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synced 2025-01-06 21:49:40 +02:00
[why] Some font previews in the gh-pages are obviously wrong (showing some fallback font). [how] Recreate all image previes from current master branch. To make this more easy: - Add commented out code that displays command to install just the needed fonts but all the needed fonts - Add commented out code that displays the family names of the needed fonts - these have to be in sync with the fonts.json database Fixes: #489 Reported-by: CosmosAtlas Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
128 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
128 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Nerd Fonts Version: 2.3.3
# Script Version: 1.2.0
# Create font previews.
# All fonts need to be installed (or no preview is generated)
# Files should end up in the gh-pages branch
set -e
ver=$(inkscape --version)
echo "Check generator version: $ver"
main() {
mkdir -p "$output_dir"
for i in $(jq '.fonts | keys | .[]' lib/fonts.json); do
patchedName=$(jq -r ".fonts[$i].patchedName" lib/fonts.json);
imagePreviewFont=$(jq -r ".fonts[$i].imagePreviewFont" lib/fonts.json);
# if [ "$imagePreviewFont" != "$patchedName Nerd Font" ]; then
# echo "[mismatch] $imagePreviewFont != $patchedName Nerd Font"
# fi
if [ -z "$imagePreviewFont" ]; then
echo "[Skipping] $patchedName"
if $( fc-list -q "${imagePreviewFont}:charset=41" ); then
generate_preview "$imagePreviewFont" "$patchedName Nerd Font"
elif $( fc-list -q "${imagePreviewFont}" ); then
generate_preview_symbols "$imagePreviewFont" "$patchedName Nerd Font"
echo "[Missing] $imagePreviewFont"
generate_preview() {
echo "[Generating] $font"
sed -e "s/000000/ffffff/" -e "s/sans-serif/${font}/" -e "s/Font Name/${fontText}/" <"$template_svg" >"${output_dir}${font}.svg"
inkscape "${output_dir}${font}.svg" -g "--verb=EditSelectAll;ObjectToPath;FileVacuum;FitCanvasToDrawing;FileSave;FileQuit" 2>/dev/null
# svgo "${output_dir}${font}.svg"
generate_preview_symbols() {
echo "[Gen. Symb.] $font"
sed -e "s/000000/ffffff/" -e "40,80s/sans-serif/${font}/" -e "s/Font Name/${fontText}/" <"$template2_svg" >"${output_dir}${font}.svg"
inkscape "${output_dir}${font}.svg" -g "--verb=EditSelectAll;ObjectToPath;FileVacuum;FitCanvasToDrawing;FileSave;FileQuit" 2>/dev/null
# svgo "${output_dir}${font}.svg"
image_font_files=( \
'3270/Regular/complete/IBM 3270 Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Agave/complete/agave regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'AnonymousPro/complete/Anonymice Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Arimo/Regular/complete/Arimo Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'AurulentSansMono/complete/AurulentSansMono-Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'BigBlueTerminal/complete/BigBlue TerminalPlus Nerd Font Complete.TTF' \
'BitstreamVeraSansMono/Regular/complete/Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'CascadiaCode/Regular/complete/Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete Regular.otf' \
'CodeNewRoman/Regular/complete/Code New Roman Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'Cousine/Regular/complete/Cousine Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'DaddyTimeMono/complete/DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'DejaVuSansMono/Regular/complete/DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'DroidSansMono/complete/Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'FantasqueSansMono/Regular/complete/Fantasque Sans Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'FiraCode/Regular/complete/Fira Code Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'FiraMono/Regular/complete/Fura Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'Gohu/uni-14/complete/GohuFont Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Go-Mono/Regular/complete/Go Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Hack/Regular/complete/Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Hasklig/Regular/complete/Hasklug Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'HeavyData/complete/Heavy Data Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Hermit/Medium/complete/Hurmit Medium Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'iA-Writer/iA Writer Mono/Regular/complete/iM Writing Mono S Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'IBMPlexMono/Mono/complete/Blex Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Inconsolata/complete/Inconsolata Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'InconsolataGo/Regular/complete/InconsolataGo Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'InconsolataLGC/Regular/complete/Inconsolata LGC Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Iosevka/Regular/complete/Iosevka Term Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'JetBrainsMono/Ligatures/Regular/complete/JetBrains Mono Nerd Font Complete Regular.ttf' \
'Lekton/Regular/complete/Lekton Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'LiberationMono/complete/Literation Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Lilex/Regular/complete/Lilex Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Meslo/M/Regular/complete/Meslo LG M Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Monofur/Regular/complete/monofur Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Monoid/Regular/complete/Monoid Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Mononoki/Regular/complete/Mononoki Nerd Font Complete Regular.ttf' \
'MPlus/Regular/complete/M+ 1m Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'NerdFontsSymbolsOnly/complete/Symbols-2048-em Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf' \
'Noto/Sans-Mono/complete/Noto Sans Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'OpenDyslexic/Regular/complete/OpenDyslexic Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'Overpass/Mono/Regular/complete/Overpass Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete.otf' \
'ProFont/profontiix/complete/ProFont IIx Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'ProggyClean/Regular/complete/ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'RobotoMono/Regular/complete/Roboto Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'ShareTechMono/complete/Shure Tech Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'SourceCodePro/Regular/complete/Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'SpaceMono/Regular/complete/Space Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Terminus/terminus-ttf-4.40.1/Regular/complete/Terminess (TTF) Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Tinos/Regular/complete/Tinos Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'Ubuntu/Regular/complete/Ubuntu Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'UbuntuMono/Regular/complete/Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
'VictorMono/Regular/complete/Victor Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf' \
# Enable this to get a list of instruction to install all the needed fonts
# for f in "${image_font_files[@]}"; do
# echo "cp '../../patched-fonts/$f' ~/.local/share/fonts"
# done
# exit
# Enable this to get a list of Family names
# for f in "${image_font_files[@]}"; do
# fc-query "../../patched-fonts/$f" '-f %{family}\n'
# done
main "$@"; exit