ryanoasis Ryan L McIntyre true hasklig hasklug nerd-fonts fonts ligatures coding-fonts Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher. 40+ patched fonts, over 3,600 glyph/icons, includes popular collections such as Font Awesome & fonts such as Hack. Nerd Fonts takes popular programming fonts and adds a bunch of Glyphs. There is also a font patcher available if your desired font isn't already patched. For more high level information see the wiki. # New Features - Added new fonts: - Noto (all variations) (#213) - Overpass Mono (fixes #177) - BigBlue Terminal (fixes #170) - Dyslexic (fixes #217) - Iosevka Term variant (no ligatures) (fixes #198) - FiraCode TTF variant (fixes #244) - SourceCodePro italics variant (fixes #236) - Added new glyph sets: - Material Design Icons - Weather - Added new glyphs to core: - Elm (fixes #172) - Elixir (fixes #228) - Electron (fixes #237) - Added new translations: - Added Traditional Chinese of readme (partially fixes #118) (PR #222) (@MindyTai) - Added French readme (partially fixes #118) (PR #251) (@pgrimaud) - Added ability to remove ligatures via the `--removeligatures` option in font-patcher - Added `--configfile` option to font-patcher # Updates / Improvements - Updated Hack font to latest version (v3.003) (fixes #216) (with help from @chrissimpkins) - Updated Iosevka to the latest version (v1.14.0) (fixes #229) - Updated Fantasque Sans Mono to the latest version (v1.7.2) (fixes #240) - Updated MPlus version from 1.018 to 1.063 - Updated documentation for urxvt wcwidth implementations (fixes #155) - Updated logos and Sankey diagram # Breaking Updates / Improvements / Changes - Updated Font Logos (formerly Font Linux) to latest version (fixes #157) # Fixes - Fixed incorrect exitcode returned from installer (fixes #218) (PR #230 @Phuurl) - Fixed 3270 font not being valid/installable on Windows (fixes #12, #196) - Fixed weather variables script typo (PR #242 @snown) - Fixed Monospaced fonts having ligatures by default (fixed Meslo Mono having ligatures) (fixes #186) - Fixed Hasklig ExtraLight & Light variants (fixes #231)