After the working draft name Monispace the final patched font name will
be Monaspice.
* It keeps the characteristic `Mona` in the beginning
* It changes just one character
* The replacement is still a real word
* The replacements sounds very similar
Also other very good names have been suggested, thank you all for the
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Monaspace has an RFN that individually protects 'Monaspace' and all the
face names of noble gases 'Xenon' etc. Both must not be used on patched
Just add the rule(s). The concrete naming is not decided yet.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
SemiWide and ExtraWide might be nice in some contexts, but that is not
really the audience of Nerd Fonts I guess.
Lets start with few and we can always add more if there is really a
Simplify the paths; the old style stems from the time when we patched
all variants per source font. Nowerdays the fonts are few (3 per source)
and will almost always be installed together anyhow.
Shorten the naming a bit for, for example
ERROR: ====-< Family (ID 1) too long (37 > 31): MonaspaceXenon Nerd Font Propo Medium
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
We struggle with the pack-committing of patched fonts to the repository
on release. This makes our repo grow extremely big. It would be better
to just use release artifacts for the releases and not commit any
patched font back.
There were different approaches discussed, but the problem remains that
I personally have no rights to implement anything of that - neither can
I force push to the default branch, nor can I create new repos in the
To make it still possible to add new fonts without a repo size
explosion we do not release NEW fonts back to the repository as commits,
but old fonts are handled as before.
NEW fonts:
* have a new property set in the fonts.yaml 'database'
* are released as release artifact via release workflow (but not
committed back)
* get a readme in the patched_fonts/ directory that points to the
release artifact page
The solution is not ideal, but for sure better than not adding any fonts
anymore or having the repo grow in size faster and faster.
At some point in time I would like to phase out all in-repo releases,
also for OLD fonts.
This scheme has been (manually) used / introduced for Intel One.
With this change the .gitignore file is automatically adapted to any new
font that is added with the repoRelease flag set to false (which should
be the default for any added font from now on).
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The font has RFN, but we are allowed to use the patched name
"Envy Code R Nerd Font", see PR #1318.
Thanks go to Damien Guard!
Fixes: #1205
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The Bold font is bad?
The repo is not maintained?
The ComicShannsMono is not monospaced ... fix it.
It has Overlapping contours ... fix it.
Create a useful BOLD face.
This was originally PR #1004
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The license of Bitstream Vera requires patched fonts to contain neither
"Bitstream" nor "Vera" in the name. It explicitly requires that also
for fonts that (only) add some glyphs.
Yes, we are rather late to notice this :-( Sorry.
Rename Bitstream Vera to BitstromWera, and also drop the Sans Mono part
of the name. The new name looks and sounds similar enough to get the
reference, while being shorter and somewhat logical.
Fixes: #1173
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
When creating the readmes the config.cfg are checked for details on a
possible RFN renaming. There are specific variables that need to be
filled in these cases: config_rfn and config_rfn_substitue.
The same RFN information is already stored in the fonts.json database.
Having the information stored in two locations is always problematic and
can easily lead to inconsistencies.
Remove information from config.cfg file and use data stored in
fonts.json instead.
Drop config.cfg files that are empty afterwards.
Also fix some patchedName in fonts.json en passant.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Some font previews in the gh-pages are obviously wrong (showing some
fallback font).
Recreate all image previes from current master branch.
To make this more easy:
- Add commented out code that displays command to install just the
needed fonts but all the needed fonts
- Add commented out code that displays the family names of the needed
fonts - these have to be in sync with the fonts.json database
Fixes: #489
Reported-by: CosmosAtlas
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The font was always called 3270.
Having a big company's name in the fontname is scary 😬
Add renaming rule.
Fixes: #1012
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
We do not have a preview for the Symbols Only font.
The Symbols Only font appears two times (with 1000 and with 2048 EM).
Remove one of the occurences of NerdFontSymbolsOnly in the fonts.json.
The font matrix (for CI) still works, and we get only one entry in the
fonts list on the gh-pages.
Change the entry details accordingly.
Create special svg template that includes lots of symbols.
Change the destination filename to be imagePreviewFont instead of the
patchedName + "Nerd Font". The website (gh-pages) expects the former
file names.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
We want to replace the existing casks. But they do not have a consistent
way to name the casks. Sometimes blanks are preserved (as dashes):
"unpatchedName": "DejaVu Sans Mono",
"patchedName": "DejaVuSansMono",
"caskName": "dejavu-sans-mono",
The above looks like cask-name == unpatched-name.
Here they introduce blanks out of thin air (the original name does not
have blanks):
"unpatchedName": "DaddyTimeMono",
"patchedName": "DaddyTimeMono",
"caskName": "daddy-time-mono",
Here they add something to the name??!:
"unpatchedName": "Gohu",
"patchedName": "Gohu",
"caskName": "gohufont",
Here the cask-name follows the RFN renaming:
"unpatchedName": "Hasklig",
"patchedName": "Hasklug",
"caskName": "hasklug",
Here they do not follow the RFN renaming:
"unpatchedName": "Liberation",
"patchedName": "LiterationMono",
"caskName": "liberation",
And there are a lot more ... strangenesses.
I guess the casks have been created by different people following
different ideas.
All these inconsistencies makes setting up rules how to determine the
cask name from the other names very complicated and brittle.
If we want to preserve the existing cask names the simplest and most
stable approach is to explicitely specify them in the fonts.json
Introduce a new data field "caskName", like shown above.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
People might want to know how the original/unpatched font really is
called. This is done for most current casks.
Utilize jq and the fonts.json database to retrieve the name (which is
stored nowhere else). Put it in the parens in the name field.
Update some `unpatchedName`s.
Examples from current casks:
homebrew-cask-fonts/Casks$ find . -name '*nerd-font*' -exec grep " name" {} \; | sort
name "3270 Nerd Font (3270)"
name "Agave Nerd Font (Agave)"
name "Anonymice Nerd Font (Anonymous Pro)"
name "Arimo Nerd Font (Arimo)"
name "AurulentSansMono Nerd Font (Aurulent Sans Mono)"
name "BigBlue_Terminal Nerd Font families (BigBlue Terminal)"
name "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono)"
name "BlexMono Nerd Font (IBM Plex Mono)"
name "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Caskaydia code)"
name "CodeNewRoman Nerd Font (Code New Roman)"
name "Cousine Nerd Font (Cousine)"
name "DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font (DaddyTimeMono)"
name "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font (DejaVu Sans Mono)"
name "DroidSansMono Nerd Font (Droid Sans Mono)"
name "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font (Fantasque Sans Mono)"
name "FiraCode Nerd Font (Fira Code)"
name "FiraMono Nerd Font (Fira)"
name "GohuFont Nerd Font (Gohu)"
name "GoMono Nerd Font (Go)"
name "Hack Nerd Font (Hack)"
name "Hasklug Nerd Font (Hasklig)"
name "HeavyData Nerd Font (Heavy Data)"
name "Hurmit Nerd Font (Hermit)"
name "iMWriting Nerd Font families (iA Writer)"
name "InconsolataGo Nerd Font (Inconsolata Go)"
name "InconsolataLGC Nerd Font (Inconsolata LGC)"
name "Inconsolata Nerd Font (Inconsolata)"
name "Iosevka Nerd Font (Iosevka)"
name "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (JetBrains Mono)"
name "Lekton Nerd Font (Lekton)"
name "Literation Nerd Font families (Liberation)"
name "MesloLG Nerd Font families (Meslo LG)"
name "Monofur Nerd Font (Monofur)"
name "Monoid Nerd Font (Monoid)"
name "Mononoki Nerd Font (Mononoki)"
name "mplus Nerd Font (M+)"
name "Nerd Font Symbols Template (Symbols Only)"
name "Noto Nerd Font families (Noto)"
name "OpenDyslexic Nerd Font families (OpenDyslexic)"
name "Overpass Nerd Font (Overpass)"
name "ProFont Nerd Font families (ProFont)"
name "ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font families (ProggyCleanTT)"
name "RobotoMono Nerd Font (RobotoMono)"
name "SauceCodePro Nerd Font (Source Code Pro)"
name "ShureTechMono Nerd Font (Share Tech Mono)"
name "SpaceMono Nerd Font (Space Mono)"
name "TerminessTTF Nerd Font (Terminus)"
name "Tinos Nerd Font (Tinos)"
name "UbuntuMono Nerd Font (Ubuntu Mono)"
name "Ubuntu Nerd Font (Ubuntu)"
name "VictorMono Nerd Font (Victor Mono)"
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Some fonts in the readme source font tables are marked as 'no RFN' while
they infact have a RFN (and we act on that, so that is just a
documentation issue).
Also add updated fonts.json, that contains RFN information and correct
unpatchedFont names, compare gh-pages commit
4f78d656 download: Fix RFN detection
The updated fonts.json is also needed for an upcoming Casks creation
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The description is displayed like this:
* Info: <description>
Sometimes the description text starts with lowercase, sometimes with
caps. This looks weird.
Always start the description with uppercase.
Also correct missing(?) description for one font.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Both, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Mono link to the #Ubuntu preview on But that ends up in Ubuntu Mono. You can not
preview the proportional version.
This commit must be synched to branch gh-pages manually.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
The script is not running with current (i.e. year 2022) release versions
of Inkscape.
The script does not warn if a font is not installed (and creates a
garbage preview instead).
Rewrite the script that is uses Inkscape actions instead of verbs. Verbs
are already removed in Inkscape HEAD.
Check if needed font is indeed installed.
Do not generate useless Symbols Only font preview (it needs a specific
different one, I suppose).
Disable `svgo`. Maybe we should generate PNGs instead?
Change path for created images, so that it is already correct for the
gh-pages and we could use the github-pages-deploy-action to publish them.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
Lilex is missing from the 2.2.0 RC and is not automagically patched.
Add Lilex to the font metadata database :->
Lilex's licence has no RFN given.
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>