mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 03:32:02 +02:00
Devicons: Prepare update
This adds the current mapping file (which has been hand-crafted) and the scripts to update the Devicons. This also fixes Vorillaz' typo 'rasberry_pi' -> 'raspberry_pi'. Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
# Devicons
For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/vorillaz/devicons
From the Devicons the non-linemark versions are selected and assembled into a custom
icon font. This font guarantees that the codepoints of existing icons do not change
when other icons are added or removed.
This is taken directly from the repository default branch, which is ahead of release 1.8.0.
We call it 1.8.1 here, but there is no such release.
For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/devicons/devicon
## Source bugs fixed
The helper scripts need to be called in this order (note the individual prerequisites):
* `analyze`
* `generate` (possibly via `fontforge`)
Glyph 0xE6B6 is defective in the original font. We hand optimized and fixed that.
Version: 1.8.1
Version: 2.16.0.custom
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf8
# Create a new mapping file by combining the information from
# the old mapping and checking which icons got dropped; are new;
# or get a different svg file.
# $ curl -OL https://github.com/devicons/devicon/archive/refs/tags/v2.16.0.tar.gz
# $ tar zxf v2.16.0.tar.gz
# $ mv devicon-*/icons .
# $ cp -r vorillaz icons
import re, os, sys
vectorsdir = 'icons'
def filename_from_name(filename):
""" Some icons have a name that is not the svg filename """
# Returns '-' if the icon is to be removed
# Giving a full pathname selects a certain svg variant
return {
'bower': 'bower/bower-line.svg',
'c_lang': 'c',
'clojure': 'clojure/clojure-line.svg',
'composer': 'composer/composer-line.svg',
'css3_full': 'css3/css3-plain-wordmark.svg',
'djangorest': 'djangorest/djangorest-plain-wordmark.svg',
'dotnet': 'dot-net',
'ghost': 'ghost/ghost-original-wordmark.svg',
'ghost_small': 'ghost',
'github': '-',
'github_alt': '-',
'github_badge': 'github',
'github_full': 'github/github-original-wordmark.svg',
'go': 'go/go-line.svg',
'grunt': 'grunt/grunt-line.svg',
'ie': 'ie10',
'javascript_badge': 'javascript',
'javascript': '-',
'jenkins': 'jenkins/jenkins-line.svg',
'krakenjs': '-',
'krakenjs_badge': 'krakenjs',
'meteorfull': 'meteor/meteor-plain-wordmark.svg',
'nodejs': 'nodejs/nodejs-plain-wordmark.svg',
'nodejs_small': 'nodejs',
'raspberry_pi': 'raspberrypi',
'symfony': '-',
'symfony_badge': 'symfony',
'windows': 'windows8',
}.get(filename, filename)
def get_aliases(names):
""" For some icons we would like to have aliases """
# Returns a list with aliases, first element is main name and glyphname
name = names[0]
return {
'c': [ 'c_lang', 'c' ],
'github_badge': [ 'github', 'github_badge' ],
'javascript_badge': [ 'javascript', 'javascript_badge' ],
'krakenjs_badge': [ 'krakenjs', 'krakenjs_badge' ],
'symfony_badge': [ 'symfony', 'symfony_badge' ],
'unifiedmodelinglanguage': [ 'unifiedmodelinglanguage', 'uml' ],
}.get(name, names)
def file_with_ending(files, ending):
""" Return the (first) file out of a list of files that has the desired ending """
# Returns False if no match at all
matches = [ file for file in files if file.endswith(ending) ]
if not matches:
return False
return matches[0]
def suggest_new_filename(name):
""" Return a specific svg filename for one icon, preferring some svg filename endings """
name = filename_from_name(name)
subdir = os.path.join(vectorsdir, name)
if not os.path.exists(subdir):
return False
if os.path.isfile(subdir):
return name
svgs = os.listdir(subdir)
filename = file_with_ending(svgs, 'plain.svg')
if not filename:
filename = file_with_ending(svgs, 'original.svg')
if not filename:
filename = file_with_ending(svgs, 'plain-wordmark.svg')
if not filename:
filename = file_with_ending(svgs, 'original-wordmark.svg')
if not filename:
return False
return os.path.join(name, filename)
remix_mapping = []
with open('mapping', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith('#'):
c1, c2, n, *f = re.split(' +', line.strip())
remix_mapping.append((int(c1, 16), int(c2, 16), n, *f))
new_names = os.listdir(vectorsdir)
new_names.remove('vorillaz') # If this fails one prerequisite step is missing
print('Found {} mapping entries and {} devicon directories'.format(
len(remix_mapping), len(new_names)))
notes1 = ''
notes2 = ''
mapping = []
for orig_point, dest_point, filename, *names in remix_mapping:
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename)):
newfilename = suggest_new_filename(names[0])
if newfilename:
notes1 += '# SVG change: code: {:04X} name: {}, old: {}, new: {}\n'.format(
orig_point, names[0], filename, newfilename)
filename = newfilename
if filename:
mapping.append((orig_point, dest_point, filename, *names))
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
if dirname in new_names:
notes2 += '# Icon dropped: code: {:04X} name: {}\n'.format(
orig_point, names[0])
index = 0xE700
taken_codes = set([ e[1] for e in mapping ])
for iconname in new_names:
filename = suggest_new_filename(iconname)
if not filename:
sys.exit('Can not find svg for "{}"'.format(iconname))
while index in taken_codes:
index = index + 1
mapping.append((index - 0x0100, index, filename, iconname))
with open('mapping', 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
f.write('# Devicons mapping file\n')
f.write('# DEV-code NF-code filename name [alias [...]]\n')
mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[1]))
unique_names = set()
for orig_point, dest_point, filename, *names in mapping:
aliases = get_aliases(names)
for n in aliases:
if n not in unique_names:
sys.exit('ERROR name duplicate found: {}'.format(n))
f.write('{:04X} {:04X} {} {}\n'.format(orig_point, dest_point, filename, ' '.join(aliases)))
if notes1:
if notes2:
print('Generated new mapping with {} entries'.format(len(mapping)))
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf8
# Have a correct and up to date mappings file, updated maybe with analyze
import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import fontforge, psMat
# Double-quotes required here, for version-bump.sh:
# version-bump.sh is not working here, need to adjust manually!
version = "3.3.0"
dev_version = 'v2.16.0'
archive = '{}.tar.gz'.format(dev_version)
vectorsdir = 'icons'
fontdir = '.'
fontfile = 'devicons.ttf'
glyphsetfile = 'i_dev.sh'
glyphsetsdir = '../../../bin/scripts/lib'
def addIcon(codepoint, name, filename):
""" Add one outline file and rescale/move """
filename = os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename)
glyph = font.createChar(codepoint, name)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
sys.exit("Mapping file refers to not existing file " + filename);
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = glyph.boundingBox()
if '/vorillaz/' in filename or (xmax - xmin) < 550:
# old and small icons are not scaled down
glyph.transform(psMat.compose(psMat.scale(0.8, 0.8),psMat.translate(102, 102)))
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = glyph.boundingBox()
glyph.width = int(xmax + xmin) # make left and right bearings equal
glyph.manualHints = True
def createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, filepathname, into):
""" Write the glyphinfo file """
with open(filepathname, 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
f.write(u'# Script Version: (autogenerated)\n')
f.write(u'test -n "$__i_dev_loaded" && return || __i_dev_loaded=1\n')
for _, codepoint, _, *name in icon_datasets:
codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
f.write(u"i='{}' i_dev_{}=$i\n".format(chr(codepoint), name[0]))
for more_names in name[1:]:
f.write(u" i_dev_{}=$i\n".format(more_names))
f.write(u'unset i\n')
print('\nReading mapping file')
mapping = []
with open('mapping', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#') or len(line) < 1:
mapping.append(tuple(re.split(' +', line.strip())))
print('Found {} entries'.format(len(mapping)))
mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[1]))
if not os.path.isfile(archive):
print('Fetching Devicons archive "{}"\n'.format(archive))
if subprocess.call('curl -OL https://github.com/devicons/devicon/archive/refs/tags/' + archive, shell=True):
sys.exit('Error fetching Devicons archive')
print('\nUnpacking Devicons archive')
if subprocess.call('rm -rf devicon-* icons && tar zxf ' + archive + \
' && mv devicon-*/icons .', shell=True):
sys.exit('Error unpacking archive')
print('\nMixing Vorillaz Devicons in')
if subprocess.call('cp -r vorillaz icons', shell=True):
sys.exit('Error mixing ...')
svg_dirs = os.listdir(vectorsdir)
svgs = []
for d in svg_dirs:
svgs += os.listdir(os.path.join(vectorsdir, d))
print('Found {} svgs'.format(len(svgs)))
font = fontforge.font()
font.fontname = 'Devicons-NerdFont-Regular'
font.fullname = 'Devicons Nerd Font Regular'
font.familyname = 'Devicons Nerd Font'
font.ascent = 960
font.descent = 64
font.em = 1024
font.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
# Add valid space glyph to avoid "unknown character" box on IE11
glyph = font.createChar(32)
glyph.width = 512
font.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
font.version = version
font.copyright = 'Devicons devs'
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', archive + '; ' + version)
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Vendor URL', 'https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts')
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Copyright', 'See https://github.com/devicons/devicon')
for codepoint, _, file, *names in mapping:
codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
addIcon(codepoint, names[0], file)
num_icons = len(mapping)
print('Generating {} with {} glyphs'.format(fontfile, num_icons))
font.generate(os.path.join(fontdir, fontfile), flags=("no-FFTM-table",))
codepoints = [ int(p, 16) for _, p, *_ in mapping ]
aliases = [ len(n) - 1 for _, _, _, *n in mapping ]
min_code = min(codepoints)
max_code = max(codepoints)
has_gaps = max_code - min_code + 1 != len(codepoints)
intro = u'# Devicons (version {}, {} icons, {} aliases)\n'.format(dev_version, num_icons, sum(aliases))
intro += u'# Does not include all icons of the release\n'
intro += u'# Codepoints: {:X}-{:X}{}\n'.format(min_code, max_code, ' with gaps' if has_gaps else '')
intro += u'# Nerd Fonts Version: {}\n'.format(version)
print('Generating GlyphInfo {}'.format(glyphsetfile))
createGlyphInfo(mapping, os.path.join(glyphsetsdir, glyphsetfile), intro)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# Devicons mapping file
# DEV-code NF-code filename name...
E600 E700 vorillaz/bing_small.svg bing_small
E601 E701 vorillaz/css_tricks.svg css_tricks
E602 E702 vorillaz/git.svg git
E603 E703 vorillaz/bitbucket.svg bitbucket
E604 E704 vorillaz/mysql.svg mysql
E605 E705 vorillaz/streamline.svg streamline
E606 E706 vorillaz/database.svg database
E607 E707 vorillaz/dropbox.svg dropbox
E608 E708 vorillaz/github_alt.svg github_alt
E609 E709 vorillaz/github_badge.svg github_badge
E60A E70A vorillaz/github.svg github
E60B E70B vorillaz/wordpress.svg wordpress
E60C E70C vorillaz/visualstudio.svg visualstudio
E60D E70D vorillaz/jekyll_small.svg jekyll jekyll_small
E60E E70E vorillaz/android.svg android
E60F E70F vorillaz/windows.svg windows
E610 E710 vorillaz/stackoverflow.svg stackoverflow
E611 E711 vorillaz/apple.svg apple
E612 E712 vorillaz/linux.svg linux
E613 E713 vorillaz/appstore.svg appstore
E614 E714 vorillaz/ghost_small.svg ghost_small
E615 E715 vorillaz/yahoo.svg yahoo
E616 E716 vorillaz/codepen.svg codepen
E617 E717 vorillaz/github_full.svg github_full
E618 E718 vorillaz/nodejs_small.svg nodejs_small
E619 E719 vorillaz/nodejs.svg nodejs
E61A E71A vorillaz/hackernews.svg hackernews
E61B E71B vorillaz/ember.svg ember
E61C E71C vorillaz/dojo.svg dojo
E61D E71D vorillaz/django.svg django
E61E E71E vorillaz/npm.svg npm
E61F E71F vorillaz/ghost.svg ghost
E620 E720 vorillaz/modernizr.svg modernizr
E621 E721 vorillaz/unity_small.svg unity unity_small
E622 E722 vorillaz/rasberry_pi.svg raspberry_pi
E623 E723 vorillaz/blackberry.svg blackberry
E624 E724 vorillaz/go.svg go
E625 E725 vorillaz/git_branch.svg git_branch
E626 E726 vorillaz/git_pull_request.svg git_pull_request
E627 E727 vorillaz/git_merge.svg git_merge
E628 E728 vorillaz/git_compare.svg git_compare
E629 E729 vorillaz/git_commit.svg git_commit
E62A E72A vorillaz/cssdeck.svg cssdeck
E62B E72B vorillaz/yahoo_small.svg yahoo_small
E62C E72C vorillaz/techcrunch.svg techcrunch
E62D E72D vorillaz/smashing_magazine.svg smashing_magazine
E62E E72E vorillaz/netmagazine.svg netmagazine
E62F E72F vorillaz/codrops.svg codrops
E630 E730 vorillaz/phonegap.svg phonegap
E631 E731 vorillaz/google_drive.svg google_drive
E632 E732 vorillaz/html5_multimedia.svg html5_multimedia
E633 E733 vorillaz/html5_device_access.svg html5_device_access
E634 E734 vorillaz/html5_connectivity.svg html5_connectivity
E635 E735 vorillaz/html5_3d_effects.svg html5_3d_effects
E636 E736 vorillaz/html5.svg html5
E637 E737 vorillaz/scala.svg scala
E638 E738 vorillaz/java.svg java
E639 E739 vorillaz/ruby.svg ruby
E63A E73A vorillaz/ubuntu.svg ubuntu
E63B E73B vorillaz/ruby_on_rails.svg rails ruby_on_rails
E63C E73C vorillaz/python.svg python
E63D E73D vorillaz/php.svg php
E63E E73E vorillaz/markdown.svg markdown
E63F E73F vorillaz/laravel.svg laravel
E640 E740 vorillaz/magento.svg magento
E641 E741 vorillaz/joomla.svg joomla
E642 E742 vorillaz/drupal.svg drupal
E643 E743 vorillaz/chrome.svg chrome
E644 E744 vorillaz/ie.svg ie
E645 E745 vorillaz/firefox.svg firefox
E646 E746 vorillaz/opera.svg opera
E647 E747 vorillaz/bootstrap.svg bootstrap
E648 E748 vorillaz/safari.svg safari
E649 E749 vorillaz/css3.svg css3
E64A E74A vorillaz/css3_full.svg css3_full
E64B E74B vorillaz/sass.svg sass
E64C E74C vorillaz/grunt.svg grunt
E64D E74D vorillaz/bower.svg bower
E64E E74E vorillaz/javascript.svg javascript
E64F E74F vorillaz/javascript_shield.svg javascript_shield
E650 E750 vorillaz/jquery.svg jquery
E651 E751 vorillaz/coffeescript.svg coffeescript
E652 E752 vorillaz/backbone.svg backbonejs backbone
E653 E753 vorillaz/angular.svg angular
E654 E754 vorillaz/jquery_ui.svg jquery_ui
E655 E755 vorillaz/swift.svg swift
E656 E756 vorillaz/symfony.svg symfony
E657 E757 vorillaz/symfony_badge.svg symfony_badge
E658 E758 vorillaz/less.svg less
E659 E759 vorillaz/stylus.svg stylus
E65A E75A vorillaz/trello.svg trello
E65B E75B vorillaz/atlassian.svg atlassian
E65C E75C vorillaz/jira.svg jira
E65D E75D vorillaz/envato.svg envato
E65E E75E vorillaz/snap_svg.svg snap_svg
E65F E75F vorillaz/raphael.svg raphael
E660 E760 vorillaz/chart.svg chart
E661 E761 vorillaz/compass.svg compass
E662 E762 vorillaz/onedrive.svg onedrive
E663 E763 vorillaz/gulp.svg gulp
E664 E764 vorillaz/atom.svg atom
E665 E765 vorillaz/cisco.svg cisco
E666 E766 vorillaz/nancy.svg nancy
E667 E767 vorillaz/jenkins.svg jenkins
E668 E768 vorillaz/clojure.svg clojure
E669 E769 vorillaz/perl.svg perl
E66A E76A vorillaz/clojure_alt.svg clojure_alt
E66B E76B vorillaz/celluloid.svg celluloid
E66C E76C vorillaz/w3c.svg w3c
E66D E76D vorillaz/redis.svg redis
E66E E76E vorillaz/postgresql.svg postgresql
E66F E76F vorillaz/webplatform.svg webplatform
E670 E770 vorillaz/requirejs.svg requirejs
E671 E771 vorillaz/opensource.svg opensource
E672 E772 vorillaz/typo3.svg typo3
E673 E773 vorillaz/uikit.svg uikit
E674 E774 vorillaz/doctrine.svg doctrine
E675 E775 vorillaz/groovy.svg groovy
E676 E776 vorillaz/nginx.svg nginx
E677 E777 vorillaz/haskell.svg haskell
E678 E778 vorillaz/zend.svg zend
E679 E779 vorillaz/gnu.svg gnu
E67A E77A vorillaz/yeoman.svg yeoman
E67B E77B vorillaz/heroku.svg heroku
E67C E77C vorillaz/msql_server.svg msql_server
E67D E77D vorillaz/debian.svg debian
E67E E77E vorillaz/travis.svg travis
E67F E77F vorillaz/dotnet.svg dotnet
E680 E780 vorillaz/codeigniter.svg codeigniter
E681 E781 vorillaz/javascript_badge.svg javascript_badge
E682 E782 vorillaz/yii.svg yii
E683 E783 vorillaz/composer.svg composer
E684 E784 vorillaz/krakenjs_badge.svg krakenjs_badge
E685 E785 vorillaz/krakenjs.svg krakenjs
E686 E786 vorillaz/mozilla.svg mozilla
E687 E787 vorillaz/firebase.svg firebase
E688 E788 vorillaz/sizzlejs.svg sizzlejs
E689 E789 vorillaz/creativecommons.svg creativecommons
E68A E78A vorillaz/creativecommons_badge.svg creativecommons_badge
E68B E78B vorillaz/mitlicence.svg mitlicence
E68C E78C vorillaz/senchatouch.svg senchatouch
E68D E78D vorillaz/bugsense.svg bugsense
E68E E78E vorillaz/extjs.svg extjs
E68F E78F vorillaz/mootools_badge.svg mootools_badge
E690 E790 vorillaz/mootools.svg mootools
E691 E791 vorillaz/ruby_rough.svg ruby_rough
E692 E792 vorillaz/komodo.svg komodo
E693 E793 vorillaz/coda.svg coda
E694 E794 vorillaz/bintray.svg bintray
E695 E795 vorillaz/terminal.svg terminal
E696 E796 vorillaz/code.svg code
E697 E797 vorillaz/responsive.svg responsive
E698 E798 vorillaz/dart.svg dart
E699 E799 vorillaz/aptana.svg aptana
E69A E79A vorillaz/mailchimp.svg mailchimp
E69B E79B vorillaz/netbeans.svg netbeans
E69C E79C vorillaz/dreamweaver.svg dreamweaver
E69D E79D vorillaz/brackets.svg brackets
E69E E79E vorillaz/eclipse.svg eclipse
E69F E79F vorillaz/cloud9.svg cloud9
E6A0 E7A0 vorillaz/scrum.svg scrum
E6A1 E7A1 vorillaz/prolog.svg prolog
E6A2 E7A2 vorillaz/terminal_badge.svg terminal_badge
E6A3 E7A3 vorillaz/code_badge.svg code_badge
E6A4 E7A4 vorillaz/mongodb.svg mongodb
E6A5 E7A5 vorillaz/meteor.svg meteor
E6A6 E7A6 vorillaz/meteorfull.svg meteorfull
E6A7 E7A7 vorillaz/fsharp.svg fsharp
E6A8 E7A8 vorillaz/rust.svg rust
E6A9 E7A9 vorillaz/ionic.svg ionic
E6AA E7AA vorillaz/sublime.svg sublime
E6AB E7AB vorillaz/appcelerator.svg appcelerator
E6AC E7AC vorillaz/asterisk.svg asterisk
E6AD E7AD vorillaz/aws.svg amazonwebservices aws
E6AE E7AE vorillaz/digital_ocean.svg digitalocean digital_ocean
E6AF E7AF vorillaz/dlang.svg dlang
E6B0 E7B0 vorillaz/docker.svg docker
E6B1 E7B1 vorillaz/erlang.svg erlang
E6B2 E7B2 vorillaz/google_cloud_platform.svg google_cloud_platform
E6B3 E7B3 vorillaz/grails.svg grails
E6B4 E7B4 vorillaz/illustrator.svg illustrator
E6B5 E7B5 vorillaz/intellij.svg intellij
E6B6 E7B6 vorillaz/materializecss.svg materializecss
E6B7 E7B7 vorillaz/openshift.svg openshift
E6B8 E7B8 vorillaz/photoshop.svg photoshop
E6B9 E7B9 vorillaz/rackspace.svg rackspace
E6BA E7BA vorillaz/react.svg react
E6BB E7BB vorillaz/redhat.svg redhat
E6BC E7BC vorillaz/scriptcs.svg scriptcs
E6BD E7BD vorillaz/-.svg -
E6BE E7BE vorillaz/-.svg -
E6BF E7BF vorillaz/-.svg -
E6C0 E7C0 vorillaz/-.svg -
E6C1 E7C1 vorillaz/-.svg -
E6C2 E7C2 vorillaz/-.svg -
E6C3 E7C3 vorillaz/-.svg -
E6C4 E7C4 vorillaz/sqllite.svg sqlite
E6C5 E7C5 vorillaz/vim.svg vim
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Vorillaz' Devicons
Here are some very few icons from the Devicons project before it got forked.
They got dropped when Devicons had been forked. But we find them basic enough
to be important and there are no direct substitudes in other sets.
Most icons that were dropped on the Devicons for are now also dropped here:
For more information have a look at the upstream websites:
* https://github.com/vorillaz/devicons
* https://github.com/devicon/devicons
This is taken directly from the repository default branch, which is ahead of release 1.8.0.
We call it 1.8.1 here, but there is no such release.
Version: 1.8.1
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generated by IcoMoon.io -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
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