**Iosevka** is an *open-source*, *sans-serif* + *slab-serif*, *monospace* + *quasi‑proportional* typeface family, designed for *writing code*, using in *terminals*, and preparing *technical documents*.
* **Windows**: Download the fonts from the [Releases](https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/releases), select the font files and right click, then hit “Install”.
* On Windows 10 1809 or newer the default font installation is per-user, and it may cause compatibility issues for some applications, mostly written in Java. To cope with this, right click and select “Install for all users” instead. [Ref.](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JRE-1166?p=IDEA-200145)
* **[macOS](http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2509)**
* Standard distribution in Homebrew:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-iosevka
* Search for other variants using `brew search font-iosevka` and install what you want.
- Fedora Linux users can install the font(s) from the copr [here](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/peterwu/iosevka/). Run `dnf search iosevka` to discover available fonts and `dnf install` to install the chosen one(s).
* **OpenBSD**: Run `pkg_info -Q iosevka` to see which Iosevka packages are available. Use `pkg_add` to install the chosen package(s).
## Features
In the official package, Iosevka provides 6 monospace subfamilies (sans-serif and slab-serif, each in the 3 spacings Default, Term and Fixed) and 2 quasi-proportional subfamilies (Aile (sans-serif) and Etoile (slab-serif)). In all the monospace subfamilies, 9 weights (Thin to Heavy), 2 widths (Normal and Extended), and 3 slopes (Upright, Italic and Oblique) are included. In the quasi-proportional subfamilies, the quantity of widths is reduced to 1.
All versions include the same ranges of characters: Latin letters, Greek letters (including Polytonic), some Cyrillic letters, IPA symbols and common punctuations and some symbols. You can check out the full list [here](http://be5invis.github.io/Iosevka/specimen).
Alongside stylistic sets, Monospace Iosevka can also be configured to cherry-pick variants for each character using OpenType. The variants are shown below. To enable, assign the feature tag to the variant index. For example, setting `cv26` to `6` will enable single-storey `a`.
**Caution :** Certain software may limit the quantity of OpenType features and drop some of them if the feature list is too long. Please validate your feature configuration to ensure that it worked in your software.
Iosevka supports Language-Specific Ligations, which is the ligation set enabled only under certain languages. These ligation sets are assigned to custom feature tags. To use them, you need to turn **off**`calt` and enable the corresponded feature. The feature list is:
Please note that, due to the complex interactions when forming ligations, cherry-picking ligation groups will require a custom Iosevka build. The instructions could be seen below.
Once you narrow down your font choice of family (`Droid Sans`, `Inconsolata`, etc) and style (`bold`, `italic`, etc) you have 2 main choices:
#### `Option 1: Download already patched font`
* download an already patched font from the `complete` folder
* This is most likely the one you want. It includes **all** of the glyphs from all of the glyph sets. Only caution here is that some fonts have glyphs in the _same_ code point so to include everything some had to be moved to alternate code points.
#### `Option 2: Patch your own font`
* patch your own variations with the various options provided by the font patcher (see each font's readme for full list of combinations available)
* This is the option you want if the font you use is _not_ already included or you want maximum control of what's included
* This contains a list of _all permutations_ of the various glyphs. E.g. You want the font with only [Octicons][octicons] or you want the font with just [Font Awesome][font-awesome] and [Devicons][vorillaz-devicons]. The goal is to provide every combination possible in this folder.
For more information see: [The FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting#which-font)
> The combinations and total number of combinations are provided here for reference if you want to create your own variation of a patched Nerd Font.
### Why aren't all variations included ?
Combinations are no longer included by default because of the large inflation in size it caused the Repository _and_ the amount of time it takes to rebuild all of the combinations. This issue would exponentially get worse as the numbers of Fonts and Glyph Sets provided increase.