mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 03:32:02 +02:00
[why] The fontname for Windows can be quite unusable, for example `CaskaydiaCoveNerdFontCompleteM-` for several different fonts, as this is the maximum allowed length of 31 characters that is enforced. The style/weight is completely lost. [how] Split the name into base and style (at a dash `-`) and just shrink the base name. Result for example: `CaskaydiaCoveN-ExtraLightItalic` Use equal approach for the PostScriptName (although it is less likely that length limit is ever met). Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
1826 lines
92 KiB
Executable File
1826 lines
92 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
# Nerd Fonts Version: 2.1.0
# script version: 3.0.1
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
version = "2.1.0"
projectName = "Nerd Fonts"
projectNameAbbreviation = "NF"
projectNameSingular = projectName[:-1]
import sys
import psMat
except ImportError:
sys.exit(projectName + ": FontForge module is probably not installed. [See: http://designwithfontforge.com/en-US/Installing_Fontforge.html]")
import re
import os
import argparse
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
import errno
import subprocess
import json
import configparser
except ImportError:
sys.exit(projectName + ": configparser module is probably not installed. Try `pip install configparser` or equivalent")
import fontforge
except ImportError:
projectName + (
": FontForge module could not be loaded. Try installing fontforge python bindings "
"[e.g. on Linux Debian or Ubuntu: `sudo apt install fontforge python-fontforge`]"
# bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameTools.py
class FontnameTools:
"""Deconstruct a font filename to get standardized name parts"""
def front_upper(word):
"""Capitalize a string (but keep case of subsequent chars)"""
return word[:1].upper() + word[1:]
def camel_casify(word):
"""Remove blanks and use CamelCase for the new word"""
return ''.join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, word.split(' ')))
def camel_explode(word):
"""Explode CamelCase -> Camel Case"""
# But do not explode "JetBrains" etc at string start...
excludes = [
m = re.match('(' + '|'.join(excludes) + ')(.*)', word)
(prefix, word) = m.group(1,2) if m != None else ('', word)
if len(word) == 0:
return prefix
parts = re.split('(?<=[a-z0-9])(?=[A-Z])', word)
if len(prefix):
parts.insert(0, prefix)
return ' '.join(parts)
def drop_empty(l):
"""Remove empty strings from list of strings"""
return [x for x in l if len(x) > 0]
def concat(*all_things):
"""Flatten list of (strings or lists of strings) to a blank-separated string"""
all = []
for thing in all_things:
if type(thing) == str:
all += thing
return ' '.join(FontnameTools.drop_empty(all))
def unify_style_names(style_name):
"""Substitude some known token with standard wording"""
known_names = {
# Source of the table is the current sourcefonts
# Left side needs to be lower case
'-': '',
'book': '',
'text': '',
'ce': 'CE',
'(ttf)': '(TTF)',
#'semibold': 'Demi',
'ob': 'Oblique',
'it': 'Italic',
'i': 'Italic',
'b': 'Bold',
'normal': 'Regular',
'c': 'Condensed',
'r': 'Regular',
'm': 'Medium',
'l': 'Light',
if style_name in known_names:
return known_names[style_name.lower()]
return style_name
def shorten_style_name(name):
"""Substitude some known styles to short form"""
known_names = {
# Chiefly from Noto
'SemiCondensed': 'SemCond',
'Condensed': 'Cond',
'ExtraCondensed': 'ExtCond',
'SemiBold': 'SemBd',
'ExtraBold': 'ExtBd',
'Medium': 'Med',
'ExtraLight': 'ExtLt',
'Black': 'Blk',
if name in known_names:
return known_names[name]
return name
def short_styles(styles):
"""Shorten all style names in a list"""
return list(map(FontnameTools.shorten_style_name, styles))
def make_oblique_style(weights, styles):
"""Move "Oblique" from weights to styles for font naming purposes"""
if 'Oblique' in weights:
weights = list(weights)
styles = list(styles)
return (weights, styles)
def get_name_token(name, tokens, allow_regex_token = False):
"""Try to find any case insensitive token from tokens in the name, return tuple with found token-list and rest"""
# The default mode (allow_regex_token = False) will try to find any verbatim string in the
# tokens list (case insensitive matching) and give that tokens list item back with
# unchanged case (i.e. [ 'Bold' ] will match "bold" and return it as [ 'Bold', ]
# In the regex mode (allow_regex_token = True) it will use the tokens elements as
# regexes and return the original (i.e. from name) case.
# Token are always used in a regex and may not capture, use non capturing
# grouping if needed (?: ... )
lower_tokens = [ t.lower() for t in tokens ]
not_matched = ""
all_tokens = []
j = 1
regex = re.compile('(.*?)(' + '|'.join(tokens) + ')(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
while j:
j = regex.match(name)
if not j:
if len(j.groups()) != 3:
sys.exit('Malformed regex in FontnameTools.get_name_token()')
not_matched += ' ' + j.groups()[0] # Blanc prevents unwanted concatenation of unmatched substrings
tok = j.groups()[1].lower()
if tok in lower_tokens:
tok = tokens[lower_tokens.index(tok)]
tok = FontnameTools.unify_style_names(tok)
if len(tok):
name = j.groups()[2] # Recurse rest
not_matched += ' ' + name
return ( not_matched.strip(), all_tokens )
def postscript_char_filter(name):
"""Filter out characters that are not allowed in Postscript names"""
# The name string must be restricted to the printable ASCII subset, codes 33 to 126,
# except for the 10 characters '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '<', '>', '/', '%'
out = ""
for c in name:
if c in '[](){}<>/%' or ord(c) < 33 or ord(c) > 126:
out += c
return out
( '(s)ource', r'\1auce' ),
( '(h)ermit', r'\1urmit' ),
( '(h)asklig', r'\1asklug' ),
( '(s)hare', r'\1hure' ),
( 'IBM[- ]?plex', r'Blex' ), # We do not keep the case here
( '(t)erminus', r'\1erminess' ),
( '(l)iberation', r'\1iteration' ),
( 'iA([- ]?)writer', r'iM\1Writing' ),
( '(a)nka/(c)oder', r'\1na\2onder' ),
( '(c)ascadia( ?)(c)ode', r'\1askaydia\2\3ove' ),
( '(c)ascadia( ?)(m)ono', r'\1askaydia\2\3ono' ),
( '(m)plus', r'\1+'), # Added this, because they use a plus symbol :->
( 'Gohufont', r'GohuFont'), # Correct to CamelCase
# Noone cares that font names starting with a digit are forbidden:
# ( '(3270)', r'Ibeam\1'),
def is_keep_regular(basename):
"""This has been decided by the font designers, we need to mimic that (for comparison purposes)"""
'Inconsolata$', # not InconsolataGo
'JetBrains Mono',
'Noto Sans',
'Noto Serif',
for kr in KEEP_REGULAR:
if (basename.rstrip() + '$').startswith(kr): return True
return False
def _parse_simple_font_name(name):
"""Parse a filename that does not follow the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern"""
# No dash in name, maybe we have blanc separated filename?
if ' ' in name:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(name.replace(' ', '-'))
# Do we have a number-name boundary?
p = re.split('(?<=[0-9])(?=[a-zA-Z])', name)
if len(p) > 1:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name('-'.join(p))
# Or do we have CamelCase?
n = FontnameTools.camel_explode(name)
if n != name:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(n.replace(' ', '-'))
return (False, FontnameTools.camel_casify(name), [], [], [], '')
def parse_font_name(name):
"""Expects a filename following the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern and returns ... parts"""
name = re.sub(r'\bsemi-narrow\b', 'SemiNarrow', name, 1, re.IGNORECASE) # Just for "3270 Semi-Narrow" :-/
name = re.sub('[_\s]+', ' ', name)
matches = re.match(r'([^-]+)(?:-(.*))?', name)
familyname = FontnameTools.camel_casify(matches.group(1))
style = matches.group(2)
if not style:
return FontnameTools._parse_simple_font_name(name)
# These are the FontStyle keywords we know, in three categories
# Weights end up as Typographic Family parts ('after the dash')
# Styles end up as Family parts (for classic grouping of four)
# Others also end up in Typographic Family ('before the dash')
weights = [ 'Thin', 'Light', 'ExtraLight', 'SemiBold', 'Demi',
'SemiLight', 'Medium', 'Black', 'ExtraBold', 'Heavy',
'Oblique', 'Condensed', 'SemiCondensed', 'ExtraCondensed',
'Narrow', 'SemiNarrow', 'Retina', ]
styles = [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Regular', 'Normal', ]
# Some font specialities:
other = [
'-', 'Book', 'For', 'Powerline',
'Text', # Plex
'IIx', # Profont IIx
'LGC', # Inconsolata LGC
r'\(TTF\)', # Terminus (TTF)
r'\bCE\b', # ProggycleanTT CE
r'[12][cmp]n?', # MPlus
r'(?:uni-)?1[14]', # GohuFont uni
# Sometimes used abbreviations
weight_abbrevs = [ 'ob', 'c', 'm', 'l', ]
style_abbrevs = [ 'it', 'r', 'b', 'i', ]
( style, weight_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, weights)
( style, style_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, styles)
( style, other_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, other, True)
if len(style) < 4:
( style, weight_token_abbrevs ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, weight_abbrevs)
( style, style_token_abbrevs ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, style_abbrevs)
weight_token += weight_token_abbrevs
style_token += style_token_abbrevs
while 'Regular' in style_token and len(style_token) > 1:
# Correct situation where "Regular" and something else is given
# Recurse to see if unmatched stuff between dashes can belong to familyname
matches2 = re.match(r'(\w+)-(.*)', style)
if matches2:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(familyname + matches2.group(1) + '-' + matches2.group(2))
style = re.sub(r'(^|\s)\d+(\.\d+)+(\s|$)', r'\1\3', style) # Remove (free standing) version numbers
style_parts = FontnameTools.drop_empty(style.split(' '))
style = ' '.join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, style_parts))
familyname = FontnameTools.camel_explode(familyname)
return (True, familyname, weight_token, style_token, other_token, style)
# bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameParser.py
class FontnameParser:
"""Parse a font name and generate all kinds of names"""
def __init__(self, filename):
"""Parse a font filename and store the results"""
self.parse_ok = False
self.for_windows = False
self.use_short_families = (False, False) # ( camelcase name, short styles )
self.keep_regular_in_family = None # None = auto, True, False
self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = True
self.fullname_suff = ''
self.fontname_suff = ''
self.family_suff = ''
self.name_subst = []
[ self.parse_ok, self._basename, self.weight_token, self.style_token, self.other_token, self._rest ] = FontnameTools.parse_font_name(filename)
self.basename = self._basename
self.rest = self._rest
def _make_ps_name(self, n, is_family):
"""Helper to limit font name length in PS names"""
fam = 'family ' if is_family else ''
if not self.for_windows or len(n) <= 31:
return n
r = re.search('(.*)(-.*)', n)
if not r:
new_n = n[:31]
q = 31 - len(r.groups()[1])
if q < 1:
q = 1
print('Shortening too long PS {}name: Garbage warning'. format(fam))
new_n = r.groups()[0][:q] + r.groups()[1]
if new_n != n:
print('Shortening too long PS {}name: {} -> {}'.format(fam, n, new_n))
return new_n
def _shortened_name(self):
"""Return a blank free basename-rest combination"""
if not self.use_short_families[0]:
return (self.basename, self.rest)
return (FontnameTools.concat(self.basename, self.rest).replace(' ', ''), '')
def set_for_windows(self, for_windows):
"""Create slightly different names, suitable for Windows use"""
self.for_windows = for_windows
return self
def set_keep_regular_in_family(self, keep):
"""Familyname may contain 'Regular' where it should normally be suppressed"""
self.keep_regular_in_family = keep
def set_suppress_preferred(self, suppress):
"""Suppress ID16/17 if it is identical to ID1/2 (True is default)"""
self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = suppress
def inject_suffix(self, fullname, fontname, family):
"""Add a custom additonal string that shows up in the resulting names"""
self.fullname_suff = fullname.strip()
self.fontname_suff = fontname.replace(' ', '')
self.family_suff = family.strip()
return self
# font-patcher behavior:
# verboseSuff = "Nerd Font"
# shortSuff = win ? "NF" : "Nerd Font"
# verboseSuff += "Plus Font Awesome"
# shortSuff += "A"
# OR when complete:
# shortSuff = "Nerd Font Complete"
# verboseSuff = "Nerd Font Complete"
# shortSuff += "M"
# verboseSuff += "Mono"
# fullname += verboseSuff
# fontname += shortSuff
# if win familyname += "NF"
# else familyname += "Nerd Font"
# if win fullname += "Windows Compatible"
# if !win familyname += "Mono"
# fontname => shortSuff
# fullname => verboseSuff {{ we do the following already: }} + win ? "Windows Compatible" : ""
# family => win ? "NF" : "Nerd Font" + mono ? "Mono" : ""
def enable_short_families(self, camelcase_name, prefix):
"""Enable short styles in Family when (original) font name starts with prefix; enable CamelCase basename in (Typog.) Family"""
# camelcase_name is boolean
# prefix is either a string or False
if type(prefix) == str:
prefix = self._basename.startswith(prefix)
self.use_short_families = ( camelcase_name, prefix )
return self
def add_name_substitution_table(self, table):
"""Have some fonts renamed, takes list of tuples (regex, replacement)"""
# The regex will be anchored to name begin and used case insensitive
# Replacement can have regex matches, mind to catch the correct source case
self.name_subst = table
self.basename = self._basename
self.rest = self._rest
base_and_rest = self._basename + (' ' + self._rest if len(self._rest) else '')
for regex, replacement in self.name_subst:
m = re.match(regex, base_and_rest, re.IGNORECASE)
if not m:
i = len(self._basename) - len(m.group(0))
if i < 0:
self.basename = m.expand(replacement)
self.rest = self._rest[-(i+1):].lstrip()
self.basename = m.expand(replacement) + self._basename[len(m.group(0)):]
return self
def drop_for_powerline(self):
"""Remove 'for Powerline' from all names (can not be undone)"""
if 'Powerline' in self.other_token:
idx = self.other_token.index('Powerline')
if idx > 0 and self.other_token[idx - 1] == 'For':
self.other_token.pop(idx - 1)
self._basename = re.sub(r'(\b|for\s?)?powerline\b', '', self._basename, 1, re.IGNORECASE).strip()
self.add_name_substitution_table(self.name_subst) # re-evaluate
return self
### Following the creation of the name parts:
# Relevant websites
# https://www.fonttutorials.com/how-to-name-font-family/
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/name#name-ids
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#fss
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/head#macstyle
# Example (mind that they group 'semibold' as classic-group-of-4 Bold, while we will always only take bold as Bold):
# Adobe Caslon Pro Regular ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Regular
# Adobe Caslon Pro Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Italic
# Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Bold ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Semibold
# Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Bold Italic ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Semibold Italic
# Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID2: Regular ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Bold
# Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID2: Italic ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Bold Italic
# fontname === preferred_family + preferred_styles
# fontname === family + subfamily
# familybase = basename + rest + other (+ suffix)
# ID 1/2 just have self.style in the subfamily, all the rest ends up in the family
# ID 16/17 have self.style and self.weight in the subfamily, the rest ends up in the family
def fullname(self):
"""Get the SFNT Fullname (ID 4)"""
if self.for_windows:
win = 'Windows Compatible'
win = ''
styles = self.style_token
weights = self.weight_token
if self.keep_regular_in_family == None:
keep_regular = FontnameTools.is_keep_regular(self._basename + ' ' + self._rest)
keep_regular = self.keep_regular_in_family
if ('Regular' in styles
and (not keep_regular
or len(self.weight_token) > 0)): # This is actually a malformed font name
styles = list(self.style_token)
# For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles
(weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles)
return FontnameTools.concat(self.basename, self.rest, self.other_token, self.fullname_suff, win, weights, styles)
def psname(self):
"""Get the SFNT PostScriptName (ID 6)"""
# This is almost self.family() + '-' + self.subfamily() but without short styles
fam = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(self.basename, self.rest, self.other_token, self.fontname_suff))
sub = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(self.weight_token, self.style_token))
if len(sub) > 0:
sub = '-' + sub
fam = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(fam)
sub = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(sub)
# The name string must be no longer than 63 characters
if len(fam) + len(sub) > 63:
print('Shortening too long PostScriptName')
fam = fam[:(63 - len(sub))]
return fam + sub
def preferred_family(self):
"""Get the SFNT Preferred Familyname (ID 16)"""
if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and len(self.weight_token) == 0:
# Do not set if identical to ID 1
return ''
(name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.family_suff)
def preferred_styles(self):
"""Get the SFNT Preferred Styles (ID 17)"""
styles = self.style_token
weights = self.weight_token
if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and len(weights) == 0:
# Do not set if identical to ID 2
return ''
# For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles
(weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles)
return FontnameTools.concat(weights, styles)
def family(self):
"""Get the SFNT Familyname (ID 1)"""
# We use the short form of the styles to save on number of chars
(name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
other = self.other_token
weight = self.weight_token
if self.use_short_families[1]:
other = FontnameTools.short_styles(other)
weight = FontnameTools.short_styles(weight)
return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, other, self.family_suff, weight)
def subfamily(self):
"""Get the SFNT SubFamily (ID 2)"""
if len(self.style_token) == 0:
if 'Oblique' in self.weight_token:
return FontnameTools.concat(self.style_token, 'Italic')
return 'Regular'
if 'Oblique' in self.weight_token and not 'Italic' in self.style_token:
return FontnameTools.concat(self.style_token, 'Italic')
return FontnameTools.concat(self.style_token)
def ps_familyname(self):
"""Get the PS Familyname"""
return self._make_ps_name(self.family(), True)
def ps_fontname(self):
"""Get the PS fontname"""
# This Adobe restriction is classically ignored
# if len(n) > 29:
# print('Shortening too long PS fontname')
# return n[:29]
return self._make_ps_name(self.psname(), False)
def macstyle(self, style):
"""Modify a given macStyle value for current name, just bits 0 and 1 touched"""
b = style & (~3)
b |= 1 if 'Bold' in self.style_token else 0
b |= 2 if 'Italic' in self.style_token else 0
return b
def fs_selection(self, fs):
"""Modify a given fsSelection value for current name, bits 0, 5, 6, 8, 9 touched"""
ITALIC = 1 << 0; BOLD = 1 << 5; REGULAR = 1 << 6; WWS = 1 << 8; OBLIQUE = 1 << 9
if 'Bold' in self.style_token:
b |= BOLD
# Ignore Italic if we have Oblique
if 'Oblique' in self.weight_token:
elif 'Italic' in self.style_token:
# Regular is just the basic weight
if len(self.weight_token) == 0:
b |= WWS # We assert this by our naming process
return b
def rename_font(self, font):
"""Rename the font to include all information we found (font is fontforge font object)"""
font.fontname = self.ps_fontname()
font.fullname = self.fullname()
font.familyname = self.ps_familyname()
# We have to work around several issues in fontforge:
# a. Remove some entries from SFNT table; fontforge has no API function for that
# b. Fontforge does not allow to set SubFamily (and other) to any value:
# Fontforge lets you set any value, unless it is the default value. If it
# is the default value it does not set anything. It also does not remove
# a previously existing non-default value. Why it is done this way is
# unclear:
# fontforge/python.c SetSFNTName() line 11431
# return( 1 ); /* If they set it to the default, there's nothing to do */
# Then is the question: What is the default? It is taken from the
# currently set fontname (??!). The fontname is parsed and everything
# behind the dash is the default SubFamily:
# fontforge/tottf.c DefaultTTFEnglishNames()
# fontforge/splinefont.c _GetModifiers()
# To fix this without touching Fontforge we need to set the SubFamily
# directly in the SFNT table:
# c. Fontforge has the bug that it allows to write empty-string to a SFNT field
# and it is actually embedded as empty string, but empty strings are not
# shown if you query the sfnt_names *rolleyes*
sfnt_list = []
TO_DEL = ['Family', 'SubFamily', 'Fullname', 'Postscriptname', 'Preferred Family',
'Preferred Styles', 'Compatible Full', 'WWS Family', 'WWS Subfamily']
for l, k, v in list(font.sfnt_names):
if not k in TO_DEL:
sfnt_list += [( l, k, v )]
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Family', self.family() )]
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'SubFamily', self.subfamily() )]
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Fullname', self.fullname() )]
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'PostScriptName', self.psname() )]
p_fam = self.preferred_family()
if len(p_fam):
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Preferred Family', p_fam )]
p_sty = self.preferred_styles()
if len(p_sty):
sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Preferred Styles', p_sty )]
font.sfnt_names = tuple(sfnt_list)
font.macstyle = self.macstyle(0)
font.os2_stylemap = self.fs_selection(0)
class TableHEADWriter:
""" Access to the HEAD table without external dependencies """
def getlong(self, pos = None):
""" Get four bytes from the font file as integer number """
if pos:
return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 24) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 16) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
def getshort(self, pos = None):
""" Get two bytes from the font file as integer number """
if pos:
return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
def putlong(self, num, pos = None):
""" Put number as four bytes into font file """
if pos:
self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 24) & 0xFF, (num >> 16) & 0xFF ,(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
self.modified = True
def putshort(self, num, pos = None):
""" Put number as two bytes into font file """
if pos:
self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
self.modified = True
def calc_checksum(self, start, end, checksum = 0):
""" Calculate a font table checksum, optionally ignoring another embedded checksum value (for table 'head') """
for i in range(start, end - 4, 4):
checksum += self.getlong()
checksum &= 0xFFFFFFFF
i += 4
extra = 0
for j in range(4):
if i + j <= end:
extra += ord(self.f.read(1))
extra = extra << 8
checksum = (checksum + extra) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return checksum
def find_head_table(self):
""" Search all tables for the HEAD table and store its metadata """
numtables = self.getshort()
self.f.seek(3*2, 1)
for i in range(numtables):
tab_name = self.f.read(4)
self.tab_check_offset = self.f.tell()
self.tab_check = self.getlong()
self.tab_offset = self.getlong()
self.tab_length = self.getlong()
if tab_name == b'head':
raise Exception('No HEAD table found')
def goto(self, where):
""" Go to a named location in the file or to the specified index """
if type(where) is str:
positions = {'checksumAdjustment': 2+2+4,
'flags': 2+2+4+4+4,
'lowestRecPPEM': 2+2+4+4+4+2+2+8+8+2+2+2+2+2,
where = self.tab_offset + positions[where]
def calc_full_checksum(self, check = False):
""" Calculate the whole file's checksum """
self.f.seek(0, 2)
self.end = self.f.tell()
full_check = self.calc_checksum(0, self.end, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
if check and (0xB1B0AFBA - full_check) & 0xFFFFFFFF != self.checksum_adj:
sys.exit("Checksum of whole font is bad")
return full_check
def calc_table_checksum(self, check = False):
tab_check_new = self.calc_checksum(self.tab_offset, self.tab_offset + self.tab_length - 1, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
if check and tab_check_new != self.tab_check:
sys.exit("Checksum of 'head' in font is bad")
return tab_check_new
def reset_table_checksum(self):
new_check = self.calc_table_checksum()
self.putlong(new_check, self.tab_check_offset)
def reset_full_checksum(self):
new_adj = (0xB1B0AFBA - self.calc_full_checksum()) & 0xFFFFFFFF
self.putlong(new_adj, 'checksumAdjustment')
def close(self):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.modified = False
self.f = open(filename, 'r+b')
self.flags = self.getshort('flags')
self.lowppem = self.getshort('lowestRecPPEM')
self.checksum_adj = self.getlong('checksumAdjustment')
class font_patcher:
def __init__(self):
self.args = None # class 'argparse.Namespace'
self.sym_font_args = []
self.config = None # class 'configparser.ConfigParser'
self.sourceFont = None # class 'fontforge.font'
self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition = True
self.patch_set = None # class 'list'
self.font_dim = None # class 'dict'
self.onlybitmaps = 0
self.extension = ""
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(empty_lines_in_values=False, allow_no_value=True)
if not os.path.isfile(self.args.font):
sys.exit("{}: Font file does not exist: {}".format(projectName, self.args.font))
if not os.access(self.args.font, os.R_OK):
sys.exit("{}: Can not open font file for reading: {}".format(projectName, self.args.font))
if len(fontforge.fontsInFile(self.args.font)) > 1:
sys.exit("{}: Font file contains {} fonts, can only handle single font files".format(projectName,
self.sourceFont = fontforge.open(self.args.font, 1) # 1 = ("fstypepermitted",))
except Exception:
sys.exit(projectName + ": Can not open font, try to open with fontforge interactively to get more information")
self.sourceFont.encoding = 'UnicodeFull' # Update the font encoding to ensure that the Unicode glyphs are available
self.onlybitmaps = self.sourceFont.onlybitmaps # Fetch this property before adding outlines. NOTE self.onlybitmaps initialized and never used
if self.args.extension == "":
self.extension = os.path.splitext(self.args.font)[1]
self.extension = '.' + self.args.extension
if re.match("\.ttc$", self.extension, re.IGNORECASE):
sys.exit(projectName + ": Can not create True Type Collections")
def patch(self):
print("{} Patcher v{} executing\n".format(projectName, version))
if self.args.single:
# Force width to be equal on all glyphs to ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows.
# This needs to be done on all characters, as some information seems to be lost from the original font file.
# For some Windows applications (e.g. 'cmd') that is not enough. But they seem to honour the Panose table
# https://forum.high-logic.com/postedfiles/Panose.pdf
panose = list(self.sourceFont.os2_panose)
if panose[0] == 0 or panose[0] == 2: # 0 (1st value) = family kind; 0 = any (default); 2 = latin text and display
panose[0] = 2 # Assert kind
panose[3] = 9 # 3 (4th value) = propotion; 9 = monospaced
self.sourceFont.os2_panose = tuple(panose)
# Prevent opening and closing the fontforge font. Makes things faster when patching
# multiple ranges using the same symbol font.
PreviousSymbolFilename = ""
symfont = None
for patch in self.patch_set:
if patch['Enabled']:
if PreviousSymbolFilename != patch['Filename']:
# We have a new symbol font, so close the previous one if it exists
if symfont:
symfont = None
symfont = fontforge.open(self.args.glyphdir + patch['Filename'])
# Match the symbol font size to the source font size
symfont.em = self.sourceFont.em
PreviousSymbolFilename = patch['Filename']
# If patch table doesn't include a source start and end, re-use the symbol font values
SrcStart = patch['SrcStart']
SrcEnd = patch['SrcEnd']
if not SrcStart:
SrcStart = patch['SymStart']
if not SrcEnd:
SrcEnd = patch['SymEnd']
self.copy_glyphs(SrcStart, SrcEnd, symfont, patch['SymStart'], patch['SymEnd'], patch['Exact'], patch['ScaleGlyph'], patch['Name'], patch['Attributes'])
if symfont:
print("\nDone with Patch Sets, generating font...")
# The grave accent and fontforge:
# If the type is 'auto' fontforge changes it to 'mark' on export.
# We can not prevent this. So set it to 'baseglyph' instead, as
# that resembles the most common expectations.
# This is not needed with fontforge March 2022 Release anymore.
if "grave" in self.sourceFont:
# the `PfEd-comments` flag is required for Fontforge to save '.comment' and '.fontlog'.
if self.sourceFont.fullname != None:
outfile = self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.fullname + self.extension
self.sourceFont.generate(outfile, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
message = "\nGenerated: {} in '{}'".format(self.sourceFont.fontname, outfile)
outfile = self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.cidfontname + self.extension
self.sourceFont.generate(outfile, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
message = "\nGenerated: {} in '{}'".format(self.sourceFont.fullname, outfile)
# Adjust flags that can not be changed via fontforge
source_font = TableHEADWriter(self.args.font)
dest_font = TableHEADWriter(outfile)
if source_font.flags & 0x08 == 0 and dest_font.flags & 0x08 != 0:
print("Changing flags from 0x{:X} to 0x{:X}".format(dest_font.flags, dest_font.flags & ~0x08))
dest_font.putshort(dest_font.flags & ~0x08, 'flags') # clear 'ppem_to_int'
if source_font.lowppem != dest_font.lowppem:
print("Changing lowestRecPPEM from {} to {}".format(dest_font.lowppem, source_font.lowppem))
dest_font.putshort(source_font.lowppem, 'lowestRecPPEM')
if dest_font.modified:
except Exception as error:
print("Can not handle font flags ({})".format(repr(error)))
if self.args.postprocess:
subprocess.call([self.args.postprocess, outfile])
print("\nPost Processed: {}".format(outfile))
def setup_arguments(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs\n\n'
'* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com\n'
'* Version: ' + version + '\n'
'* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts\n'
'* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/changelog.md'),
# optional arguments
parser.add_argument('font', help='The path to the font to patch (e.g., Inconsolata.otf)')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=projectName + ": %(prog)s (" + version + ")")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--mono', '--use-single-width-glyphs', dest='single', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width)')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--adjust-line-height', dest='adjustLineHeight', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', '--shutup', dest='quiet', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not generate verbose output')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--windows', dest='windows', default=False, action='store_true', help='Limit the internal font name to 31 characters (for Windows compatibility)')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--complete', dest='complete', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add all available Glyphs')
parser.add_argument('--careful', dest='careful', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected')
parser.add_argument('--removeligs', '--removeligatures', dest='removeligatures', default=False, action='store_true', help='Removes ligatures specificed in JSON configuration file')
parser.add_argument('--postprocess', dest='postprocess', default=False, type=str, nargs='?', help='Specify a Script for Post Processing')
parser.add_argument('--configfile', dest='configfile', default=False, type=str, nargs='?', help='Specify a file path for JSON configuration file (see sample: src/config.sample.json)')
parser.add_argument('--custom', dest='custom', default=False, type=str, nargs='?', help='Specify a custom symbol font. All new glyphs will be copied, with no scaling applied.')
parser.add_argument('-ext', '--extension', dest='extension', default="", type=str, nargs='?', help='Change font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)')
parser.add_argument('-out', '--outputdir', dest='outputdir', default=".", type=str, nargs='?', help='The directory to output the patched font file to')
parser.add_argument('--glyphdir', dest='glyphdir', default=__dir__ + "/src/glyphs/", type=str, nargs='?', help='Path to glyphs to be used for patching')
parser.add_argument('--parser', dest='parser', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use alternative method to name patched fonts (experimental)')
# progress bar arguments - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15008758/parsing-boolean-values-with-argparse
progressbars_group_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--progressbars', dest='progressbars', action='store_true', help='Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set')
progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--no-progressbars', dest='progressbars', action='store_false', help='Don\'t show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set')
# symbol fonts to include arguments
sym_font_group = parser.add_argument_group('Symbol Fonts')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontawesome', dest='fontawesome', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fontawesome.io/)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontawesomeextension', dest='fontawesomeextension', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Awesome Extension Glyphs (https://andrelzgava.github.io/font-awesome-extension/)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontlinux', '--fontlogos', dest='fontlinux', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Linux and other open source Glyphs (https://github.com/Lukas-W/font-logos)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--octicons', dest='octicons', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Octicons Glyphs (https://octicons.github.com)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--codicons', dest='codicons', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Codicons Glyphs (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--powersymbols', dest='powersymbols', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add IEC Power Symbols (https://unicodepowersymbol.com/)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--pomicons', dest='pomicons', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Pomicon Glyphs (https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--powerline', dest='powerline', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Glyphs')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--powerlineextra', dest='powerlineextra', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Glyphs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--material', '--materialdesignicons', '--mdi', dest='material', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Material Design Icons (https://github.com/templarian/MaterialDesign)')
sym_font_group.add_argument('--weather', '--weathericons', dest='weather', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Weather Icons (https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons)')
self.args = parser.parse_args()
# if you add a new font, set it to True here inside the if condition
if self.args.complete:
self.args.fontawesome = True
self.args.fontawesomeextension = True
self.args.fontlinux = True
self.args.octicons = True
self.args.codicons = True
self.args.powersymbols = True
self.args.pomicons = True
self.args.powerline = True
self.args.powerlineextra = True
self.args.material = True
self.args.weather = True
if not self.args.complete:
# add the list of arguments for each symbol font to the list self.sym_font_args
for action in sym_font_group._group_actions:
# determine whether or not all symbol fonts are to be used
font_complete = True
for sym_font_arg_aliases in self.sym_font_args:
found = False
for alias in sym_font_arg_aliases:
if alias in sys.argv:
found = True
if found is not True:
font_complete = False
self.args.complete = font_complete
# this one also works but it needs to be updated every time a font is added
# it was a conditional in self.setup_font_names() before, but it was missing
# a symbol font, so it would name the font complete without being so sometimes.
# that's why i did the above.
# if you add a new font, put it in here too, as the others are
# self.args.complete = all([
# self.args.fontawesome is True,
# self.args.fontawesomeextension is True,
# self.args.fontlinux is True,
# self.args.octicons is True,
# self.args.powersymbols is True,
# self.args.pomicons is True,
# self.args.powerline is True,
# self.args.powerlineextra is True,
# self.args.material is True,
# self.args.weather is True
# ])
def setup_font_names(self):
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular
if self.args.windows: # attempt to shorten here on the additional name BEFORE trimming later
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameAbbreviation
additionalFontNameSuffix = verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
if not self.args.complete:
# NOTE not all symbol fonts have appended their suffix here
if self.args.fontawesome:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " A"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome"
if self.args.fontawesomeextension:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " AE"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome Extension"
if self.args.octicons:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " O"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons"
if self.args.powersymbols:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " PS"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Power Symbols"
if self.args.codicons:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " C"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Codicons"
if self.args.pomicons:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " P"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons"
if self.args.fontlinux:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " L"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Logos (Font Linux)"
if self.args.material:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " MDI"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Material Design Icons"
if self.args.weather:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " WEA"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Weather Icons"
# if all source glyphs included simplify the name
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + " Complete"
# add mono signifier to end of name
if self.args.single:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " M"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono"
if self.args.parser:
use_fullname = type(self.sourceFont.fullname) == str # Usually the fullname is better to parse
# Use fullname if it is 'equal' to the fontname
if self.sourceFont.fullname:
use_fullname |= self.sourceFont.fontname.lower() == FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(self.sourceFont.fullname).lower()
# Use fullname for any of these source fonts (that are impossible to disentangle from the fontname, we need the blanks)
for hit in [ 'Meslo' ]:
use_fullname |= self.sourceFont.fontname.lower().startswith(hit.lower())
parser_name = self.sourceFont.fullname if use_fullname else self.sourceFont.fontname
# Gohu fontnames hide the weight, but the file names are ok...
if parser_name.startswith('Gohu'):
parser_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.args.font))[0]
n = FontnameParser(parser_name)
if not n.parse_ok:
print("Have only minimal naming information, check resulting name. Maybe omit --parser option")
n.enable_short_families(True, "Noto")
# All the following stuff is ignored in parser-mode
# basically split the font name around the dash "-" to get the fontname and the style (e.g. Bold)
# this does not seem very reliable so only use the style here as a fallback if the font does not
# have an internal style defined (in sfnt_names)
# using '([^-]*?)' to get the item before the first dash "-"
# using '([^-]*(?!.*-))' to get the item after the last dash "-"
fontname, fallbackStyle = re.match("^([^-]*).*?([^-]*(?!.*-))$", self.sourceFont.fontname).groups()
# dont trust 'sourceFont.familyname'
familyname = fontname
# fullname (filename) can always use long/verbose font name, even in windows
if self.sourceFont.fullname != None:
fullname = self.sourceFont.fullname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
fullname = self.sourceFont.cidfontname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
fontname = fontname + additionalFontNameSuffix.replace(" ", "")
# let us try to get the 'style' from the font info in sfnt_names and fallback to the
# parse fontname if it fails:
# search tuple:
subFamilyTupleIndex = [x[1] for x in self.sourceFont.sfnt_names].index("SubFamily")
# String ID is at the second index in the Tuple lists
sfntNamesStringIDIndex = 2
# now we have the correct item:
subFamily = self.sourceFont.sfnt_names[subFamilyTupleIndex][sfntNamesStringIDIndex]
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write("{}: Could not find 'SubFamily' for given font, falling back to parsed fontname\n".format(projectName))
subFamily = fallbackStyle
# some fonts have inaccurate 'SubFamily', if it is Regular let us trust the filename more:
if subFamily == "Regular":
subFamily = fallbackStyle
# This is meant to cover the case where the SubFamily is "Italic" and the filename is *-BoldItalic.
if len(subFamily) < len(fallbackStyle):
subFamily = fallbackStyle
if self.args.windows:
maxFamilyLength = 31
maxFontLength = maxFamilyLength - len('-' + subFamily)
familyname += " " + projectNameAbbreviation
fullname += " Windows Compatible"
# now make sure less than 32 characters name length
if len(fontname) > maxFontLength:
fontname = fontname[:maxFontLength]
if len(familyname) > maxFamilyLength:
familyname = familyname[:maxFamilyLength]
familyname += " " + projectNameSingular
if self.args.single:
familyname += " Mono"
# Don't truncate the subfamily to keep fontname unique. MacOS treats fonts with
# the same name as the same font, even if subFamily is different.
fontname += '-' + subFamily
# rename font
# comply with SIL Open Font License (OFL)
reservedFontNameReplacements = {
'source' : 'sauce',
'Source' : 'Sauce',
'hermit' : 'hurmit',
'Hermit' : 'Hurmit',
'hasklig' : 'hasklug',
'Hasklig' : 'Hasklug',
'Share' : 'Shure',
'share' : 'shure',
'IBMPlex' : 'Blex',
'ibmplex' : 'blex',
'IBM-Plex' : 'Blex',
'IBM Plex' : 'Blex',
'terminus' : 'terminess',
'Terminus' : 'Terminess',
'liberation' : 'literation',
'Liberation' : 'Literation',
'iAWriter' : 'iMWriting',
'iA Writer' : 'iM Writing',
'iA-Writer' : 'iM-Writing',
'Anka/Coder' : 'AnaConder',
'anka/coder' : 'anaconder',
'Cascadia Code' : 'Caskaydia Cove',
'cascadia code' : 'caskaydia cove',
'CascadiaCode' : 'CaskaydiaCove',
'cascadiacode' : 'caskaydiacove',
'Cascadia Mono' : 'Caskaydia Mono',
'cascadia mono' : 'caskaydia mono',
'CascadiaMono' : 'CaskaydiaMono',
'cascadiamono' : 'caskaydiamono',
'Fira Mono' : 'Fura Mono',
'Fira Sans' : 'Fura Sans',
'FiraMono' : 'FuraMono',
'FiraSans' : 'FuraSans',
'fira mono' : 'fura mono',
'fira sans' : 'fura sans',
'firamono' : 'furamono',
'firasans' : 'furasans',
# remove overly verbose font names
# particularly regarding Powerline sourced Fonts (https://github.com/powerline/fonts)
additionalFontNameReplacements = {
'for Powerline': '',
'ForPowerline': ''
additionalFontNameReplacements2 = {
'Powerline': ''
projectInfo = (
"Patched with '" + projectName + " Patcher' (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts)\n\n"
"* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com\n"
"* Version: " + version + "\n"
"* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts\n"
"* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/changelog.md"
familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, reservedFontNameReplacements)
fullname = replace_font_name(fullname, reservedFontNameReplacements)
fontname = replace_font_name(fontname, reservedFontNameReplacements)
familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, additionalFontNameReplacements)
fullname = replace_font_name(fullname, additionalFontNameReplacements)
fontname = replace_font_name(fontname, additionalFontNameReplacements)
familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
fullname = replace_font_name(fullname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
fontname = replace_font_name(fontname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
if not self.args.parser:
# replace any extra whitespace characters:
self.sourceFont.familyname = " ".join(familyname.split())
self.sourceFont.fullname = " ".join(fullname.split())
self.sourceFont.fontname = " ".join(fontname.split())
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Preferred Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Compatible Full'), self.sourceFont.fullname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('SubFamily'), subFamily)
fam_suffix = projectNameSingular if not self.args.windows else projectNameAbbreviation
fam_suffix += ' Mono' if self.args.single else ''
n.inject_suffix(verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix, additionalFontNameSuffix, fam_suffix)
self.sourceFont.comment = projectInfo
self.sourceFont.fontlog = projectInfo
# print("Version was {}".format(sourceFont.version))
if self.sourceFont.version != None:
self.sourceFont.version += ";" + projectName + " " + version
self.sourceFont.version = str(self.sourceFont.cidversion) + ";" + projectName + " " + version
self.sourceFont.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Version'), "Version " + self.sourceFont.version)
# print("Version now is {}".format(sourceFont.version))
def remove_ligatures(self):
# let's deal with ligatures (mostly for monospaced fonts)
if self.args.configfile and self.config.read(self.args.configfile):
if self.args.removeligatures:
print("Removing ligatures from configfile `Subtables` section")
ligature_subtables = json.loads(self.config.get("Subtables", "ligatures"))
for subtable in ligature_subtables:
print("Removing subtable:", subtable)
print("Successfully removed subtable:", subtable)
except Exception:
print("Failed to remove subtable:", subtable)
elif self.args.removeligatures:
print("Unable to read configfile, unable to remove ligatures")
print("No configfile given, skipping configfile related actions")
def check_position_conflicts(self):
# Prevent glyph encoding position conflicts between glyph sets
if self.args.fontawesome and self.args.octicons:
self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition = False
def setup_patch_set(self):
""" Creates list of dicts to with instructions on copying glyphs from each symbol font into self.sourceFont """
# Supported params: overlap | careful
# Powerline dividers
'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''},
# Arrow tips
0xe0b0: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0b1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0b2: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0b3: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
# Rounded arcs
0xe0b4: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0b5: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0b6: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0b7: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
# Bottom Triangles
0xe0b8: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0b9: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0ba: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0bb: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
# Top Triangles
0xe0bc: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0bd: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0be: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0bf: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
# Flames
0xe0c0: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0c1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0c2: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
0xe0c3: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
# Small squares
0xe0c4: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
0xe0c5: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
# Bigger squares
0xe0c6: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
0xe0c7: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
# Waveform
0xe0c8: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
# Hexagons
0xe0cc: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
0xe0cd: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
# Legos
0xe0ce: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
0xe0cf: {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': ''},
0xe0d1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
# Top and bottom trapezoid
0xe0d2: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
0xe0d4: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}}
# 'pa' == preserve aspect ratio
'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''}
# 'pa' == preserve aspect ratio
'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''},
# Don't center these arrows vertically
0xf0dc: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''},
0xf0dd: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''},
0xf0de: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': ''}
# 'pa' == preserve aspect ratio
'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': '', 'params': ''}
# Most glyphs we want to maximize during the scale. However, there are some
# that need to be small or stay relative in size to each other.
# The following list are those glyphs. A tuple represents a range.
DEVI_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGlyph': 0xE60E, # Android logo
'GlyphsToScale': [
(0xe6bd, 0xe6c3) # very small things
FONTA_SCALE_LIST = {'GlyphsToScale': [
[0xf005, 0xf006, 0xf089], # star, star empty, half star
range(0xf026, 0xf028 + 1), # volume off, down, up
range(0xf02b, 0xf02c + 1), # tag, tags
range(0xf031, 0xf035 + 1), # font et al
range(0xf044, 0xf046 + 1), # edit, share, check (boxes)
range(0xf048, 0xf052 + 1), # multimedia buttons
range(0xf060, 0xf063 + 1), # arrows
[0xf053, 0xf054, 0xf077, 0xf078], # chevron all directions
range(0xf07d, 0xf07e + 1), # resize
[0xf0d7, 0xf0da, 0xf0dc, 0xf0fe], # caret all directions and same looking sort
range(0xf100, 0xf107 + 1), # angle
range(0xf141, 0xf142 + 1), # ellipsis
range(0xf153, 0xf15a + 1), # currencies
range(0xf175, 0xf178 + 1), # long arrows
range(0xf182, 0xf183 + 1), # male and female
range(0xf221, 0xf22d + 1), # gender or so
range(0xf255, 0xf25b + 1), # hand symbols
OCTI_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGlyph': 0xF02E, # looking glass (probably biggest glyph?)
'GlyphsToScale': [
(0xf03d, 0xf040), # arrows
0xf044, 0xf05a, 0xf05b, 0xf0aa, # triangles
(0xf051, 0xf053), # small stuff
0xf071, 0xf09f, 0xf0a0, 0xf0a1, # small arrows
0xf078, 0xf0a2, 0xf0a3, 0xf0a4, # chevrons
0xf0ca, # dash
# Define the character ranges
# Symbol font ranges
self.patch_set = [
{'Enabled': True, 'Name': "Seti-UI + Custom", 'Filename': "original-source.otf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE4FA, 'SymEnd': 0xE531, 'SrcStart': 0xE5FA, 'SrcEnd': 0xE631, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': True, 'Name': "Devicons", 'Filename': "devicons.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE600, 'SymEnd': 0xE6C5, 'SrcStart': 0xE700, 'SrcEnd': 0xE7C5, 'ScaleGlyph': DEVI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerline, 'Name': "Powerline Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0A0, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A2, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerline, 'Name': "Powerline Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0B0, 'SymEnd': 0xE0B3, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra, 'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0A3, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A3, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra, 'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0B4, 'SymEnd': 0xE0C8, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra, 'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0CA, 'SymEnd': 0xE0CA, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra, 'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE0CC, 'SymEnd': 0xE0D4, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
{'Enabled': self.args.pomicons, 'Name': "Pomicons", 'Filename': "Pomicons.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xE000, 'SymEnd': 0xE00A, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.fontawesome, 'Name': "Font Awesome", 'Filename': "font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF2E0, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': FONTA_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_FONTA},
{'Enabled': self.args.fontawesomeextension, 'Name': "Font Awesome Extension", 'Filename': "font-awesome-extension.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE000, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A9, 'SrcStart': 0xE200, 'SrcEnd': 0xE2A9, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Maximize
{'Enabled': self.args.powersymbols, 'Name': "Power Symbols", 'Filename': "Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0x23FB, 'SymEnd': 0x23FE, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Power, Power On/Off, Power On, Sleep
{'Enabled': self.args.powersymbols, 'Name': "Power Symbols", 'Filename': "Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0x2B58, 'SymEnd': 0x2B58, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Heavy Circle (aka Power Off)
{'Enabled': self.args.material, 'Name': "Material", 'Filename': "materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF001, 'SymEnd': 0xF847, 'SrcStart': 0xF500, 'SrcEnd': 0xFD46, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.weather, 'Name': "Weather Icons", 'Filename': "weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF0EB, 'SrcStart': 0xE300, 'SrcEnd': 0xE3EB, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.fontlinux, 'Name': "Font Logos (Font Linux)", 'Filename': "font-logos.ttf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xF300, 'SymEnd': 0xF32F, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None , 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF105, 'SrcStart': 0xF400, 'SrcEnd': 0xF505, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Magnifying glass
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0x2665, 'SymEnd': 0x2665, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Heart
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0X26A1, 'SymEnd': 0X26A1, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Zap
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0xF27C, 'SymEnd': 0xF27C, 'SrcStart': 0xF4A9, 'SrcEnd': 0xF4A9, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Desktop
{'Enabled': self.args.codicons, 'Name': "Codicons", 'Filename': "codicons/codicon.ttf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xEA60, 'SymEnd': 0xEBEB, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.custom, 'Name': "Custom", 'Filename': self.args.custom, 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0x0000, 'SymEnd': 0x0000, 'SrcStart': 0x0000, 'SrcEnd': 0x0000, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': CUSTOM_ATTR}
def setup_line_dimensions(self):
# win_ascent and win_descent are used to set the line height for windows fonts.
# hhead_ascent and hhead_descent are used to set the line height for mac fonts.
# Make the total line size even. This seems to make the powerline separators
# center more evenly.
if self.args.adjustLineHeight:
if (self.sourceFont.os2_winascent + self.sourceFont.os2_windescent) % 2 != 0:
self.sourceFont.os2_winascent += 1
# Make the line size identical for windows and mac
# ! This is broken because hhea* is changed but os2_typo* is not
# ! On the other hand we need intact (i.e. original) typo values
# ! in get_sourcefont_dimensions() @TODO FIXME
self.sourceFont.hhea_ascent = self.sourceFont.os2_winascent
self.sourceFont.hhea_descent = -self.sourceFont.os2_windescent
# Line gap add extra space on the bottom of the line which
# doesn't allow the powerline glyphs to fill the entire line.
self.sourceFont.hhea_linegap = 0
self.sourceFont.os2_typolinegap = 0
def get_sourcefont_dimensions(self):
# Initial font dimensions
self.font_dim = {
'xmin' : 0,
'ymin' : -self.sourceFont.os2_windescent,
'xmax' : 0,
'ymax' : self.sourceFont.os2_winascent,
'width' : 0,
'height': 0,
if self.sourceFont.os2_use_typo_metrics:
self.font_dim['ymin'] = self.sourceFont.os2_typodescent
self.font_dim['ymax'] = self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent
# Find the biggest char width
# Ignore the y-values, os2_winXXXXX values set above are used for line height
# 0x00-0x17f is the Latin Extended-A range
for glyph in range(0x00, 0x17f):
if glyph in range(0x7F, 0xBF):
continue # ignore special characters like '1/4' etc
(_, _, xmax, _) = self.sourceFont[glyph].boundingBox()
except TypeError:
if self.font_dim['width'] < self.sourceFont[glyph].width:
self.font_dim['width'] = self.sourceFont[glyph].width
if xmax > self.font_dim['xmax']:
self.font_dim['xmax'] = xmax
# Calculate font height
if self.font_dim['height'] == 0:
# This can only happen if the input font is empty
# Assume we are using our prepared templates
self.font_dim = {
'xmin' : 0,
'ymin' : -self.sourceFont.descent,
'xmax' : self.sourceFont.em,
'ymax' : self.sourceFont.ascent,
'width' : self.sourceFont.em,
'height': 0,
self.font_dim['height'] = abs(self.font_dim['ymin']) + self.font_dim['ymax']
def get_scale_factor(self, sym_dim):
scale_ratio = 1
# We want to preserve x/y aspect ratio, so find biggest scale factor that allows symbol to fit
scale_ratio_x = self.font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width']
# font_dim['height'] represents total line height, keep our symbols sized based upon font's em
# NOTE: is this comment correct? font_dim['height'] isn't used here
scale_ratio_y = self.sourceFont.em / sym_dim['height']
if scale_ratio_x > scale_ratio_y:
scale_ratio = scale_ratio_y
scale_ratio = scale_ratio_x
return scale_ratio
def copy_glyphs(self, sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd, symbolFont, symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd, exactEncoding, scaleGlyph, setName, attributes):
""" Copies symbol glyphs into self.sourceFont """
progressText = ''
careful = False
glyphSetLength = 0
if self.args.careful:
careful = True
if exactEncoding is False:
sourceFontList = list(range(sourceFontStart, sourceFontEnd + 1))
sourceFontCounter = 0
# Create glyphs from symbol font
# If we are going to copy all Glyphs, then assume we want to be careful
# and only copy those that are not already contained in the source font
if symbolFontStart == 0:
careful = True
symbolFont.selection.select((str("ranges"), str("unicode")), symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd)
# Get number of selected non-empty glyphs
symbolFontSelection = list(symbolFont.selection.byGlyphs)
glyphSetLength = len(symbolFontSelection)
if self.args.quiet is False:
sys.stdout.write("Adding " + str(max(1, glyphSetLength)) + " Glyphs from " + setName + " Set \n")
for index, sym_glyph in enumerate(symbolFontSelection):
index = max(1, index)
sym_attr = attributes[sym_glyph.unicode]
except KeyError:
sym_attr = attributes['default']
if exactEncoding:
# use the exact same hex values for the source font as for the symbol font
currentSourceFontGlyph = sym_glyph.encoding
# use source font defined hex values based on passed in start and end
currentSourceFontGlyph = sourceFontList[sourceFontCounter]
sourceFontCounter += 1
if self.args.quiet is False:
if self.args.progressbars:
update_progress(round(float(index + 1) / glyphSetLength, 2))
progressText = "\nUpdating glyph: {} {} putting at: {:X}".format(sym_glyph, sym_glyph.glyphname, currentSourceFontGlyph)
# check if a glyph already exists in this location
if careful or 'careful' in sym_attr['params']:
if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.sourceFont:
if self.args.quiet is False:
print(" Found existing Glyph at {:X}. Skipping...".format(currentSourceFontGlyph))
# We don't want to touch anything so move to next Glyph
# If we overwrite an existing glyph all subtable entries regarding it will be wrong
# (Probably; at least if we add a symbol and do not substitude a ligature or such)
if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.sourceFont:
# Select and copy symbol from its encoding point
# We need to do this select after the careful check, this way we don't
# reset our selection before starting the next loop
# Paste it
self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].glyphname = sym_glyph.glyphname
scale_ratio_x = 1
scale_ratio_y = 1
# Prepare symbol glyph dimensions
sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
# Now that we have copy/pasted the glyph, if we are creating a monospace
# font we need to scale and move the glyphs. It is possible to have
# empty glyphs, so we need to skip those.
if self.args.single and sym_dim['width'] and sym_dim['height']:
# If we want to preserve that aspect ratio of the glyphs we need to
# find the largest possible scaling factor that will allow the glyph
# to fit in both the x and y directions
if sym_attr['stretch'] == 'pa':
scale_ratio_x = False
if scaleGlyph:
# We want to preserve the relative size of each glyph in a glyph group
scale_ratio_x = self.get_glyph_scale(sym_glyph.unicode, scaleGlyph, symbolFont)
if scale_ratio_x is False:
# In the remaining cases, each glyph is sized independently to each other
scale_ratio_x = self.get_scale_factor(sym_dim)
scale_ratio_y = scale_ratio_x
if 'x' in sym_attr['stretch']:
# Stretch the glyph horizontally to fit the entire available width
scale_ratio_x = self.font_dim['width'] / sym_dim['width']
# end if single width
# non-monospace (double width glyphs)
# elif sym_dim['width'] and sym_dim['height']:
# any special logic we want to apply for double-width variation
# would go here
if 'y' in sym_attr['stretch']:
# Stretch the glyph vertically to total line height (good for powerline separators)
# Currently stretching vertically for both monospace and double-width
scale_ratio_y = self.font_dim['height'] / sym_dim['height']
if 'overlap' in sym_attr['params']:
overlap = sym_attr['params']['overlap']
overlap = 0
if scale_ratio_x != 1 or scale_ratio_y != 1:
if overlap != 0:
scale_ratio_x *= 1 + overlap
scale_ratio_y *= 1 + overlap
self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].transform(psMat.scale(scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y))
# Use the dimensions from the newly pasted and stretched glyph
sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
y_align_distance = 0
if sym_attr['valign'] == 'c':
# Center the symbol vertically by matching the center of the line height and center of symbol
sym_ycenter = sym_dim['ymax'] - (sym_dim['height'] / 2)
font_ycenter = self.font_dim['ymax'] - (self.font_dim['height'] / 2)
y_align_distance = font_ycenter - sym_ycenter
# Handle glyph l/r/c alignment
x_align_distance = 0
if sym_attr['align']:
# First find the baseline x-alignment (left alignment amount)
x_align_distance = self.font_dim['xmin'] - sym_dim['xmin']
if sym_attr['align'] == 'c':
# Center align
x_align_distance += (self.font_dim['width'] / 2) - (sym_dim['width'] / 2)
elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r':
# Right align
x_align_distance += self.font_dim['width'] - sym_dim['width']
if overlap != 0:
overlap_width = self.font_dim['width'] * overlap
if sym_attr['align'] == 'l':
x_align_distance -= overlap_width
if sym_attr['align'] == 'r':
x_align_distance += overlap_width
align_matrix = psMat.translate(x_align_distance, y_align_distance)
# Needed for setting 'advance width' on each glyph so they do not overlap,
# also ensures the font is considered monospaced on Windows by setting the
# same width for all character glyphs. This needs to be done for all glyphs,
# even the ones that are empty and didn't go through the scaling operations.
# Ensure after horizontal adjustments and centering that the glyph
# does not overlap the bearings (edges)
# Check if the inserted glyph is scaled correctly for monospace
if self.args.single:
(xmin, _, xmax, _) = self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].boundingBox()
if int(xmax - xmin) > self.font_dim['width'] * (1 + overlap):
print("\n Warning: Scaled glyph U+{:X} wider than one monospace width ({} / {} (overlap {}))".format(
currentSourceFontGlyph, int(xmax - xmin), self.font_dim['width'], overlap))
# end for
if self.args.quiet is False or self.args.progressbars:
def set_sourcefont_glyph_widths(self):
""" Makes self.sourceFont monospace compliant """
for glyph in self.sourceFont.glyphs():
if (glyph.width == self.font_dim['width']):
# Don't touch the (negative) bearings if the width is ok
# Ligartures will have these.
if (glyph.width != 0):
# If the width is zero this glyph is intened to be printed on top of another one.
# In this case we need to keep the negative bearings to shift it 'left'.
# Things like Ä have these: composed of U+0041 'A' and U+0308 'double dot above'
# If width is not zero, correct the bearings such that they are within the width:
def remove_glyph_neg_bearings(self, glyph):
""" Sets passed glyph's bearings 0 if they are negative. """
if glyph.left_side_bearing < 0:
glyph.left_side_bearing = 0
if glyph.right_side_bearing < 0:
glyph.right_side_bearing = 0
def set_glyph_width_mono(self, glyph):
""" Sets passed glyph.width to self.font_dim.width.
self.font_dim.width is set with self.get_sourcefont_dimensions().
glyph.width = self.font_dim['width']
def prepareScaleGlyph(self, scaleGlyph, symbolFont):
""" Prepare raw ScaleGlyph data for use """
# The GlyphData is a dict with these (possible) entries:
# 'GlyphsToScale': List of ((lists of glyph codes) or (ranges of glyph codes)) that shall be scaled
# 'scales': List of associated scale factors, one for each entry in 'GlyphsToScale' (generated by this function)
# Example:
# { 'GlyphsToScale': [ range(1, 3), [ 7, 10 ], ],
# 'scales': [ 1.23, 1.33, ] }
# Each item in 'GlyphsToScale' (a range or an explicit list) forms a group of glyphs that shall be
# as rescaled all with the same and maximum possible (for the included glyphs) factor.
# Previously this structure has been used:
# 'ScaleGlyph' Lead glyph, which scaling factor is taken
# 'GlyphsToScale': List of (glyph code) or (list of two glyph codes that form a closed range)) that shall be scaled
# Note that this allows only one group for the whle symbol font, and that the scaling factor is defined by
# a specific character, which needs to be manually selected (on each symbol font update).
# Previous entries are automatically rewritten to the new style.
if 'scales' in scaleGlyph:
# Already prepared... must not happen, ignore call
if 'ScaleGlyph' in scaleGlyph:
# old method. Rewrite to new.
flat_list = []
for i in scaleGlyph['GlyphsToScale']:
if isinstance(i, tuple):
flat_list += list(range(i[0], i[1] + 1))
scaleGlyph['GlyphsToScale'] = [ flat_list ]
sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(symbolFont[scaleGlyph['ScaleGlyph']])
scaleGlyph['scales'] = [ self.get_scale_factor(sym_dim) ]
scaleGlyph['scales'] = []
for group in scaleGlyph['GlyphsToScale']:
sym_dim = get_multiglyph_boundingBox([ symbolFont[g] if g in symbolFont else None for g in group ])
def get_glyph_scale(self, unicode_value, scaleGlyph, symbolFont):
""" Determines whether or not to use scaled glyphs for glyphs in passed glyph_list """
if not 'scales' in scaleGlyph:
self.prepareScaleGlyph(scaleGlyph, symbolFont)
for glyph_list, scale in zip(scaleGlyph['GlyphsToScale'], scaleGlyph['scales']):
if unicode_value in glyph_list:
return scale
return False
def replace_font_name(font_name, replacement_dict):
""" Replaces all keys with vals from replacement_dict in font_name. """
for key, val in replacement_dict.items():
font_name = font_name.replace(key, val)
return font_name
def make_sure_path_exists(path):
""" Verifies path passed to it exists. """
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def get_multiglyph_boundingBox(glyphs):
""" Returns dict of the dimensions of multiple glyphs combined """
bbox = [ None, None, None, None ]
for glyph in glyphs:
if glyph is None:
# Glyph has been in defining range but is not in the actual font
gbb = glyph.boundingBox()
bbox[0] = gbb[0] if bbox[0] is None or bbox[0] > gbb[0] else bbox[0]
bbox[1] = gbb[1] if bbox[1] is None or bbox[1] > gbb[1] else bbox[1]
bbox[2] = gbb[2] if bbox[2] is None or bbox[2] < gbb[2] else bbox[2]
bbox[3] = gbb[3] if bbox[3] is None or bbox[3] < gbb[3] else bbox[3]
return {
'xmin' : bbox[0],
'ymin' : bbox[1],
'xmax' : bbox[2],
'ymax' : bbox[3],
'width' : bbox[2] + (-bbox[0]),
'height': bbox[3] + (-bbox[1]),
def get_glyph_dimensions(glyph):
""" Returns dict of the dimesions of the glyph passed to it. """
return get_multiglyph_boundingBox([ glyph ])
def update_progress(progress):
""" Updates progress bar length.
Accepts a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Any int will be converted to a float.
A value at 1 or bigger represents 100%
modified from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3160699/python-progress-bar
barLength = 40 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
if isinstance(progress, int):
progress = float(progress)
if progress >= 1:
progress = 1
status = "Done...\r\n" # NOTE: status initialized and never used
block = int(round(barLength * progress))
text = "\r╢{0}╟ {1}%".format("█" * block + "░" * (barLength - block), int(progress * 100))
def check_fontforge_min_version():
""" Verifies installed FontForge version meets minimum requirement. """
minimumVersion = 20141231
actualVersion = int(fontforge.version())
# un-comment following line for testing invalid version error handling
# actualVersion = 20120731
# versions tested: 20150612, 20150824
if actualVersion < minimumVersion:
sys.stderr.write("{}: You seem to be using an unsupported (old) version of fontforge: {}\n".format(projectName, actualVersion))
sys.stderr.write("{}: Please use at least version: {}\n".format(projectName, minimumVersion))
def main():
patcher = font_patcher()
if __name__ == "__main__":
__dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))