map_info_text=The selectors in the mothership, allow you to choose a destination.\nWorlds can be rerolled by spending a satellite at the top selector.\nOnce enough players are on a selector, mothership will start traveling.\n\nA teleporter will be deployed, after reaching the target.\nIt is however, only capable of transfering the subjects body.\n\nWorlds will get more difficult with each jump, stacking the chosen modifiers.\nLaunch uranium fuel cells via rocket cargo, to advance to the next world.\nThe tooltips on the top buttons yield informations about the current world.\nIf the journey ends, an admin can fully reset the map via command "/journey-reset".\n\nHow far will the journey lead?
tooltip_satellite=Satellites stored: __1__ / __2__\nSatellites are used by Mothership to scout for alternative destinations.
tooltip_nuclear_fuel=Emergency Reactors working: __1__ / __2__\n30 Emergency Reactors are usually damaged by Mothership if the current colony is determined to be lost and Mothership has to leave in a hurry.\n If teleporter is lost and there is no emergency power, the game is over and run resets.
tooltip_fuel=Fuel requirement to advance to next world:\n__1__\n\nNuclear Fuel Cells in Mothership Cargo:\n__2__