mirror of https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts.git synced 2025-01-31 12:27:22 +02:00

Add script to create sample set

After changing something in the patch process it is unclear if all the
prepatched fonts will look ok later. It would be nice to produce one
font from each input font (and not the complete set of each of the faces
of that font) to have some hopefully representative example how symbols will
blend into the font.

Add a script with explicit list of representative fonts.
Evaluate the config.cfg and execute one patcher run.

Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
This commit is contained in:
Fini Jastrow 2023-05-12 08:49:36 +02:00 committed by Fini
parent 41521254f1
commit f17700946c
2 changed files with 102 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Note: Usually you need to call the scripts in this directory while actually bein
* `generate-font-image-previews.sh`: Generates the preview images for `nerdfonts.com` (i.e. gh-pages) [3]
* `generate-glyph-info-from-set.py`: Generate the `i_xxx.sh` file from a glyph source (font) file, if the glyphs are named correctly [4]
* `generate-original-source.py`: Generate `original-source.otf` from single glyph svgs. [5]
* `generate-sample-set.sh`: Generate one patched font file from each source font (for manual checks) [4]
* `generate-webfonts.sh`: Generate woff and woff2 font files from the SymbolsOnly font (for the gh-pages) [1]
* `get-font-names-from-json.sh`: Helper to setup the CI font matrix from `data/fonts.json` [1]
* `gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher!.sh`: Patch one or more fonts 'complete' with and without `mono` and with and without `windows compat` [1]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.0
# Script Version: 1.0.0
# Create one sample of each font
set -e
# Get script directory to set source and target dirs relative to it
sd="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
function get_config_patch_flags {
local dir=$1
unset config_patch_flags
if [ -f "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg" ]; then
source "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg"
dir=$(dirname "$dir")
if [ -f "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg" ]; then
source "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg"
dir=$(dirname "$dir")
if [ -f "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg" ]; then
source "${unpatched}/${dir}/config.cfg"
font_files=( \
'3270/Regular/3270-Regular.ttf' \
'Agave/Agave-Regular.ttf' \
'AnonymousPro/Regular/Anonymous Pro.ttf' \
'Arimo/Regular/Arimo-Regular.ttf' \
'AurulentSansMono/AurulentSansMono-Regular.otf' \
'BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_TerminalPlus.ttf' \
'BitstreamVeraSansMono/Regular/VeraMono.ttf' \
'CascadiaCode/Regular/CascadiaCode-Regular-vtt.ttf' \
'CodeNewRoman/Regular/Code New Roman-Regular.otf' \
'ComicShannsMono/ComicShannsMono-Regular.otf' \
'Cousine/Regular/Cousine-Regular.ttf' \
'DaddyTimeMono/DaddyTimeMono.otf' \
'DejaVuSansMono/Regular/DejaVuSansMono.ttf' \
'DroidSansMono/Droid Sans Mono for Powerline.otf' \
'FantasqueSansMono/Regular/FantasqueSansMono-Regular.ttf' \
'FiraCode/Regular/FiraCode-Regular.ttf' \
'FiraMono/Regular/FiraMono-Regular.otf' \
'Gohu/14/gohufont-14.ttf' \
'Go-Mono/Regular/Go-Mono.ttf' \
'Hack/Regular/Hack-Regular.ttf' \
'Hasklig/Regular/Hasklig-Regular.otf' \
'HeavyData/heavy_data.ttf' \
'Hermit/Regular/Hermit-Regular.otf' \
'iA-Writer/Mono/Regular/iAWriterMonoS-Regular.ttf' \
'IBMPlexMono/Mono/IBMPlexMono-Regular.ttf' \
'Inconsolata/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf' \
'InconsolataGo/Regular/InconsolataGo-Regular.ttf' \
'InconsolataLGC/Regular/Inconsolata-LGC.ttf' \
'Iosevka/Regular/iosevka-regular.ttf' \
'IosevkaTerm/Regular/iosevka-term-regular.ttf' \
'JetBrainsMono/Ligatures/Regular/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf' \
'Lekton/Regular/Lekton-Regular.ttf' \
'LiberationMono/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf' \
'Lilex/Regular/Lilex-Regular.ttf' \
'Meslo/M/Regular/Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline.ttf' \
'Monofur/Regular/Monofur for Powerline.ttf' \
'Monoid/Regular/Monoid-Regular.ttf' \
'Mononoki/Regular/mononoki-Regular.ttf' \
'MPlus/M_Plus_1_code/MPLUS1Code-Regular.ttf' \
'NerdFontsSymbolsOnly/NerdFontsSymbolsNerdFontBlank.sfd' \
'Noto/Sans-Mono/NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf' \
'OpenDyslexic/Regular/OpenDyslexic-Regular.otf' \
'Overpass/Mono/Regular/overpass-mono-regular.otf' \
'ProFont/profontiix/ProFontIIx.ttf' \
'ProggyClean/Regular/ProggyClean.ttf' \
'RobotoMono/Regular/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf' \
'ShareTechMono/ShareTechMono-Regular.ttf' \
'SourceCodePro/Regular/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf' \
'SpaceMono/Regular/SpaceMono-Regular.ttf' \
'Terminus/Regular/TerminusTTF-4.49.2.ttf' \
'Tinos/Regular/Tinos-Regular.ttf' \
'Ubuntu/Regular/Ubuntu-R.ttf' \
'UbuntuMono/Regular/UbuntuMono-R.ttf' \
'VictorMono/Regular/VictorMono-Regular.ttf' \
if [ ! -d "${outputdir}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${outputdir}"
for f in "${font_files[@]}"; do
echo ">>------------------------[ $f ]------------------------>>"
dir=$(dirname "${f}")
get_config_patch_flags "${dir}"
echo ">> config.cfg: ${config_patch_flags}"
fontforge ../../font-patcher --powerline --debug 2 -out "${outputdir}" $config_patch_flags ${NERDFONTS} "${unpatched}/${f}" 2>/dev/null || true