DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline ============================== Font creator : Roy Y.T. Chen Source : <> Patched by : [dbrgn]( ## Which font? ### TL;DR 0. Pick your font family and then select from the `'complete'` directory. * Are you on Windows? Pick a font with the suffix `'Windows Compatible'` * Are you limited to mono fonts (because of your terminal, etc)? Pick a font with the suffix `'Mono'` ### Explanation Once you narrow done your font choice of family (`Droid Sans`, `Inconsolata`, etc) and style (`bold`, `italic`, etc) you have 2 main choices: * download an already patched font from the `complete` folder * This is most likely the one you want. It includes **all** of the glyphs from all of the glyph sets. Only caution here is that some fonts have glyphs in the _same_ code point so to include everything some had to be moved to alternate code points. * patch your own variations with the various options provided by the font patcher (see each font's readme for full list of combinations available) * This contains a list of _all permutations_ of the various glyphs. E.g. You want the font with only [Octicons][octicons] or you want the font with just [Font Awesome][font-awesome] and [Devicons][vorillaz-devicons]. The goal is to provide every combination possible in this folder. For more information see: [The FAQ]( [vim-devicons]: [vorillaz-devicons]: [font-awesome]: [octicons]: [gabrielelana-pomicons]: [Seti-UI]: [ryanoasis-powerline-extra-symbols]: