#!/bin/bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 2.0.0 # Script Version: 1.0.0 # Iterates over all patched fonts directories # converts all non markdown readmes to markdown (e.g., txt, rst) using pandoc # adds information on additional-variations and complete font variations infofilename="font-info.md" unpatched_parent_dir="src/unpatched-fonts" patched_parent_dir="patched-fonts" LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] " cd ../../src/unpatched-fonts/ || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Could not find source fonts directory" exit 1 } function appendRfnInfo { local config_rfn=$1; shift local config_rfn_substitue=$1; shift local working_dir=$1; shift local to=$1; shift if [ "$config_rfn" ] && [ "$config_rfn_substitue" ] then # add to the file { printf "\\n## Why \`%s\` and not \`%s\`?\\n" "$config_rfn_substitue" "$config_rfn" cat "$working_dir/../../src/readme-rfn-addendum.md" } >> "$to" fi } function clearDestination { local to_dir=$1; shift local to=$1; shift [[ -d "$to_dir" ]] || mkdir -p "$to_dir" # clear output file (needed for multiple runs or updates): true > "$to" 2> /dev/null } #find ./ProFont -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (with txt) #find ./DejaVuSansMono -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (with rst) #find ./Hasklig -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font #find ./Hack -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (with md) #find ./Gohu -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (no readme files) #find ./FiraCode -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (no readme files) #find ./Hermit -type d | # uncomment to test 1 font (no readme files) find . -type d | # uncomment to do ALL fonts while read -r filename do if [[ "$filename" == "." ]]; then echo "$LINE_PREFIX Skipping directory '.'" continue fi dirname=$(dirname "$filename") searchdir=$filename base_directory=$(echo "$filename" | cut -d "/" -f2) # limit looking for the readme files in the parent dir not the child dirs: if [[ $dirname != "." ]]; then searchdir=$dirname else # source the font config file if exists: if [ -f "$searchdir/config.cfg" ] then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$searchdir/config.cfg" else # reset the variables unset config_rfn unset config_rfn_substitue fi fi mapfile -t RST < <(find "$searchdir" -type f -iname 'readme.rst') mapfile -t TXT < <(find "$searchdir" -type f -iname 'readme.txt') mapfile -t MD < <(find "$searchdir" -type f -iname 'readme.md') outputdir=$PWD/../../patched-fonts/$filename/ echo "$LINE_PREFIX Generating readme for: $filename" [[ -d "$outputdir" ]] || mkdir -p "$outputdir" if [ "${RST[0]}" ]; then for i in "${RST[@]}" do echo "$LINE_PREFIX Found RST" from="$PWD/$i" to_dir="${PWD/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}/$filename" to="${to_dir}/$infofilename" clearDestination "$to_dir" "$to" pandoc "$from" --from=rst --to=markdown --output="$to" appendRfnInfo "$config_rfn" "$config_rfn_substitue" "$PWD" "$to" cat "$PWD/../../src/readme-per-directory-addendum.md" >> "$to" done elif [ "${TXT[0]}" ]; then for i in "${TXT[@]}" do echo "$LINE_PREFIX Found TXT" from="$PWD/$i" to_dir="${PWD/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}/$filename" to="${to_dir}/$infofilename" clearDestination "$to_dir" "$to" cp "$from" "$to" appendRfnInfo "$config_rfn" "$config_rfn_substitue" "$PWD" "$to" cat "$PWD/../../src/readme-per-directory-addendum.md" >> "$to" done elif [ "${MD[0]}" ]; then for i in "${MD[@]}" do echo "$LINE_PREFIX Found MD" from="$PWD/$i" to_dir="${PWD/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}/$filename" to="${to_dir}/$infofilename" clearDestination "$to_dir" "$to" cp "$from" "$to" appendRfnInfo "$config_rfn" "$config_rfn_substitue" "$PWD" "$to" cat "$PWD/../../src/readme-per-directory-addendum.md" >> "$to" done else echo "$LINE_PREFIX Did not find any readme files (RST,TXT,MD) generating just title of Font" to_dir="${PWD/$unpatched_parent_dir/$patched_parent_dir}/$filename" to="${to_dir}/$infofilename" clearDestination "$to_dir" "$to" { printf "# %s\\n\\n" "$base_directory" } >> "$to" appendRfnInfo "$config_rfn" "$config_rfn_substitue" "$PWD" "$to" cat "$PWD/../../src/readme-per-directory-addendum.md" >> "$to" fi done