_N.B. This is a fork of the_ [Source Code Pro repository](https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro)
### Hasklig – _Ligatures for code_
Programming languages are limited to relatively few characters. As a result, combined character operators surfaced quite early, such as the widely used arrow (`->`), comprised of a hyphen and greater sign. It looks like an arrow if you know the analogy and squint a bit.
Composite glyphs are problematic in languages such as Haskell which utilize these complicated operators (`=>``-<``>>=` etc.) extensively. The readability of such complex code improves with pretty printing. Academic articles featuring Haskell code often use [lhs2tex](https://www.andres-loeh.de/lhs2tex/) to achieve an appealing rendering, but it is of no use when programming.
Some Haskellers have resorted to Unicode symbols (`⇒`, `←`_etc._), which are valid in the <spanstyle="font-variant: small-caps">ghc</span>. However they are one-character-wide and therefore eye-strainingly small. Furthermore, when displayed as substitutes to the underlying multi-character representation, as [vim2hs](https://github.com/dag/vim2hs) does, the characters go out of alignment.
Hasklig solves the problem the way typographers have always solved ill-fitting characters which co-occur often: [ligatures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_ligature). The underlying code stays the same — only the representation changes.
Not only can multi-character glyphs be rendered more vividly, other problematic things in monospaced fonts, such as spacing can be corrected.
+ New ligatures `->>`, `:::`, `>=>`, `<=<`, `<=>`, `<->`
+ Switched to newer version of calt code by [Nikita Prokopov](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode). It "doesn’t apply ligatures to long sequences of chars, e.g. !!!!, >>>>, etc"
+ Fixed `++` and `+++` line inconsistency in heavy italic weights
+ IntelliJ IDEA (*[since v2016.2](https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2016/07/intellij-idea-2016-2-is-here)*)
#### No support
- Emacs
- gVim (_output corrupted. A_ [patch](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vim_dev/0sETSAwe5Wo) _exists, but it has not been incorporated into mainstream gVim._)
To build the binary font files from source, you need to have installed the
[Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType](http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko.html) (AFDKO). The AFDKO
tools are widely used for font development today, and are part of most font
editor applications.
Some SVG glyphs are inserted into the fonts using Python [FontTools](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/FontTools).
#### Building font instances from masters
This repository only includes so-called *master* weights of the fonts (effectively extralight and black).
The shapes of the weights in between these extremities are calculated by `makeInstancesUFO` supplied with `.designspace` files.
For convenience, the shell script **buildInstances** is provided, which executes `makeInstancesUFO`, calculating all the italic and regular font weight shapes.
$ ./buildInstances.sh
#### Building one font
The key to building OTF or TTF fonts is `makeotf`, which is part of the AFDKO toolset.
Information and usage instructions can be found by executing `makeotf -h`.
In this repository, all necessary files are in place for building the OTF and TTF fonts.
For example, build a binary OTF font for the Regular style like this:
$ cd Roman/Regular/
$ makeotf -r
#### Building all fonts
For convenience, a shell script named **build** is provided in the root directory.
It builds all OTFs and TTFs, and can be executed by typing:
$ ./build.sh
or this on Windows:
> build.cmd
### Credits
Original idea, design and implementation of code ligatures by Ian Tuomi 2014-2015.
This typeface extends [Source Code Pro](https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro) with ligatures.
What's in a name? The reason for the name change is to comply with the SIL Open Font License (OFL), in particular the [Reserved Font Name mechanism][SIL-RFN]
Once you narrow down your font choice of family (`Droid Sans`, `Inconsolata`, etc) and style (`bold`, `italic`, etc) you have 2 main choices:
#### `Option 1: Download already patched font`
* download an already patched font from the `complete` folder
* This is most likely the one you want. It includes **all** of the glyphs from all of the glyph sets. Only caution here is that some fonts have glyphs in the _same_ code point so to include everything some had to be moved to alternate code points.
#### `Option 2: Patch your own font`
* patch your own variations with the various options provided by the font patcher (see each font's readme for full list of combinations available)
* This is the option you want if the font you use is _not_ already included or you want maximum control of what's included
* This contains a list of _all permutations_ of the various glyphs. E.g. You want the font with only [Octicons][octicons] or you want the font with just [Font Awesome][font-awesome] and [Devicons][vorillaz-devicons]. The goal is to provide every combination possible in this folder.
For more information see: [The FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting#which-font)
> The combinations and total number of combinations are provided here for reference if you want to create your own variation of a patched Nerd Font.
### Why aren't all variations included ?
Combinations are no longer included by default because of the large inflation in size it caused the Repository _and_ the amount of time it takes to rebuild all of the combinations. This issue would exponentially get worse as the numbers of Fonts and Glyph Sets provided increase.