mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:58:13 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,18 +75,21 @@ end
function Public.silo_count()
local E = Public.silo_energy_needed_MJ()
return Math.ceil(E/(16.8 * 210)) --no more than this many seconds to charge it. Players can in fact go even faster using beacons
return Math.ceil(E/(16.8 * 300)) --no more than this many seconds to charge it. Players can in fact go even faster using beacons
-- return Math.ceil(E/(16.8 * 210)) --no more than this many seconds to charge it. Players can in fact go even faster using beacons
function Public.game_slowness_scale()
return 1 / Public.crew_scale()^(55/100) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty(), 1/4) --changed crew_scale factor significantly to help smaller crews
-- return 1 / Public.crew_scale()^(55/100) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty(), 1/4) --changed crew_scale factor significantly to help smaller crews
return 1 / Public.crew_scale()^(50/100) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty(), 1/4) --changed crew_scale factor significantly to help smaller crews
function Public.max_time_on_island_formula() --always >0 --tuned
return 60 * (
(32 + 2.2 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1/3))
-- (32 + 2.2 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1/3))
(33 + 0.2 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1/3)) --based on observing x=2000, lets try killing the extra time
) * Public.game_slowness_scale()
@ -159,7 +162,7 @@ function Public.boat_passive_pollution_per_minute(time)
return boost * (
5.2 * Common.difficulty() * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1.6) * (Public.crew_scale())^(55/100)
2.73 * Common.difficulty() * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1.8) * (Public.crew_scale())^(55/100)
) -- There is no _explicit_ T dependence, but it depends almost the same way on the crew_scale as T does.
@ -236,7 +239,10 @@ function Public.evolution_per_nest_kill() --it's important to have evo go up wit
function Public.evolution_per_full_silo_charge()
return 0.05 --too low and you always charge immediately, too high and you always charge late
--too low and you always charge immediately, too high and you always charge late
-- return 0.05
-- observed x=2000 run, changed this to:
return 0.05 + 0.03 * Common.overworldx()/1000
function Public.bonus_damage_to_humans()
@ -363,11 +363,13 @@ function Public.is_captain(player)
-- lifted shamelessly from biter battles, since I haven't done balancing work on this:
function Public.surplus_evo_biter_damage_modifier(surplus_evo)
return Math.floor(surplus_evo/2*1000)/1000
return Math.floor(surplus_evo/2*1000)/1000 --is this floor needed?
function Public.surplus_evo_biter_health_fractional_modifier(surplus_evo)
return Math.floor(surplus_evo*3*1000)/1000
return surplus_evo*3
-- return Math.floor(surplus_evo*3*1000)/1000
function Public.set_biter_surplus_evo_modifiers()
@ -980,7 +982,7 @@ function Public.entity_positions_from_blueprint(bp_string, offset)
function Public.get_random_unit_type(evolution)
-- approximating graphs from https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
-- designed to approximate https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
local r = Math.random()
if Math.random(5) == 1 then
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ function Public.get_random_unit_type(evolution)
function Public.get_random_biter_type(evolution)
-- approximating graphs from https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
-- designed to approximate https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
local r = Math.random()
if r < 1 - 1/0.4*(evolution - 0.2) then
@ -1024,7 +1026,7 @@ function Public.get_random_biter_type(evolution)
function Public.get_random_spitter_type(evolution)
-- approximating graphs from https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
-- designed to approximate https://wiki.factorio.com/Enemies
local r = Math.random()
if r < 1 - 1/0.3*(evolution - 0.4) then
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect
local Public = {}
Public.scenario_id_name = 'pirates'
Public.version_string = ''
Public.version_float = 1.1151
Public.version_string = ''
Public.version_float = 1.1152
Public.blueprint_library_allowed = true
Public.blueprint_importing_allowed = true
@ -667,6 +667,8 @@ function Public.initialise_crew(accepted_proposal)
game.reset_time_played() -- affects the multiplayer lobby view
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local secs = Server.get_current_time()
@ -886,11 +888,7 @@ function Public.reset_crew_and_enemy_force(id)
crew_force.technologies['spidertron'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['atomic-bomb'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['explosive-rocketry'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['artillery-shell-range-1'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['artillery-shell-speed-1'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-1'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-2'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-3'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['research-speed-1'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['research-speed-2'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['research-speed-3'].enabled = false
@ -901,18 +899,44 @@ function Public.reset_crew_and_enemy_force(id)
-- crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-2'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-3'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-4'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-7'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-3'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-4'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-5'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-7'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-3'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-4'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-4'].enabled = false
-- crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-5'].enabled = false
-- for lategame balance:
-- crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-1'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-2'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-storage-3'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-speed-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-speed-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['follower-robot-count-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['inserter-capacity-bonus-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['weapon-shooting-speed-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['laser-shooting-speed-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['laser-shooting-speed-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['energy-weapons-damage-5'].enabled = false --5 makes krakens too easy
crew_force.technologies['energy-weapons-damage-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['energy-weapons-damage-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['physical-projectile-damage-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['physical-projectile-damage-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['physical-projectile-damage-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['stronger-explosives-5'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['stronger-explosives-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['stronger-explosives-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['artillery-shell-range-1'].enabled = false --infinite techs
-- crew_force.technologies['artillery-shell-speed-1'].enabled = false --infinite techs
crew_force.technologies['steel-axe'].enabled = false
@ -936,11 +960,6 @@ function Public.reset_crew_and_enemy_force(id)
crew_force.technologies['rocket-silo'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['space-science-pack'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['mining-productivity-4'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['worker-robots-speed-6'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['energy-weapons-damage-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['physical-projectile-damage-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['refined-flammables-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['stronger-explosives-7'].enabled = false
crew_force.technologies['logistics-3'].enabled = true
crew_force.technologies['nuclear-fuel-reprocessing'].enabled = false
@ -431,6 +431,34 @@ local function maze_walls_resistance(event)
local function damage_to_enemies(event)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
if not (event.entity and event.entity.valid and event.entity.force and event.entity.force.valid) then return end
if not string.sub(event.entity.force.name, 1, 5) == 'enemy' then return end
local evo = memory.evolution_factor
if evo and evo > 1 and event.final_health > 0 then --lethal damage needs to be unaffected, else they never die
local surplus = evo - 1
local damage_multiplier = 1/(1 + Common.surplus_evo_biter_health_fractional_modifier(surplus))
if damage_multiplier < 1 then
event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount * (1 - damage_multiplier)
-- commented out as this is done elsewhere:
-- if event.damage_type.name == 'poison' then
-- event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount
-- end
local function event_on_entity_damaged(event)
-- figure out which crew this is about:
@ -459,39 +487,12 @@ local function event_on_entity_damaged(event)
-- if string.sub(event.entity.force.name, 1, 5) == 'enemy' then
-- -- Balance.biter_immunities(event)
-- end
-- function Public.biter_immunities(event)
-- -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
-- -- local planet = memory.planet[1].type.id
-- -- if event.damage_type.name == 'fire' then
-- -- if planet == 14 then --lava planet
-- -- event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount
-- -- local fire = event.entity.stickers
-- -- if fire and #fire > 0 then
-- -- for i = 1, #fire, 1 do
-- -- if fire[i].sticked_to == event.entity and fire[i].name == 'fire-sticker' then fire[i].destroy() break end
-- -- end
-- -- end
-- -- -- else -- other planets
-- -- -- event.entity.health = Math.floor(event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount - (event.final_damage_amount / (1 + 0.02 * memory.difficulty * memory.chronojumps)))
-- -- end
-- -- elseif event.damage_type.name == 'poison' then
-- -- if planet == 18 then --swamp planet
-- -- event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount
-- -- end
-- -- end
-- end
function Public.load_some_map_chunks(destination_index, fraction, force_load) --in a 'spear' from the left
--WARNING: if force_load is true, THIS DOES NOT PLAY NICELY WITH DELAYED TASKS. log(_inspect{global_memory.working_id}) was observed to vary before and after this function.
force_load = force_load or false
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ function Public.generate_destination_type_and_subtype(overworld_position)
elseif macro_x == 2 then
type = Surfaces.enum.ISLAND
subtype = Surfaces.Island.enum.STANDARD_VARIANT --aesthetically different to first map
elseif (macro_x > 25 and (macro_x - 22) % 20 == 0) then --we want this to overwrite dock, so putting it here
elseif (macro_x > 25 and (macro_x - 22) % 20 == 0) then --we want this to overwrite dock, so putting it here.
type = Surfaces.enum.ISLAND
subtype = Surfaces.Island.enum.RADIOACTIVE
elseif (macro_x > 25 and (macro_x - 22) % 20 == 18) then --we want this to overwrite dock, so putting it here
elseif (macro_x > 25 and (macro_x - 22) % 20 == 18) then --we want this to overwrite dock, so putting it here. should be even so rocket launch is forced
type = Surfaces.enum.ISLAND
subtype = Surfaces.Island.enum.MAZE
elseif macro_x == 23 then --overwrite dock. rocket launch cost
@ -239,6 +239,9 @@ function Public.generate_overworld_destination(p)
['electronic-circuit'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-2)^(2/3))*100),
['advanced-circuit'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-14)^(2/3))*18),
['flying-robot-frame'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-18)^(2/3))*10),
-- ['electronic-circuit'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-2)^(2/3))*100),
-- ['advanced-circuit'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-14)^(2/3))*18),
-- ['flying-robot-frame'] = Math.ceil(((macro_p.x-18)^(2/3))*10),
-- if macro_p.x == 0 then
-- if _DEBUG then
@ -279,7 +282,11 @@ function Public.generate_overworld_destination(p)
base_cost_to_undock = Utils.deepcopy(base_cost_5)
local delete = normal_costitems[Math.random(#normal_costitems)]
base_cost_to_undock[delete] = nil
if macro_p.x % 2 == 0 then
if macro_p.x < 50 then
if macro_p.x % 2 == 0 then
base_cost_to_undock['launch_rocket'] = true
else --now we're just trying to kill you
base_cost_to_undock['launch_rocket'] = true
@ -1361,26 +1361,30 @@ function Public.silo_insta_update()
if silos and silos[1] and silos[1].valid then --need the first silo to be alive in order to charge any others
if dynamic_data.silocharged then
for i, silo in ipairs(silos) do
silo.energy = silo.electric_buffer_size
if silo and silo.valid then --sometimes theyre overwritten by other structures e.g. market
silo.energy = silo.electric_buffer_size
for i, silo in ipairs(silos) do
local e = silo.energy - 1
local e2 = dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded - dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed
if e > 0 and e2 > 0 then
local absorb = Math.min(e, e2)
dynamic_data.energychargedinsilosincelastcheck = dynamic_data.energychargedinsilosincelastcheck + absorb
silo.energy = silo.energy - absorb
if dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools and (not dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools[i]) then
dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools[i] = true
local inv = silo.get_inventory(defines.inventory.assembling_machine_input)
inv.insert{name = 'rocket-control-unit', count = 10}
inv.insert{name = 'low-density-structure', count = 10}
inv.insert{name = 'rocket-fuel', count = 10}
if silo and silo.valid then --sometimes theyre overwritten by other structures e.g. market
local e = silo.energy - 1
local e2 = dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded - dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed
if e > 0 and e2 > 0 then
local absorb = Math.min(e, e2)
dynamic_data.energychargedinsilosincelastcheck = dynamic_data.energychargedinsilosincelastcheck + absorb
silo.energy = silo.energy - absorb
if dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools and (not dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools[i]) then
dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools[i] = true
local inv = silo.get_inventory(defines.inventory.assembling_machine_input)
inv.insert{name = 'rocket-control-unit', count = 10}
inv.insert{name = 'low-density-structure', count = 10}
inv.insert{name = 'rocket-fuel', count = 10}
silo.energy = 0
silo.energy = 0
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ function Public.time_longform(seconds)
elseif seconds2 < 60 * 60 * 24 - 1 then
str2 = string.format('%.0f hours, %.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (60*60)), Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60) % 60, Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60)
str2 = string.format('%.0fdays, %.0f hours, %.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (24*60*60)), Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (60*60)) % 24, Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60) % 60, Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60)
str2 = string.format('%.0f days, %.0f hours, %.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (24*60*60)), Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (60*60)) % 24, Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60) % 60, Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60)
return str1 .. str2
Reference in New Issue
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