#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf8 # version: 0.6.0 version = "0.6.0" projectName = "Nerd Fonts" projectNameAbbreviation = "NF" projectNameSingular = projectName[:-1] import sys try: import psMat except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(projectName + ": FontForge module is probably not installed. [See: http://designwithfontforge.com/en-US/Installing_Fontforge.html]\n") sys.exit(1) import re import os import argparse import errno try: #Load the module import fontforge except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(projectName + ": FontForge module could not be loaded. Try installing fontforge python bindings [e.g. on Linux Debian or Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install fontforge python-fontforge`]\n") sys.exit(1) # argparse stuff parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Patches a given font with programming and web development related glyphs (mainly for https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons)') parser.add_argument('font', help='The path to the font to be patched (e.g. Inconsolata.otf)') parser.add_argument('-s', '--use-single-width-glyphs', dest='single', action='store_true', help='Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width)', default=False) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', '--shutup', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='Do not generate verbose output', default=False) parser.add_argument('-w', '--windows', '--limit-font-name-length', dest='windows', action='store_true', help='Limit the internal font name to a maximum of 31 characters (for safe Windows compatiblity)', default=False) parser.add_argument('--fontawesome', dest='fontawesome', action='store_true', help='Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/)', default=False) parser.add_argument('--octicons', dest='octicons', action='store_true', help='Add Octicons Glyphs (https://octicons.github.com/)', default=False) parser.add_argument('--pomicons', dest='pomicons', action='store_true', help='Add Pomicon Glyphs (https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons)', default=False) parser.add_argument('--powerline', dest='powerline', action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Glyphs', default=False) parser.add_argument('--powerlineextra', dest='powerlineextra', action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Glyphs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)', default=False) parser.add_argument('--careful', dest='careful', action='store_true', help='Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected', default=False) parser.add_argument('-out', '--outputdir', type=str, nargs='?', dest='outputdir', help='The directory to output the patched font file to', default=".") args = parser.parse_args() changelog = open("changelog.md", "r") minimumVersion = 20141231 actualVersion = int(fontforge.version()) # un-comment following line for testing invalid version error handling #actualVersion = 20120731 # versions tested: 20150612, 20150824 if actualVersion < minimumVersion: print(projectName + ": You seem to be using an unsupported (old) version of fontforge: " + str(actualVersion)) print(projectName + ": Please use at least version: " + str(minimumVersion)) sys.exit(1) verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular if args.windows: # attempt to shorten here on the additional name BEFORE trimming later additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameAbbreviation else: additionalFontNameSuffix = verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix if args.fontawesome: additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome" verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome" if args.octicons: additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons" verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons" if args.pomicons: additionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons" verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons" # if all source glyphs included simplify the name if args.fontawesome and args.octicons and args.pomicons and args.powerlineextra: additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete" verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete" # add mono signifier to end of name if args.single: additionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono" verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono" sourceFont = fontforge.open(args.font) # basically split the font name around the dash "-" to get the fontname and the style (e.g. Bold) # this does not seem very reliable so only use the style here as a fallback if the font does not # have an internal style defined (in sfnt_names) # using '([^-]*?)' to get the item before the first dash "-" # using '([^-]*(?!.*-))' to get the item after the last dash "-" fontname, fallbackStyle = re.match("^([^-]*).*?([^-]*(?!.*-))$", sourceFont.fontname).groups() # dont trust 'sourceFont.familyname' familyname = fontname # fullname (filename) can always use long/verbose font name, even in windows fullname = sourceFont.fullname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix fontname = fontname + additionalFontNameSuffix.replace(" ", "") # let us try to get the 'style' from the font info in sfnt_names and fallback to the # parse fontname if it fails: try: # search tuple: subFamilyTupleIndex = [x[1] for x in sourceFont.sfnt_names].index("SubFamily") # String ID is at the second index in the Tuple lists sfntNamesStringIDIndex = 2 # now we have the correct item: subFamily = sourceFont.sfnt_names[sfntNamesStringIDIndex][subFamilyTupleIndex] except IndexError: print(projectName + ": Could not find 'SubFamily' for given font, falling back to parsed fontname") subFamily = fallbackStyle # some fonts have inaccurate 'SubFamily', if it is Regular let us trust the filename more: if subFamily == "Regular": subFamily = fallbackStyle fontname += " - " + subFamily if args.windows: maxLength = 31 familyname += " " + projectNameAbbreviation fullname += " Windows Compatible" # now make sure less than 32 characters name length #if len(fullname) > maxLength: # fullname = fullname[:maxLength] if len(fontname) > maxLength: fontname = fontname[:maxLength] if len(fullname) > maxLength: familyname = familyname[:maxLength] else: familyname += " " + projectNameSingular # rename font def replace_all(text, dic): for i, j in dic.items(): text = text.replace(i, j) return text def make_sure_path_exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raisee make_sure_path_exists(args.outputdir) # comply with SIL Open Font License (OFL) reservedFontNameReplacements = { 'source': 'sauce', 'Source': 'Sauce', 'hermit': 'hurmit', 'Hermit': 'Hurmit', 'fira': 'fura', 'Fira': 'Fura', 'hack': 'knack', 'Hack': 'Knack' } projectInfo = "Patched with '" + projectName + " Patcher' (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts)" sourceFont.familyname = replace_all(familyname, reservedFontNameReplacements) sourceFont.fullname = replace_all(fullname, reservedFontNameReplacements) sourceFont.fontname = replace_all(fontname, reservedFontNameReplacements) sourceFont.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Preferred Family', sourceFont.familyname) sourceFont.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Compatible Full', sourceFont.fullname) sourceFont.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'SubFamily', subFamily) sourceFont.comment = projectInfo sourceFont.fontlog = projectInfo + "\n\n" + changelog.read() # todo version not being set for all font types (e.g. ttf) #print "Version was " + sourceFont.version sourceFont.version += ";" + projectName + " " + version #print "Version now is " + sourceFont.version # glyph font sourceFont_em_original = sourceFont.em # Open fonts and force the em size to be equal symbols = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/original-source.otf") powerlineSymbols = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/PowerlineSymbols.otf") powerlineExtraSymbols = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf") symbolsDevicons = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/devicons.ttf") symbols.em = sourceFont.em symbolsDevicons.em = sourceFont.em # powerlineExtraSymbols.em = sourceFont.em if args.fontawesome: fontawesome = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/FontAwesome.otf") fontawesome.em = sourceFont.em if args.octicons: octicons = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/octicons.ttf") octicons.em = sourceFont.em octiconsExactEncodingPosition = True if args.pomicons: pomicons = fontforge.open("glyph-source-fonts/Pomicons.otf") pomicons.em = sourceFont.em # Prevent glyph encoding position conflicts between glyph sets if args.fontawesome and args.octicons: octiconsExactEncodingPosition = False # Define the character ranges # Symbol font ranges symbolsPomiconsRangeStart = 0xE000 symbolsPomiconsRangeEnd = 0xE00A symbolsPowerlineRange1Start = 0xE0A0 symbolsPowerlineRange1End = 0xE0A2 symbolsPowerlineRange2Start = 0xE0B0 symbolsPowerlineRange2End = 0xE0B3 symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start = 0xE0A3 symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End = 0xE0A3 symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start = 0xE0B4 symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End = 0xE0C8 symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start = 0xE0CC symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End = 0xE0D4 symbolsOriginalRangeStart = 0xE4FA symbolsOriginalRangeEnd = 0xE52A symbolsDeviconsRangeStart = 0xE600 symbolsDeviconsRangeEnd = 0xE6C5 symbolsFontAwesomeRangeStart = 0xF000 symbolsFontAwesomeRangeEnd = 0xF295 symbolsOcticonsRangeStart = 0xF000 symbolsOcticonsRangeEnd = 0xF0DB # Destination font ranges sourceFontPomiconsStart = 0xE000 sourceFontPomiconsEnd = 0xE00A sourceFontOriginalStart = 0xE5FA sourceFontOriginalEnd = 0xE62A sourceFontDeviconsStart = 0xE700 sourceFontDeviconsEnd = 0xE7C5 sourceFontFontAwesomeStart = 0xF000 sourceFontFontAwesomeEnd = 0xF295 sourceFontOcticonsStart = 0xF400 sourceFontOcticonsEnd = 0xF4DB SYM_ATTR = { # Right/left-aligned glyphs will have their advance width reduced in order to overlap the next glyph slightly 0x2b60: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': 'y' , 'overlap': False }, 0x2b61: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, 0x2b62: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, 0x2b63: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, 0x2b64: { 'align': 'c', 'stretch': '' , 'overlap': False }, 0x2b80: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, 0x2b81: { 'align': 'l', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, 0x2b82: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, 0x2b83: { 'align': 'r', 'stretch': 'xy', 'overlap': True }, } # Initial font dimensions font_dim = { 'xmin' : 0, 'ymin' : -sourceFont.descent, 'xmax' : 0, 'ymax' : sourceFont.ascent, 'width' : 0, 'height': 0, } # Find the biggest char width and height # # 0x00-0x17f is the Latin Extended-A range # 0x2500-0x2600 is the box drawing range for glyph in list(range(0x00, 0x17f)) + list(range(0x2500, 0x2600)): try: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = sourceFont[glyph].boundingBox() except TypeError: continue if font_dim['width'] == 0: font_dim['width'] = sourceFont[glyph].width if ymin < font_dim['ymin']: font_dim['ymin'] = ymin if ymax > font_dim['ymax']: font_dim['ymax'] = ymax if xmax > font_dim['xmax']: font_dim['xmax'] = xmax # Calculate font height font_dim['height'] = abs(font_dim['ymin']) + font_dim['ymax'] # Update the font encoding to ensure that the Unicode glyphs are available sourceFont.encoding = 'ISO10646' # Fetch this property before adding outlines onlybitmaps = sourceFont.onlybitmaps def get_dim(glyph): bbox = glyph.boundingBox() return { 'xmin' : bbox[0], 'ymin' : bbox[1], 'xmax' : bbox[2], 'ymax' : bbox[3], 'width' : bbox[2] + (-bbox[0]), 'height': bbox[3] + (-bbox[1]), } def copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd, exactEncoding=False): if exactEncoding is False: sourceFontList = [] sourceFontCounter = 0 for i in range(sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd + 1): sourceFontList.append(format(i, 'X')) # Create glyphs from symbol font symbolFont.selection.select(("ranges","unicode"),symbolFontStart,symbolFontEnd) sourceFont.selection.select(("ranges","unicode"),sourceFontStart,sourceFontEnd) for sym_glyph in symbolFont.selection.byGlyphs: #sym_attr = SYM_ATTR[sym_glyph.unicode] glyphName = sym_glyph.glyphname if exactEncoding: # use the exact same hex values for the source font as for the symbol font currentSourceFontGlyph = sym_glyph.encoding copiedToSlot = str(sym_glyph.unicode) else: # use source font defined hex values based on passed in start and end # convince that this string really is a hex: currentSourceFontGlyph = int("0x" + sourceFontList[sourceFontCounter], 16) copiedToSlot = sourceFontList[sourceFontCounter] if args.quiet == False: print("updating glyph: " + str(sym_glyph) + " " + str(sym_glyph.glyphname) + " putting at: " + str(copiedToSlot)) # Prepare symbol glyph dimensions sym_dim = get_dim(sym_glyph) # Select and copy symbol from its encoding point symbolFont.selection.select(sym_glyph.encoding) symbolFont.copy() # check it if args.careful: if copiedToSlot.startswith("uni"): copiedToSlot = copiedToSlot[3:] codepoint = int("0x" + copiedToSlot, 16) try: sourceFont[codepoint] except TypeError: # nothing there go ahead and paste at this codepoint sourceFont.selection.select(currentSourceFontGlyph) sourceFont.paste() else: sourceFont.selection.select(currentSourceFontGlyph) sourceFont.paste() sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].glyphname = glyphName if args.single: # Now that we have copy/pasted the glyph, it's time to scale and move it # Handle glyph stretching #if 'x' in sym_attr['stretch']: # # Stretch the glyph horizontally # scale_ratio = font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width'] # sourceFont.transform(psMat.scale(scale_ratio, 1)) #if 'y' in sym_attr['stretch']: # # Stretch the glyph vertically # scale_ratio = font_dim['height'] / sym_dim['height'] # sourceFont.transform(psMat.scale(1, scale_ratio)) # Use the dimensions from the pasted and stretched glyph sym_dim = get_dim(sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph]) # Center-align the glyph vertically font_ycenter = font_dim['height'] / 2 sym_ycenter = sym_dim['height'] / 2 # First move it to the ymax (top) sourceFont.transform(psMat.translate(0, font_dim['ymax'] - sym_dim['ymax'])) # Then move it the y center difference sourceFont.transform(psMat.translate(0, sym_ycenter - font_ycenter)) # Ensure that the glyph doesn't extend outside the font's bounding box if sym_dim['width'] > font_dim['width']: # The glyph is too wide, scale it down to fit scale_matrix = psMat.scale(font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width'], 1) sourceFont.transform(scale_matrix) # Use the dimensions from the stretched glyph sym_dim = get_dim(sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph]) # Handle glyph alignment #if sym_attr['align'] == 'c': # # Center align # align_matrix = psMat.translate(font_dim['width'] / 2 - sym_dim['width'] / 2 , 0) align_matrix = psMat.translate(font_dim['width'] / 2 - sym_dim['width'] / 2 , 0) #elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r': # # Right align # align_matrix = psMat.translate(font_dim['width'] - sym_dim['width'], 0) #else: # No alignment (left alignment) #align_matrix = psMat.translate(0, 0) sourceFont.transform(align_matrix) #if sym_attr['overlap'] is True: # overlap_width = sourceFont.em / 48 # # Stretch the glyph slightly horizontally if it should overlap # sourceFont.transform(psMat.scale((sym_dim['width'] + overlap_width) / sym_dim['width'], 1)) # if sym_attr['align'] == 'l': # # The glyph should be left-aligned, so it must be moved overlap_width to the left # # This only applies to left-aligned glyphs because the glyph is scaled to the right # sourceFont.transform(psMat.translate(-overlap_width, 0)) # Ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].width = font_dim['width'] if exactEncoding is False: sourceFontCounter += 1 # reset selection so iteration works propertly @todo fix? rookie misunderstanding? symbolFont.selection.select(("ranges","unicode"),symbolFontStart,symbolFontEnd) # end for return copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontOriginalStart, sourceFontOriginalEnd, symbols, symbolsOriginalRangeStart, symbolsOriginalRangeEnd) copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontDeviconsStart, sourceFontDeviconsEnd, symbolsDevicons, symbolsDeviconsRangeStart, symbolsDeviconsRangeEnd) if args.powerline: copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineRange1End) copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End, powerlineSymbols, symbolsPowerlineRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineRange2End) if args.powerlineextra: copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange1End, True) copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange2End, True) copy_glyphs(sourceFont, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, powerlineExtraSymbols, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3Start, symbolsPowerlineExtraRange3End, True) if args.fontawesome: copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontFontAwesomeStart, sourceFontFontAwesomeEnd, fontawesome, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeStart, symbolsFontAwesomeRangeEnd, True) if args.octicons: copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontOcticonsStart, sourceFontOcticonsEnd, octicons, symbolsOcticonsRangeStart, symbolsOcticonsRangeEnd, octiconsExactEncodingPosition) if args.pomicons: copy_glyphs(sourceFont, sourceFontPomiconsStart, sourceFontPomiconsEnd, pomicons, symbolsPomiconsRangeStart, symbolsPomiconsRangeEnd) extension = os.path.splitext(sourceFont.path)[1] # the `PfEd-comments` flag is required for Fontforge to save # '.comment' and '.fontlog'. sourceFont.generate(args.outputdir + "/" + sourceFont.fullname + extension, flags=('opentype', 'PfEd-comments')) print("Generated") print(sourceFont.fullname)