mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-02-09 13:37:02 +02:00

Added science logs to bb

This commit is contained in:
Masamune 2019-12-30 14:11:44 +01:00
parent ab2c9b24e5
commit 0d97b34d0b
2 changed files with 104 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -83,11 +83,7 @@ function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_scienc
["south"] = table.concat({"[color=255, 65, 65]", s, "[/color]"})
if flask_amount > 1 then
-- FIX HOUR/MIN HANDLING(genre 5h58 => 4H MAIS NON, à tester mon idée)
-- fix
local feed_time = math.round(game.tick,0)
--local feed_time_hours = math.round(game.tick / (60*60*60),0)
--local feed_time_mins = math.round(game.tick / (60*60) - (feed_time/(60*60*60)) * 60,0)
local feed_time_mins = math.round(game.tick / (60*60),0)
local minute_unit = ""
if feed_time_mins <= 1 then
@ -95,18 +91,9 @@ function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_scienc
minute_unit = "mins"
local shown_feed_time_hours = ""
--if feed_time_hours > 0 then
-- shown_feed_time_hours = feed_time_hours .. "h"
local shown_feed_time_mins = ""
shown_feed_time_mins = feed_time_mins .. minute_unit
--if feed_time_mins == 0 and feed_time_hours == 0 then
-- shown_feed_time_mins = feed_time_mins .. minute_unit
local formatted_feed_time = shown_feed_time_hours .. shown_feed_time_mins
local formatted_feed_time = shown_feed_time_mins
evo_before_science_feed = math.round(evo_before_science_feed*100,1)
threat_before_science_feed = math.round(threat_before_science_feed,0)
local formatted_evo_after_feed = math.round(global.bb_evolution[biter_force_name]*100,1)
@ -116,7 +103,6 @@ function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_scienc
local evo_jump_difference = math.round(formatted_evo_after_feed - evo_before_science_feed,1)
local threat_jump_difference = math.round(formatted_threat_after_feed - threat_before_science_feed,0)
local line_log_stats_to_add = table.concat({ formatted_amount .. " " .. formatted_food .. " by " .. colored_player_name .. " to " .. team_strings[get_enemy_team_of(player.force.name)]})
if global.science_logs_text then
table.insert(global.science_logs_date, formatted_feed_time)
table.insert(global.science_logs_text, line_log_stats_to_add)

View File

@ -105,6 +105,20 @@ function Public.draw_top_toggle_button(player)
button.style.bottom_padding = 2
local function draw_science_stats_button(player)
if player.gui.top["stats_toggle_button"] then player.gui.top["stats_toggle_button"].destroy() end
local button = player.gui.top.add({type = "sprite-button", name = "stats_toggle_button", caption = "Science logs", tooltip = tooltip})
button.style.font = "heading-2"
button.style.font_color = {r = 0.88, g = 0.55, b = 0.11}
button.style.minimal_height = 38
button.style.minimal_width = 120
button.style.top_padding = 2
button.style.left_padding = 0
button.style.right_padding = 0
button.style.bottom_padding = 2
local function draw_manager_gui(player)
if player.gui.center["team_manager_gui"] then player.gui.center["team_manager_gui"].destroy() end
@ -216,6 +230,87 @@ local function draw_manager_gui(player)
button.style.font = "heading-2"
local function draw_stats_gui(player)
if player.gui.center["stats_gui"] then player.gui.center["stats_gui"].destroy() end
local frame = player.gui.center.add({type = "frame", name = "stats_gui", caption = "Science logs", direction = "vertical"})
local t = frame.add({type = "table", name = "stats_root_table", column_count = 4})
local l = t.add({type = "sprite-button", caption = "Date", "Date"})
l.style.minimal_width = 160
l.style.maximal_width = 160
l.style.font_color = {r = 0.88, g = 0.55, b = 0.11}
l.style.font = "heading-1"
local l = t.add({type = "sprite-button", caption = "Science details", "Science details"})
l.style.minimal_width = 160
l.style.maximal_width = 160
l.style.font_color = {r = 0.88, g = 0.55, b = 0.11}
l.style.font = "heading-1"
local l = t.add({type = "sprite-button", caption = "Evo jump", "Evo jump"})
l.style.minimal_width = 160
l.style.maximal_width = 160
l.style.font_color = {r = 0.88, g = 0.55, b = 0.11}
l.style.font = "heading-1"
local l = t.add({type = "sprite-button", caption = "Threat jump", "Threat jump"})
l.style.minimal_width = 160
l.style.maximal_width = 160
l.style.font_color = {r = 0.88, g = 0.55, b = 0.11}
l.style.font = "heading-1"
if global.science_logs_date then
local list_box = t.add({type = "list-box", name = "stats_list_box_" .. 1, items = global.science_logs_all})
list_box.style.minimal_height = 360
list_box.style.minimal_width = 160
list_box.style.maximal_height = 480
if global.science_logs_text then
local list_box = t.add({type = "list-box", name = "stats_list_box_" .. 2, items = global.science_logs_text})
list_box.style.minimal_height = 360
list_box.style.minimal_width = 160
list_box.style.maximal_height = 480
if global.science_logs_evo_jump then
local list_box = t.add({type = "list-box", name = "stats_list_box_" .. 3, items = global.science_logs_evo_jump})
list_box.style.minimal_height = 360
list_box.style.minimal_width = 160
list_box.style.maximal_height = 480
if global.science_logs_threat then
local list_box = t.add({type = "list-box", name = "stats_list_box_" .. 4, items = global.science_logs_threat})
list_box.style.minimal_height = 360
list_box.style.minimal_width = 160
list_box.style.maximal_height = 480
frame.add({type = "label", caption = ""})
local t = frame.add({type = "table", name = "stats_bottom_buttons", column_count = 4})
local button = t.add({
type = "button",
name = "stats_close",
caption = "Close",
tooltip = "Close this window."
button.style.font = "heading-2"
local function stats_gui_click(event)
local player = game.players[event.player_index]
local name = event.element.name
if name == "stats_close" then
local function set_custom_team_name(force_name, team_name)
if team_name == "" then global.tm_custom_name[force_name] = nil return end
if not team_name then global.tm_custom_name[force_name] = nil return end
@ -343,6 +438,13 @@ function Public.gui_click(event)
if name == "stats_toggle_button" then
if player.gui.center["stats_gui"] then player.gui.center["stats_gui"].destroy() return end
if player.gui.center["stats_gui"] then stats_gui_click(event) end
if player.gui.center["team_manager_gui"] then team_manager_gui_click(event) end
if player.gui.center["custom_team_name_gui"] then
@ -364,6 +466,7 @@ end
function Public.init()
global.tm_custom_name = {}
return Public