Update Fira Code README
[why] We had a copy of the original Fira Code website. But all the comments and links are only partially relevant for the Nerd Fonts patched version, e.g. how to install. [how] To reduce confusions do not copy the original readme, but link it. Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
@ -1,237 +1,5 @@
# Fira Code 6.2
## Fira Code: free monospaced font with programming ligatures
![Fira Code](./extras/logo.svg)
### Problem
Programmers use a lot of symbols, often encoded with several characters. For the human brain, sequences like `->`, `<=` or `:=` are single logical tokens, even if they take two or three characters on the screen. Your eye spends a non-zero amount of energy to scan, parse and join multiple characters into a single logical one. Ideally, all programming languages should be designed with full-fledged Unicode symbols for operators, but that’s not the case yet.
### Solution
Fira Code is a free monospaced font containing ligatures for common programming multi-character combinations. This is just a font rendering feature: underlying code remains ASCII-compatible. This helps to read and understand code faster. For some frequent sequences like `..` or `//`, ligatures allow us to correct spacing.
### Download & Install
<a href="https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/releases/download/6.2/Fira_Code_v6.2.zip"><img alt="Fira_Code_v6.2.zip - December 6, 2021 - 2.5 MB" src="./extras/download.png" width="520" height="130"></a>
- [How to Install](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki)
- [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki#troubleshooting)
- [News & Updates](https://twitter.com/FiraCode)
### Support
<a href="https://github.com/sponsors/tonsky" target="_blank"><img alt="Sponsor" src="./extras/sponsor.png"></a>
Fira Code is a personal, free-time project with no funding and a huge [feature request backlog](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/issues). If you love it, consider supporting its development via [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/tonsky) or [Patreon](https://patreon.com/tonsky). Any help counts!
### What’s in the box?
Left: ligatures as rendered in Fira Code. Right: same character sequences without ligatures.
<img src="./extras/ligatures.png" width="754" height="1326">
Fira Code comes with a huge variety of arrows. Even better: you can make them as long as you like and combine start/middle/end fragments however you want!
<img src="./extras/arrows.png" width="754" height="799">
Fira Code is not only about ligatures. Some fine-tuning is done for punctuation and frequent letter pairs.
<img src="./extras/typographics.png" width="754" height="649">
Fira Code comes with a few different character variants, so that everyone can choose what’s best for them. [How to enable](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/How-to-enable-stylistic-sets)
<img src="./extras/character_variants.png" width="754" height="391">
Some ligatures can be altered or enabled using stylistic sets/character variants:
<img src="./extras/ligature_variants.png" width="754" height="561">
Being a programming font, Fira Code has fantastic support for ASCII/box drawing, powerline and other forms of console UIs:
<img src="./extras/console.png" width="754" height="459">
Fira Code is the first programming font to offer dedicated glyphs to render progress bars:
<img src="./extras/progress.png" width="754" height="282">
In action:
<img src="./extras/progress.gif" width="560" height="181">
We hope more programming fonts will adopt this convention and ship their own versions.
Unicode coverage makes Fira Code a great choice for mathematical writing:
<img src="./extras/math.png" width="754" height="323">
### How does it look?
<img src="./extras/samples.png" width="754" height="1068">
<img src="./extras/samples2.png" width="754" height="1257">
### Editor compatibility list
| Works | Doesn’t work |
| **Abricotine** | **Arduino IDE** |
| **Android Studio** (2.3+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) | **Adobe Dreamweaver** |
| **Anjuta** (unless at the EOF) | **Delphi IDE** |
| **AppCode** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) | Standalone **Emacs** ([workaround](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Emacs-instructions)) |
| **Atom** 1.1 or newer ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Atom-instructions)) | **Godot** ([issue](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/9961)) |
| **BBEdit/TextWrangler** (v. 11 only, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/BBEdit-instructions)) | **IDLE** |
| **Brackets** (with [this plugin](https://github.com/polo2ro/firacode-in-brackets)) | **KDevelop 4** |
| **Chocolat** | **Monkey Studio IDE** |
| **CLion** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) | **UltraEdit** |
| **Cloud9** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Cloud9-Instructions)) |
| **Coda 2** |
| **CodeLite** |
| **CodeRunner** |
| **CotEditor** |
| **Eclipse** |
| **elementary Code** |
| **Geany** (1.37+) |
| **gEdit / Pluma** |
| **GNOME Builder** |
| **GoormIDE** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/GoormIDE-Instructions)) |
| **gVim** ([Windows](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/issues/462), [GTK](https://vimhelp.org/options.txt.html#%27guiligatures%27)) |
| **IntelliJ IDEA** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
| **Kate, KWrite** |
| **KDevelop 5+** |
| **Komodo** |
| **Leafpad** |
| **LibreOffice** |
| **LightTable** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/LightTable-instructions)) |
| **LINQPad** |
| **MacVim** 7.4 or newer ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/MacVim-instructions)) |
| **Mancy** |
| **MATLAB** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/MATLAB-for-Windows-Instructions)) |
| **Meld** |
| **Mousepad** |
| **NeoVim-gtk** |
| **NetBeans** |
| **Notepad** (Windows) |
| **Notepad++** (with a [workaround](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/2287#issuecomment-256638098)) |
| **Notepad3** ([instructions](https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/issues/361#issuecomment-365977420))|
| **Nova** |
| **PhpStorm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
| **PyCharm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
| **QOwnNotes** (21.16.6+) |
| **QtCreator** |
| **Rider** |
| **RStudio** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/RStudio-instructions)) |
| **RubyMine** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
| **Scratch** |
| **Scribus** (1.5.3+) |
| **SublimeText** (3146+) |
| **Spyder IDE** (only with Qt5) |
| **SuperCollider 3** |
| **TextAdept** (Linux, macOS) |
| **TextEdit** |
| **TextMate 2** |
| **VimR** ([instructions](https://github.com/qvacua/vimr/wiki#ligatures)) |
| **Visual Studio** (2015+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Visual-Studio-Instructions)) |
| **Visual Studio Code** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/VS-Code-Instructions)) |
| **WebStorm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
| **Xamarin Studio/Monodevelop** |
| **Xcode** (8.0+, otherwise [with plugin](https://github.com/robertvojta/LigatureXcodePlugin)) |
| **Xi** |
| Probably work: **Smultron, Vico** | Under question: **Code::Blocks IDE** |
### Terminal compatibility list
| Platform | Works | Doesn’t work |
| macOS | Hyper (see [#3607](https://github.com/vercel/hyper/issues/3607))<br>iTerm 2<br>Kitty<br>Terminal.app<br>ZOC | Alacritty |
| Windows | Hyper (see [#3607](https://github.com/vercel/hyper/issues/3607))<br>Mintty<br>Token2Shell<br>Windows Terminal | Alacritty<br>Cmder<br>ConEmu<br>PuTTY<br>Windows Console<br>ZOC |
| Linux | Hyper (see [#3607](https://github.com/vercel/hyper/issues/3607))<br>Kitty<br>Konsole<br>QTerminal<br>Termux<br>st ([patch](https://st.suckless.org/patches/ligatures/)) | Alacritty<br>GNOME Terminal<br>libvte-based terminals ([bug report](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=584160)): <ul><li>gtkterm<li>guake<li>LXTerminal<li> sakura<li>Terminator<li>xfce4-terminal</ul>mate-terminal<br>rxvt<br>terminology<br>xterm
| ChromeOS | crosh ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/ChromeOS-Terminal)) | |
### Browser support
<!-- HTML -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/firacode@6.2.0/distr/fira_code.css">
/* CSS */
@import url(https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/firacode@6.2.0/distr/fira_code.css);
/* Specify in CSS */
code { font-family: 'Fira Code', monospace; }
@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
code { font-family: 'Fira Code VF', monospace; }
- IE 10+, Edge Legacy: enable with `font-feature-settings: "calt";`
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera)
- CodeMirror (enable with `font-variant-ligatures: contextual;`)
### Projects using Fira Code
- [CodePen](https://codepen.io/)
- [Blink Shell](http://www.blink.sh/)
- [Klipse](http://app.klipse.tech/)
- [IlyaBirman.net](http://ilyabirman.net/)
- [EvilMartians.com](https://evilmartians.com/)
- [Web Maker](https://webmakerapp.com/)
- [FromScratch](https://fromscratch.rocks/)
- [PEP20.org](https://pep20.org/)
### Alternatives
Free monospaced fonts with ligatures:
- [Hasklig](https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig)
- [Monoid](http://larsenwork.com/monoid/)
- [Fixedsys Excelsior](https://github.com/kika/fixedsys)
- [Iosevka](https://be5invis.github.io/Iosevka/)
- [DejaVu Sans Code](https://github.com/SSNikolaevich/DejaVuSansCode)
- [Victor Mono](https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/)
- [Cascadia Code](https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code)
- [JetBrains Mono](https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsMono)
Paid monospaced fonts with ligatures:
- [PragmataPro](http://www.fsd.it/fonts/pragmatapro.htm)
- [Mono Lisa](https://www.monolisa.dev/)
### Building Fira Code locally
In case you want to alter FiraCode.glyphs and build OTF/TTF/WOFF files yourself, this is the setup I use on macOS:
# install all required build tools
# build the font files
# install OTFs to ~/Library/Fonts
cp distr/otf/*.otf ~/Library/Fonts
Alternatively, you can build Fira Code using Docker:
# install dependencies in a container and build the font files
# package the font files from dist/ into a zip
make package
### Credits
- Author: Nikita Prokopov [@nikitonsky](https://twitter.com/nikitonsky)
- Based on: [Fira Mono](https://github.com/mozilla/Fira)
- Inspired by: [Hasklig](https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig)
For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 119 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 40 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 60 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 54 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 166 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 56 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 38 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 64 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 158 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 168 KiB |
@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
.= ..= := ::= =:= __
== != === !== =/= =!=
<-< <<- <-- <- <-> -> --> ->> >->
<=< <== <<->> <=> => ==> =>> >=>
>>- >- <~> -< -<< =<<
<-| <=| /\ \/ |-> |=>
<~~ <~ ~~ ~> ~~>
<<< << <= <> >= >> >>>
{. {| [| |] |} .}
<:> >:< >:> <:< :>: :<: :> :< >: <:
<||| <|| <| <|> |> ||> |||>
<$ <$> $>
<+ <+> +>
<* <*> *>
\n \\ /* */ /// //
</ <!-- </> --> />
0xF www Fl Tl Il fi fj
;; :: ::: !! ?? %% &&
|| .. ... ..< .? ?.
-- --- ++ +++ ** ***
=~ !~ ~- -~ ~@
^= ?= /= /==
-| _|_ |- ||-
#! #= ## ### ####
#{ #[ ]# #( #? #_ #_(
# Context-aware alignment
fii fjj
a*b a*A B*b A*B *a *A a* A*
a-b a-A B-b A-B -a -A a- A-
a+b a+A B+b A+B +a +A a+ A+
a:b a:A B:b A:B :a :A a: A:
# Powerline
# Stylistic sets
r 0 123456789 & && $ <$ <$> $> @ <= >=
# Unicode
⌀ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌘ ⌤ ⌥ ⎇ ⎋ ⏏ ⎈ ✓ ⌂ ⇪ ⌧ ⌫ ⌦ ⌨ ⏎ �
☐ ☑ ☒ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳
⊜ 🄍 🄎 🄏 🅭 🅮 🅯 🆭
⟲ ⟳ ⟰ ⟱ ⟴ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟸ ⟹ ⟺ ⟻ ⟼ ⟽ ⟾ ⟿ ↩ ↪ ⇞ ⇟ ⇤ ⇥ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ❰ ❱
≢ ẞ ᐅ ᐊ ∴ ∵ ⎈ ‖ ∧ ∨ ⊢ ⊣ ⊤ ⊥ ⊦ ⊧ ⊨ ⊩ ⊪ ⊫ ⊬ ⊭ ⊮ ⊯
⟲ ⟳ ⟰ ⟱ ⟴ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟸ ⟹ ⟺ ⟻ ⟼ ⟽ ⟾ ⟿
↩ ⇞ ⇟ ⇤ ⇥ ⌀ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌘ ⌤ ⌥ ⎇ ⎋ ⏏ ✓ ☐ ☑ ☒ ▤ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩
␆ ␈ ␇ ␣ ␢ ␘ ␍ ␐ ␡ ␥ ␔ ␑ ␓ ␒ ␙ ␃ ␄ ␗ ␅ ␛ ␜ ␌ ␝ ␉ ␊ ␕  ␀ ␞ ␏ ␎ ␠ ␁ ␂ ␚ ␦ ␖ ␟ ␋
ℂ ℍ ℕ ℙ ℚ ℝ ℤ 𝔹 ∀ ∃ ∄ ∅ ⊂ ⊃ ⊄ ⊅ ⊆ ⊇ ⊈ ⊉ ⊊ ⊋ ∈ ∉ ∊ ∋ ∌ ∍ ∪ ∩
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷ 「a」 「a」
# Box drawing
╭╌╌╌╌╮ ╭┄┄┄┄╮ ╭┈┈┈┈╮
╎ ╏ ┆ ┇ ┊ ┋
╎ ╏ ┆ ┇ ┊ ┋
╰╍╍╍╍╯ ╰┅┅┅┅╯ ╰┉┉┉┉╯
┌─┬─┐ ╔╦═╗ ┏━┳┓ ╒═╤═╗ ╭─┰─╮ ○ ○ ◆ ◆
├─┼─┤ ╠╬═╣ ┣━╋┫ ├─┼─╢ ┝━╋━┥ ╲ ╱ ╳
└─┴─┘ ╚╩═╝ ┗━┻┛ ╘═╧═╝ ╰─┸─╯ ■ ◆ ◆
# Blocks
|███ | 50%
▖ ▗ ▙ ▚ ▛ ▜ ▞ ▟
# Multi-line brackets
⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎡ a ⎤ ⎧ x ⎫
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎢ b ⎥ ⎪ y ⎪
⎜ 3 ⎟ ⎢ c ⎥ ⎨ z ⎬
⎜ 4 ⎟ ⎢ d ⎥ ⎪ y ⎪
⎝ 5 ⎠ ⎣ e ⎦ ⎩ x ⎭
# Stylistic sets
cv01 a
cv02 g
cv03..06 i
cv07..10 l
ss01 r
zero, cv11..13 0
cv14 3
onum 0123456789
cv17 ~
ss05 @
ss04 $
cv18 %
ss03 &
cv15..16 *
cv31 ()
cv29 {}
cv30 |
ss02 <= >=
cv19..20 <=
cv23 >=
cv21..22 =<
ss08 == === != !==
cv24 /=
ss09 >>= <<= ||= |=
cv25 .-
cv26 :-
cv32 .=
cv27 []
cv28 {. .}
ss06 \\
ss07 =~ !~
ss10 Fl Tl fi fj fl ft
# Arbitrary-length arrows #346
<- <-- <--- <---- ----> ---> --> ->
>- >-- >--- >---- ----< ---< --< -<
|- |-- |--- |---- ----| ---| --| -|
<<- <<-- <<--- <<---- ---->> --->> -->> ->>
>>- >>-- >>--- >>---- ----<< ---<< --<< -<<
||- ||-- ||--- ||---- ----|| ---|| --|| -||
----- ----< ---<< ----> --->> ----| ---||
<---- <---< <--<< <---> <-->> <---| <--|| --<--
<<--- <<--< <<-<< <<--> <<->> <<--| <<-|| -<<-
>---- >---< >--<< >---> >-->> >---| >--|| -->--
>>--- >>--< >>-<< >>--> >>->> >>--| >>-|| ->>-
|---- |---< |--<< |---> |-->> |---| |--|| --|--
||--- ||--< ||-<< ||--> ||->> ||--| ||-|| -||-
< -< --< ---< ----<
<- -<- --<- ---<- ----<-
<-- -<-- --<-- ---<-- ----<--
<--- -<--- --<--- ---<--- ----<---
<---- -<---- --<---- ---<---- ----<----
> -> --> ---> ---->
>- ->- -->- --->- ---->-
>-- ->-- -->-- --->-- ---->--
>--- ->--- -->--- --->--- ---->---
>---- ->---- -->---- --->---- ---->----
| -| --| ---| ----|
|- -|- --|- ---|- ----|-
|-- -|-- --|-- ---|-- ----|--
|--- -|--- --|--- ---|--- ----|---
|---- -|---- --|---- ---|---- ----|----
<< -<< --<< ---<< ----<<
<<- -<<- --<<- ---<<- ----<<-
<<-- -<<-- --<<-- ---<<-- ----<<--
<<--- -<<--- --<<--- ---<<--- ----<<---
<<---- -<<---- --<<---- ---<<---- ----<<----
>> ->> -->> --->> ---->>
>>- ->>- -->>- --->>- ---->>-
>>-- ->>-- -->>-- --->>-- ---->>--
>>--- ->>--- -->>--- --->>--- ---->>---
>>---- ->>---- -->>---- --->>---- ---->>----
|| -|| --|| ---|| ----||
||- -||- --||- ---||- ----||-
||-- -||-- --||-- ---||-- ----||--
||--- -||--- --||--- ---||--- ----||---
||---- -||---- --||---- ---||---- ----||----
<<< -<<< --<<< ---<<< ----<<<
<<<- -<<<- --<<<- ---<<<- ----<<<-
<<<-- -<<<-- --<<<-- ---<<<-- ----<<<--
<<<--- -<<<--- --<<<--- ---<<<--- ----<<<---
<<<---- -<<<---- --<<<---- ---<<<---- ----<<<----
>>> ->>> -->>> --->>> ---->>>
>>>- ->>>- -->>>- --->>>- ---->>>-
>>>-- ->>>-- -->>>-- --->>>-- ---->>>--
>>>--- ->>>--- -->>>--- --->>>--- ---->>>---
>>>---- ->>>---- -->>>---- --->>>---- ---->>>----
||| -||| --||| ---||| ----|||
|||- -|||- --|||- ---|||- ----|||-
|||-- -|||-- --|||-- ---|||-- ----|||--
|||--- -|||--- --|||--- ---|||--- ----|||---
|||---- -|||---- --|||---- ---|||---- ----|||----
# Equal-based arrows
<= <== <=== <==== ====> ===> ==> =>
>= >== >=== >==== ====< ===< ==< =<
|= |== |=== |==== ====| ===| ==| =|
<<= <<== <<=== <<==== ====>> ===>> ==>> =>>
>>= >>== >>=== >>==== ====<< ===<< ==<< =<<
||= ||== ||=== ||==== ====|| ===|| ==|| =||
===== ====< ===<< ====> ===>> ====| ===|| ====/
<==== <===< <==<< <===> <==>> <===| <==|| <===/ ==<==
<<=== <<==< <<=<< <<==> <<=>> <<==| <<=|| <<==/ =<<=
>==== >===< >==<< >===> >==>> >===| >==|| >===/ ==>==
>>=== >>==< >>=<< >>==> >>=>> >>==| >>=|| >>==/ =>>=
|==== |===< |==<< |===> |==>> |===| |==|| |===/ ==|==
||=== ||==< ||=<< ||==> ||=>> ||==| ||=|| ||==/ =||=
/==== /===< /==<< /===> /==>> /===| /==|| /===/ ==/==
< =< ==< ===< ====<
<= =<= ==<= ===<= ====<=
<== =<== ==<== ===<== ====<==
<=== =<=== ==<=== ===<=== ====<===
<==== =<==== ==<==== ===<==== ====<====
> => ==> ===> ====>
>= =>= ==>= ===>= ====>=
>== =>== ==>== ===>== ====>==
>=== =>=== ==>=== ===>=== ====>===
>==== =>==== ==>==== ===>==== ====>====
| =| ==| ===| ====|
|= =|= ==|= ===|= ====|=
|== =|== ==|== ===|== ====|==
|=== =|=== ==|=== ===|=== ====|===
|==== =|==== ==|==== ===|==== ====|====
/ =/ ==/ ===/ ====/
/= =/= ==/= ===/= ====/=
/== =/== ==/== ===/== ====/==
/=== =/=== ==/=== ===/=== ====/===
/==== =/==== ==/==== ===/==== ====/====
: =: ==: ===: ====:
:= =:= ==:= ===:= ====:=
:== =:== ==:== ===:== ====:==
:=== =:=== ==:=== ===:=== ====:===
:==== =:==== ==:==== ===:==== ====:====
! =! ==! ===! ====!
!= =!= ==!= ===!= ====!=
!== =!== ==!== ===!== ====!==
!=== =!=== ==!=== ===!=== ====!===
!==== =!==== ==!==== ===!==== ====!====
<< =<< ==<< ===<< ====<<
<<= =<<= ==<<= ===<<= ====<<=
<<== =<<== ==<<== ===<<== ====<<==
<<=== =<<=== ==<<=== ===<<=== ====<<===
<<==== =<<==== ==<<==== ===<<==== ====<<====
>> =>> ==>> ===>> ====>>
>>= =>>= ==>>= ===>>= ====>>=
>>== =>>== ==>>== ===>>== ====>>==
>>=== =>>=== ==>>=== ===>>=== ====>>===
>>==== =>>==== ==>>==== ===>>==== ====>>====
|| =|| ==|| ===|| ====||
||= =||= ==||= ===||= ====||=
||== =||== ==||== ===||== ====||==
||=== =||=== ==||=== ===||=== ====||===
||==== =||==== ==||==== ===||==== ====||====
// =// ==// ===// ====//
//= =//= ==//= ===//= ====//=
//== =//== ==//== ===//== ====//==
//=== =//=== ==//=== ===//=== ====//===
//==== =//==== ==//==== ===//==== ====//====
:: =:: ==:: ===:: ====::
::= =::= ==::= ===::= ====::=
::== =::== ==::== ===::== ====::==
::=== =::=== ==::=== ===::=== ====::===
::==== =::==== ==::==== ===::==== ====::====
!! =!! ==!! ===!! ====!!
!!= =!!= ==!!= ===!!= ====!!=
!!== =!!== ==!!== ===!!== ====!!==
!!=== =!!=== ==!!=== ===!!=== ====!!===
!!==== =!!==== ==!!==== ===!!==== ====!!====
<<< =<<< ==<<< ===<<< ====<<<
<<<= =<<<= ==<<<= ===<<<= ====<<<=
<<<== =<<<== ==<<<== ===<<<== ====<<<==
<<<=== =<<<=== ==<<<=== ===<<<=== ====<<<===
<<<==== =<<<==== ==<<<==== ===<<<==== ====<<<====
>>> =>>> ==>>> ===>>> ====>>>
>>>= =>>>= ==>>>= ===>>>= ====>>>=
>>>== =>>>== ==>>>== ===>>>== ====>>>==
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# Underscore lines
_ __ ___ ____
_|_ __|_ _|__ __|__
_| |_ _||_ __| ___| |__ |___
# Numbersign lines
# ## ### #### ##### ######
# Progress bars
[...........] [-----------]
[#..........] [>----------]
[##.........] [=>---------]
[###........] [==>--------]
[####.......] [===>-------]
[#####......] [====>------]
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# Sanity check
- -- --- |> <| ||> <|| |||> <||| <!-- -~ .- ~-
= == === .= ..= := ::= != !== ?= #= ^=
<= <=< <=> <=|
#548 >=< >=> >=| >=<< >>=<
#479 #468 #424 #406 #355 #305 =< ==< =<< |=<
#574 :>=
#621 <||>
#1056 =/
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