mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 16:39:20 +02:00
Use common scale factor for all glyphs from the same symbol font.
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,30 +77,30 @@ else:
additionalFontNameSuffix = verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
if args.fontawesome:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome"
additionalFontNameSuffix += " A"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome"
if args.octicons:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons"
additionalFontNameSuffix += " O"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons"
if args.pomicons:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons"
additionalFontNameSuffix += " P"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons"
if args.fontlinux:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Linux"
additionalFontNameSuffix += " L"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Linux"
# if all source glyphs included simplify the name
if args.fontawesome and args.octicons and args.pomicons and args.powerlineextra and args.fontlinux:
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete"
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " C"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete"
# add mono signifier to end of name
if args.single:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono"
additionalFontNameSuffix += " M"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " M"
sourceFont = fontforge.open(args.font)
@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ if args.fontawesome or args.octicons:
fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition = False
# Define the character ranges
# Symbol font ranges
symbolsPomiconsRangeStart = 0xE000
symbolsPomiconsRangeEnd = 0xE00A
@ -280,6 +280,15 @@ sourceFontOcticonsEnd = 0xF4DB
sourceFontFontLinuxStart = 0xF300
sourceFontFontLinuxEnd = 0xF315
# To keep the size of glyphs constant when scaling, choose a larger
# sized glyph from each symbol font to set the scaling amount
symbolsPomiconsScaleGlyph = 0xE000 # first symbol
symbolsPowerlineScaleGlyph = 0xE0A0 # scm branch symbol
symbolsPowerlineExtraScaleGlyph = 0xE70E # Android logo
symbolsDeviconsScaleGlyph = 0xE60E # Android logo
symbolsFontAwesomeScaleGlyph = 0xF17A # Windows logo
symbolsOcticonsScaleGlyph = 0xF02E # magnifying glass
symbolsFontLinuxScaleGlyph = 0xF10E # Ubuntu logo
# Right/left-aligned glyphs will have their advance width reduced in order to overlap the next glyph slightly
@ -357,7 +366,7 @@ SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT = {
# Initial font dimensions
font_dim = {
# Use winXXXXXX for ymin and ymax as this is typically what is used for line size
# Use os2_winXXXXXX for ymin and ymax as this is typically what is used for line size
'xmin' : 0,
'ymin' : -sourceFont.os2_windescent,
'xmax' : 0,
@ -414,7 +423,17 @@ def set_width(sourceFont, width):
for glyph in sourceFont.selection.byGlyphs:
glyph.width = width
def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd, exactEncoding=False):
def get_scale_factor(font_dim, sym_dim):
# We want to preserve x/y aspect ratio, so find biggest scale factor that allows symbol to fit
scale_ratio_x = font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width']
# font_dim['height'] represents total line height, keep our symbols sized based upon font's em
scale_ratio_y = sourceFont.em / sym_dim['height']
if scale_ratio_x > scale_ratio_y:
return scale_ratio_y
return scale_ratio_x
def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd, exactEncoding=False, scaleGlyph=None):
if exactEncoding is False:
sourceFontList = []
@ -423,8 +442,12 @@ def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFo
for i in xrange(sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd + 1):
sourceFontList.append(format(i, 'X'))
# Create glyphs from symbol font
scale_factor = 0
if scaleGlyph:
sym_dim = get_dim(symbolFont[scaleGlyph])
scale_factor = get_scale_factor(font_dim, sym_dim)
# Create glyphs from symbol font
@ -475,25 +498,28 @@ def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFo
sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].glyphname = glyphName
# There are some symbols that are blank, skip those
# Now that we have copy/pasted the glyph, if we are creating a monospace
# font we need to scale and move the glyphs. It is possible to have
# empty glyphs, so we need to skip those.
if args.single and sym_dim['width'] and sym_dim['height']:
# Now that we have copy/pasted the glyph, it's time to scale and move it
# Handle glyph stretching
scale_ratio_x = 1
scale_ratio_y = 1
# If we want to preserve that aspect ratio of the glyphs we need to
# find the largest possible scaling factor that will allow the glyph
# to fit in both the x and y directions
if sym_attr['stretch'] == 'pa':
# We want to preserve x/y aspect ratio, so find biggest scale factor that allows symbol to fit
scale_ratio_x = font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width']
# font_dim['height'] represents total line height, keep our symbols sized based upon font's em
scale_ratio_y = sourceFont.em / sym_dim['height']
if scale_ratio_x > scale_ratio_y:
scale_ratio_x = scale_ratio_y
if scale_factor:
# We want to preserve the relative size of each glyph to other glyphs
# in the same symbol font.
scale_ratio_x = scale_factor
scale_ratio_y = scale_factor
# In this case, each glyph is sized independantly to each other
scale_ratio_x = get_scale_factor(font_dim, sym_dim)
scale_ratio_y = scale_ratio_x
if 'x' in sym_attr['stretch']:
# Stretch the glyph horizontally
# Stretch the glyph horizontally to fit the entire available width
scale_ratio_x = font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width']
if 'y' in sym_attr['stretch']:
# Stretch the glyph vertically to total line height (good for powerline separators)
@ -502,28 +528,26 @@ def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFo
if scale_ratio_x != 1 or scale_ratio_y != 1:
sourceFont.transform(psMat.scale(scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y))
# Use the dimensions from the pasted and stretched glyph
# Use the dimensions from the newly pasted and stretched glyph
sym_dim = get_dim(sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
# Center the symbol by matching the center of the line height and center of symbol
# Center the symbol vertically by matching the center of the line height and center of symbol
sym_ycenter = sym_dim['ymax'] - (sym_dim['height'] / 2)
font_ycenter = font_dim['ymax'] - (font_dim['height'] / 2)
sourceFont.transform(psMat.translate(0, font_ycenter - sym_ycenter))
y_align_distance = font_ycenter - sym_ycenter
# Handle glyph l/r alignment
# Handle glyph l/r/c alignment
# First move it to the xmin (left)
left_align_distance = font_dim['xmin']-sym_dim['xmin']
# First find the baseline x-alignment (left alignment amount)
x_align_distance = font_dim['xmin']-sym_dim['xmin']
if sym_attr['align'] == 'c':
# Center align
align_matrix = psMat.translate(left_align_distance + ((font_dim['width']/2) - (sym_dim['width']/2)), 0)
x_align_distance += (font_dim['width']/2) - (sym_dim['width']/2)
elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r':
# Right align
align_matrix = psMat.translate(left_align_distance + font_dim['width'] - sym_dim['width'], 0)
# Left align
align_matrix = psMat.translate(left_align_distance, 0)
x_align_distance += font_dim['width'] - sym_dim['width']
align_matrix = psMat.translate(x_align_distance, y_align_distance)
if sym_attr['overlap'] is True:
@ -538,13 +562,17 @@ def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFo
sourceFont.transform(psMat.translate(-overlap_width, 0))
if args.single:
# Ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows
# Ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows by setting the same
# width for all character glyphs.
# This needs to be done for all glyphs, even the ones that are empty and
# didn't go through the scaling operations.
sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].width = font_dim['width']
if exactEncoding is False:
sourceFontCounter += 1
# reset selection so iteration works propertly @todo fix? rookie misunderstanding?
# This is likely needed because the selection was changed when the glyph was copy/pasted
# end for
@ -556,33 +584,33 @@ else:
if args.single and extension == '.ttf':
# Force width to be equal on all glyphs to ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows.
# This needs to be done on all characters, as some information seems to be lost in the original font file.
# Seen only as a problem with ttf files, otf files seem to be okay.
# This needs to be done on all characters, as some information seems to be lost from the original font file.
# This is only a problem with ttf files, otf files seem to be okay.
set_width(sourceFont, font_dim['width'])
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontOriginalStart, sourceFontOriginalEnd, symbols, symbolsOriginalRangeStart, symbolsOriginalRangeEnd)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontDeviconsStart, sourceFontDeviconsEnd, symbolsDevicons, symbolsDeviconsRangeStart, symbolsDeviconsRangeEnd)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontDeviconsStart, sourceFontDeviconsEnd, symbolsDevicons, symbolsDeviconsRangeStart, symbolsDeviconsRangeEnd, scaleGlyph=symbolsDeviconsScaleGlyph)
if args.powerline:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End, scaleGlyph=symbolsPowerlineScaleGlyph)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End, scaleGlyph=symbolsPowerlineScaleGlyph)
if args.powerlineextra:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, True)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, True)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, True)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, True, scaleGlyph=symbolsPowerlineExtraScaleGlyph)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, True, scaleGlyph=symbolsPowerlineExtraScaleGlyph)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, True, scaleGlyph=symbolsPowerlineExtraScaleGlyph)
if args.fontawesome:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontFontAwesomeStart, sourceFontFontAwesomeEnd, fontawesome, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeStart, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeEnd, True)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontFontAwesomeStart, sourceFontFontAwesomeEnd, fontawesome, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeStart, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeEnd, True, scaleGlyph=symbolsFontAwesomeScaleGlyph)
if args.octicons:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontOcticonsStart, sourceFontOcticonsEnd, octicons, symbolsOcticonsRangeStart, symbolsOcticonsRangeEnd, octiconsExactEncodingPosition)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontOcticonsStart, sourceFontOcticonsEnd, octicons, symbolsOcticonsRangeStart, symbolsOcticonsRangeEnd, octiconsExactEncodingPosition, scaleGlyph=symbolsOcticonsScaleGlyph)
if args.pomicons:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontPomiconsStart, sourceFontPomiconsEnd, pomicons, symbolsPomiconsRangeStart, symbolsPomiconsRangeEnd)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontPomiconsStart, sourceFontPomiconsEnd, pomicons, symbolsPomiconsRangeStart, symbolsPomiconsRangeEnd, scaleGlyph=symbolsPomiconsScaleGlyph)
if args.fontlinux:
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontFontLinuxStart, sourceFontFontLinuxEnd, fontlinux, symbolsFontLinuxRangeStart, symbolsFontLinuxRangeEnd, fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition)
copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontFontLinuxStart, sourceFontFontLinuxEnd, fontlinux, symbolsFontLinuxRangeStart, symbolsFontLinuxRangeEnd, fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition, scaleGlyph=symbolsFontLinuxScaleGlyph)
# the `PfEd-comments` flag is required for Fontforge to save
# '.comment' and '.fontlog'.
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