mirror of https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts.git synced 2024-12-19 20:12:52 +02:00

Improves readability of readme when viewed raw and misc organization improvements

This commit is contained in:
ryanoasis 2016-05-08 15:15:43 -04:00
parent a06e112e65
commit 3a9f44d6e0

View File

@ -102,34 +102,37 @@ See: [Font Patcher](#font-patcher) for usage
## Patched Fonts
| Font Name | Reserved Font Name | EM Size | Status |
| [3270 Nerd Font](patched-fonts/3270) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Anonymice Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/AnonymousPro) | [Anonymous Pro][font-anonymous-pro] | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Nerd Font](patched-fonts/AurulentSansMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font](patched-fonts/BitstreamVeraSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font](patched-fonts/DejaVuSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/DroidSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Fura Code Nerd Font](patched-fonts/FiraCode) | [Fira][font-fira-code] | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Fura Mono for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/FiraMono) | [Fira][font-fira-mono] | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Heavy Data Mono for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/HeavyData) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Hermut Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Hermit) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Inconsolata) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Knack Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Hack) | [Hack][font-hack] | 2048 | [#70](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues/70) |
| [Lekton for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Lekton) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Literation Mono for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/LiberationMono) | [Liberation][font-liberation] | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Meslo for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Meslo) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Monofur for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Monofur) | | 2400 | [TEST] |
| [Monoid Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Monoid) | | 1536 | [TEST] |
| [M+ (MPlus) for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/MPlus) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Profont) | | 1200 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (x11) for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/ProFont) | | 1000 | [FAILING] |
| [ProggyClean Nerd Font](patched-fonts/ProggyClean) | | 2048 | [FAILING] |
| [Roboto Mono](patched-fonts/RobotoMono) | | 2048 | [FAILING] |
| [Sauce Code Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/SourceCodePro) | [Source][font-source]| 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Terminess for Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/Terminus) | [Terminus Font][font-terminus] | 1000 | [#16](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues/16) |
| [Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline Nerd Font](patched-fonts/UbuntuMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font](patched-fonts/UbuntuMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| Font Name | Font Name and Repository | *RFN | EM Size | Status |
| [3270 Nerd Font][p-3270] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Anonymice Nerd Font][p-anonymous-pro] | [Anonymous Pro][f-a-pro] | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-aurulent] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-bitstream] | | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-dejavu] | | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-droid] | | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Fura Code Nerd Font][p-fira-code] | [Fira][f-fira-code] | YES | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Fura Mono Nerd Font][p-fira-mono] | [Fira][f-fira-mono] | YES | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Heavy Data Mono Nerd Font][p-heavy-data] | | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Hermut Nerd Font][p-hermit] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Inconsolata Nerd Font][p-inconsolata] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Iosevka][p-iosevka] | [Iosevka][f-iosevka] | YES | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Knack Nerd Font][p-hack] | [Hack][f-hack] | YES | 2048 | [#70][s-hack] |
| [Lekton Nerd Font][p-lekton] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Literation Mono Nerd Font][p-liberation] | [Liberation][f-liberation] | YES | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Meslo Nerd Font][p-meslo] | | NO | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Monofur Nerd Font][p-monofur] | | NO | 2400 | [TEST] |
| [Monoid Nerd Font][p-monoid] | | NO | 1536 | [TEST] |
| [M+ (MPlus) Nerd Font][p-mplus] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | NO | 1200 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (x11) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | NO | 1000 | [FAILING] |
| [ProggyClean Nerd Font][p-proggy-clean] | | NO | 2048 | [FAILING] |
| [Roboto Mono][p-roboto] | | NO | 2048 | [FAILING] |
| [Sauce Code Nerd Font][p-source-code-pro] | [Source][f-source] | YES | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Terminess Nerd Font][p-terminus] | [Terminus Font][f-terminus] | YES | 1000 | [#16][s-terminus] |
| [Ubuntu Mono derivative Nerd Font][p-ubuntu] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font][p-ubuntu-mono] | | NO | 1000 | [TEST] |
<sub>_*RFN = Reserved Font Name_</sub>
* Variations include:
* extra glyphs that are *double* or *single* (monospaced) width
@ -320,12 +323,47 @@ Link References
Font repos
Patched Font internal links
Patched Font Statuses