2019-10-31 10:13:47 +01:00
-- config tab --
local Tabs = require ' comfy_panel.main '
local functions = {
[ " comfy_panel_spectator_switch " ] = function ( event )
if event.element . switch_state == " left " then
game.players [ event.player_index ] . spectator = true
game.players [ event.player_index ] . spectator = false
end ,
[ " comfy_panel_auto_hotbar_switch " ] = function ( event )
if event.element . switch_state == " left " then
global.auto_hotbar_enabled [ event.player_index ] = true
global.auto_hotbar_enabled [ event.player_index ] = false
end ,
local function add_switch ( element , switch_state , name , description_main , description )
local t = element.add ( { type = " table " , column_count = 5 } )
local label = t.add ( { type = " label " , caption = " ON " } )
label.style . padding = 0
label.style . left_padding = 10
label.style . font_color = { 0.77 , 0.77 , 0.77 }
local switch = t.add ( { type = " switch " , name = name } )
switch.switch_state = switch_state
switch.style . padding = 0
switch.style . margin = 0
local label = t.add ( { type = " label " , caption = " OFF " } )
label.style . padding = 0
label.style . font_color = { 0.70 , 0.70 , 0.70 }
local label = t.add ( { type = " label " , caption = description_main } )
label.style . padding = 2
label.style . left_padding = 10
label.style . minimal_width = 120
label.style . font = " heading-2 "
label.style . font_color = { 0.88 , 0.88 , 0.99 }
local label = t.add ( { type = " label " , caption = description } )
label.style . padding = 2
label.style . left_padding = 10
label.style . single_line = false
label.style . font = " heading-3 "
label.style . font_color = { 0.85 , 0.85 , 0.85 }
local build_config_gui = ( function ( player , frame )
frame.clear ( )
local line_elements = { }
local switch_label_elements = { }
local label_elements = { }
line_elements [ # line_elements + 1 ] = frame.add ( { type = " line " } )
local switch_state = " right "
if player.spectator then switch_state = " left " end
add_switch ( frame , switch_state , " comfy_panel_spectator_switch " , " SpectatorMode " , " Disables zoom-to-world view noise effect. \n Environmental sounds will be based on map view. " )
line_elements [ # line_elements + 1 ] = frame.add ( { type = " line " } )
if global.auto_hotbar_enabled then
local switch_state = " right "
if global.auto_hotbar_enabled [ player.index ] then switch_state = " left " end
add_switch ( frame , switch_state , " comfy_panel_auto_hotbar_switch " , " AutoHotbar " , " Automatically fills your hotbar with placeable items. " )
line_elements [ # line_elements + 1 ] = frame.add ( { type = " line " } )
end )
local function on_gui_click ( event )
if not event.element then return end
if not event.element . valid then return end
if functions [ event.element . name ] then
functions [ event.element . name ] ( event )
2020-03-17 04:07:33 +01:00
comfy_panel_tabs [ " Config " ] = { gui = build_config_gui , admin = false }
2019-10-31 10:13:47 +01:00
local event = require ' utils.event '
event.add ( defines.events . on_gui_click , on_gui_click )