#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 2.3.3 # Script Version: 1.2.0 # used for debugging # set -x LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] " # Check for Fontforge type fontforge >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX FontForge must be installed before running this script." echo >&2 "# Please see installation instructions at" echo >&2 "# http://designwithfontforge.com/en-US/Installing_Fontforge.html" exit 1 } # Get script directory to set source and target dirs relative to it sd="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" res1=$(date +%s) repo_root_dir=$(dirname $(dirname ${sd})) # two levels up (i.e. ../../) # Set source and target directories like_pattern='.*\.\(otf\|ttf\|sfd\)' complete_variations_per_family=4 font_typefaces_count=0 font_families_count=0 complete_variation_count=0 total_variation_count=0 total_count=0 last_parent_dir="" unpatched_parent_dir="src/unpatched-fonts" patched_parent_dir="patched-fonts" timestamp_parent_dir=${patched_parent_dir} source_fonts_dir="${repo_root_dir}/${unpatched_parent_dir}" max_parallel_process=8 function activate_keeptime { type ttfdump >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX ttfdump must be installed for option --keeptime" exit 1 } keeptime=TRUE } function activate_checkfont { patched_parent_dir="check-fonts" } function activate_info { info_only=TRUE echo "${LINE_PREFIX} 'Info Only' option given, only generating font info (not patching)" } function show_help { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION] [FILTER]" echo echo " OPTION:" echo " -c, --checkfont Create the font(s) in check-fonts/ instead" echo " -t, --keeptime Try to preserve timestamp of previously patched" echo " font in patched-fonts/ directory" echo " -v, --verbose Show more information when running" echo " -i, --info Rebuild JUST the readmes" echo " -j, --jobs Run up to 8 patch processes in parallel" echo " -h, --help Show this help" echo echo " FILTER:" echo " The filter argument to this script is a filter for the fonts to patch." echo " The filter is a regex (glob "*" is expressed as "[^/]*", see \`man 7 glob\`)" echo " All font files that start with that filter (and are ttf, otf, or sfd files) will" echo " be processed only." echo " Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh \"iosevka\"" echo " Process all font files that start with \"iosevka\"" echo " If the argument starts with a '/' all font files in a directory that matches" echo " the filter are processed only." echo " Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh \"/iosevka\"" echo " Process all font files that are in directory \"iosevka\"" } function find_font_root { # e.g. /a/b/c/nerd-fonts/src/unpatched-fonts/Meslo sed -E "s|(${unpatched_parent_dir}/[^/]*).*|\1|" <<< "$1" } while getopts ":chijtv-:" option; do case "${option}" in c) activate_checkfont ;; h) show_help exit 0;; i) activate_info ;; j) parallel=TRUE ;; t) activate_keeptime ;; v) verbose=TRUE ;; -) case "${OPTARG}" in checkfont) activate_checkfont ;; help) show_help exit 0;; info) activate_info ;; jobs) parallel=TRUE ;; keeptime) activate_keeptime ;; verbose) verbose=TRUE ;; *) echo >&2 "Option '--${OPTARG}' unknown" exit 1;; esac;; *) echo >&2 "Option '-${OPTARG}' unknown" exit 1;; esac done shift $((${OPTIND}-1)) if [ $# -gt 1 ] then echo >&2 "Unknown parameter(s): $2 ..." exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 1 ] then if [[ "${1:0:1}" == "/" ]] then like_pattern=".*$1/.*\.\(otf\|ttf\|sfd\)" echo "$LINE_PREFIX Filter given, limiting search and patch to pathname pattern '$1'" else like_pattern=".*/$1[^/]*\.\(otf\|ttf\|sfd\)" echo "$LINE_PREFIX Filter given, limiting search and patch to filename pattern '$1'" fi fi # correct way to output find results into an array (when files have space chars, etc) # source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8213328/bash-script-find-output-to-array source_fonts=() while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do source_fonts=("${source_fonts[@]}" "$file") done < <(find "$source_fonts_dir" -iregex ${like_pattern} -type f -print0) # print total number of source fonts found echo "$LINE_PREFIX Total source fonts found: ${#source_fonts[*]}" # Use one date-time for ALL fonts and for creation and modification date in the font file if [ -z "${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ] then export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date +%s) fi release_timestamp=$(date -R --date=@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} 2>/dev/null) || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Invalid release timestamp SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: ${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" exit 2 } echo "$LINE_PREFIX Release timestamp is ${release_timestamp}" function patch_font { local f=$1; shift local i=$1; shift local purge=$1; shift # Try to copy the release date from the 'original' patch if [ -n "${keeptime}" ] then # take everything before the last slash (/) to start building the full path local ts_font_dir="${f%/*}/" local ts_font_dir="${ts_font_dir/$unpatched_parent_dir/$timestamp_parent_dir}" local one_font=$(find ${ts_font_dir} -name '*.[ot]tf' | head -n 1) if [ -n "${one_font}" ] then orig_font_date=$(ttfdump -t head "${one_font}" | \ grep -E '[^a-z]modified:.*0x' | sed 's/.*x//' | tr 'a-f' 'A-F') SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(dc -e "16i ${orig_font_date} Ai 86400 24107 * - p") echo "$LINE_PREFIX Release timestamp adjusted to $(date -R --date=@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH})" fi fi # take everything before the last slash (/) to start building the full path local patched_font_dir="${f%/*}/" # find replace unpatched parent dir with patched parent dir: local patched_font_dir="${patched_font_dir/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}" [[ -d "$patched_font_dir" ]] || mkdir -p "$patched_font_dir" if [ -n ${purge} -a -d "${patched_font_dir}complete" ] then if [ -n "${verbose}" ] then echo "Purging patched font dir ${patched_font_dir}complete" fi rm ${patched_font_dir}complete/* fi config_parent_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "$f" )" && cd ".." && pwd) config_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "$f" )" && pwd) # source the font config file if exists: # fetches for example config_patch_flags if [ -f "$config_dir/config.cfg" ] then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$config_dir/config.cfg" elif [ -f "$config_parent_dir/config.cfg" ] then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$config_parent_dir/config.cfg" fi if [ -f "$config_parent_dir/config.json" ] then # load font configuration file and remove ligatures (for mono fonts): # (tables have been removed from the repo with >this< commit) font_config="--removeligatures --configfile $config_parent_dir/config.json" else font_config="" fi if [ "$post_process" ] then post_process="--postprocess=${repo_root_dir}/${post_process}" else post_process="" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # we know the '$config_has_powerline' is from the sourced file if [ "$config_has_powerline" -gt 0 ] then powerline="" combinations=$(printf "./font-patcher ${f##*/} %s\\n" {' --use-single-width-glyphs',}{' --windows',}{' --fontawesome',}{' --octicons',}{' --fontlogos',}{' --pomicons',}{' --powerlineextra',}{' --fontawesomeextension',}{' --powersymbols',}{' --weather',}{' --material',}) else powerline="--powerline" combinations=$(printf "./font-patcher ${f##*/} %s\\n" {' --powerline',}{' --use-single-width-glyphs',}{' --windows',}{' --fontawesome',}{' --octicons',}{' --fontlogos',}{' --pomicons',}{' --powerlineextra',}{' --fontawesomeextension',}{' --powersymbols',}{' --weather',}{' --material',}) fi cd "$repo_root_dir" || { echo >&2 "# Could not find project parent directory" exit 3 } # Use absolute path to allow fontforge being an AppImage (used in CI) PWD=`pwd` if [ -n "${verbose}" ] then echo "fontforge -quiet -script ${PWD}/font-patcher "$f" -q --also-windows $powerline $post_process --complete --no-progressbars --outputdir "${patched_font_dir}complete/" $config_patch_flags" fi { OUT=$(fontforge -quiet -script ${PWD}/font-patcher "$f" -q --also-windows $powerline $post_process --complete --no-progressbars \ --outputdir "${patched_font_dir}complete/" $config_patch_flags 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- ); } 3>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "$OUT\nPatcher run aborted!\n\n"; fi if [ -n "${verbose}" ] then echo "fontforge -quiet -script ${PWD}/font-patcher "$f" -q -s ${font_config} --also-windows $powerline $post_process --complete --no-progressbars --outputdir "${patched_font_dir}complete/" $config_patch_flags" fi { OUT=$(fontforge -quiet -script ${PWD}/font-patcher "$f" -q -s ${font_config} --also-windows $powerline $post_process --complete --no-progressbars \ --outputdir "${patched_font_dir}complete/" $config_patch_flags 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- ); } 3>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "$OUT\nPatcher run aborted!\n\n"; fi # wait for this group of background processes to finish to avoid forking too many processes # that can add up quickly with the number of combinations #wait } # Generates font information: readmes, combinations, licenses, and variation counts # $1 = fontdir path # $2 = font file name (used for metadata) function generate_info { local f=$1; shift local font_file=$1; shift # take everything before the last slash (/) to start building the full path local patched_font_dir="${f%/*}/" # find replace unpatched parent dir with patched parent dir: local patched_font_dir="${patched_font_dir/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}" echo "$LINE_PREFIX Generating info for '$font_file':" [[ -d "$patched_font_dir" ]] || mkdir -p "$patched_font_dir" config_parent_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "$f" )" && cd ".." && pwd) config_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "$f" )" && pwd) config_parent_dir_name=$(basename "$config_parent_dir") is_unpatched_fonts_root=0 if [ "$config_parent_dir_name" == "unpatched-fonts" ] then is_unpatched_fonts_root=1 font_typefaces_count=$((font_typefaces_count+1)) fi # source the font config file if exists: if [ -f "$config_dir/config.cfg" ] then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$config_dir/config.cfg" elif [ -f "$config_parent_dir/config.cfg" ] then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$config_parent_dir/config.cfg" fi if [ "$config_has_powerline" -gt 0 ] then powerline="" combinations=$(printf "./font-patcher ${f##*/} %s\\n" {' --use-single-width-glyphs',}{' --windows',}{' --fontawesome',}{' --octicons',}{' --fontlogos',}{' --pomicons',}{' --powerlineextra',}{' --fontawesomeextension',}{' --powersymbols',}{' --weather',}{' --material',}) else powerline="--powerline" combinations=$(printf "./font-patcher ${f##*/} %s\\n" {' --powerline',}{' --use-single-width-glyphs',}{' --windows',}{' --fontawesome',}{' --octicons',}{' --fontlogos',}{' --pomicons',}{' --powerlineextra',}{' --fontawesomeextension',}{' --powersymbols',}{' --weather',}{' --material',}) fi font_families_count=$((font_families_count+1)) complete_variation_count=$((complete_variation_count+complete_variations_per_family)) combination_count=$(printf "%s" "$combinations" | wc -l) # generate the readmes: # if first time with this font then re-build parent dir readme, else skip: if [[ $config_parent_dir != "$last_parent_dir" ]] && [ $is_unpatched_fonts_root == "0" ]; then echo "$LINE_PREFIX * Re-generate parent directory readme" generate_readme "$patched_font_dir.." 0 fi # echo "$LINE_PREFIX * Adding 'Possible Combinations' section" # generate_readme "$patched_font_dir" 1 generate_readme "$patched_font_dir" 0 echo "$LINE_PREFIX * Copying license files" # Copy 'all' license files found in the complete font's source tree # into the destination. This will overwrite all same-names files # so make sure all licenses of one fontface are identical copy_license "$(find_font_root $config_dir)" "$patched_font_dir" last_parent_dir=$config_parent_dir total_variation_count=$((total_variation_count+combination_count)) total_count=$((total_count+complete_variations_per_family+combination_count)) } # Copy any license file to the patched font directory # $1 = fontdir source path # $2 = fontdir destination path function copy_license { local src=$1 local dest=$2 local license_file="" while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r license_file ; do # cp "$license_file" "$dest" # makes archiving multiple harder when we junk the paths for the archive [[ -d "$dest/complete" ]] || mkdir -p "$dest/complete" cp "$license_file" -t "$dest/complete" done < <(find "$src" -iregex ".*\(licen[cs]e\|ofl\).*" -type f -print0) } # Re-generate all the readmes # $1 = fontdir path function generate_readme { local patched_font_dir=$1 local generate_combinations=$2 local combinations_filename="$patched_font_dir/readme.md" local font_info="$patched_font_dir/font-info.md" # clear output file (needed for multiple runs or updates): true > "$combinations_filename" if [ -f "$font_info" ]; then cat "$patched_font_dir/font-info.md" >> "$combinations_filename" else echo "$LINE_PREFIX Could not append font-info.md (file not found). Was standardize script run? It should be executed first" echo "# looked for: $font_info" fi if [ "$generate_combinations" == 1 ]; then # add to the file cat "$repo_root_dir/src/readme-per-directory-variations.md" >> "$combinations_filename" { printf "\`\`\`sh" printf "\\n# %s Possible Combinations:\\n" "$combination_count" printf "\\n" printf "%s" "$combinations" printf "\\n" printf "\`\`\`" } >> "$combinations_filename" fi } if [ ! "$info_only" ] then # Iterate through source fonts for i in "${!source_fonts[@]}" do purge_destination="" current_source_dir=$(dirname "${source_fonts[$i]}") if [ "${current_source_dir}" != "${last_source_dir}" ] then # If we are going to patch ALL font files from a certain source directory # the destination directory is purged (all font files therein deleted) # to follow font naming changed. We can not do this if we patch only # some of the source font files in that directory. last_source_dir=${current_source_dir} num_to_patch=$(find "${current_source_dir}" -iregex ${like_pattern} -type f | wc -l) num_existing=$(find "${current_source_dir}" -iname "*.[ot]tf" -o -iname "*.sfd" -type f | wc -l) if [ ${num_to_patch} -eq ${num_existing} ] then purge_destination="TRUE" fi fi echo "$LINE_PREFIX Processing font $((i+1))/${#source_fonts[@]}" if [ -n "${parallel}" ] then patch_font "${source_fonts[$i]}" "$i" "$purge_destination" 2>/dev/null & else patch_font "${source_fonts[$i]}" "$i" "$purge_destination" 2>/dev/null fi # un-comment to test this script (patch 1 font) #break # wait for this set of bg commands to finish: dont do too many at once! # if we spawn a background process for each set of fonts it will # end up using too many system resources # however we want to run a certain number in parallel to decrease # the amount of time patching all the fonts will take # for now set a 'wait' for each X set of processes: if [[ $(((i + 1) % max_parallel_process)) == 0 ]]; then echo "$LINE_PREFIX Complete Variation Count after max parallel process is $complete_variation_count" wait fi done # wait for all bg commands to finish wait fi # update information in separate iteration (to avoid issues with bg processes and the counts): # Iterate through source fonts for i in "${!source_fonts[@]}" do # only output after last slash (/): path=${source_fonts[$i]} font_file=${path##*/} generate_info "$path" "$font_file" 2>/dev/null done font_typefaces_count=$(find "${sd}/../../${patched_parent_dir}/"* -maxdepth 0 -type d | wc -l) res2=$(date +%s) dt=$(echo "$res2 - $res1" | bc) dd=$(echo "$dt/86400" | bc) dt2=$(echo "$dt-86400*$dd" | bc) dh=$(echo "$dt2/3600" | bc) dt3=$(echo "$dt2-3600*$dh" | bc) dm=$(echo "$dt3/60" | bc) ds=$(echo "$dt3-60*$dm" | bc) printf "$LINE_PREFIX Total runtime: %d:%02d:%02d:%02d\\n" "$dd" "$dh" "$dm" "$ds" printf "# All fonts patched to sub-directories in \\t\\t\\t'%s'\\n" "$patched_parent_dir" printf "# The total number of font typefaces ever patched \\t\\t'%s'\\n" "$font_typefaces_count" printf "# The total number of font families patched was \\t\\t'%s'\\n" "$font_families_count" printf "# The total number of 'complete' patched fonts created was \\t'%s'\\n" "$complete_variation_count" printf "# The total number of 'variation' patched fonts created was \\t'%s'\\n" "$total_variation_count" printf "# The total number of patched fonts created was \\t\\t'%s'\\n" "$total_count" if [ "$total_count" -lt 1 ]; then # Probably unwanted... alert user exit 10 fi