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synced 2025-03-25 21:29:06 +02:00
No longer expire private/protected status
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ softmod_info_tips_1=Features of the game that are hard to work out alone
softmod_info_tips_2=• The captain (or officers) can steer the boat from the crow's nest by placing 50 rail signals in one of the blue boxes.\n• The quantity on an island is independent of the order in which you break rocks.\n• Passive pollution ramps up over time on each island.\n• Items dropped on the deck are transferred to the cabin when the boat moves for performance reasons.\n• When waiting for the captain's order to set sail, the free power supply is disabled.\n• Productivity modules can't be used in machines.\n• Resources granted to the ship appear in the captain's cabin.\n• Useful commands: /classinfo {classname} command, /plank {player}, /officer {player}, /undock, /ccolor, /clear_north_tanks, /clear_south_tanks, /tax, /reset_password
softmod_info_1_1=v1.6.1–1.6.5 highlights
softmod_info_1_2=• Gameplay further slowed down for small crews.\n• Optional setting for new crews to disable blueprints.\n• Fixed a bug causing large waves.\n• Grace period of 2 minutes on each island before attacks.\n• Machines now deactivate after several minutes spent waiting at sea.
softmod_info_1_2=• Optional setting for new crews to disable blueprints.\n• Each island now has a grace period of 2 minutes before attacks.\n• Machines now deactivate after several minutes spent waiting at sea.\n• Private crews and captain-protected crews no longer revert to public crews when inactive. Runs now autodisband after 96 hours of inactivity.\n• Further slowing of gameplay for small crews.
softmod_info_2_1=v1.6.0 highlights
softmod_info_2_2=• 7 simultaneous crews supported. Surface loading is paused if other crews are engaged in a fight at sea, or are loading themselves.\n• New runs begin on the top lane so that beginners are more likely to encounter docks.\n• Disconnecting players once again have their items temporarily saved. Items are returned to the crew if players don't reconnect quickly.\n• Island surfaces are now always deleted after the boat leaves, fixing issues with marooned players.\n• Melee classes can no longer hold weapons. New class added.\n• The pause at sea now occurs after the loading time for the next destination.\n• Spectators can now change surfaces.\n• Crew proposal endorsements system removed.\n• Balance tweaks:\n - Most maps now have some unkillable spawners\n - Mining productivity increases naturally with leagues traveled\n - Biter nighttime damage bonus nerfed\n - Tweaks to radioactive islands\n - Kovarex enrichment no longer researched at start of game\n - Land mines only purchasable at docks, and drop your speed when placed\n - Flamers nerf slightly increased\n - 5% weapon and turret damage upgrade available at each island market
softmod_info_2_2=• 7 simultaneous crews supported. Surface loading is paused if other crews are engaged in a fight at sea, or are loading themselves.\n• New runs begin on the top lane so that beginners are more likely to encounter docks.\n• Disconnecting players once again have their items temporarily saved. Items are returned to the crew if players don't reconnect quickly.\n• Players now die rather than being temporarily marooned if they miss the boat.\n• Melee classes can no longer hold weapons. New class added.\n• The pause at sea now occurs after the loading time for the next destination.\n• Balance tweaks:\n - Most maps now have some unkillable spawners.\n - Mining productivity increases naturally with leagues traveled.\n - Biter nighttime damage bonus nerfed.\n - Tweaks to radioactive islands.\n - Kovarex enrichment no longer researched at start of game.\n - Land mines only purchasable at docks, and drop your speed when placed.\n - Flamers nerf slightly increased.\n - 5% weapon and turret damage upgrade available at each island market.
softmod_info_credits_2=Designed/developed by thesixthroc. Updates from Piratux. Comfy codebase and help from Gerkiz, Hanakocz and Mew @ Comfy Industries (https://getcomfy.eu). Island structure blueprints contributed by Mattisso.\n\nCome chat with us: https://getcomfy.eu/discord\n\n"Those white gloves. I'll never forget them 'till the day I die." - Dr. John
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ parrot_cave_tip_1=That island looks suspiciously dark... I'm scared! Squawk!
parrot_captain_first_time_in_cabin_hint=Squawk! Captains and officers can buy rail signals to steer the ship!
parrot_cliff_explosive_tip=Cliff explosives? These look so powerful, they could blow away those annoying chests in the hold. Squawk!
parrot_buried_treasure_tip=Squawk! If X marks the spot - use an item to dig!
parrot_captain_left_protected_run=The captain has disconnected. Since this crew is captain-protected, the captain role will not be redistributed for __1__ hours. Squawk!
parrot_captain_left_protected_run=The captain has disconnected. Since this crew is captain-protected, the captain role will not be redistributed. Squawk!
parrot_player_joins_protected_run_with_no_captain=Hello there! Since this crew is captain-protected, you will have to wait for captain to return in order to control the ship.
parrot_create_new_crew_tip=You can always create or join another crew. To do this, press the red flag on top, click 'Quit Crew', then press 'Crews'.
parrot_crafters_disabled=Our machines have paused whilst we're waiting at sea.
@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ gui_runs_proposal_maker_propose=Propose
gui_runs_proposal_maker_no_limit=No limit
gui_runs_proposal_maker_blueprints_disabled=Blueprints disabled
gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected_tooltip=Captain-protected crew. If the captain leaves or becomes afk, and there are no officers, the captain role stays vacant.\nIf the crew is empty or inactive for __1__ hours, it becomes unprotected.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected_tooltip=Captain-protected crew. If the captain leaves or becomes afk, and there are no officers, the captain role stays vacant.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_private_tooltip=Private crew. Once the crew has launched, players must enter the password in order to join.\nIf the crew is empty or inactive for __1__ hours, the password is removed.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_private_tooltip=Private crew. Once the crew has launched, players must enter the password in order to join.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_confirm_password=Confirm Password
gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_protected_run_limit=All protected crew slots are occupied. Wait until protected crew slots free up to create your own.
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_two_private_runs=You can't create more than one pr
gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_three_runs=You can't create more than two crews.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_private_run_password_no_match=Passwords do not match.
gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_private_run_password_empty=Passwords can't be empty.
gui_join_protected_run_info=This crew is protected.\nThis means when captain leaves the game, other members won't get the captain role (unless there are officers).\nCaptain protection expires in __1__:__2__:__3__
gui_join_private_run_info=This crew is private.\nPlease enter a password to join the crew.\nThis crew will become public in __1__:__2__:__3__
gui_join_protected_run_info=This crew is protected.\nThis means when captain leaves the game, other members won't get the captain role (unless there are officers)
gui_join_private_run_info=This crew is private.\nEnter the password to join the crew.
gui_join_private_run_error_wrong_password=The password you've entered is incorrect.
cmd_notify_set_private_run_password=The password for __1__ has been set to __2__
@ -1710,43 +1710,6 @@ function Public.revealed_buried_treasure_distance_check()
function Public.update_protected_run_lock_timer(tickinterval)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
if memory.run_is_protected then
if not Roles.captain_exists() then
if memory.protected_run_lock_timer > 0 then
memory.protected_run_lock_timer = memory.protected_run_lock_timer - tickinterval
if memory.protected_run_lock_timer <= 0 then
Common.notify_game({ 'pirates.protected_run_lock_expired', memory.name })
memory.run_is_protected = false
memory.protected_run_lock_timer = 60 * 60 * 60 * CoreData.protected_run_lock_amount_hr
function Public.update_private_run_lock_timer(tickinterval)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
if memory.run_is_private then
if Common.activecrewcount() <= 0 then
if memory.private_run_lock_timer > 0 then
memory.private_run_lock_timer = memory.private_run_lock_timer - tickinterval
if memory.private_run_lock_timer <= 0 then
Common.notify_game({ 'pirates.private_run_lock_expired', memory.name })
memory.run_is_private = false
memory.private_run_lock_timer = 60 * 60 * 60 * CoreData.private_run_lock_amount_hr
function Public.update_pet_biter_lifetime(tickinterval)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
if memory.pet_biters then
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ Public.total_max_biters = 2200
Public.lobby_surface_name = '000-000-Lobby'
Public.private_run_lock_amount_hr = 48 -- how many hours need to pass, when crew is empty or inactive, until private run becomes public
Public.protected_run_lock_amount_hr = 48 -- how many hours need to pass, when crew is empty or inactive, until captain protection expires
Public.colors = {
coal = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5 },
wood = { r = 204, g = 158, b = 67 },
@ -754,10 +754,8 @@ function Public.initialise_crew(accepted_proposal, player_position)
-- memory.mode = CoreData.mode_options[accepted_proposal.mode_option].value
memory.run_has_blueprints_disabled = accepted_proposal.run_has_blueprints_disabled
memory.run_is_protected = accepted_proposal.run_is_protected
memory.protected_run_lock_timer = 60 * 60 * 60 * CoreData.protected_run_lock_amount_hr
memory.run_is_private = accepted_proposal.run_is_private
memory.private_run_password = accepted_proposal.private_run_password
memory.private_run_lock_timer = 60 * 60 * 60 * CoreData.private_run_lock_amount_hr
memory.destinationsvisited_indices = {}
memory.stored_fuel = Balance.starting_fuel
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ function Public.toggle_window(player)
flow3 = flow2.add({
name = 'join_protected_crew_info',
type = 'label',
caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_protected_run_info', 0, 0, 0 },
caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_protected_run_info' },
visible = false,
flow3.style.single_line = false
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ function Public.toggle_window(player)
flow3 = flow2.add({
name = 'join_private_crew_info',
type = 'label',
caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_private_run_info', 0, 0, 0 },
caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_private_run_info' },
visible = false,
flow3.style.single_line = false
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ function Public.toggle_window(player)
type = 'checkbox',
caption = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected' },
state = false,
tooltip = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected_tooltip', CoreData.protected_run_lock_amount_hr }
tooltip = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected_tooltip' }
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ function Public.toggle_window(player)
type = 'checkbox',
caption = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_private' },
state = false,
tooltip = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_private_tooltip', CoreData.private_run_lock_amount_hr }
tooltip = { 'pirates.gui_runs_proposal_maker_private_tooltip' }
flow6 = flow5.add({
@ -525,20 +525,16 @@ function Public.full_update(player)
ongoing_runs.body.leaving_prompt.visible = playercrew_status.leaving
ongoing_runs.body.join_protected_crew_info.visible = selected_crew and selected_crew.run_is_protected and selected_crew.protected_run_lock_timer < 60 * 60 * 60 * CoreData.protected_run_lock_amount_hr
ongoing_runs.body.join_protected_crew_info.visible = selected_crew and selected_crew.run_is_protected
ongoing_runs.body.join_private_crew_info.visible = selected_crew and selected_crew.run_is_private
ongoing_runs.body.password.visible = selected_crew and selected_crew.run_is_private
if selected_crew then
if ongoing_runs.body.join_protected_crew_info.visible then
local lock_timer = selected_crew.protected_run_lock_timer
local hrs, min, sec = Math.floor((lock_timer / (60 * 60 * 60)) % 60), Math.floor((lock_timer / (60 * 60)) % 60), Math.floor((lock_timer / 60) % 60)
ongoing_runs.body.join_protected_crew_info.caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_protected_run_info', hrs, min, sec }
ongoing_runs.body.join_protected_crew_info.caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_protected_run_info' }
if ongoing_runs.body.join_private_crew_info.visible then
local lock_timer = selected_crew.private_run_lock_timer
local hrs, min, sec = Math.floor((lock_timer / (60 * 60 * 60)) % 60), Math.floor((lock_timer / (60 * 60)) % 60), Math.floor((lock_timer / 60) % 60)
ongoing_runs.body.join_private_crew_info.caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_private_run_info', hrs, min, sec }
ongoing_runs.body.join_private_crew_info.caption = { 'pirates.gui_join_private_run_info' }
@ -240,8 +240,6 @@ local function crew_tick()
if tick % 3600 == 0 then
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function Public.player_left_so_redestribute_roles(player)
local officers = Common.crew_get_non_afk_officers()
if memory.run_is_protected and #officers == 0 then
if memory.crewplayerindices and #memory.crewplayerindices > 0 then
Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, { 'pirates.parrot_captain_left_protected_run', Common.protected_run_lock_amount_hr })
Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, { 'pirates.parrot_captain_left_protected_run' })
Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, { 'pirates.parrot_create_new_crew_tip' })
elseif memory.run_is_protected then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user