temp-glyph-source-fonts/* temp/* patched-fonts/Input* check-fonts/* unpatched-sample-fonts/Input* casks/* archives/* private.cfg node_modules # Only apps should have lockfiles package-lock.json # generated *.uuid files *.uuid bin/scripts/name_parser/__pycache__/* bin/scripts/name_parser/log # This is just needed for the cheat sheet and not go into the repo: css/nerd-fonts-generated-removed.min.css # AUTOGENERATED lines follow, do not change or remove the comments # Non-Repo-Released fonts, see fonts.json: patched-fonts/0xProto/* !patched-fonts/0xProto/README.md patched-fonts/IntelOneMono/* !patched-fonts/IntelOneMono/README.md # AUTOGENERATED lines end