local Chrono_table = require 'maps.chronosphere.table' local Balance = require 'maps.chronosphere.balance' local Difficulty = require 'modules.difficulty_vote' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Public = {} local math_random = math.random local math_floor = math.floor local math_ceil = math.ceil local math_min = math.min local math_cos = math.cos local math_sin = math.sin local math_rad = math.rad local math_exp = math.exp function Public.realtime_events() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.world.id == 2 and objective.world.variant.id == 2 then if objective.passivetimer == 10 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_danger1'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) game.print({'chronosphere.message_danger2'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) elseif objective.passivetimer == 25 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_danger3'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0, b = 0}) elseif objective.passivetimer == 30 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_danger4'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0, b = 0}) game.print({'chronosphere.message_danger5'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) end end if objective.jump_countdown_start_time == -1 and objective.passivetimer == math_floor(objective.chronochargesneeded * 0.50 / objective.passive_chronocharge_rate) and objective.chronojumps >= Balance.jumps_until_overstay_is_on(Difficulty.get().difficulty_vote_value) then game.print({'chronosphere.message_rampup50'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) end if objective.game_lost then return end if objective.jump_countdown_start_time ~= -1 then if objective.passivetimer == objective.jump_countdown_start_time + 180 - 60 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_jump60'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) elseif objective.passivetimer == objective.jump_countdown_start_time + 180 - 30 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_jump30'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) elseif objective.passivetimer >= objective.jump_countdown_start_time + 180 - 10 and objective.jump_countdown_start_time + 180 - objective.passivetimer > 0 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_jump10', objective.jump_countdown_start_time + 180 - objective.passivetimer}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) end end end function Public.train_pollution(source, interior_pollution) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local difficulty = Difficulty.get().difficulty_vote_value local pos = objective.locomotive.position or {x = 0, y = 0} local pollution = 0 local stat_target = 'locomotive' if not interior_pollution then interior_pollution = 0 end if source == 'passive' then stat_target = 'heat-pipe' pollution = Balance.passive_pollution_rate(objective.chronojumps, difficulty, objective.upgrades[2]) elseif source == 'countdown' then stat_target = 'electric-energy-interface' pollution = Balance.countdown_pollution_rate(objective.chronojumps, difficulty) elseif source == 'postjump' then stat_target = 'heat-interface' pollution = math_floor(Balance.post_jump_initial_pollution(objective.chronojumps, difficulty)) elseif source == 'accumulators' then stat_target = 'accumulator' pollution = Balance.pollution_per_MJ_actively_charged(objective.chronojumps, difficulty, objective.upgrades[2]) elseif source == 'lasers' then stat_target = 'laser-turret' pollution = Balance.pollution_per_MJ_actively_charged(objective.chronojumps, difficulty, objective.upgrades[2]) / 10 elseif source == 'wagons' then pollution = interior_pollution * Balance.machine_pollution_transfer_from_inside_factor(difficulty, objective.upgrades[2]) end game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index].pollute(pos, pollution) game.pollution_statistics.on_flow(stat_target, pollution - interior_pollution) end function Public.transfer_pollution() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local surface = game.surfaces['cargo_wagon'] if not surface or not objective.locomotive.valid then return end Public.train_pollution('wagons', surface.get_total_pollution()) surface.clear_pollution() end function Public.ramp_evolution() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local difficulty = Difficulty.get().difficulty_vote_value if objective.passivetimer * objective.passive_chronocharge_rate > objective.chronochargesneeded * 0.50 and objective.chronojumps >= Balance.jumps_until_overstay_is_on(Difficulty.get().difficulty_vote_value) then local evolution = game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor evolution = evolution * Balance.evoramp50_multiplier_per_10s(difficulty) if evolution > 1 then evolution = 1 end game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = evolution end end function Public.move_items() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if not objective.comfychests then return end if not objective.comfychests2 then return end if objective.game_lost == true then return end local input = objective.comfychests local output = objective.comfychests2 for i = 1, 24, 1 do if not input[i].valid then return end if not output[i].valid then return end local input_inventory = input[i].get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local output_inventory = output[i].get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) input_inventory.sort_and_merge() output_inventory.sort_and_merge() for ii = 1, #input_inventory, 1 do if input_inventory[ii].valid_for_read then local count = output_inventory.insert(input_inventory[ii]) input_inventory[ii].count = input_inventory[ii].count - count end end end end local function transfer_signals(index, inventory) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local counts = inventory.get_contents() if not objective.outcombinators then return end local combi = objective.outcombinators[index].get_or_create_control_behavior() local i = 1 for name, count in pairs(counts) do if i > 20 then break end combi.set_signal(i, {signal = {type = 'item', name = name}, count = count}) i = i + 1 end if i < 20 then for j = i, 20, 1 do combi.set_signal(j, nil) end end end function Public.output_items() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.game_lost == true then return end if not objective.outchests then return end if not objective.locomotive_cargo[2] then return end if not objective.locomotive_cargo[3] then return end if objective.upgrades[8] < 1 then return end local wagon = { [1] = objective.locomotive_cargo[2].get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon), [2] = objective.locomotive_cargo[3].get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) } for i = 1, 4, 1 do if not objective.outchests[i].valid then return end local inv = objective.outchests[i].get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) inv.sort_and_merge() for ii = 1, #inv, 1 do if inv[ii].valid_for_read then local count = wagon[math_ceil(i / 2)].insert(inv[ii]) inv[ii].count = inv[ii].count - count end end if objective.upgrades[8] == 2 then transfer_signals(i, wagon[math_ceil(i / 2)]) end end end function Public.repair_train() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if not game.surfaces['cargo_wagon'] then return 0 end if objective.game_lost == true then return 0 end local count = 0 local chest = objective.upgradechest[0] if not chest or not chest.valid then return end local inv = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if objective.health < objective.max_health then count = inv.get_item_count('repair-pack') count = math_min(count, objective.upgrades[6] + 1, math_ceil((objective.max_health - objective.health) / Balance.Chronotrain_HP_repaired_per_pack)) if count > 0 then inv.remove({name = 'repair-pack', count = count}) end end return count * -Balance.Chronotrain_HP_repaired_per_pack end local function create_poison_cloud(position) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] local tile = surface.get_tile(position.x, position.y) if not tile then return end if not tile.valid then return end if tile.name == 'water-shallow' or tile.name == 'water-mud' then local random_angles = {math_rad(math_random(359)), math_rad(math_random(359)), math_rad(math_random(359)), math_rad(math_random(359))} surface.create_entity({name = 'poison-cloud', position = {x = position.x, y = position.y}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'poison-cloud', position = {x = position.x + 12 * math_cos(random_angles[1]), y = position.y + 12 * math_sin(random_angles[1])}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'poison-cloud', position = {x = position.x + 12 * math_cos(random_angles[2]), y = position.y + 12 * math_sin(random_angles[2])}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'poison-cloud', position = {x = position.x + 12 * math_cos(random_angles[3]), y = position.y + 12 * math_sin(random_angles[3])}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'poison-cloud', position = {x = position.x + 12 * math_cos(random_angles[4]), y = position.y + 12 * math_sin(random_angles[4])}}) end end function Public.spawn_poison() local random_x = math_random(-460, 460) local random_y = math_random(-460, 460) create_poison_cloud {x = random_x, y = random_y} if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then local random_angles = {math_rad(math_random(359))} create_poison_cloud {x = random_x + 24 * math_cos(random_angles[1]), y = random_y + 24 * math_sin(random_angles[1])} end end local function launch_nukes() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if objective.dangers and #objective.dangers > 1 then for i = 1, #objective.dangers, 1 do if objective.dangers[i].destroyed == false then if objective.upgrades[17] == 1 then game.print({'chronosphere.message_nuke_intercepted'}, {r = 0, g = 0.98, b = 0}) objective.upgrades[17] = 0 else local fake_shooter = surface.create_entity({name = 'character', position = objective.dangers[i].silo.position, force = 'enemy'}) surface.create_entity( { name = 'atomic-rocket', position = objective.dangers[i].silo.position, force = 'enemy', speed = 1, max_range = 800, target = objective.locomotive, source = fake_shooter } ) game.print({'chronosphere.message_nuke'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0, b = 0}) end end end end end function Public.dangertimer() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local timer = objective.dangertimer if timer == 0 then return end if objective.world.id == 2 and objective.world.variant.id == 2 then timer = timer - 1 if objective.dangers and #objective.dangers > 0 then for i = 1, #objective.dangers, 1 do if objective.dangers[i].destroyed == false then if timer == 15 then objective.dangers[i].silo.launch_rocket() objective.dangers[i].silo.rocket_parts = 100 end rendering.set_text(objective.dangers[i].timer, math_floor(timer / 60) .. ' min, ' .. timer % 60 .. ' s') end end end else timer = 1200 end if timer < 0 then timer = 0 end if timer == 0 then launch_nukes() timer = 90 end objective.dangertimer = timer end function Public.offline_players() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local playertable = Chrono_table.get_player_table() if objective.chronocharges >= objective.chronochargesneeded or objective.passivetimer < 30 then return end --local current_tick = game.tick local players = playertable.offline_players local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if #players > 0 then --log("nonzero offline players") local later = {} for i = 1, #players, 1 do if players[i] and game.players[players[i].index] and game.players[players[i].index].connected then --game.print("deleting already online character from list") players[i] = nil else if players[i] and players[i].tick < game.tick - 72000 then --log("spawning corpse") local player_inv = {} local items = {} player_inv[1] = game.players[players[i].index].get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) player_inv[2] = game.players[players[i].index].get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor) player_inv[3] = game.players[players[i].index].get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_guns) player_inv[4] = game.players[players[i].index].get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_ammo) player_inv[5] = game.players[players[i].index].get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash) local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'character', position = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface), force = 'neutral'}) local inv = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) for ii = 1, 5, 1 do if player_inv[ii].valid then for iii = 1, #player_inv[ii], 1 do if player_inv[ii][iii].valid then items[#items + 1] = player_inv[ii][iii] end end end end if #items > 0 then for item = 1, #items, 1 do if items[item].valid then inv.insert(items[item]) end end game.print({'chronosphere.message_accident'}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) e.die('neutral') else e.destroy() end for ii = 1, 5, 1 do if player_inv[ii].valid then player_inv[ii].clear() end end players[i] = nil else later[#later + 1] = players[i] end end end players = {} if #later > 0 then for i = 1, #later, 1 do players[#players + 1] = later[i] end end playertable.offline_players = players end end function Public.request_chunks() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if objective.world.id == 7 then surface.request_to_generate_chunks({-800, 0}, 1 + math_floor(objective.passivetimer / 5)) else surface.request_to_generate_chunks({0, 0}, 1 + math_floor(objective.passivetimer / 5)) end --surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() end function Public.update_charges(tick) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.chronocharges < objective.chronochargesneeded and objective.world.id ~= 7 then -- < 2000 objective.chronocharges = objective.chronocharges + objective.passive_chronocharge_rate -- local chronotimer_ticks_between_increase = math_floor(objective.passive_chronocharge_rate / 10) * 10 --- 60 / (1800 / 2000) -- if tick % chronotimer_ticks_between_increase == 0 then -- objective.chronocharges = objective.chronocharges + 1 -- end end end local function shoot_laser(surface, source, enemy) local force = source.force surface.create_entity {name = 'laser-beam', position = source.position, force = 'player', target = enemy, source = source, max_length = 32, duration = 60} local damage = enemy.damage(20 * (1 + force.get_ammo_damage_modifier('laser') + force.get_gun_speed_modifier('laser')), force, 'laser', source) end local function shoot_acid(surface, source, enemy) local force = source.force surface.create_entity({name = 'acid-stream-spitter-behemoth', position = source.position, target = enemy, source = source, force = force}) --local damage = enemy.damage(20 * (1 + force.get_ammo_damage_modifier("biological") + force.get_gun_speed_modifier("laser")), force, "laser", source) end function Public.laser_defense() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.upgrades[22] == 0 then return end local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if surface ~= objective.locomotive.surface then return end if not objective.laser_battery.valid then return end local enemies = surface.find_entities_filtered {radius = 32, limit = objective.upgrades[22], force = {'enemy', 'scrapyard'}, position = objective.locomotive.position} if #enemies < 1 then return end for i = 1, math.min(objective.upgrades[22], #enemies), 1 do if objective.laser_battery.energy < 110000 then surface.create_entity( { name = 'flying-text', position = objective.locomotive.position, text = 'Low Power', color = {r = 0.98, g = 0, b = 0} } ) break end local enemy = enemies[i] if enemy and enemy.valid and enemy.health and enemy.health > 0 then shoot_laser(surface, objective.locomotive, enemy) objective.laser_battery.energy = objective.laser_battery.energy - 100000 Public.train_pollution('lasers') end end end function Public.message_game_won() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() objective.game_lost = true game.print({'chronosphere.message_game_won2', objective.mainscore}, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) Server.to_discord_embed({'chronosphere.message_game_won2', objective.mainscore}, true) end -- function Public.player_spit() -- for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do -- if not player.character or not player.character.valid then return end -- local enemies = player.surface.find_entities_filtered{radius = 32, limit = 10, force = {"enemy", "scrapyard"}, position = player.character.position} -- if #enemies < 1 then return end -- for i = 1, #enemies, 1 do -- local enemy = enemies[i] -- if enemy and enemy.valid and enemy.health and enemy.health > 0 then -- shoot_acid(player.surface, player.character, enemy) -- end -- end -- end -- end return Public