mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-02-07 13:31:40 +02:00
fixed tile placements inside oasis
resource placements redone
biter placements redone
mostly only railways are now placeable in the sands
starter gear redone
This commit is contained in:
MewMew 2020-02-19 15:24:11 +01:00
parent 558680f89c
commit 0a5c2aa938
3 changed files with 123 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ map_info= - - B I T E R B A T T L E S - -\n\n Your objective is to defend you
map_info_main_caption=--Desert Oasis--
map_info_sub_caption=Survival in the dry sands.
map_info_text=This is a harsh world, the heat is unbearable and the sand is sharp like diamonds.\nWe shall not attempt to travel without a proper vehicle.\nMany building foundations are not possible to be set up outside of the oasis.\n\nLuckily the ship's moisture meter module did survive the crash.\nIt may come in handy!
map_info_text=This is a harsh world, the heat is unbearable and the sand is sharp like diamonds.\nWe shall not attempt to travel without a proper vehicle.\nMany building foundations are not possible to be set up outside of the oasis.\nRailways between them however should be possible.\n\nLuckily the ship's moisture meter module did survive the crash.\nIt may come in handy!
map_info_main_caption=--Fish Defender--

View File

@ -9,11 +9,28 @@ local math_floor = math.floor
local math_abs = math.abs
local string_sub = string.sub
local oasis_start = 0.5
local water_start = 0.75
local sand_damage = oasis_start * 100 + 20
local oasis_start = 0.50
local water_start = 0.78
local sand_damage = oasis_start * 100 + 16
local trees = {"tree-01", "tree-04", "tree-06", "tree-08-red", "tree-08", "tree-09",}
local tile_to_item = {
["stone-path"] = "stone-brick",
["hazard-concrete-left"] = "hazard-concrete",
["hazard-concrete-right"] = "hazard-concrete",
["refined-hazard-concrete-left"] = "refined-hazard-concrete",
["refined-hazard-concrete-right"] = "refined-hazard-concrete",
local save_tiles = {
["stone-path"] = true,
["hazard-concrete-left"] = true,
["hazard-concrete-right"] = true,
["refined-concrete"] = true,
["refined-hazard-concrete-left"] = true,
["refined-hazard-concrete-right"] = true,
["water"] = true,
["grass-1"] = true,
["grass-2"] = true,
["grass-3"] = true,
@ -21,8 +38,6 @@ local save_tiles = {
["deepwater"] = true,
local ores = {"iron-ore", "copper-ore", "coal", "stone"}
local function get_moisture(position)
local moisture = get_noise("oasis", position, global.desert_oasis_seed)
moisture = moisture * 128
@ -48,31 +63,28 @@ local function moisture_meter(player, moisture)
moisture_meter.children[2].caption = moisture
local function on_chunk_generated(event)
local surface = event.surface
if surface.name ~= "desert_oasis" then return end
local seed = global.desert_oasis_seed
local left_top = event.area.left_top
local function draw_oasis(surface, left_top, seed)
local tiles = {}
local size_of_tiles = 0
local entities = {}
local size_of_entities = 0
local noise = get_noise("oasis", left_top, seed)
if noise < oasis_start - 0.25 then return end
local left_top_x = event.area.left_top.x
local left_top_y = event.area.left_top.y
local left_top_x = left_top.x
local left_top_y = left_top.y
for x = 0, 31, 1 do
for y = 0, 31, 1 do
local position = {x = left_top_x + x, y = left_top_y + y}
local noise = get_noise("oasis", position, seed)
if noise > oasis_start then
if noise > water_start then
if noise >= oasis_start then
if noise > water_start or noise > oasis_start + 0.035 and get_noise("cave_ponds", position, seed) > 0.72 then
size_of_tiles = size_of_tiles + 1
tiles[size_of_tiles] = {name = "water", position = position}
if noise > 0.85 then
tiles[size_of_tiles] = {name = "deepwater", position = position}
tiles[size_of_tiles] = {name = "water", position = position}
if math_random(1, 64) == 1 then
size_of_entities = size_of_entities + 1
entities[size_of_entities] = {name = "fish", position = position}
@ -85,23 +97,10 @@ local function on_chunk_generated(event)
if noise > water_start - 0.07 then
if math_random(1, 12) == 1 and surface.can_place_entity({name = "coal", position = position, amount = 1}) then
size_of_entities = size_of_entities + 1
local bonus = math_floor(math.sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) * 0.35)
entities[size_of_entities] = {name = ores[math_floor(get_noise("small_caves", position, seed) * 4) % 4 + 1], position = position, amount = math_random(400 + bonus, 600 + bonus)}
if get_noise("n3", position, seed) > 0.68 then
if math_random(1, 128) == 1 then
size_of_entities = size_of_entities + 1
entities[size_of_entities] = {name = "crude-oil", position = position, amount = math_random(250000, 500000)}
if math_random(1, 12) == 1 then
size_of_entities = size_of_entities + 1
if math_abs(get_noise("n3", position, seed)) > 0.30 then
entities[size_of_entities] = {name = "tree-0" .. math_floor(get_noise("n2", position, seed) * 9) % 9 + 1, position = position}
if math_abs(get_noise("n3", position, seed)) > 0.50 then
entities[size_of_entities] = {name = trees[math_floor(get_noise("n2", position, seed) * 9) % 6 + 1], position = position}
@ -118,6 +117,33 @@ local function on_chunk_generated(event)
local function on_chunk_generated(event)
local surface = event.surface
if surface.name ~= "desert_oasis" then return end
local seed = global.desert_oasis_seed
local left_top = event.area.left_top
for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = event.area, type = "resource"})) do
if get_noise("oasis", entity.position, seed) <= oasis_start then
if game.item_prototypes[entity.name] then
surface.create_entity({name = entity.name, position = entity.position, amount = math_random(200, 300) + math.sqrt(entity.position.x ^ 2 + entity.position.y ^ 2) * 0.65})
for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = event.area, force = "enemy"})) do
if get_noise("oasis", entity.position, seed) > -0.25 then
local noise = get_noise("oasis", left_top, seed)
if noise > oasis_start - 0.35 then draw_oasis(surface, left_top, seed) return end
local function on_init()
if game.surfaces["desert_oasis"] then return end
@ -134,15 +160,16 @@ local function on_init()
starting_area = 1,
terrain_segmentation = 0.1,
cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 4, cliff_elevation_0 = 4},
cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 8, cliff_elevation_0 = 8},
autoplace_controls = {
["coal"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["stone"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["copper-ore"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["iron-ore"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["crude-oil"] = {frequency = 1, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["trees"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 0.5, richness = 0.15},
["enemy-base"] = {frequency = 0.5, size = 1.5, richness = 1},
["coal"] = {frequency = 23, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["stone"] = {frequency = 20, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["copper-ore"] = {frequency = 25, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["iron-ore"] = {frequency = 35, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["uranium-ore"] = {frequency = 20, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5},
["crude-oil"] = {frequency = 80, size = 0.55, richness = 1},
["trees"] = {frequency = 0.75, size = 0.75, richness = 0.1},
["enemy-base"] = {frequency = 15, size = 1, richness = 1},
@ -172,22 +199,19 @@ local function on_init()
local type_whitelist = {
["artillery-wagon"] = true,
["car"] = true,
["electric-pole"] = true,
["cargo-wagon"] = true,
["construction-robot"] = true,
["entity-ghost"] = true,
["fluid-wagon"] = true,
["heat-pipe"] = true,
["lamp"] = true,
["loader"] = true,
["mining-drill"] = true,
["pipe"] = true,
["pipe-to-ground"] = true,
["locomotive"] = true,
["logistic-robot"] = true,
["rail-chain-signal"] = true,
["rail-signal"] = true,
["splitter"] = true,
["straight-rail"] = true,
["train-stop"] = true,
["transport-belt"] = true,
["underground-belt"] = true,
["train-stop"] = true,
local function deny_building(event)
@ -223,11 +247,45 @@ local function on_robot_built_entity(event)
local function deny_tile_building(surface, inventory, tiles, tile)
for _, t in pairs(tiles) do
if not save_tiles[t.old_tile.name] then
surface.set_tiles({{name = t.old_tile.name, position = t.position}}, true)
if game.item_prototypes[tile.name] then
inventory.insert({name = tile.name, count = 1})
if tile_to_item[tile.name] then
inventory.insert({name = tile_to_item[tile.name], count = 1})
inventory.insert({name = "stone-brick", count = 1})
local function on_player_built_tile(event)
local player = game.players[event.player_index]
deny_tile_building(player.surface, player, event.tiles, event.tile)
local function on_robot_built_tile(event)
deny_tile_building(event.robot.surface, event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo), event.tiles, event.tile)
local function on_player_joined_game(event)
local player = game.players[event.player_index]
if player.online_time == 0 then
player.insert({name = "iron-plate", count = 32})
player.insert({name = "iron-gear-wheel", count = 16})
player.insert({name = "raw-fish", count = 3})
player.insert({name = "grenade", count = 1})
player.insert({name = "computer", count = 1})
player.insert({name = "iron-plate", count = 16})
player.insert({name = "iron-gear-wheel", count = 8})
player.insert({name = "stone", count = 5})
player.insert({name = "pistol", count = 1})
player.insert({name = "repair-pack", count = 2})
player.insert({name = "firearm-magazine", count = 8})
player.insert({name = "water-barrel", count = 1})
player.teleport(game.surfaces["desert_oasis"].find_non_colliding_position("character", {64, 64}, 50, 0.5), "desert_oasis")
@ -245,12 +303,18 @@ local function on_player_changed_position(event)
if save_tiles[player.surface.get_tile(player.position).name] then return end
player.character.health = player.character.health - (sand_damage - moisture) * 0.5
if math_random(1, 64) == 1 then
player.surface.create_entity({name = "fire-flame", position = player.position})
player.character.health = player.character.health - (sand_damage - moisture) * 0.60
if player.character.health == 0 then player.character.die() end
local Event = require 'utils.event'
Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_tile, on_robot_built_tile)
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, on_player_built_tile)
Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity)
Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity)
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local noises = {
["n4"] = {{modifier = 0.1, weight = 1}},
["no_rocks"] = {{modifier = 0.0033, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.22}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.05}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.04}},
["no_rocks_2"] = {{modifier = 0.013, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.1}},
["oasis"] = {{modifier = 0.0015, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.0025, weight = 0.5}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.09}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.025}},
["oasis"] = {{modifier = 0.0015, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.0025, weight = 0.5}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.15}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.017}},
["scrapyard"] = {{modifier = 0.005, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.35}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.23}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.11}},
["small_caves"] = {{modifier = 0.008, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.03, weight = 0.15}, {modifier = 0.25, weight = 0.05}},
["small_caves_2"] = {{modifier = 0.009, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.25}, {modifier = 0.25, weight = 0.05}},