#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.1.0 # Script Version: 1.1.1 # Run this script in your local bash: # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/master/bin/scripts/test-fonts.sh | bash # Is possible to change the number of columns passing a number as the first parameter (default=16): # ./test-fonts.sh 8 # Given an array of decimal numbers print all unicode codepoint. function print-decimal-unicode-range() { local originalSequence=("$@") local counter=0 # Use alternating colors to see which symbols extend out of the bounding # box. local bgColorBorder='\033[48;5;8m' local bgColorCode='\033[48;5;246m' local alternateBgColorCode='\033[48;5;240m' local bgColorChar='\033[48;5;66m' local alternateBgColorChar='\033[48;5;60m' local underline='\033[4m' local currentColorCode="${bgColorCode}" local currentColorChar="${bgColorChar}" local reset_color='\033[0m' local allChars="" local allCodes="" local wrapAt=16 [[ "$wrappingValue" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "$wrappingValue" -gt 2 ] && wrapAt="$wrappingValue" local topLineStart="${bgColorBorder}╔═══" local topLineMiddle="═══╦═══" local topLineEnd="═══╗${reset_color}" local bottomLineStart="${bgColorBorder}╚═══" local bottomLineMiddle="═══╩═══" local bottomLineEnd="═══╝${reset_color}" local lineStart="${bgColorBorder}╠═══" local lineMiddle="═══╬═══" local lineEnd="═══╣${reset_color}" local bar="${bgColorBorder}║${reset_color}" local originalSequenceLength=${#originalSequence[@]} local leftoverSpaces=$((wrapAt - (originalSequenceLength % wrapAt))) # add fillers to array to maintain table: if [ "$leftoverSpaces" -lt "$wrapAt" ]; then for ((c = 1; c <= leftoverSpaces; c++)); do originalSequence+=(0) done fi local sequenceLength=${#originalSequence[@]} printf "%b" "$topLineStart" for ((c = 2; c <= wrapAt; c++)); do printf "%b" "$topLineMiddle" done printf "%b\\n" "$topLineEnd" for decimalCode in "${originalSequence[@]}"; do local hexCode hexCode=$(printf '%x' "${decimalCode}") local code="${hexCode}" local char="\\U${hexCode}" # fill in placeholder cells properly formatted: if [ "${char}" = "\\U0" ]; then char=" " code="" fi filler="" for ((c = ${#code}; c < 5; c++)); do filler=" ${filler}" done allCodes+="${currentColorCode}${filler}${underline}${code}${reset_color}${currentColorCode} ${reset_color}$bar" allChars+="${currentColorChar} ${char} ${reset_color}$bar" counter=$((counter + 1)) count=$(( (count + 1) % wrapAt)) if [[ $count -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "${currentColorCode}" = "${alternateBgColorCode}" ]]; then currentColorCode="${bgColorCode}" currentColorChar="${bgColorChar}" else currentColorCode="${alternateBgColorCode}" currentColorChar="${alternateBgColorChar}" fi printf "%b%b%b" "$bar" "$allCodes" "$reset_color" printf "\\n" printf "%b%b%b" "$bar" "$allChars" "$reset_color" printf "\\n" if [ "$counter" != "$sequenceLength" ]; then printf "%b" "$lineStart" for ((c = 2; c <= wrapAt; c++)); do printf "%b" "$lineMiddle" done printf "%b\\n" "$lineEnd" fi allCodes="" allChars="" fi done printf "%b" "$bottomLineStart" for ((c = 2; c <= wrapAt; c++)); do printf "%b" "$bottomLineMiddle" done printf "%b\\n" "$bottomLineEnd" } function print-unicode-ranges() { echo '' local arr=("$@") local len=$# local combinedRanges=() for ((j=0; j