Clean up icon doubles
Some icons are now existing twice. * Their crystal icon looks wrong (rotationwise), compare with * Their C logo misses the standard's hex shape * Their C++ logo misses the standard's hex shape * Their Elixir icons has a dent in the reflextion? * Their Elm icon is colored * Their Git Folder is not a folder * Their Kotlin icon is colored * Their Puppet icon is more correct * Their Pursescript icon is identical * Their Windows icon is more modern That means: * Do not include their crystal, elixir, elm, kotlin, purescript * Do not include our puppet, windows * Keeping both c, c++, git-folder [note] Keeping their old files around with changed suffix to find this commit in the future on updates. Reuse old icons that were labeled as 'seti' but have been vanished as new custom types with appropriate file naming. And remove 'red' versions of icons. We have a black and white font... Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1019 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 1019 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1019 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 1019 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 276 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 276 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 389 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 389 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 575 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 575 B |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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Normal file
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<!-- Generator: Sketch 49.1 (51147) - -->
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 204 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 204 B |
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
5 i_custom_folder folder_nf.svg
6 i_seti_stylus stylus.svg
7 i_seti_project project.svg
8 i_seti_play_arrow play-arrow.svg
8 i_custom_play_arrow play-arrow_nf.svg
8 i_seti_play_arrow
9 i_seti_sass sass.svg
10 i_seti_rails rails.svg
11 i_seti_ruby ruby.svg
@ -33,45 +34,177 @@
18 i_seti_javascript javascript.svg
19 i_seti_image image.svg
20 i_seti_html html.svg
21 i_seti_mustache handlebars.svg
21 i_seti_mustache mustache.svg
22 i_seti_gulp gulp.svg
23 i_seti_grunt grunt.svg
24 i_seti_default file.svg
24 i_custom_default file.svg
24 i_seti_default
24 i_seti_text
25 i_seti_folder seti-folder.svg
25 i_seti_folder folder.svg
26 i_seti_css css.svg
27 i_seti_config config.svg
28 i_seti_npm npm.svg
29 i_seti_home home.svg
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31 i_seti_xml rss.svg
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29 i_seti_home
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33 i_seti_coffee coffee.svg
33 i_seti_cjsx
34 i_seti_twig twig.svg
35 i_custom_cpp cpp_nf.svg
36 i_custom_c c_nf.svg
37 i_seti_haskell haskell.svg
38 i_seti_lua lua.svg
39 i_indent_line separator.svg
39 i_indent_line separator_nf.svg
39 i_indentation_line
39 i_indent_dotted_guide
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41 i_seti_favicon favourite.svg
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42 i_seti_julia julia.svg
43 i_seti_react react.svg
44 i_custom_go go2_nf.svg
44 i_custom_go go_nf.svg
45 i_seti_go go.svg
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48 i_custom_windows windows.svg
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50 i_seti_elm
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51 i_seti_elixir
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53 i_seti_crystal
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54 i_seti_purescript
55 i_seti_puppet puppet.svg
55 i_custom_puppet
56 i_custom_emacs emacs_nf.svg
57 i_custom_orgmode orgmode_nf.svg
58 i_custom_kotlin kotlin_nf.svg
# new
058 i_seti_kotlin
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073 i_seti_code_climate code-climate.svg
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093 i_seti_firebase firebase.svg
094 i_seti_firefox firefox.svg
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096 i_seti_f_sharp f-sharp.svg
097 i_seti_git_folder git_folder.svg
098 i_seti_github github.svg
099 i_seti_git_ignore git_ignore.svg
100 i_seti_gitlab gitlab.svg
101 i_seti_git git.svg
102 i_seti_go2 go2.svg
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126 i_seti_mdo mdo.svg
127 i_seti_new_file new-file.svg
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144 i_seti_pug pug.svg
145 i_seti_reasonml reasonml.svg
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147 i_seti_rollup rollup.svg
148 i_seti_r R.svg
149 i_seti_rust rust.svg
150 i_seti_salesforce salesforce.svg
151 i_seti_sbt sbt.svg
152 i_seti_scala scala.svg
153 i_seti_search search.svg
154 i_seti_settings settings.svg
155 i_seti_shell shell.svg
156 i_seti_slim slim.svg
157 i_seti_smarty smarty.svg
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160 i_seti_sublime sublime.svg
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162 i_seti_svg svg.svg
163 i_seti_swift swift.svg
164 i_seti_terraform terraform.svg
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168 i_seti_tsconfig tsconfig.svg
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170 i_seti_video video.svg
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172 i_seti_wasm wasm.svg
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175 i_seti_wgt wgt.svg
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177 i_seti_xls xls.svg
178 i_seti_yarn yarn.svg
179 i_seti_yml yml.svg
180 i_seti_zig zig.svg
181 i_seti_zip zip.svg
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 11.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 449 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 449 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
Normal file
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<!-- Generator: Sketch 49.1 (51147) - -->
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Normal file
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<!-- Generator: Sketch 49.1 (51147) - -->
id="desc4">Created with Sketch.</desc>
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<!-- Generator: Sketch 49.1 (51147) - -->
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@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
21 i_seti_mustache handlebars.svg
22 i_seti_gulp gulp.svg
23 i_seti_grunt grunt.svg
24 i_seti_default file.svg
24 i_custom_default file_nf.svg
24 i_seti_default
24 i_seti_text
25 i_seti_folder seti-folder.svg
26 i_seti_css css.svg
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 11.