mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-02-09 13:37:02 +02:00

Add science filter, team filter, evo jump filter, add bugfix for team name (now old lines will also show new name of team)

This commit is contained in:
Masamune 2020-01-26 11:39:00 +01:00
parent ae7f135d39
commit c9c05e7492
2 changed files with 136 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ local function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_
local threat_jump = table.concat({threat_before_science_feed .. " to ".. formatted_threat_after_feed})
local evo_jump_difference = math.round(formatted_evo_after_feed - evo_before_science_feed,1)
local threat_jump_difference = math.round(formatted_threat_after_feed - threat_before_science_feed,0)
local line_log_stats_to_add = table.concat({ formatted_amount .. " " .. formatted_food .. " by " .. colored_player_name .. " to " .. team_strings[get_enemy_team_of(player.force.name)]})
local line_log_stats_to_add = table.concat({ formatted_amount .. " " .. formatted_food .. " by " .. colored_player_name .. " to " })
local team_name_fed_by_science = get_enemy_team_of(player.force.name)
if global.science_logs_total_north == nil then
global.science_logs_total_north = { 0 }
@ -154,6 +155,8 @@ local function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_
table.insert(global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference,1, evo_jump_difference)
table.insert(global.science_logs_threat,1, threat_jump)
table.insert(global.science_logs_threat_jump_difference,1, threat_jump_difference)
table.insert(global.science_logs_fed_team,1, team_name_fed_by_science)
table.insert(global.science_logs_food_name,1, food)
global.science_logs_date = { formatted_feed_time }
global.science_logs_text = { line_log_stats_to_add }
@ -161,6 +164,8 @@ local function add_stats(player, food, flask_amount,biter_force_name,evo_before_
global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference = { evo_jump_difference }
global.science_logs_threat = { threat_jump }
global.science_logs_threat_jump_difference = { threat_jump_difference }
global.science_logs_fed_team = { team_name_fed_by_science }
global.science_logs_food_name = { food }

View File

@ -2,19 +2,26 @@
local Tabs = require 'comfy_panel.main'
local tables = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.tables"
local event = require 'utils.event'
local bb_config = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.config"
local food_values = tables.food_values
local dropdown_users_choice_force = {}
local dropdown_users_choice_science = {}
local dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter = {}
local frame_sciencelogs = nil
local function get_science_text(food_name)
return table.concat({"[img=item/", food_name, "][color=",food_values[food_name].color, "]", food_values[food_name].name, "[/color]"})
local function add_science_logs(element)
local function add_science_logs(player, element)
local science_scrollpanel = element.add { type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_pane", direction = "vertical", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto"}
science_scrollpanel.style.maximal_height = 530
local t_summary = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", name = "science_logs_summary_header_table", column_count = 3 }
local column_widths = {tonumber(250), tonumber(200), tonumber(200)}
local headersSummary = {
[1] = "Science",
[1] = " Science",
[2] = "Total sent by North",
[3] = "Total sent by South",
@ -24,9 +31,6 @@ local function add_science_logs(element)
label.style.maximal_width = w
label.style.font = "default-bold"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22 }
if _ == 1 then
label.style.horizontal_align = "center"
if global.science_logs_category_potion == nil then
@ -67,7 +71,6 @@ local function add_science_logs(element)
local label = summary_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_category_potion" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_category_potion[i] }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.horizontal_align = "center"
local label = summary_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_north" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_total_north[i] }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[2]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[2]
@ -77,7 +80,43 @@ local function add_science_logs(element)
science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"})
science_scrollpanel.add { type = "label", name = "whitespace1", caption = " " }
-- science_scrollpanel.add { type = "label", name = "whitespace1", caption = " " }
local forces_list = { "all teams" }
table.insert(forces_list, "north")
table.insert(forces_list, "south")
local science_list = { "all science" }
table.insert(science_list, "very high tier (white, yellow, purple)")
table.insert(science_list, " high tier (white, yellow, purple, blue)")
table.insert(science_list, " mid+ tier (white, yellow, purple, blue, mil)")
table.insert(science_list, "white")
table.insert(science_list, "yellow")
table.insert(science_list, "purple")
table.insert(science_list, "blue")
table.insert(science_list, "mil")
table.insert(science_list, "green")
table.insert(science_list, "red")
local evofilter_list = { "all evo jump" }
table.insert(evofilter_list, "no 0 evo jump")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "10+ only")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "5+ only")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "4+ only")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "3+ only")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "2+ only")
table.insert(evofilter_list, "1+ only")
if dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] == nil then
dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] = 1
if dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] == nil then
dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] = 1
if dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] == nil then
dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] = 1
local dropdown_force = science_scrollpanel.add { name = "dropdown-force", type = "drop-down", items = forces_list, selected_index = dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] }
local dropdown_science = science_scrollpanel.add { name = "dropdown-science", type = "drop-down", items = science_list, selected_index = dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] }
local dropdown_evofilter = science_scrollpanel.add { name = "dropdown-evofilter", type = "drop-down", items = evofilter_list, selected_index = dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] }
local t = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", name = "science_logs_header_table", column_count = 4 }
local column_widths = {tonumber(75), tonumber(310), tonumber(165), tonumber(230)}
@ -98,30 +137,98 @@ local function add_science_logs(element)
local n = bb_config.north_side_team_name
local s = bb_config.south_side_team_name
if global.tm_custom_name["north"] then n = global.tm_custom_name["north"] end
if global.tm_custom_name["south"] then s = global.tm_custom_name["south"] end
local team_strings = {
["north"] = table.concat({"[color=120, 120, 255]", n, "[/color]"}),
["south"] = table.concat({"[color=255, 65, 65]", s, "[/color]"})
if global.science_logs_date then
for i = 1, #global.science_logs_date, 1 do
science_panel_table = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 4 }
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_date" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_date[i] }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.horizontal_align = "center"
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_text" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_text[i] }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[2]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[2]
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_evo_jump" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_evo_jump[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[3]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[3]
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_threat" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_threat[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_threat_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[4]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[4]
science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"})
local real_force_name = global.science_logs_fed_team[i]
local custom_force_name = team_strings[real_force_name];
local easy_food_name = ""
if global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "automation-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "red"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "logistic-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "green"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "military-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "mil"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "chemical-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "blue"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "production-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "purple"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "utility-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "yellow"
elseif global.science_logs_food_name[i] == "space-science-pack" then
easy_food_name = "white"
game.print(dropdown_force.selected_index.."<VSSS>"..real_force_name .. "||" .. dropdown_force.selected_index)
if dropdown_force.selected_index == 1 or real_force_name:match(dropdown_force.get_item(dropdown_force.selected_index)) then
if dropdown_science.selected_index == 1
or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 2 and (easy_food_name:match("white") or easy_food_name:match("yellow") or easy_food_name:match("purple")))
or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 3 and (easy_food_name:match("white") or easy_food_name:match("yellow") or easy_food_name:match("purple")or easy_food_name:match("blue")))
or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 4 and (easy_food_name:match("white") or easy_food_name:match("yellow") or easy_food_name:match("purple")or easy_food_name:match("blue") or easy_food_name:match("mil")))
or easy_food_name:match(dropdown_science.get_item(dropdown_science.selected_index))
if dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 1
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 2 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 0))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 3 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 10))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 4 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 5))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 5 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 4))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 6 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 3))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 7 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 2))
or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 8 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 1))
science_panel_table = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 4 }
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_date" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_date[i] }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[1]
label.style.horizontal_align = "center"
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_text" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_text[i] .. custom_force_name }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[2]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[2]
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_evo_jump" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_evo_jump[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[3]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[3]
local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_threat" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_threat[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_threat_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" }
label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[4]
label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[4]
science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"})
local build_config_gui = (function (player, frame)
frame_sciencelogs = frame
add_science_logs(player, frame)
local function on_gui_selection_state_changed(event)
local player = game.players[event.player_index]
local name = event.element.name
if name == "dropdown-force" then
dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] = event.element.selected_index
if name == "dropdown-science" then
dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] = event.element.selected_index
if name == "dropdown-evofilter" then
dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] = event.element.selected_index
build_config_gui(player, frame_sciencelogs)
event.add(defines.events.on_gui_selection_state_changed, on_gui_selection_state_changed)
comfy_panel_tabs["MutagenLog"] = build_config_gui