From 29b865fe3ba541df8ba0f8ff287eec06a80a5a44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gerkiz Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 20:02:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] rename one punch to aoe punch --- locale/en/rpg.cfg | 12 +++--- locale/ru/rpg.cfg | 6 --- locale/zh-CN/rpg.cfg | 7 +--- maps/dungeons/boss_arena.lua | 4 +- maps/mountain_fortress_v3/commands.lua | 2 +- maps/mountain_fortress_v3/main.lua | 4 +- modules/rpg/commands.lua | 6 +-- modules/rpg/functions.lua | 20 ++++----- modules/rpg/gui.lua | 20 ++++----- modules/rpg/main.lua | 20 ++++----- modules/rpg/settings.lua | 58 +++++++++++++------------- modules/rpg/table.lua | 32 +++++++------- 12 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-) diff --git a/locale/en/rpg.cfg b/locale/en/rpg.cfg index cc6be772..8cff61a4 100644 --- a/locale/en/rpg.cfg +++ b/locale/en/rpg.cfg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ no_valid_surface=No surface name given flame_boots_worn_out=Your flame boots have worn out. flame_mana_remaining=Mana remaining: __1__ -one_punch_text=ONE PUNCH +aoe_punch_text=AOE PUNCH mana_casting_too_fast=There was a lot more to magic, as __1__ quickly found out, than waving their wand and saying a few funny words. low_level=You lack the level to cast this spell. not_inside_pos=You wave your wand but realize that it´s out of reach. @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ mana_max=This is your max mana. You can increase the regen by increasing your ma mining_name=MINING\nSPEED slot_name=SLOT\nBONUS melee_name=MELEE\nDAMAGE -one_punch_chance=Life on-hit: __1__\nOne punch chance: __2__ % \n+__3__ [img=recipe.defender-capsule] -one_punch_disabled=One Punch is disabled. +aoe_punch_chance=Life on-hit: __1__\nAOE punch chance: __2__ % \n+__3__ [img=recipe.defender-capsule] +aoe_punch_disabled=AOE punch is disabled. bonus_tooltip=Reach distance bonus: __1__\nBuild distance bonus: __2__\nItem drop distance bonus: __3__\nLoot pickup distance bonus: __4__\nItem pickup distance bonus: __5__\nResource reach distance bonus: __6__\nRepair speed: __7__ reach_distance=REACH\nDISTANCE crafting_speed=CRAFTING\nSPEED @@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ movement_text_label=Enable movement speed bonus? movement_text_tooltip=Don´t feeling like running like the flash?\nYou can toggle it here. stone_path_label=Enable stone-path when mining? stone_path_tooltip=Enabling this will automatically create stone-path when you mine. -one_punch_label=Enable one-punch? -one_punch_tooltip=Enabling this will have a chance of one-punching biters.\nOne-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. -one_punch_globally=Enabled globally.\nOne-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. +aoe_punch_label=Enable AOE punch? +aoe_punch_tooltip=Enabling this will have a chance of creating a AOE punch against biters.\nAOE-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. +aoe_punch_globally=Enabled globally.\nAOE-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. flameboots_label=Enable flame boots? flameboots_tooltip=When the bullets simply don´t bite. explosive_bullets_label=Enable explosive bullets? diff --git a/locale/ru/rpg.cfg b/locale/ru/rpg.cfg index c38018ad..a14ae7a9 100644 --- a/locale/ru/rpg.cfg +++ b/locale/ru/rpg.cfg @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ no_valid_surface=Название поверхности не указано flame_boots_worn_out=Ваши огненные сапоги износились. flame_mana_remaining=Маны осталось: __1__ -one_punch_text=ОДИН УДАР mana_casting_too_fast=Как быстро выяснил __1__, в магии было гораздо больше, чем просто взмахнуть палочкой и произнести несколько забавных слов. low_level=Вам не хватает уровня для произнесения этого заклинания. not_inside_pos=Вы машете палочкой, но понимаете, что это вне досягаемости. @@ -59,8 +58,6 @@ mana_max=Это ваша максимальная мана. Вы можете у mining_name=СКОРОСТЬ\nДОБЫЧИ slot_name=БОНУС\nЯЧЕЕК melee_name=УРОН\nРУКАМИ -one_punch_chance=Жизни за удар: __1__\nШанс "с одного удара": __2__%\n+__3__ [img=recipe.defender-capsule] -one_punch_disabled="С одного удара" отключено. bonus_tooltip=Бонус дальности досягаемости: __1__\nБонус дистанции строительства: __2__\nБонус дальности выпадения предметов: __3__\nБонус дальности подбора добычи: __4__\nБонус дальности подбора предметов: __5__\nБонус дальности досягаемости ресурсов: __6__\nСкорость ремонта: __7__ reach_distance=РАДИУС\nДЕЙСТВИЙ crafting_speed=СКОРОСТЬ\nКРАФТА @@ -95,9 +92,6 @@ movement_text_label=Включить бонус скорости передви movement_text_tooltip=Хотите бегать, как Флэш?\nВы можете переключить это здесь. stone_path_label=Включить каменную тропу при добыче? stone_path_tooltip=Включение этого автоматически создаст тропу из камня при добыче. -one_punch_label=Включить "С одного удара"? -one_punch_tooltip=Включив это, вы будете иметь шанс убить кусаку с одного удара.\n"С одного удара" работает только в том случае, если не экипированы и боеприпасы, и оружие. -one_punch_globally=Включить глобально.\n"С одного удара" работает только в том случае, если не экипированы и боеприпасы, и оружие. flameboots_label=Включить огненные сапоги? flameboots_tooltip=Когда пуль просто недостаточно. explosive_bullets_label=Включить разрывные пули? diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/rpg.cfg b/locale/zh-CN/rpg.cfg index 60611211..19ef7a23 100644 --- a/locale/zh-CN/rpg.cfg +++ b/locale/zh-CN/rpg.cfg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ no_valid_surface=无效图层! flame_boots_worn_out=你的火焰鞋穿坏了. flame_mana_remaining=剩余魔法:__1__ -one_punch_text=暴击 + mana_casting_too_fast= __1__ 魔法还有很多, 像 __2__ 迅速创建出, 然后挥舞着他们的魔杖,说一些难以理解的词. low_level=等级不够. not_inside_pos=你挥动你的魔杖, 但意识到它不能达到. @@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ mana_max=这是你的最大魔力值。你可以通过增加你的魔法技能 mining_name=挖掘\n速度 slot_name=背包\n加成 melee_name=近战\n伤害 -one_punch_chance=命中生命: __1__\n暴击几率: __2__ %\n +__3__ [img=recipe.defender-capsule] -one_punch_disabled=暴击被禁用 bonus_tooltip=到达距离加成: __1__\n建筑距离加成: __2__\n物品投掷距离加成: __3__\n拾取战利品距离加成: __4__\n物品拾取距离加成: __5__\n资源到达距离加成: __6__\n修理速度: __7__ reach_distance=到达\n距离 crafting_speed=制作\n速度 @@ -95,9 +93,6 @@ movement_text_label=启用移动速度加成? movement_text_tooltip=不想像闪电一样奔跑吗?\n你可以在这里切换。 stone_path_label=采矿时启用石路? stone_path_tooltip=启用此选项将在您挖掘时,自动铺石砖 -one_punch_label=启用暴击? -one_punch_tooltip=启用此选项将有一次击打敌人的机会,不能装备枪和子弹! -one_punch_globally=启用全局。 flameboots_label=启用火焰靴? flameboots_tooltip=当子弹未击中。 magic_label=启用魔法(通过吃鱼施法) diff --git a/maps/dungeons/boss_arena.lua b/maps/dungeons/boss_arena.lua index ca85c51b..10b10c99 100644 --- a/maps/dungeons/boss_arena.lua +++ b/maps/dungeons/boss_arena.lua @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ local function teleport_player_out(arena, player) local surface = arenatable.previous_position[arena].surface local position = arenatable.previous_position[arena].position local rpg = RPG.get('rpg_t') - rpg[player.index].one_punch = true + rpg[player.index].aoe_punch = true hide_rpg(player, true) player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', position, 20, 0.5), surface) arenatable.previous_position[arena].position = nil @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ local function teleport_player_in(arena, player) arenatable.previous_position[arena].surface = player.surface arenatable.timer[arena] = game.tick local rpg = RPG.get('rpg_t') - rpg[player.index].one_punch = false + rpg[player.index].aoe_punch = false rpg[player.index].enable_entity_spawn = false hide_rpg(player, false) diff --git a/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/commands.lua b/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/commands.lua index 335e904a..1858b9a1 100644 --- a/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/commands.lua +++ b/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/commands.lua @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ commands.add_command( commands.add_command( 'disable_biters', - 'Usable only for admins - sets the queue speed of this map!', + 'Usable only for admins - disables wave defense!', function() local player = game.player diff --git a/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/main.lua b/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/main.lua index d3d4e768..d4dd60f1 100644 --- a/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/main.lua +++ b/maps/mountain_fortress_v3/main.lua @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ function Public.reset_map() RPG.enable_flame_boots(true) RPG.personal_tax_rate(0.4) RPG.enable_stone_path(true) - RPG.enable_one_punch(true) - RPG.enable_one_punch_globally(false) + RPG.enable_aoe_punch(true) + RPG.enable_aoe_punch_globally(false) RPG.enable_range_buffs(true) RPG.enable_auto_allocate(true) RPG.disable_cooldowns_on_spells() diff --git a/modules/rpg/commands.lua b/modules/rpg/commands.lua index 1e75951d..f8f22599 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/commands.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/commands.lua @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ if _DEBUG then ) commands.add_command( - 'rpg_debug_one_punch', + 'rpg_debug_aoe_punch', '', function() local player = game.player @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ if _DEBUG then return end - Public.toggle_debug_one_punch() + Public.toggle_debug_aoe_punch() end ) @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ if _DEBUG then data[k].mana = 50000 data[k].mana_max = 50000 data[k].debug_mode = true - data[k].one_punch = true + data[k].aoe_punch = true data[k].stone_path = true data[k].strength = 3000 data[k].vitality = 3000 diff --git a/modules/rpg/functions.lua b/modules/rpg/functions.lua index 84c07c63..6d98a923 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/functions.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/functions.lua @@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ local function level_up(player) return end - -- automatically enable one_punch and stone_path, + -- automatically enable aoe_punch and stone_path, -- but do so only once. - if rpg_t.level >= settings_level['one_punch_label'] then - if not rpg_t.auto_toggle_features.one_punch then - rpg_t.auto_toggle_features.one_punch = true - rpg_t.one_punch = true + if rpg_t.level >= settings_level['aoe_punch_label'] then + if not rpg_t.auto_toggle_features.aoe_punch then + rpg_t.auto_toggle_features.aoe_punch = true + rpg_t.aoe_punch = true end end if rpg_t.level >= settings_level['stone_path_label'] then @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ function Public.get_life_on_hit(player) return (rpg_t.vitality - 10) * 0.4 end -function Public.get_one_punch_chance(player) +function Public.get_aoe_punch_chance(player) local rpg_t = Public.get_value_from_player(player.index) if rpg_t.strength < 100 then return 0 @@ -782,10 +782,10 @@ function Public.rpg_reset_player(player, one_time_reset) last_mined_entity_position = {x = 0, y = 0}, show_bars = false, stone_path = false, - one_punch = false, + aoe_punch = false, auto_toggle_features = { stone_path = false, - one_punch = false + aoe_punch = false } } ) @@ -824,10 +824,10 @@ function Public.rpg_reset_player(player, one_time_reset) last_mined_entity_position = {x = 0, y = 0}, show_bars = false, stone_path = false, - one_punch = false, + aoe_punch = false, auto_toggle_features = { stone_path = false, - one_punch = false + aoe_punch = false } } ) diff --git a/modules/rpg/gui.lua b/modules/rpg/gui.lua index dc979c5b..b28b4f96 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/gui.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/gui.lua @@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ local function draw_main_frame(player, location) add_gui_description(right_bottom_table, ({'rpg_gui.melee_name'}), w1) local melee_damage_value = round(100 * (1 + Public.get_melee_modifier(player))) .. '%' local melee_damage_tooltip - if rpg_extra.enable_one_punch then + if rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch then melee_damage_tooltip = ({ - 'rpg_gui.one_punch_chance', + 'rpg_gui.aoe_punch_chance', Public.get_life_on_hit(player), - Public.get_one_punch_chance(player), + Public.get_aoe_punch_chance(player), Public.get_extra_following_robots(player) }) else - melee_damage_tooltip = ({'rpg_gui.one_punch_disabled'}) + melee_damage_tooltip = ({'rpg_gui.aoe_punch_disabled'}) end add_gui_stat(right_bottom_table, melee_damage_value, w2, melee_damage_tooltip) @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ Gui.on_click( local explosive_bullets_gui_input = data.explosive_bullets_gui_input local enable_entity_gui_input = data.enable_entity_gui_input local stone_path_gui_input = data.stone_path_gui_input - local one_punch_gui_input = data.one_punch_gui_input + local aoe_punch_gui_input = data.aoe_punch_gui_input local auto_allocate_gui_input = data.auto_allocate_gui_input local rpg_t = Public.get_value_from_player(player.index) @@ -515,11 +515,11 @@ Gui.on_click( rpg_t.allocate_index = auto_allocate_gui_input.selected_index end - if one_punch_gui_input and one_punch_gui_input.valid then - if not one_punch_gui_input.state then - rpg_t.one_punch = false - elseif one_punch_gui_input.state then - rpg_t.one_punch = true + if aoe_punch_gui_input and aoe_punch_gui_input.valid then + if not aoe_punch_gui_input.state then + rpg_t.aoe_punch = false + elseif aoe_punch_gui_input.state then + rpg_t.aoe_punch = true end end diff --git a/modules/rpg/main.lua b/modules/rpg/main.lua index b7a9f735..feb8d596 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/main.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/main.lua @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local abs = math.abs -local function log_one_punch(callback) - local debug = Public.get('rpg_extra').debug_one_punch +local function log_aoe_punch(callback) + local debug = Public.get('rpg_extra').debug_aoe_punch if not debug then return end @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ local function set_health_boost(entity, damage, cause) end --Melee damage modifier -local function one_punch(character, target, damage, get_health_pool) +local function aoe_punch(character, target, damage, get_health_pool) if not (target and target.valid) then return end @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ local function one_punch(character, target, damage, get_health_pool) { name = 'flying-text', position = {character.position.x + base_vector[1] * 0.5, character.position.y + base_vector[2] * 0.5}, - text = ({'rpg_main.one_punch_text'}), + text = ({'rpg_main.aoe_punch_text'}), color = {255, 0, 0} } ) @@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ local function on_entity_damaged(event) --Calculate modified damage. local damage = Public.get_final_damage(cause.player, entity, original_damage_amount) - local enable_one_punch = Public.get('rpg_extra').enable_one_punch + local enable_aoe_punch = Public.get('rpg_extra').enable_aoe_punch local rpg_t = Public.get_value_from_player(cause.player.index) --Floating messages and particle effects. @@ -758,12 +758,12 @@ local function on_entity_damaged(event) local get_health_pool = has_health_boost(entity, damage, final_damage_amount, cause) --Cause a one punch. - if enable_one_punch then - if rpg_t.one_punch then - local chance = Public.get_one_punch_chance(cause.player) * 10 + if enable_aoe_punch then + if rpg_t.aoe_punch then + local chance = Public.get_aoe_punch_chance(cause.player) * 10 local chance_to_hit = random(0, 999) local success = chance_to_hit < chance - log_one_punch( + log_aoe_punch( function() if success then print('[OnePunch]: Chance: ' .. chance .. ' Chance to hit: ' .. chance_to_hit .. ' Success: true' .. ' Damage: ' .. damage) @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ local function on_entity_damaged(event) end ) if success then - one_punch(cause, entity, damage, get_health_pool) -- only kill the biters if their health is below or equal to zero + aoe_punch(cause, entity, damage, get_health_pool) -- only kill the biters if their health is below or equal to zero return end end diff --git a/modules/rpg/settings.lua b/modules/rpg/settings.lua index c9539be5..483e9150 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/settings.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/settings.lua @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ function Public.extra_settings(player) local flame_boots_gui_input local explosive_bullets_gui_input local stone_path_gui_input - local one_punch_gui_input + local aoe_punch_gui_input local auto_allocate_gui_input if rpg_extra.enable_stone_path then @@ -370,44 +370,44 @@ function Public.extra_settings(player) end end - if rpg_extra.enable_one_punch then - local one_punch_label = + if rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch then + local aoe_punch_label = setting_grid.add( { type = 'label', - caption = ({'rpg_settings.one_punch_label'}), - tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.one_punch_tooltip'}) + caption = ({'rpg_settings.aoe_punch_label'}), + tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.aoe_punch_tooltip'}) } ) - local one_punch_label_style = - one_punch_label_style.horizontally_stretchable = true - one_punch_label_style.height = 35 - one_punch_label_style.vertical_align = 'center' + local aoe_punch_label_style = + aoe_punch_label_style.horizontally_stretchable = true + aoe_punch_label_style.height = 35 + aoe_punch_label_style.vertical_align = 'center' - local one_punch_input = setting_grid.add({type = 'flow'}) - local one_punch_input_style = - one_punch_input_style.height = 35 - one_punch_input_style.vertical_align = 'center' - local one_punch - if rpg_t.one_punch then - one_punch = rpg_t.one_punch + local aoe_punch_input = setting_grid.add({type = 'flow'}) + local aoe_punch_input_style = + aoe_punch_input_style.height = 35 + aoe_punch_input_style.vertical_align = 'center' + local aoe_punch + if rpg_t.aoe_punch then + aoe_punch = rpg_t.aoe_punch else - one_punch = false + aoe_punch = false end - one_punch_gui_input = create_input_element(one_punch_input, 'boolean', one_punch) + aoe_punch_gui_input = create_input_element(aoe_punch_input, 'boolean', aoe_punch) - if rpg_extra.enable_one_punch_globally then - one_punch_gui_input.state = true - one_punch_gui_input.enabled = false - one_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.one_punch_globally'}) + if rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch_globally then + aoe_punch_gui_input.state = true + aoe_punch_gui_input.enabled = false + aoe_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.aoe_punch_globally'}) else - if rpg_t.level < settings_level['one_punch_label'] then - one_punch_gui_input.enabled = false - one_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.low_level', 30}) + if rpg_t.level < settings_level['aoe_punch_label'] then + aoe_punch_gui_input.enabled = false + aoe_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.low_level', 30}) else - one_punch_gui_input.enabled = true - one_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.tooltip_check'}) + aoe_punch_gui_input.enabled = true + aoe_punch_gui_input.tooltip = ({'rpg_settings.tooltip_check'}) end end end @@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ function Public.extra_settings(player) data.stone_path_gui_input = stone_path_gui_input end - if rpg_extra.enable_one_punch then - data.one_punch_gui_input = one_punch_gui_input + if rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch then + data.aoe_punch_gui_input = aoe_punch_gui_input end if rpg_extra.enable_auto_allocate then diff --git a/modules/rpg/table.lua b/modules/rpg/table.lua index 57acf98c..48170b58 100644 --- a/modules/rpg/table.lua +++ b/modules/rpg/table.lua @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ end Public.gui_settings_levels = { ['reset_text_label'] = 50, ['stone_path_label'] = 20, - ['one_punch_label'] = 30, + ['aoe_punch_label'] = 30, ['flameboots_label'] = 100, ['explosive_bullets_label'] = 50 } @@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ function Public.reset_table() this.rpg_extra.force_mana_per_tick = false this.rpg_extra.enable_stone_path = false this.rpg_extra.enable_auto_allocate = false - this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch = true - this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch_globally = false + this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch = true + this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch_globally = false this.rpg_extra.disable_get_heal_modifier_from_using_fish = false this.rpg_extra.tweaked_crafting_items = { ['red-wire'] = true, @@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ function Public.toggle_debug() end --- Toggle debug - when you need to troubleshoot. -function Public.toggle_debug_one_punch() - if this.rpg_extra.debug_one_punch then - this.rpg_extra.debug_one_punch = false +function Public.toggle_debug_aoe_punch() + if this.rpg_extra.debug_aoe_punch then + this.rpg_extra.debug_aoe_punch = false else - this.rpg_extra.debug_one_punch = true + this.rpg_extra.debug_aoe_punch = true end - return this.rpg_extra.debug_one_punch + return this.rpg_extra.debug_aoe_punch end --- Debug only - when you need to troubleshoot. @@ -367,20 +367,20 @@ function Public.enable_auto_allocate(value) return this.rpg_extra.enable_auto_allocate end ---- Enables/disabled stone-path-tile creation on mined. +--- Enables/disabled aoe_punch. ---@param value -function Public.enable_one_punch(value) - this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch = value or false +function Public.enable_aoe_punch(value) + this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch = value or false - return this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch + return this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch end ---- Enables/disabled stone-path-tile creation on mined. +--- Enables/disabled aoe_punch. ---@param value -function Public.enable_one_punch_globally(value) - this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch_globally = value or false +function Public.enable_aoe_punch_globally(value) + this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch_globally = value or false - return this.rpg_extra.enable_one_punch_globally + return this.rpg_extra.enable_aoe_punch_globally end --- Retrieves the spells table or a given spell.