $strCommand = BackRestTestCommon_CommandMainGet() . ' --config=' . BackRestTestCommon_BackupPathGet() .
"/pg_backrest.conf --type=incr --stanza=${strStanza} backup";
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteOld($strCommand, $bRemote);
for (my $iIncr = 1; $iIncr <= 1; $iIncr++)
&log(INFO, "run ${iRun} - " .
"remote ${bRemote}, full ${iFull}, hardlink ${bHardlink}, incr ${iIncr}");
BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteOld($strCommand, $bRemote);
# }
# Test path_create()
# if ($strTest eq 'all' || $strTest eq 'path_create')
# {
# $iRun = 0;
# &log(INFO, "Test File->path_create()\n");
# # Loop through local/remote
# for (my $bRemote = 0; $bRemote <= 1; $bRemote++)
# {
# # Create the file object
# my $oFile = (BackRest::File->new
# (
# strStanza => $strStanza,
# strBackupPath => $strTestPath,
# strRemote => $bRemote ? 'backup' : undef,
# oRemote => $bRemote ? $oRemote : undef
# ))->clone();
# # Loop through exists (does the paren path exist?)
# for (my $bExists = 0; $bExists <= 1; $bExists++)
# {
# # Loop through exists (does the paren path exist?)
# for (my $bError = 0; $bError <= 1; $bError++)
# {
# # Loop through permission (permission will be set on true)
# for (my $bPermission = 0; $bPermission <= $bExists; $bPermission++)
# {
# my $strPathType = PATH_BACKUP_CLUSTER;
# $iRun++;
# if (defined($iTestRun) && $iTestRun != $iRun)
# {
# next;
# }
# &log(INFO, "run ${iRun} - " .
# "remote ${bRemote}, exists ${bExists}, error ${bError}, permission ${bPermission}");
# # Setup test directory
# BackRestTestFile_Setup($bError);
# mkdir("$strTestPath/backup") or confess "Unable to create test/backup directory";
# mkdir("$strTestPath/backup/db") or confess "Unable to create test/backup/db directory";
# my $strPath = "path";
# my $strPermission;
# # If permission then set one (other than the default)
# if ($bPermission)
# {
# $strPermission = "0700";
# }
# # If not exists then set the path to something bogus
# if ($bError)
# {
# $strPath = "${strTestPath}/private/path";
# }
# elsif (!$bExists)
# {
# $strPath = "error/path";
# }
# # Execute in eval to catch errors
# my $bErrorExpected = !$bExists || $bError;
# eval
# {
# $oFile->path_create($strPathType, $strPath, $strPermission);
# };
# # Check for errors
# if ($@)
# {
# # Ignore errors if the path did not exist
# if ($bErrorExpected)
# {
# next;
# }
# confess "error raised: " . $@ . "\n";
# }
# if ($bErrorExpected)
# {
# confess 'error was expected';
# }
# # Make sure the path was actually created
# my $strPathCheck = $oFile->path_get($strPathType, $strPath);
# unless (-e $strPathCheck)
# {
# confess "path was not created";
# }
# # Check that the permissions were set correctly
# my $oStat = lstat($strPathCheck);
# if (!defined($oStat))
# {
# confess "unable to stat ${strPathCheck}";
# }
# if ($bPermission)
# {
# if ($strPermission ne sprintf("%04o", S_IMODE($oStat->mode)))
# {
# confess "permissions were not set to {$strPermission}";
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# BackRestTestBackup_Setup(true);