mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:49:24 +02:00
Print more messages to discord. Resource modifiers only apply to richness. Generate a tiny amount of power from solar in the eternal night and pitch black. Always reward 1000 white science flasks. Disabled the auto-launch via permissions. Capsule drop radius further reduced. Terrain segmentation a bit more random. Fuel progress bar, +25 to +50 fuel requirement per world. Add mixed ore to all worlds. Add mixed ore modifier. Satellites as a reroll token, mothership dispatches the satellite and rerolls the selectors. Reroll is triggered at the top part of ship.
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ Public.world_selector_colors = {
[3] = {r = 200, g = 100, b = 100, a = 255},
Public.reroll_selector_area_color = {r = 220, g = 220, b = 220, a = 255}
Public.reroll_selector_area = {
left_top = {x = -4, y = math.floor(Public.mothership_radius - 6) * -1},
right_bottom = {x = 4, y = math.floor(Public.mothership_radius - 6) * -1 + 5},
Public.mothership_messages = {
waiting = {
"Return to me, so we can continue the journey!",
@ -76,25 +82,26 @@ Public.mothership_gen_settings = {
Public.modifiers = {
["trees"] = {-30, -15, "Trees"},
["trees"] = {-20, -10, "Trees"},
["tree_durability"] = {-30, -15, "Tree Durability"},
["cliff_settings"] = {20, 40, "Cliffs"},
["water"] = {-30, -15, "Water"},
["water"] = {-20, -10, "Water"},
["coal"] = {-20, -10, "Coal"},
["stone"] = {-20, -10, "Stone"},
["iron-ore"] = {-20, -10, "Iron Ore"},
["copper-ore"] = {-20, -10, "Copper Ore"},
["crude-oil"] = {-20, -10, "Oil"},
["uranium-ore"] = {-20, -10, "Uranium Ore"},
["enemy-base"] = {20, 40, "Nests"},
["expansion_cooldown"] = {-40, -20, "Nest Expansion Cooldown"},
["enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier"] = {-30, -15, "Nest Pollution Consumption"},
["mixed_ore"] = {-20, -10, "Mixed Ore"},
["enemy-base"] = {10, 20, "Nests"},
["expansion_cooldown"] = {-30, -15, "Nest Expansion Cooldown"},
["enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier"] = {-20, -10, "Nest Pollution Consumption"},
["max_unit_group_size"] = {15, 30, "Biter Group Size Maximum"},
["time_factor"] = {20, 40, "Evolution Time Factor"},
["destroy_factor"] = {20, 40, "Evolution Destroy Factor"},
["pollution_factor"] = {20, 40, "Evolution Pollution Factor"},
["ageing"] = {-30, -15, "Terrain Pollution Consumption"},
["diffusion_ratio"] = {15, 30, "Pollution Diffusion"},
["time_factor"] = {15, 30, "Evolution Time Factor"},
["destroy_factor"] = {15, 30, "Evolution Destroy Factor"},
["pollution_factor"] = {15, 30, "Evolution Pollution Factor"},
["ageing"] = {-20, -10, "Terrain Pollution Consumption"},
["diffusion_ratio"] = {10, 20, "Pollution Diffusion"},
["technology_price_multiplier"] = {10, 20, "Technology Price"},
@ -151,27 +158,27 @@ Public.build_type_whitelist = {
Public.unique_world_traits = {
["lush"] = {"Lush", "Pure Vanilla."},
["lush"] = {"Lush", "Pure Vanilla."},
["eternal_night"] = {"Eternal Night", "This world seems to be missing a sun."},
["dense_atmosphere"] = {"Dense Atmosphere", "Your roboport structures seem to malfunction."},
["pitch_black"] = {"Pitch Black", "No light may reach this realm."},
["volcanic"] = {"Volcanic", "The floor is (almost) lava."},
["matter_anomaly"] = {"Matter Anomaly", "Why can't i hold all these ores."},
["mountainous"] = {"Mountainous", "Diggy diggy hole!"},
["quantum_anomaly"] = {"Quantum Anomaly", "Research complete."},
["pitch_black"] = {"Pitch Black", "No light may reach this realm."},
["quantum_anomaly"] = {"Quantum Anomaly", "Research complete."},
["replicant_fauna"] = {"Replicant Fauna", "The biters feed on your structures."},
["tarball"] = {"Tarball", "Door stuck, Door stuck..."},
["swamps"] = {"Swamps", "No deep water to be found in this world."},
["volcanic"] = {"Volcanic", "The floor is (almost) lava."},
["swamps"] = {"Swamps", "No deep water to be found in this world."},
["chaotic_resources"] = {"Chaotic Resources", "Something to sort out."},
["infested"] = {"Infested", "They lurk inside."},
["low_mass"] = {"Low Mass", "You feel light footed and the robots are buzzing."},
["eternal_night"] = {"Eternal Night", "This world seems to be missing a sun."},
["eternal_day"] = {"Eternal Day", "The sun never moves."},
["dense_atmosphere"] = {"Dense Atmosphere", "The roboports seem to malfunction."},
["low_mass"] = {"Low Mass", "You feel light footed and the robots are buzzing."},
["eternal_day"] = {"Eternal Day", "The sun never moves."},
["undead_plague"] = {"Undead Plague", "The dead are restless."},
--["snowpiercer"] = {"Snowpiercer", "It's cold outside, so very cold."},
--["wasteland"] = {"Wasteland", "Smells like sulfur."},
--["wetlands"] = {"Wetlands", "Many rivers and many fish."},
--["high_mass"] = {"High Mass", "Your feet will need some proper ground to walk well."},
return Public
@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
--luacheck: ignore
local Public = {}
local Map_functions = require 'tools.map_functions'
local Server = require 'utils.server'
local Get_noise = require 'utils.get_noise'
local Constants = require 'maps.journey.constants'
local Unique_modifiers = require 'maps.journey.unique_modifiers'
local math_sqrt = math.sqrt
local math_random = math.random
local math_floor = math.floor
local math_abs = math.abs
local function clear_world_selectors(journey)
local Public = {}
local mixed_ores = {'copper-ore', 'iron-ore', 'stone', 'coal'}
local function clear_selectors(journey)
for k, world_selector in pairs(journey.world_selectors) do
for _, ID in pairs(world_selector.texts) do
@ -12,6 +20,21 @@ local function clear_world_selectors(journey)
journey.world_selectors[k].texts = {}
journey.world_selectors[k].activation_level = 0
for _, ID in pairs(journey.reroll_selector.texts) do
journey.reroll_selector.texts = {}
journey.reroll_selector.activation_level = 0
function Public.place_mixed_ore(event, journey)
if math_random(1, 192) ~= 1 then return end
local surface = event.surface
local x = event.area.left_top.x + math_random(0, 31)
local y = event.area.left_top.y + math_random(0, 31)
local base_amount = 1000 + math_sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) * 5
local richness = journey.mixed_ore_richness
Map_functions.draw_rainbow_patch({x = x, y = y}, surface, math_random(17, 23), base_amount * richness + 100)
local function place_teleporter(journey, surface, position)
@ -100,10 +123,10 @@ local function remove_offline_players(maximum_age_in_hours)
local function get_current_modifier_percentage(name)
local function get_current_modifier_percentage(name, journey)
local mgs = game.surfaces.nauvis.map_gen_settings
for _, autoplace in pairs({"iron-ore", "copper-ore", "uranium-ore", "coal", "stone", "crude-oil", "stone", "trees", "enemy-base"}) do
if name == autoplace then return mgs.autoplace_controls[name].frequency end
if name == autoplace then return mgs.autoplace_controls[name].richness end
if name == "cliff_settings" then return 40 / mgs.cliff_settings.cliff_elevation_interval end
if name == "water" then return mgs.water end
@ -116,7 +139,8 @@ local function get_current_modifier_percentage(name)
if name == "ageing" then return game.map_settings.pollution.ageing end
if name == "diffusion_ratio" then return game.map_settings.pollution.diffusion_ratio * 50 end
if name == "tree_durability" then return game.map_settings.pollution.pollution_restored_per_tree_damage * 0.1 end
if name == "max_unit_group_size" then return game.map_settings.unit_group.max_unit_group_size * 0.005 end
if name == "max_unit_group_size" then return game.map_settings.unit_group.max_unit_group_size * 0.005 end
if name == "mixed_ore" then return journey.mixed_ore_richness end
local function delete_nauvis_chunks(journey)
@ -184,7 +208,7 @@ function Public.draw_gui(journey)
local tooltip = Constants.unique_world_traits[journey.world_trait][2] .. "\n\n"
for k, v in pairs(Constants.modifiers) do
tooltip = tooltip .. v[3] .. " - " .. math.round(get_current_modifier_percentage(k) * 100, 1) .. "%\n"
tooltip = tooltip .. v[3] .. " - " .. math.round(get_current_modifier_percentage(k, journey) * 100, 1) .. "%\n"
tooltip = tooltip .. "\nCapsules:\n"
@ -197,17 +221,83 @@ function Public.draw_gui(journey)
for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
if not player.gui.top.journey_button then
local button = player.gui.top.add({type = "sprite-button", name = "journey_button", caption = ""})
button.style.font = "heading-1"
button.style.font_color = {222, 222, 222}
button.style.minimal_height = 38
button.style.minimal_width = 250
button.style.padding = -2
local element = player.gui.top.add({type = "sprite-button", name = "journey_button", caption = ""})
element.style.font = "heading-1"
element.style.font_color = {222, 222, 222}
element.style.minimal_height = 38
element.style.minimal_width = 250
element.style.padding = -2
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_button
gui.caption = caption
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local fuel_requirement = journey.mothership_cargo_space["uranium-fuel-cell"]
local value
if fuel_requirement == 0 then
value = 1
value = journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] / fuel_requirement
local tooltip = "Fuel requirement to advance to next world:\n" .. fuel_requirement .. "\n\nNuclear Fuel Cells in Mothership Cargo:\n" .. journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"]
for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
if not player.gui.top.journey_fuel then
local frame = player.gui.top.add({type = 'frame', name = 'journey_fuel'})
frame.style.padding = 0
local element = frame.add({type = 'sprite', sprite = 'item/uranium-fuel-cell', name = "journey_fuel_sprite"})
element.style.minimal_width = 32
element.style.minimal_height = 32
element.style.maximal_width = 32
element.style.maximal_height = 32
element.style.margin = 0
element.style.padding = 0
local element = frame.add({type = 'progressbar', name = 'journey_fuel_progressbar', value = 0})
element.style.minimal_width = 100
element.style.maximal_width = 100
element.style.top_margin = 12
element.style.right_margin = 12
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_fuel
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_fuel.journey_fuel_sprite
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_fuel.journey_fuel_progressbar
gui.value = value
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local max_sattelites = journey.mothership_cargo_space["satellite"]
local value = journey.mothership_cargo["satellite"] / max_sattelites
local tooltip = "Room for satellites in Mothership cargo:\n" .. max_sattelites .. "\n\nSatellites stored:\n" .. journey.mothership_cargo["satellite"]
for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
if not player.gui.top.journey_satellites then
local frame = player.gui.top.add({type = 'frame', name = 'journey_satellites'})
frame.style.left_margin = 4
frame.style.padding = 0
local element = frame.add({type = 'sprite', sprite = 'item/satellite', name = "journey_satellites_sprite"})
element.style.minimal_width = 32
element.style.minimal_height = 32
element.style.maximal_width = 32
element.style.maximal_height = 32
element.style.margin = 0
element.style.padding = 0
local element = frame.add({type = 'progressbar', name = 'journey_satellites_progressbar', value = 0})
element.style.minimal_width = 100
element.style.maximal_width = 100
element.style.top_margin = 12
element.style.right_margin = 12
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_satellites
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_satellites.journey_satellites_sprite
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local gui = player.gui.top.journey_satellites.journey_satellites_progressbar
gui.value = value
gui.tooltip = tooltip
local function is_mothership(position)
@ -298,12 +388,20 @@ function Public.hard_reset(journey)
journey.world_selectors = {}
journey.reroll_selector = {activation_level = 0}
for i = 1, 3, 1 do journey.world_selectors[i] = {activation_level = 0, texts = {}} end
journey.mothership_speed = 0.5
journey.characters_in_mothership = 0
journey.world_color_filters = {}
journey.mixed_ore_richness = 1
journey.mothership_messages = {}
journey.mothership_cargo = {}
journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] = 10
journey.mothership_cargo["satellite"] = 1
journey.mothership_cargo_space = {
["satellite"] = 1,
["uranium-fuel-cell"] = 0,
journey.bonus_goods = {}
journey.nauvis_chunk_positions = nil
journey.world_number = 0
@ -348,10 +446,7 @@ function Public.draw_mothership(journey)
for k, area in pairs(Constants.world_selector_areas) do
journey.world_selectors[k].rectangles = {}
local center = {x = area.left_top.x + Constants.world_selector_width * 0.5, y = area.left_top.y + Constants.world_selector_height * 0.5}
journey.world_selectors[k].rectangles = {}
local position = area.left_top
local rectangle = rendering.draw_rectangle {
width = 1,
@ -363,8 +458,7 @@ function Public.draw_mothership(journey)
draw_on_ground = true,
only_in_alt_mode = false
table.insert(journey.world_selectors[k].rectangles, rectangle)
table.insert(journey.world_selectors[k].rectangles, rectangle)
journey.world_selectors[k].border = rendering.draw_rectangle {
width = 8,
@ -374,9 +468,30 @@ function Public.draw_mothership(journey)
color = {r = 100, g = 100, b = 100, a = 255},
draw_on_ground = true,
only_in_alt_mode = false
journey.reroll_selector.rectangle = rendering.draw_rectangle {
width = 8,
surface = surface,
left_top = Constants.reroll_selector_area.left_top,
right_bottom = Constants.reroll_selector_area.right_bottom,
color = Constants.reroll_selector_area_color,
draw_on_ground = true,
only_in_alt_mode = false
journey.reroll_selector.border = rendering.draw_rectangle {
width = 8,
surface = surface,
left_top = Constants.reroll_selector_area.left_top,
right_bottom = Constants.reroll_selector_area.right_bottom,
color = {r = 100, g = 100, b = 100, a = 255},
draw_on_ground = true,
only_in_alt_mode = false
for k, item_name in pairs({"arithmetic-combinator", "constant-combinator", "decider-combinator", "programmable-speaker", "red-wire", "green-wire", "small-lamp", "substation", "pipe", "gate", "stone-wall", "transport-belt"}) do
local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'infinity-chest', position = {-7 + k, Constants.mothership_radius - 3}, force = 'player'})
e.set_infinity_container_filter(1, {name = item_name, count = game.item_prototypes[item_name].stack_size})
@ -409,6 +524,7 @@ function Public.draw_mothership(journey)
e.operable = false
local e = surface.create_entity({name = "burner-inserter", position = {(x - 1) * m, y}, force = "player"})
e.direction = 4 + m * 2
e.rotatable = false
e.minable = false
e.destructible = false
e.operable = false
@ -462,6 +578,11 @@ local function animate_selectors(journey)
rendering.set_color(rectangle, {r = color.r * activation_level, g = color.g * activation_level, b = color.b * activation_level, a = 255})
local activation_level = journey.reroll_selector.activation_level
if activation_level < 0.2 then activation_level = 0.2 end
if activation_level > 1 then activation_level = 1 end
local color = Constants.reroll_selector_area_color
rendering.set_color(journey.reroll_selector.rectangle, {r = color.r * activation_level, g = color.g * activation_level, b = color.b * activation_level, a = 255})
local function draw_background(journey, surface)
@ -498,6 +619,28 @@ end
function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
local surface = game.surfaces.mothership
local x = Constants.reroll_selector_area.left_top.x + 3.2
journey.reroll_selector.texts = {
text = journey.mothership_cargo.satellite .. " x ",
surface = surface,
target = {x, Constants.reroll_selector_area.left_top.y - 1.5},
color = {255, 255, 255, 255},
scale = 1.5,
font = "default-large-bold",
alignment = "center",
scale_with_zoom = false,
sprite = "item/satellite",
surface = surface,
y_scale = 1.5,
x_scale = 1.5,
target = {x + 1.6, Constants.reroll_selector_area.left_top.y - 1},
local modifier_names = {}
for k, _ in pairs(Constants.modifiers) do
table.insert(modifier_names, k)
@ -520,11 +663,12 @@ function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
world_selector.modifiers = {}
world_selector.bonus_goods = {}
world_selector.world_trait = unique_world_traits[k]
world_selector.fuel_requirement = math.random(25, 50)
local position = Constants.world_selector_areas[k].left_top
local texts = world_selector.texts
local texts = world_selector.texts
local modifiers = world_selector.modifiers
local bonus_goods = world_selector.bonus_goods
local y_modifier = - 8.5
local y_modifier = -9.7
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
local modifier = modifier_names[i]
@ -533,7 +677,7 @@ function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
v = math.floor(v)
modifiers[i] = {modifier, v}
table.insert(texts, rendering.draw_text{
text = Constants.unique_world_traits[world_selector.world_trait][1],
surface = surface,
@ -543,7 +687,7 @@ function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
font = "default-large-bold",
alignment = "center",
scale_with_zoom = false
for k2, modifier in pairs(modifiers) do
y_modifier = y_modifier + 0.8
@ -570,14 +714,31 @@ function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
scale_with_zoom = false
y_modifier = y_modifier + 0.85
table.insert(texts, rendering.draw_text{
text = "Fuel requirement +" .. world_selector.fuel_requirement,
surface = surface,
target = {position.x + Constants.world_selector_width * 0.5, position.y + y_modifier},
color = {155, 155, 0, 255},
scale = 1.25,
font = "default-large",
alignment = "center",
scale_with_zoom = false
table.insert(texts, rendering.draw_sprite{
sprite = "item/uranium-fuel-cell",
surface = surface,
target = {position.x + Constants.world_selector_width * 0.5 + 3.7, position.y + y_modifier + 0.5},
for i = 1, 3, 1 do
local key = bonus_goods_keys[i]
local bonus_good = Constants.starter_goods_pool[key]
bonus_goods[i] = {bonus_good[1], math.random(bonus_good[2], bonus_good[3])}
y_modifier = y_modifier + 1
y_modifier = y_modifier + 1.1
local x_modifier = -0.5
for k2, good in pairs(world_selector.bonus_goods) do
@ -611,7 +772,7 @@ function Public.set_world_selectors(journey)
destroy_teleporter(journey, game.surfaces.nauvis, Constants.mothership_teleporter_position)
destroy_teleporter(journey, surface, Constants.mothership_teleporter_position)
Server.to_discord_embed("World " .. journey.world_number .. "selection has started!")
Server.to_discord_embed("World " .. journey.world_number .. " selection has started!")
journey.game_state = "delete_nauvis_chunks"
@ -628,6 +789,37 @@ function Public.delete_nauvis_chunks(journey)
journey.game_state = "mothership_world_selection"
function Public.reroll_worlds(journey)
local surface = game.surfaces.mothership
draw_background(journey, surface)
local reroll_selector_activation_level = get_activation_level(surface, Constants.reroll_selector_area)
journey.reroll_selector.activation_level = reroll_selector_activation_level
for i = 1, 3, 1 do
local activation_level = get_activation_level(surface, Constants.world_selector_areas[i])
journey.world_selectors[i].activation_level = activation_level
if reroll_selector_activation_level > 1 then
journey.mothership_speed = journey.mothership_speed + 0.025
if journey.mothership_speed > 4 then
journey.mothership_speed = 4
journey.mothership_cargo.satellite = journey.mothership_cargo.satellite - 1
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "New lands have been discovered!")
journey.game_state = "set_world_selectors"
journey.mothership_speed = journey.mothership_speed - 0.25
if journey.mothership_speed < 0.35 then
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "Aborting..")
journey.game_state = "mothership_world_selection"
journey.mothership_speed = 0.35
function Public.mothership_world_selection(journey)
@ -637,6 +829,9 @@ function Public.mothership_world_selection(journey)
if daytime < 0 then daytime = 0 end
surface.daytime = daytime
local reroll_selector_activation_level = get_activation_level(surface, Constants.reroll_selector_area)
journey.reroll_selector.activation_level = reroll_selector_activation_level
journey.selected_world = false
for i = 1, 3, 1 do
local activation_level = get_activation_level(surface, Constants.world_selector_areas[i])
@ -646,6 +841,12 @@ function Public.mothership_world_selection(journey)
if reroll_selector_activation_level > 1 and journey.mothership_speed == 0.35 and journey.mothership_cargo.satellite > 0 then
journey.game_state = "reroll_worlds"
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "Dispatching satellite..")
if journey.selected_world then
if not journey.mothership_advancing_to_world then
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "Advancing to selected world.")
@ -707,6 +908,7 @@ end
function Public.clear_unique_modifiers(journey)
local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis
surface.freeze_daytime = false
surface.solar_power_multiplier = 1
surface.min_brightness = 0.15
surface.brightness_visual_weights = {0, 0, 0, 1}
@ -724,20 +926,30 @@ function Public.create_the_world(journey)
local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.seed = math.random(1, 4294967295)
mgs.terrain_segmentation = math.random(10, 20) * 0.1
mgs.peaceful_mode = false
local modifiers = journey.world_selectors[journey.selected_world].modifiers
for _, modifier in pairs(modifiers) do
local m = (100 + modifier[2]) * 0.01
local name = modifier[1]
for _, autoplace in pairs({"iron-ore", "copper-ore", "uranium-ore", "coal", "stone", "crude-oil", "stone", "trees", "enemy-base"}) do
for _, autoplace in pairs({"iron-ore", "copper-ore", "uranium-ore", "coal", "stone", "crude-oil"}) do
if name == autoplace then
mgs.autoplace_controls[name].richness = mgs.autoplace_controls[name].richness * m
if name == "mixed_ore" then
journey.mixed_ore_richness = journey.mixed_ore_richness * m
for _, autoplace in pairs({"trees", "enemy-base"}) do
if name == autoplace then
for k, v in pairs(mgs.autoplace_controls[name]) do
mgs.autoplace_controls[name][k] = mgs.autoplace_controls[name][k] * m
if name == "cliff_settings" then
--smaller value = more cliffs
local m2 = (100 - modifier[2]) * 0.01
@ -783,7 +995,10 @@ function Public.create_the_world(journey)
journey.world_trait = journey.world_selectors[journey.selected_world].world_trait
journey.nauvis_chunk_positions = nil
journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] = 0
journey.world_number = journey.world_number + 1
journey.mothership_cargo_space["satellite"] = journey.world_number
journey.mothership_cargo_space["uranium-fuel-cell"] = journey.mothership_cargo_space["uranium-fuel-cell"] + journey.world_selectors[journey.selected_world].fuel_requirement
@ -803,7 +1018,7 @@ function Public.create_the_world(journey)
function Public.wipe_offline_players(journey)
for _, player in pairs(game.players) do
if not player.connected then
player.force = game.forces.enemy
@ -834,14 +1049,10 @@ function Public.make_it_night(journey)
daytime = daytime + 0.02
surface.daytime = daytime
if daytime > 0.5 then
journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] = nil
place_teleporter(journey, surface, Constants.mothership_teleporter_position)
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "Teleporter deployed. [gps=" .. Constants.mothership_teleporter_position.x .. "," .. Constants.mothership_teleporter_position.y .. ",mothership]")
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "Teleporter deployed. [gps=" .. Constants.mothership_teleporter_position.x .. "," .. Constants.mothership_teleporter_position.y .. ",mothership]")
journey.game_state = "dispatch_goods"
@ -876,10 +1087,10 @@ function Public.dispatch_goods(journey)
if math.random(1, 12) ~= 1 then return end
if math.random(1, 2) ~= 1 then return end
local chunk = surface.get_random_chunk()
if math.abs(chunk.x) > 6 or math.abs(chunk.y) > 6 then return end
if math.abs(chunk.x) > 4 or math.abs(chunk.y) > 4 then return end
local position = {x = chunk.x * 32 + math.random(0, 31), y = chunk.y * 32 + math.random(0, 31)}
position = surface.find_non_colliding_position("rocket-silo", position, 32, 1)
@ -898,8 +1109,9 @@ end
function Public.world(journey)
if journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] then
if journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] >= 50 then
if journey.mothership_cargo["uranium-fuel-cell"] >= journey.mothership_cargo_space["uranium-fuel-cell"] then
table.insert(journey.mothership_messages, "[img=item/uranium-fuel-cell] Refuel operation successful!! =^.^=")
Server.to_discord_embed("Refuel operation complete!")
journey.game_state = "mothership_waiting_for_players"
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
Journey, launch a rocket in increasingly harder getting worlds. - MewMew
require 'modules.rocket_launch_always_yields_science'
local Server = require 'utils.server'
local Constants = require 'maps.journey.constants'
local Functions = require 'maps.journey.functions'
local Unique_modifiers = require 'maps.journey.unique_modifiers'
@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ local function on_chunk_generated(event)
local surface = event.surface
if surface.index == 1 then
Functions.place_mixed_ore(event, journey)
local unique_modifier = Unique_modifiers[journey.world_trait]
if unique_modifier.on_chunk_generated then unique_modifier.on_chunk_generated(event, journey) end
@ -102,7 +106,16 @@ local function on_rocket_launched(event)
journey.mothership_cargo[slot.name] = slot.count
if journey.mothership_cargo_space[slot.name] then
if journey.mothership_cargo[slot.name] > journey.mothership_cargo_space[slot.name] then
journey.mothership_cargo[slot.name] = journey.mothership_cargo_space[slot.name]
if slot.name == "uranium-fuel-cell" then
Server.to_discord_embed("Refueling progress: " .. journey.mothership_cargo[slot.name] .. "/" .. journey.mothership_cargo_space[slot.name])
local function on_nth_tick()
@ -113,7 +126,7 @@ end
local function on_init()
local T = Map.Pop_info()
T.main_caption = 'The Journey'
T.sub_caption = 'v 1.6'
T.sub_caption = 'v 1.7'
T.text =
@ -122,16 +135,20 @@ local function on_init()
'A teleporter will be deployed, after reaching the target.\n',
'It is however, only capable of transfering the subjects body, anything besides will be left on the ground.\n\n',
'Worlds will get more difficult with each jump, adding the chosen modifiers.\n',
'Launch a stack of uranium fuel cells via rocket cargo, to advance to the next world.\n',
'The tooltip on the top button has information about the current world.\n',
'Worlds will get more difficult with each jump, adding the chosen modifiers.\n',
'Worlds can be rerolled by spending a satellite.\n',
'Launch uranium fuel cells via rocket cargo, to advance to the next world.\n',
'The tooltips on the top buttons yield informations about the current world.\n',
'If the journey ends, an admin can fully reset the map via command "/reset-journey".\n\n',
'How far will this journey lead?\n\n',
'How far will the journey lead?\n\n',
T.main_caption_color = {r = 100, g = 20, b = 255}
T.sub_caption_color = {r = 100, g = 100, b = 100}
game.permissions.get_group('Default').set_allows_action(defines.input_action.set_auto_launch_rocket, false)
@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ Public.lush = {}
Public.eternal_night = {
on_world_start = function(journey)
game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0.5
game.surfaces.nauvis.freeze_daytime = true
local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis
surface.daytime = 0.44
surface.freeze_daytime = true
surface.solar_power_multiplier = 5
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ Public.mountainous = {
local surface = entity.surface
local ore = ore_raffle[math_random(1, size_of_ore_raffle)]
local count = math_floor(math_sqrt(entity.position.x ^ 2 + entity.position.y ^ 2) * 0.02) + math_random(25, 75)
local count = math_floor(math_sqrt(entity.position.x ^ 2 + entity.position.y ^ 2) * 0.05) + math_random(25, 75)
local ore_amount = math_floor(count * 0.85)
local stone_amount = math_floor(count * 0.15)
surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position, {name = ore, count = ore_amount}, true)
@ -120,10 +122,11 @@ Public.replicant_fauna = {
Public.pitch_black = {
on_world_start = function(journey)
local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis
surface.daytime = 0.5
surface.daytime = 0.44
surface.freeze_daytime = true
surface.solar_power_multiplier = 3
surface.min_brightness = 0
surface.brightness_visual_weights = {1, 1, 1, 1}
surface.brightness_visual_weights = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1}
@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ Public.volcanic = {
y_scale = 32,
target = event.area.left_top,
surface = event.surface,
tint = {r = 0.55, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.5},
tint = {r = 0.55, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.25},
render_layer = 'ground'
@ -211,6 +214,13 @@ Public.volcanic = {
surface.request_to_generate_chunks({x = 0, y = 0}, 3)
surface.spill_item_stack({0, 0}, {name = "stone-brick", count = 4096}, true)
for x = -24, 24, 1 do
for y = -24, 24, 1 do
if math.sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) < 24 then
surface.set_tiles({{name = "stone-path", position = {x, y}}}, true)
@ -268,13 +278,13 @@ Public.dense_atmosphere = {
local entity = event.created_entity
if not entity.valid then return end
if entity.surface.index ~= 1 then return end
if entity.name == "roboport" then entity.die() end
if entity.type == "roboport" then entity.die() end
on_built_entity = function(event)
local entity = event.created_entity
if not entity.valid then return end
if entity.surface.index ~= 1 then return end
if entity.name == "roboport" then entity.die() end
if entity.type == "roboport" then entity.die() end
Reference in New Issue
Block a user